Friday, June 27, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 155)


Still June 27th, you started your show calling P.tus "rogue." Then talking about giving $0.5 Million to "rebels" in Iraq. You're right, they're "rebels" who didn't cut your throat yet. Not today. Didn't get to it psychically yet. Like the saying goes "it's an SOB, but it's our SOB." I'm not sure of even that. Moreover, I believe that while they hate their own who follows a different domination of the same religion they absolutely despise Christians and Jews.
In my guts I know it's more to it and more money goes out and we can't find anything from main street media.

I'll add couple of more financial data, the side-effect of what can bring the demise of moral to patriotism of sane citizenry of this country. There are thousands and thousands are crossing our southern border every day, for what - $93 Million P.tus gave to "take care" of them.
$73 Million city of San- Fran- psycho is giving to make Golden Gate bridge "suicide proof."
Same type of talk is going on about Washington bridge - the busiest bridge in this country.
This "should be" costing more dough, wouldn't you say? Not sure how much of it will be state or federal funding, neither that matters. I'm sure this will open the whole new phony "save lives" screaming mouths to get the money.
I wonder what monkey called "contractor" is sitting on the beck of the thief who has control of this pile of loot collected from tax payer.
Can you find out the names of contracting firms and tell us?
It's 4 pm now and I'm listening to you, checking Int'l news and writing this at the same time.
It's 3-4 ways of juggling between the screens with effective use of mute button.
Now you're started the second hour by saying "hello everybody, this is a new show, a quiet Michael Savage show" with a little condescending voice being knowingly groovy. It was funny and you went right in - landing on the case of P.tus for overturning highest courts ruling.
You are right now saying that you're belong to class of "intelligentsia" as it was called in former Soviet Union.
That's true. It meant and means educated people who think about civil society's present and its fate in future. Everyone brings his/hers own industry's expertise into equation. They were publishing censored literature and distributing it through their own channels called "samizdat."
That word is consist of two shortened ones; sam means self and izdatelstvo means publishing house, which is shortened. It literally means self-publishing - "selfpub."
4:30 pm talking about H.ll.ry getting $250,000 a piece for a speech at University. While educational institutions are charging arms and legs in most of instances, they pay those to become their power broker. Very simple.
Makes me only laugh and feel good about myself that I didn't pay any money but was able to found out everything being taught in Ivy college, especially and particularly in the school of my interest.

I don't know why entire week you didn't talk about Ukraine.
There was a suggestion to extend the ceasefire for another 3 days, but UA's military is not withdrawing
from conflict areas. It seems the ceasefire they meant is about unilaterally disarming the other side - the side of the citizens of their country who are just protecting their homes.

About 5 pm now, got through, your screener picked up saying "we're not taking calls now." Oh well,
I'm doing this for more than 4 years and you don't even know about it.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 154)


Today, June 27th is the last day of so called ceasefire in Ukrainian civil war. They are 8 hours ahead of us.
Very dangerous time for many lives caught up in conflict areas.
I can NOT imagine that any Russian man who was protecting his own home, his town, his family, who didn't go anywhere to concur or colonize, didn't wake up accidentally and started hostility toward anybody, who only wants more autonomy with referendum done for it, will just give up his gun and forget about everything happened these last months.
How that can happen under the sun? Tell me.
Hundreds are dead, homes bombed and burned, towns destroyed, hospitals, including maternity words are in ruins, his family, if lucky to be alive, is a refugee in another country.
How this man can believe anything western puppet Kiev say? How he can forget his dead comrades in arms? This is my gut feeling.
There can NOT be reconciliation anytime soon, unfortunately.
The ceasefire could only start by showing that Kiev is ready for it by completely withdrawing its troops and asking for forgiveness. Then, should ask current leaders of Southeastern Ukraine, who are legitimately elected by western democratic standard called referendum to where and how to meet for talks. Just between the two - east and west of Ukraine;  no EU, no USA, no RF. Just two side of the same coin, two parts of the same country, half brothers to sit down and talk.
Wouldn't it be the first primitive step toward ceasefire? After all the south-easterners  didn't go anywhere, they were just were asking for more autonomy to prevent the distraction of their language and culture.
You don't need to be genius to ask to talk to your own countrymen who is your brethren and speaks the same language, do you?

