Evening news is in from war torn Eastern Ukraine.
While Kiev thugs were parading and partying in the square which is still called by its turkish name,
given by their conquerors who killed, burned their homes and raped them, in Eastern Ukraine citizens whose' homes are burned, families killed and work places destroyed, are fighting their lives off for their homeland.
At also @Starlet737 (tw #706) you'll see that the same "Independence day" many UA soldiers were taken by self-defense forces. These heroes were working at the time when the remnants of nazi ideologists were burning down "maidan" and taking power with coup over the country.
These "hostage" thugs and their friends first started with home-made
Molotov cocktails, then guns, then bombs, then after the "successful coup" their neo-nazi sponsors from europe gave them tanks, heavy artillery, Int'ly prohibited weapons of mass distraction like phosphor
bombs, system of Grad, BUK, Smerch
and other stuff and sent them to east side of their own country to kill their own fellow citizens in their homes, in their work places, hospitals, day-cares, churches, nursing homes,
you name it. Nothing was out of the list of distractions. And, the worst of all the ones they went to kill were and still are their brethren. The country they were destroying was their own, the country they are demonizing
and trying to harm - Russian Federation, which last 2 decades invested $250 BILLION into their rotten, corrupted and failing economy and gave them free gas to survive. The worst part of this war, which in my book has only execution sentence,is that there is no difference between these 2 ethnic groups, Russians are their half brothers, first cousins and their extended family.
I'm amazed by the integrity of eastern Ukrainians and especially the MEN in self-defense forces that they don't kill these thugs when they catch them, they don't torture them and believe it or not, giving them back to their stupid mothers and wives. Yes, you better believe it. I don't even believe my eyes when I see it.
Look at the logic of the US and the Part of western Europe who are doing this. What do they think they're going to accomplish? After so many deaths and distraction are they really guess that heroic
people (Russians, Ukrainians and other ethnic groups alike)of Southeastern Ukraine are going to obey their rule? No wander Tsar was calling them "sick men of europe." I mean really sick, mentally and physically. Look at Rasmussen's face. Look at the number - 12th sec. gen, which stands for sick-gene
in my book. In reality he's the 12th imam of europe's thuggery organization - Anders Fogh - boy, I'm talking about;he has the sign, he has the number, he has the face and mindset of Armageddon brewer.
He is like the evil character in fairy tales I grew up with. No, I'm very serious, look at his face! It has greenish-black color, his lips are dark blue, his chin is not moving in coordination with the rest of the facial mussels, - this old boy is really sick. Hes job is over and he's diagnosed with nasty terminal condition. He was born with middle name fogh with oxygen deficiency in his blood, then after growing up he hired somebody with name sounding like bandit.
Well, I'm done with this lowlife, he doesn't deserve my time.
Clip at is the overall briefing from last week's news, but still I could find little detail that I can add in here. Apparently out of 270 or 280 loaded tracks with humanitarian help only 200 were let through after more then a week delay just by the customs border control of Ukraine.
Before that, while starting from Moscow and have been checked out with and by reps of Int'l Red Cross
the convoy was not let to go through the border control closest to its destination. Ukraine's ruling thugs authorized the station 500 km far away and only then when they got there only 8 days later tracks passed through. Imagine those drivers waiting by their vehicles without shower, proper sleep, etc. After every "excuse" used up by Kiev, Ukrainian border patrol workers weren't simply showing up for work. You have to watch this clip. Young mother of 2 crying, distraught that her 2 small children are hungry for 2 days and one of them already started hiccuping.
My Q is; what would you do if you'd be in Putin's position and see this mother? I know what I would do. Even some in europe, like Roland Fabius of France said that the humanitarian situation is catastrophic in Eastern Ukraine;people are starving, even eating rats, there is no water and electricity.
It's on check
You want to see hero at his calling? Check out Send him a note of acknowledgment, like I'm going to do tonight. That's a REAL JOURNALIST!
Do you want to see another one I wish to be my brother? Check out 8:40min. of the clip and see a man by name Vasiliy Nikitin, deputy chairman of Council of Ministers of Republic of Lugansk.
All this situation created by Ukrainian government against Russian humanitarian help in Russian media called "political trailer" of the West.
