Friday, June 27, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 155)


Still June 27th, you started your show calling P.tus "rogue." Then talking about giving $0.5 Million to "rebels" in Iraq. You're right, they're "rebels" who didn't cut your throat yet. Not today. Didn't get to it psychically yet. Like the saying goes "it's an SOB, but it's our SOB." I'm not sure of even that. Moreover, I believe that while they hate their own who follows a different domination of the same religion they absolutely despise Christians and Jews.
In my guts I know it's more to it and more money goes out and we can't find anything from main street media.

I'll add couple of more financial data, the side-effect of what can bring the demise of moral to patriotism of sane citizenry of this country. There are thousands and thousands are crossing our southern border every day, for what - $93 Million P.tus gave to "take care" of them.
$73 Million city of San- Fran- psycho is giving to make Golden Gate bridge "suicide proof."
Same type of talk is going on about Washington bridge - the busiest bridge in this country.
This "should be" costing more dough, wouldn't you say? Not sure how much of it will be state or federal funding, neither that matters. I'm sure this will open the whole new phony "save lives" screaming mouths to get the money.
I wonder what monkey called "contractor" is sitting on the beck of the thief who has control of this pile of loot collected from tax payer.
Can you find out the names of contracting firms and tell us?
It's 4 pm now and I'm listening to you, checking Int'l news and writing this at the same time.
It's 3-4 ways of juggling between the screens with effective use of mute button.
Now you're started the second hour by saying "hello everybody, this is a new show, a quiet Michael Savage show" with a little condescending voice being knowingly groovy. It was funny and you went right in - landing on the case of P.tus for overturning highest courts ruling.
You are right now saying that you're belong to class of "intelligentsia" as it was called in former Soviet Union.
That's true. It meant and means educated people who think about civil society's present and its fate in future. Everyone brings his/hers own industry's expertise into equation. They were publishing censored literature and distributing it through their own channels called "samizdat."
That word is consist of two shortened ones; sam means self and izdatelstvo means publishing house, which is shortened. It literally means self-publishing - "selfpub."
4:30 pm talking about H.ll.ry getting $250,000 a piece for a speech at University. While educational institutions are charging arms and legs in most of instances, they pay those to become their power broker. Very simple.
Makes me only laugh and feel good about myself that I didn't pay any money but was able to found out everything being taught in Ivy college, especially and particularly in the school of my interest.

I don't know why entire week you didn't talk about Ukraine.
There was a suggestion to extend the ceasefire for another 3 days, but UA's military is not withdrawing
from conflict areas. It seems the ceasefire they meant is about unilaterally disarming the other side - the side of the citizens of their country who are just protecting their homes.

About 5 pm now, got through, your screener picked up saying "we're not taking calls now." Oh well,
I'm doing this for more than 4 years and you don't even know about it.

So long.


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