Now, look what happened yesterday in city of Donetsk at
Two autonomous regions in East of Ukraine - Donetsk and Lugansk got together and formed a new
Donetsk-Lugansk Autonomous Republic. 30 elected representatives from each region will work in its newly formed parliament, drafting their own Constitution. They had their first session yesterday. This is a historic reunion, this is not a new occurrence. Those 2 were together until 1938.

At the meantime new President of UA is talking to his masters in Europe to find out how to clean the rest of the people in his own country's southeast from the face of the map of Ukraine. Their agenda is to free the land from its residents. "Don't need the people, need the land" is the motto they use.
See what tomorrow, or maybe even today will bring. I'm sick of the news, but somebody has to do this.
Why me I asked and answer to myself - why not me?
It's already after 1am in NYC and I'll report more to you later.  

So long.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 153)


Some events in Balkans on Sunday, June 22nd, 2014.

So called ceasefire by Kiev tweet #472 @Starlet737 in essence is to disarm people who stood up for themselves. Those didn't go to nowhere, they're by the side of their homes. Those from the west went to kill them. They don't want to talk to them, like they're less of humans. How this can be any sign of reconciliation.

In Donetsk region today were blown off 2 rail road stations in 20 minuets intervals interrupting all local trans which also serve 5 Int'l routs.

This looks like a hell of a sease fire, wouldn't you say?

See how "democracy" works in UA?

Also watch It's very easy to see archive on that side.

So long.

Friday, June 20, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 152)


Please check clips on Twitter @Starlet737. These clips are from official sources of war-zone in Balkans. Real documentaries. American media doesn't show any of it.
@Starlet737 is absolutely none-commercial, it's anonymous, even comments from readers are not allowed. It's not a discussion forum. I do this as a citizen and long time listener of your show. One person's opinion, that all.

Today you're talking about immigration. Now at 5:20 pm, you said it's "rock and roll" Friday.
You talked about erased emails and destroyed computer hard-drives by government's smarty paints employees. The art of using meaningless words by bureaucrats in DC has reached its pick. Freud would be learning from speech writers in DC.

Now you're talking about NY Post's front page looking like soft p.rn and Murdoch saying immigrants are OK. You're right, we're not talking about "immigrants" we're talking about invaders.
You should find out what news agencies are reporting as if Americans need more people and need them right now. That's why they're sending their kids over here, so they can follow them later.

You have a good lawyer, do your investigative homework, find out those agencies and sue them for all they're worth for "misinformation causing unrest and harming the American society."
Take it to Hague or bring it here - to NYC.

Now, terrible news from Balkans. Check the clip at 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10.
On twitter @ Starlet737 the 261404 is #469th tweet. I'm pointing out by number knowing that you can't read Russian. Get someone who can translate, please. We're talking about innocent victims, including children. This info. amazingly can not be found in US media.
At is about 80 Ukrainian solders who were fighting for central government switched their alliances by crossing the Russian border and asked for refuge. Tweet #470.

Oligarchs in UA are paying, recruiting and forming their own militia groups, which have nothing to do with government forces. is one of the most known ones. Soon there will be chaos in the battlefield where solders will not only kill their half brothers, but their own forces in combat. Hear this: to give out bodies of Russian solders (which very well could be ethically Ukrainian fighting for their towns in east), Kiev's forces were asking $5000 (five thousand dollars) for a body.
Can you get a grasp of this? In the place where people got less than $100 a month, yes - a month, working in mines and paying most taxes from entire country to Kiev, now have to buy their sons' bodies with money they haven't seen in their lives. Bounty of $50000 (yes, fifty thousand) is placed for each dead person in combat.

