Sunday, August 24, 2014

To Michael Savage Aug. 24th, Morning news


Today is the deadline of the order from Kiev to finish cleansing of Southeastern Ukraine from its inhabitants. Mission is not accomplished because there are men who stayed by their ruined homes
and still fighting.
Uncle P.P. of Kiev is in rush, because after tomorrow, at 26th of Aug. he has to meet with rep.s of other sides and his sponsors (to report to them) to give his massage of "peace."  It'd be peace alright. Where the place is empty of any living creature which can move and make noise, it sure will be peaceful. I agree. Why he chose Aug. 24th as deadline? Because today is the day of their "independence" and they want to keep their demoralized troops in lie to make them keep fighting and dying. They even have a name for them - "meat targets." I heard this from UA soldiers themselves and their mother who had placards saying "out sons are not meat targets" when protesting against the draft. Kiev's thugs are even doing a parade praising their mass murderer and brother killer minds.
They got independence 23 years ago (from simple judgment of reality) and started to desecrate the memory and the graves of their own fathers and grandfathers. Those poor victims of nazism now turning in their graves. But... This should be one joyous day for Deutsche - tran. Her grandfather is looking down in pride and joy. Oh, wow! I just searched and found one amassing proof for my thoughts, look at uncle P.P. bowing while giving bunch of flowers to Deutsche - tran. Look at that picture, man! I can't refer it to you, too disgusting and below my blog's standards. Tran is right there - in Kiev, in the same square were pit of killer snakes developed into monsters and started killing their own brethren.  
Devil is never asleep in this world. Devil is not wasting time when doing its demonic work. You want a proof? The morning news is in from Eastern Ukraine's war zone.

Check this out at In the meantime while taking credit for every dead person in his country, uncle P.P. is parading, giving flowers to his masters and ordering more corpses, city of Donetsk and its regional towns and villages are under constant bombardment. Civilians are being killed in groups, often entire families being killed all together. And this is while they're hiding in basements and can't commute. Just the step outside can be the last step. Not only civilians are being killed in unknown numbers, also casualties among the self-defense heroes.
I can't explain everything in this clip, it has a footage from the war zone, you can watch and read it yourself. Its to much for my nerves and I didn't sleep yet. Heroic Peter Deryagin is reporting while engendering his life for his duty. Be careful, the content is gruesome.

In entire USA we don't have ANY reporter who went to war zone in Europe? Show me one, maybe I'm missing something. My twitter is @Starlet737 (tw.#705). If you don't want to read all of this, you can just check my Twitter. I don't need followers. I reject them all the time. I don't care about that.
These things of mine are not commercial. I do this for my soul.
As soon as I mention the name of my blog to your call screener he hangs up thinking I'm promoting something. I never even tried to give the name of my Twitter. That would be taken as even lower cheap shut of "advertising." For God's sake! I'm doing this for 4.5 years already and today is more important to our survival (no, I'm not exaggerating, Dr.Cohen is with me on this) than ever and I don't even know if you know about this blog.

So long.

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