Vitaly Churkin called UN security council "kingdom of crooked mirrors." He's right, although my opinion about his job performance is less than good, but satisfactory, sort of. Why? I think he could do much better job. Look what type of street thug woman USA has in there? She is a foaming mouth warmonger like McCain. She is so violently aggressive, right there, at work, in front of every Int'l media cameras, that I can not believe my eyes. She ran to Churkin while he was sitting in his chair and psychically got on his face. Churkin leaned back and put his hand in front of his face to protect himself.
Well, I have been an Auxiliary Police officer and in my training I learned that 1 feet around me is my
personal space and private zone. Anyone would charge at me with aggressive gesture that I'd consider psychical threat under the law I'm allowed to retaliate and get into psychical contact first to naturalize the threat. It's absolutely legal and called a "self-defense." When someone is in my safety zone without my consent, it don't matter who strike first. And, I was taught, it better be me!
That crazy woman did it, it's on internet, and she didn't get punched in the nose? What Churkin is thinking? If you act like a woos, she's going to respect you and not to do worse the next time? Hello Churkin! Russia needs a woman too. The one who'd get back to her right there and win the case anyway, because it was seen all over the world. These days women getting away with more sh.t than men, I'm telling you.
But look at this clip at @Starlet737 (tw.#707). I never have been in Ukraine, but this should be heartbreaking for human with conscious.
City of Lugansk, center of Lugansk region in Eastern Ukraine was beautiful, vibrant, shining city,
home of 500000 (half a million) working, living normal life people.
It apparently had a holiday called "the day of the city" which was celebrated at every first Saturday of
September. You'll see how beautiful was it just a few short months ago, Feb. of 2014, streets full of cars, light up memorial, homes full of people and light, when its residents
were going to work. At the same time "maidan" sponsored by the West was brewing hatred and war was brewing.See how "maidan" expended its monstrous flames and I'm going to tell you who paid for
it then and who paid for it TODAY!
After couple of weeks that video of shining city was taken war came to its head.
Heroic Michael Akinchenko (an ethnic Ukrainian) put this historic video together and called it
"Lugansk before and after." The city which had 30 parks with fountains, has no drinking water.
During his 200 years of its existence this city was bombarded only ones and that was during WWII by
Nazis. It took 2 decades to rebuild the city and put memorials for fallen heroes who protected
it by giving their lives. And now, today, in 2014, it's being destroyed by their own government, by their own Ukrainian men, whose fathers and grandfathers also died for the same cause. How did this happen? What you can say and give to one to kill their own?
You have to see it to believe it. I'm speechless. This takes an emotional tool on me.
I have no weekend, no life to enjoy for myself, because of this war.
It's already 7:40pm in NYC and I had only coffee today and I'm not done yet.
After news i have to watch all the political programs in Russian, but i can write all about them; psychically impossible.
Want to see neo-nazi sponsered with old-and-always nazi tranny watch this clip
at Look at the face of demon with last name Turchinov who says "conflict in UA can't not be solved by diplomatic means." The BIGGEST thug -"the candy king"is promising to give the military 40 BILLION "hrivna" in the economy were they didn't pay they debt for gas to Russian which stands for $5.2 BILLION and growing every day. Oh, he called 40 billion for arms for war is
"only a modest beginning." What do you think those cute kids who are taken by adults to that square are
learning from this WWIII craving foaming mouth madman? Where is his 30 years old son is fighting?
Did he sent him to war zone? Aleksai Prokhin reporting from Kiev.
According to "proud" sources of Ukrainian media today's parade costed poor government in Kiev,
Look at the number, please, - $800,000, yes not in "hrivna" but almighty dollars, such as $$$$$!!!!!
What would you do seeing this if you'd be Putin's political consultant?
Oh my, oh my, Deutsche-tran couldn't watched the parade and receive flowers without paying back.
She was there to promise 500 miliion Euros (still 30% more than a $ today), for you know what? Guess, can you? For PEACE! The madman is promising new military buildup with the money he don't have to pay for its own gas, and his sponsor old nazi who is laughing at WWII heroes graves and giving him 100s of Millions of Euroes she don't have for her miserable company called "European Union" members? Those are the ones who have "pleasure" hanging around with her? Oh, common, what an
inconsiderate on the steering wheel of the sinking ship called "germany inc."
That's not niiiiicccceee......... Where are the rioters in Greece and in other member countries who put up the presence of this tran for so long? Did it gone in vain? Oh, common, give her a break, it comes and goes in her mind, that's just a condition she has no control over.....
So long.
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