If Russia doesn't get involved very soon and put no fly zone over the Eastern Ukraine, which would be the first absolutely necessary step to prevent from further escalation, this can become something uncontrollable and unpredictable.
Why am I saying this? To me this is an artfully crafted and directed by the West wreaking havoc on Slavic nations show. Most Ukrainians don't want it, all Russians don't want it, how and why did this happened?
B.d.n's son needed a job?
War monger contractors' relatives ran out of money?
Look at this clip to see in west Ukrainian mothers of soldiers are standing as human shield in front of traffic to prevent the convoys with soldiers from leaving for war zone in East.
It's at

So long.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 151)


Bad news gets worse, that's why I can't sleep. Was watching couple of talk shows Russian TV about situation in Ukraine. It's 4:40 am now in NYC and birdies started singing outside of my window.
I wonder, do birds feel that their is a war when they get caught in between gun shots and bomb blasts and how it effect them and subsequently the nature?

Here is the news;
Correspondent Igor Kornelyuk and sound engineer Anton Voloshin of Russiya TV channel are dead from shelling of Ukrainian military air force. They were in small group trying to tape refugees leaving Lugansk area and were wearing insignia showing they're a TV crew. Actually the bombing was caught on tape. Imagine what that footage on all possible TV networks can do to the family, especially to parents of those young men? One of them married with a little child. Another one was only 26 y old. 
Today they showed live session of Duma where members honor their memory with minute of silence.

The other tragic thing is the bombing of gas pipeline in the central Ukraine.
Two bomb blasts and there goes the disaster. The scary part is that this might be just the beginning of this type of sabotage. Kiev announced that they don't want to pay for gas they already used, so Moscow went prepaid. Then this happened. But there is a chief in the kitchen, my lovely, beloved and cherished homeland of US of A. This one is the conductor of the orchestra not because of the skills, but the stick in one hand. It seems we'll never run out of wars no matter who is on the realm.
Rep. of RF at UN, V. Churkin called for investigation and punishment of the criminals involved.
Even CPJ - Committee for Protection of Journalists reported that in last months climate of independently working journalists worsened, which prevents free press. There are many reported incidences of deliberately killing journalists in Ukraine today at

So long.

Monday, June 16, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 150)


Today, June 16th, at 10 am deadline Russian Federation switched off the gas pipe to Ukraine and put it on prepaid regime (as they say in Russian). No money - no gas. It doesn't mean that Ukraine is suffering now, because they have stored some (they say enough until the end of the year) and Russia is supplying the amount which suppose to reach to Europe which goes through UA and they can "use" or "steal" (the latter is called by Russians) and survive.
To me, it's just fair. Should be done from January 1st, because of 2 months of none payment for last year, which was about $2 Billion. Who gives who a gift like that? There was no Crimea issue then, Crimea got into Russia in March 18th only. Stealing gas had been a chronic grievance of Russia against Every and each Ukrainian government, no matter the relationship between the two.
Don't know how exactly this can effect the rest of Europe, which gets the gas through UA's pipeline, if they continue and even escalate stealing out of spite.
I can explain how all this evolved from reading and watching all 3 sides of equation- EU, RF and UA. I'm sure USA is in background whispering.
I'd call it a "gas whisperer."
After 8 rounds of negotiations with participation of EU energy commissioner and $100 discounted price for each 1,000 cubic meter offered by RF, gas talks between RF and UA fell through.
Only for last year UA owe RF $1.9 Billion. All together it's about $4.5 B and getting worse by the day. For western Europe the price is $486 for 1,000 c.m. gas. IMF agreed to pay $386 for UA. But UA wanted to go down to $326. When RF was giving them special insider price of $286, UA wasn't even paying that. It was busy with coup and creating a civil war just to lean toward west Europe and use its money. RF said, "if you're becoming whatever it is you wish, but it can hurt our economy, then pay market price. More over UA's "western" puppet masters want to pay the price of $386. So, what's seems to be the problem?

