Thursday, June 12, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 146)


I turned on your program today after 4 pm and heard your substitute talking about the kids coming thought southern border into the US.
What else is new about bringing in as many people as possible to be able to lose control over the country all together? While at the same time we're in debt for $17 trillion and keep borrowing money from foreign governments, El-H.ffe is giving millions and billions to support Ukraine's civil war.

Look at this, please!  # don't kill us or go to't kill-us-refugees-ukraine/. People are pleading for their lives and lives of their loved ones from their OWN government - Ukrainian government, which is sponsored by our government with NATO.
Today Semyonovka was under heavy indiscriminate artillery of Ukrainian military. You'll see a devastated house in which a dog is still laying indifferent to calls. Reporter says that he got a concussion and lost his hearing. I don't know what else he lost. I think he lost everything, including willingness to survive.
Makes me sick in my stomach and gets my head hot.
Loo at this;

Today in Brussels was the 7th round of "negotiations" between RF, EU and UA concerning the gas bill owed to Russia. $2 Billion is only last year's arrears.
EU energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger said that the minimum and maximum prices for 1,000 cubic meter gas are from $268 to $485. He said that they got into the number $385 today which is fair negotiating price.

To me let's see this: Western Europe gets it for $485, so if Ukraine is wannabe westerner with richest sponsors on this planet, and its whole war is about to be one of them completely, why not Russia give UA European price? Lots of MPs in RF and the President were saying this all along - "you go with others, we'll give you their price."
They were saying them literally "we are helping you because you're our brethren and we're in the same economic zone. Should you decide to go with EU and NATO , which will hurt our connections and consequently our security and economy together, we won't have any choice but give you European price.", gas-ukraine-discount/.

How did this happen that Ukraine got so spoiled that they want to have the cake and eat it too?
The cookies Nuland gave out in Maidan were laced with hubris?

In the clip at Russia's energy minister Alexander Novak says that after $100 discount, the price Ukraine got - $385, is guaranteed by IMF to help UA to pay it. This should the fairest point and should not be a problem. But..
Ukraine's energy minister Yury Prodan is not still satisfied. Ironically word "prodan" in Russian means "sold." Is he a sold out or what? He said that $385 for 1,000 cubic meter is not a good price for Ukraine.

Why isn't it good enough when IMF pays for it? ? ? This clearly shows they're not in rush to stabilize their economy any time soon and start correcting the horrible civil war situation in their country.

In all prior 6 meetings "prodan-niy" spoke Russian. At this, the 7th one, he decided to speak Ukrainian in which he stumbles, mumbles and mixes it with Russian back and forth. His body is also twitching in some strange ways. His whole demeanor looks pathetic to me.
Then reporters were told they would be back in a short while. 4 hours later they were told the next meeting is not scheduled yet. Do you believe your eyes?

In the clip discussing the matter with his cabinet Putin said "It's at least strange to hear from our Ukrainian partners that the contract is unfair, when it's the same that was signed with exactly the same people who are in government today. We gave a discount to help out a neighbor in the time of headship, we don't want to lose a customer and we're acting from position of goodwill with transparency and openness to all parties involved."

And while some grown humans around the world will be busy watching football in coming days, criminals, who don't want to pay their debt with even with other people's money, will continue to bomb their own towns and kill their own citizens.
Look at this; Look how Ukrainian government is giving orders to kill and destroy. Today they started using firebombs in eastern part, in village of Semyonovka.
Wounded members of defense forces are laying in corridors of hospital in the closest town Gorlovka; Hospital is running out of medicines and don't know how to get humanitarian help through the checkpoints of Ukrainian military, which is blockading not only the goods coming in, but the people who want to leave.
On top of it, there was a blast in one of the mines in Donetsk region and 9 miners are lost. Lookers can't find them. Look at this picture at Most of eastern Ukrainian areas are industrial. Among those industrial productions are many mines. People who are being killed today were workers and payers of the most taxes from entire country to Kiev's central authorities, who used to fight between each other for power and who created this situation. Now in the hot-bath of chaos they're killing the cow who was feeding them. Look at the picture of that mine. They were working in 19th century conditions and wanted more autonomy, that's it. They weren't against anybody, they weren't asking money from Europe and IMF and USA. And these are the ones being destroyed.
This is a plot of murdering as many Slavic people as possible. I can't believe one bit that self-absorbed Europeans give a damn about Kiev's thugs. They'll use them as much as they can. And they will play games, pretend to bargain and delay until they finish burning down entire eastern Ukraine with its people.
To see with your eyes and judge for yourself what's the difference between Russian and Ukrainian spirits today, check this one out; tomorrow is the day of Russia, which started its celebrations in Crimea today. Also it coincided with young performers' competition where some stars from Moscow were performing also.
People in Crimea are rejoicing, saying they're so happy to be with the rest of their country, finally after 23 years of delay. Russians are happy to be together and not against anyone in their multinational country, while one group of ultra - nationalist Ukrainians are killing the Russians and Ukrainians alike in Ukraine.
Do you know that 1/3rd of able body working Ukrainians work in Russia and send money home?
That's about 5-6 million of them. Should Putin's advisers say "we don't want them here anymore, no more working visas and no money transfer? Let them go back, create more crisis and fight against their thugs who put them in this situations."
Who you think wants them, Europeans? Maybe, just for only cleaning their bathrooms while the whole continent comes down. "Misery likes company, that's why they got together to die together," one smart Russian MP said long ago ago when EU was created. He was right. Marie LePen says the same thing.

Oh, let me finish with us; did you hear how America's "genius" foreign policy in Iraq is giving its fruits today? Oh, yeah!

The time when Kerry pretends "talking" to Lavrov, NATO staging war games close to Russia's borders.

So long.

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