Look what is going on in Ukraine. Powerful shelling from the air, bombardments, more dead, more wounded and more refugees are arriving in neighboring Russia.
At you can see people who hardly survived with their kids and found shelter in Russia getting help from strangers. There are social sites opened on internet and some private individuals keeping manual notes to match refugees with volunteer host families.
The way Ukrainian authorities are sending more and more armed men and intensifying the killings, authorities in RF are only expecting and preparing for more steams of refugees.
See it at
In the town of Kramatorsk 10 local residents are dead, 10 wounded, electricity station, a factory, a hospital and a church was bombed, alongside with lots of homes. The head of the defense forces was saying that yesterday was the worst day of military attacks and Kiev military everyday is advancing 10-15 km into the town they call "none- abiding." Look at it! It appears Euro and almighty $ are doing their "wonderful" work of spreading "democracy." Real bloody-red democracy.
Oh, yeah! Look at this, my heart hurts from this. In Slovsansk there are pets who owners couldn't take with them and are browsing the streets. One 73 y old lady is saying that she won't leave and is ready to die there, while waiting to get a water in container. Also there is no electricity. She says the Kiev thugs after bombing put mines around electric station of town, so no-one can get into it to fix. Check it at Maybe this is the way the new President of UA understands meaning of "negotiation" and peace. 3 words will do it for him; burn, kill, destroy. The rest of empty ruins with only animals still browsing will be very easy to manage.
Journalists of Zvezda TV Channel are showing their bruises - the results of psychical abuse.
New President of UA also said that they don't want to continue the economic ties with RF in the sphere of defense (UA is making motors of plans/helicopters) and in his Twitter post, deputy PM Rogozin said "it's late, by the 10th of June we already arranged to import those products." 
Mouthpiece J. Psaki confuses Iran and Iraq.

At the same time to the messy place of Middle East p.tus wants to sent 300 "professionals" to "consult."

So long.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 149)


I was checking Russian news agencies all Friday evening and entire Saturday. Almost every hour or two. All media and press was blocked on 2 PC browsers and on the Mac.
Now, Sunday morning at 3am, it started functioning again. Is this a setup or what? This weekend is decisive, because Monday morning at 10 am is the deadline of the gas bill payment to RF. Maybe big brother doesn't what us to know what's going on so won't be any talk or outcry about our policies toward Balkans.
Look what happened.
At least entire day Saturday groups of bandits under the rule of ultra-nationalists attacked Russian embassy in Kiev, turning cars, throwing eggs, stones, paint, all sort of fire hazards and other type vandalizing things at the building. Police went there and couldn't do anything. Just walked aside and looked on. Minister of Internal affairs arrived in Sunday morning and in the clip below you can hear him clearly saying at 3:18 min. "no worries, it was the Right Sector"  It's at
But just about the end of that clip you can see the Russians in Moscow in front of Ukrainian embassy being peaceful, chanting their slogans and waving Russian flags protesting against violence and vandalism in Kiev. No violence in return whatsoever. You could see with naked eye who is who and how they do what they do, even if you don't speak those languages.
In the clip they're reporting about detention of another Russian TV crew belong to channel "Zvezda" ("Star" in Eng.), who was working in Eastern Ukraine and was about coming home. 2 reporters - Evgeniy Davidov and Nikita Konoshenkov are being held in the Dnepropetrovsk's regional administrative building.

Look at this  massacre of people who didn't go anywhere to bother anyone, but were protecting their homes and towns. 50 self-defense men are dead, 150 wounded by the air strikes of UA military. Kramatorsk is a small town from which most people ran away. Who is going to bury the dead and take care of the wounded?
Lord, have mercy!
Look at You could see the Ukrainian flag instead of the flag of Russia in front of the embassy. Also pay attention to the red and black flag on the gates. That's the scarier one. That's the one pro-fascists had while they welcomed them and got on their side during WWII. They were much smaller group predominantly from western parts when they started in last Nov. in Kiev, then the rest of Ukrainian people where dragged into it. People whose parents fought against fascists and 6 millions of them died to free Ukraine. Even now, they're small minority who lean toward neo-nazism against the rest of their countrymen. I believe the dead are turning in their graves looking down and seeing what kind of generation came out now and what are they doing.

The problem is the EU, which is Germany, Inc., and the US who are financing and encouraging all of this. Group of oligarchs in UA are taken over all regions' industries. That works both ways: West knows who to talk to while keeping their money in their banks and the others know where to run, if needed. That's why this is happening. If the simple people would know exactly what's going on, I believe they would do something to stop this brother killing war.
And, if US is getting involved, it's just a gangster thing.
Professor Stephen F. Cohen is the man to talk to. I wish you'd invite him to your show.
The next clip is his commentary comparing American civil war to today's conflict in UA; He also had 2 articles in The Nation magazine.
It's 4:15am.
So long.

Friday, June 13, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 148)


About 5pm. I've got through you on radio. Just a few min. before the top of the hour. You said that you're going to play a doctor on doctor Savage show and to answer to callers Qs as the one who is outsider looking inside.
I had 3 Qs, short and precise.
When your call screener picked up I dared to offer only 2, because his sound is so anxious and rushing.
I understand that, he has to move the show along.
So, I said the first is the exchange 5-1 with that soldier with residents, among which only 1 is a big shut, the other 4 are thrown into the group to dilute the picture, and, Ukraine, should you be interested. He was typing what I was saying, asked for my name, called me "dear" and told me to wait.
You picked up, said "Anna from WABC go." I quickly said about only one big shut theory, but didn't hear your response. Phone went deaf. I waited for the end of 5pm, top of the hour news end, heard you talking to a woman asking if phones were back. You were tasting; 1, 2, 3. I was with 2 of you on the phone. Then I tried again, thinking that we got disconnected, got through again, said we got disconnected and your screener said "we put your call already."
I didn't hear your response, don't know if you hear me and how much of what I said. Maybe NS. was listening? :)

I'll put my Qs now as follows;
1.  Which one was the biggest shut who lived in who was released with other of his 4 friends and who got paid how much do arrange that exchange?  Damaged good deserter is not an asset for American military any more, actually he was an enemy sympathizer and from now on we'll be on the other side, which makes 6 enemies released against us. On top of it, 6 real soldiers were killed for him (looking to find the damaged good converter) and others over there are in more danger because of that release.

2.  Do you know what news agencies in Latin America are broadcasting false information telling their people to go to USA right now? Do you know that they're telling their public that America wants them, needs them and calls them right now to get into the country, that this is the time, they're waiting for you?

3.  Do you know what Int'ly prohibited war weapon is being used right now to shell entire residential areas in eastern Ukraine indiscriminately on top of  any object, such as residential buildings, hospitals, chemical factories, day cares, moving emergency vehicles transporting wounded - you name it? Those bombs come down like fireworks and burns down everything and anybody underneath. I put the clips in my prior posts showing those on Russian news. You think civilized world don't see it or don't want to see it and why? Those clips are also at @Starlet737 on Twitter.
None of these I do for more than 4 years already has any commercial component in it whatsoever.
Actually they're all unanimous.

4.  You also talked about Iraq saying there is a humanitarian disaster. Not interested, don't care, don't want to hear about it, because;
a) we don't know who is who over there (there are many different groups in tribal wars like those),
b) all the sides involved in conflict will want all Americans dead no matter what,
Anybody didn't benefit from killing another one eventually is going to blame America .
c) the entire chaos won't end there, eventually it will end up in here, in the streets of NYC and San-Fran-sicko.

It's after 6pm now in NYC, Friday the 13th, pouring rain and thunderstorm outside of my window.
My intellectual day is just starting.
I'll take some vitamins now before I start watching the news. News from Balkans gets to my emotional faculties. I'll be back soon.

Ok, I'm back. It's 7:30pm now. First watched today's Daily Press Briefing of the DOS at WH. Today's spokesperson was Marie Harf, which is softer looking than the other one - Psaki, who seems scratching
demons out of her face when trying to pull her hair back from her face. That one really has disturbing gestures with her hands and fingers, when she turns the hands around a circle and sticks a finger to the face of the reporter who asked the particular Q she despises. Her smile is far from phony, it's naturally scary to me.
This one - Ms. Harf has a phony, but nice smile. You could see she was training in front of the mirror trying to keep front teeth all the way open as long as possible.
First she said "sorry for the delay, it has been a busy day." I wonder what else she had to do besides coming out there and reading the BS someone already wrote?
She said that DOS agrees with Ukrainian President's "peace plan" without quoting anything from any document. She should be required to give out copies of  document from which she is quoting. She just commenting on it, which I personally wouldn't give a damn!!! If I'd be one of those reporters sitting there I'd ask her to give it to me a copy of the document attached to the page of the comment she is reading from with signature underneath of it. The way the thing is being run is a joke. But, let's go back.
She says that UA Pres. asks from "separatists" to lay down their arms. Who are the separatists? What "separatist" means? The ones who are still in their homes and towns trying to protect what's left? They didn't go to Kiev and attack anyone, they don't asked money from the West, they're the ones working when the West was cooking trouble in Kiev for months using Neo-Nazi elements who are about 5% of population in Ukraine who concentrated in the West of the country. They did a coup, West pretended that there was an election. no matter what, as long as someone they like comes to power and dances under their music. Who did they got on their side? A billionaire who's money is hidden in the West?
Is it what it is? I see.....
Now this thing in Kiev who last a few days already started using Int'ly prohibited white phosphor bombs on it's own people in burning civil war, who after 7 session of 3 ways negotiations in Brussels doesn't want to pay the gas bill to RF with finances of IMF, telling people in their own towns to give up the last bullets and surrender. Do you know that they're bounties set for certain peoples' heads who are from Southeast of the country by Kiev? Do you know that all the oligarchs now in UA who divided the country in between themselves are financing their own military groups paying those bounties?
Would you give up your last bullet, when your family is dead or self-exiled to survive, your house is destroyed and there is a bounty on your head calling you "separatist" and ""
I don't know why Putin is waiting for so long watching his people being slaughtered. Don't you know that he has people who're condemning him for doing nothing. This thing - Ms. Harf was saying that RF sent a few tanks over the border to UA. First, I want to see the proof, second, what a few tanks are going to do under the firework type of shelling from the skies with weapon of mass distraction?
Is her boss is crazy or what? Then, she said negotiators will meet in Kiev this weekend and that "we call on Russia to use this opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to peace, etc." and "failure of Russia to deescalate the situation will lead to additional costs." She meant $$$$??? Oh yeah!
While she read the last words she looked up and straight with stronger look thought her glasses, as if she really meant it. Overall she is still nicer looking than the other one, whos last name sounds very bad in Russian. Psaki? Ooh la la.... And her voice sounds like a witch trying to vacuum cookies into her mouth through a pipe blocked with broomstick. Ooh la la...  Bozhe spaci I soxroni!
Ms. Harf is nicer. I like her better. :) She has squeaky voice (she would be the loudest one heard from chaotic scene of distraction to call for help (don't want to hear her in tongue fight, though)).
She should apply to walk Connie around the pool when Putin is swimming, see if she'd be qualified to do that. Who's Connie? Connie is Putin's lively black Labrador.
I'm sure she'd prefer me to do that. I mean Connie. I'd like to take a test on live TV in both countries, see to which one of as, strangers to her, Connie instinctively would go to pick a sitter for her.

I'm so happy I don't have a sinful job like Ms. Harf, - being an instrument of spreading lies which can cost innocent human lives and devastation around the world. And, actually, possibly come back and hurt us here at any moment. I believe she things she has a "successful career."
That's why I didn't touch paid journalism in this country. Just to be around business of information would cause me emotional and spiritual damage.

Let go back now, shall we?
In the meantime, while IMF agrees to pay the gas bill for Ukraine to Russian Federation in the amount of $385 for 1,000 cubic meter, which is less than western Europe is paying  - $485, the new president of UA is not ready to use it yet. Still bargaining. If I'd be in his place  - a Billionaire, I'd write my own check to earn my own electing in the eyes of my own people. After would go to conflict zone personally with a white flag and talk to my own countrymen directly and apologize for their losses and promise to make up for them and do it right away - talking to the rest of the country from there.
He would be an instant hero and be written into history books of Ukraine with golden letters. But, no....
This is too "genius" for him to guess. How someone can go to the people of his own country who are his brothers and cousins and talk to them? Oh no, no candidate of presidency or president does it in precious Europe and America, isn't it? From where he can learn that?
Those who are pulling his strings now, never did that. This is famous "don't do as I do, do as I say?"
Ok, then.

Oh, oh! Wanted to get back to reporting from Russian news, but all sides are blocked. None of them are
working. Neither .ru domain, nor .com. I can go to all .UA and .com news from Ukraine, but not Russia.
Tried also through twitter. Can dead only headlines, but nothing is opening there either. No text, no videos. Went to, clicked on link for news about Russia, also didn't open. Is this a information blockade or what.
I'll keep trying.

So long.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 147)


Look at this at, see if bombs used in today's bombardment of Semyonovka is a war crime or what? What is a phosphor bomb?
The report shows that it comes down like a fireworks and says it heats up to 800C, which burns everything on its way.
Report says it meant to be used only to destroy military installation and Int'ly prohibited to use in residential warfare under UN statute #2 for use of war weapons? ? ?
What is going on in front of our faces; war crime, crime against humanity, massacre, genocide, what is this?

I'm listening to you today on and off. Don't know if you mentioned Ukraine at all, but your show is about ending in 10 minutes and you're talking border crossing. In first hour I heard you talk about Iraq.
All that money, the thousands of dead and tens of thousands maimed with physical and emotional wounds, families destroyed, kids orphaned, country in debt and it's just going worse.
Giuseppe Garibaldi comes to my mind. His career as a warrior ended up being as useful for his cause as America's policy in Iraq and definitely Afghanistan as of today.
When I'm having a bad day, I always compare things with G.G's life and fell better right away.

I like the idea of "Museum of media insanity," - priceless!
I can provide you with so many insane things to post there.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 146)


I turned on your program today after 4 pm and heard your substitute talking about the kids coming thought southern border into the US.
What else is new about bringing in as many people as possible to be able to lose control over the country all together? While at the same time we're in debt for $17 trillion and keep borrowing money from foreign governments, El-H.ffe is giving millions and billions to support Ukraine's civil war.

Look at this, please!  # don't kill us or go to't kill-us-refugees-ukraine/. People are pleading for their lives and lives of their loved ones from their OWN government - Ukrainian government, which is sponsored by our government with NATO.
Today Semyonovka was under heavy indiscriminate artillery of Ukrainian military. You'll see a devastated house in which a dog is still laying indifferent to calls. Reporter says that he got a concussion and lost his hearing. I don't know what else he lost. I think he lost everything, including willingness to survive.
Makes me sick in my stomach and gets my head hot.
Loo at this;

Today in Brussels was the 7th round of "negotiations" between RF, EU and UA concerning the gas bill owed to Russia. $2 Billion is only last year's arrears.
EU energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger said that the minimum and maximum prices for 1,000 cubic meter gas are from $268 to $485. He said that they got into the number $385 today which is fair negotiating price.

To me let's see this: Western Europe gets it for $485, so if Ukraine is wannabe westerner with richest sponsors on this planet, and its whole war is about to be one of them completely, why not Russia give UA European price? Lots of MPs in RF and the President were saying this all along - "you go with others, we'll give you their price."
They were saying them literally "we are helping you because you're our brethren and we're in the same economic zone. Should you decide to go with EU and NATO , which will hurt our connections and consequently our security and economy together, we won't have any choice but give you European price.", gas-ukraine-discount/.

How did this happen that Ukraine got so spoiled that they want to have the cake and eat it too?
The cookies Nuland gave out in Maidan were laced with hubris?

In the clip at Russia's energy minister Alexander Novak says that after $100 discount, the price Ukraine got - $385, is guaranteed by IMF to help UA to pay it. This should the fairest point and should not be a problem. But..
Ukraine's energy minister Yury Prodan is not still satisfied. Ironically word "prodan" in Russian means "sold." Is he a sold out or what? He said that $385 for 1,000 cubic meter is not a good price for Ukraine.

Why isn't it good enough when IMF pays for it? ? ? This clearly shows they're not in rush to stabilize their economy any time soon and start correcting the horrible civil war situation in their country.

In all prior 6 meetings "prodan-niy" spoke Russian. At this, the 7th one, he decided to speak Ukrainian in which he stumbles, mumbles and mixes it with Russian back and forth. His body is also twitching in some strange ways. His whole demeanor looks pathetic to me.
Then reporters were told they would be back in a short while. 4 hours later they were told the next meeting is not scheduled yet. Do you believe your eyes?

In the clip discussing the matter with his cabinet Putin said "It's at least strange to hear from our Ukrainian partners that the contract is unfair, when it's the same that was signed with exactly the same people who are in government today. We gave a discount to help out a neighbor in the time of headship, we don't want to lose a customer and we're acting from position of goodwill with transparency and openness to all parties involved."

And while some grown humans around the world will be busy watching football in coming days, criminals, who don't want to pay their debt with even with other people's money, will continue to bomb their own towns and kill their own citizens.
Look at this; Look how Ukrainian government is giving orders to kill and destroy. Today they started using firebombs in eastern part, in village of Semyonovka.
Wounded members of defense forces are laying in corridors of hospital in the closest town Gorlovka; Hospital is running out of medicines and don't know how to get humanitarian help through the checkpoints of Ukrainian military, which is blockading not only the goods coming in, but the people who want to leave.
On top of it, there was a blast in one of the mines in Donetsk region and 9 miners are lost. Lookers can't find them. Look at this picture at Most of eastern Ukrainian areas are industrial. Among those industrial productions are many mines. People who are being killed today were workers and payers of the most taxes from entire country to Kiev's central authorities, who used to fight between each other for power and who created this situation. Now in the hot-bath of chaos they're killing the cow who was feeding them. Look at the picture of that mine. They were working in 19th century conditions and wanted more autonomy, that's it. They weren't against anybody, they weren't asking money from Europe and IMF and USA. And these are the ones being destroyed.
This is a plot of murdering as many Slavic people as possible. I can't believe one bit that self-absorbed Europeans give a damn about Kiev's thugs. They'll use them as much as they can. And they will play games, pretend to bargain and delay until they finish burning down entire eastern Ukraine with its people.
To see with your eyes and judge for yourself what's the difference between Russian and Ukrainian spirits today, check this one out; tomorrow is the day of Russia, which started its celebrations in Crimea today. Also it coincided with young performers' competition where some stars from Moscow were performing also.
People in Crimea are rejoicing, saying they're so happy to be with the rest of their country, finally after 23 years of delay. Russians are happy to be together and not against anyone in their multinational country, while one group of ultra - nationalist Ukrainians are killing the Russians and Ukrainians alike in Ukraine.
Do you know that 1/3rd of able body working Ukrainians work in Russia and send money home?
That's about 5-6 million of them. Should Putin's advisers say "we don't want them here anymore, no more working visas and no money transfer? Let them go back, create more crisis and fight against their thugs who put them in this situations."
Who you think wants them, Europeans? Maybe, just for only cleaning their bathrooms while the whole continent comes down. "Misery likes company, that's why they got together to die together," one smart Russian MP said long ago ago when EU was created. He was right. Marie LePen says the same thing.

Oh, let me finish with us; did you hear how America's "genius" foreign policy in Iraq is giving its fruits today? Oh, yeah!

The time when Kerry pretends "talking" to Lavrov, NATO staging war games close to Russia's borders.

So long.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 145)


Watch this video, see the horror of human distraction mind, see the devastation in 2014.
People can't stay alive in their homes.
The shocking part is that this is sponsored by "civilized" world of our time - EU and the US.

As of right now still many can not physically get out from many towns. If some are still there, they can not bury their dead!
In the clip below, a man is telling the reporter what happened and showing the ruins of his apartment.
A man says when his family was going to have a super, wife opened the refrigerator and bombs came down on them. Husband is showing the devastation in their apartment and wife's body is on the floor.
Not for emotionally sensitive people; **** (disturbing content)
All Kiev asks today is more and more discounts for gas and sends more recruits to East at the same time. Now the deadline to pay the gas bill to Russia is on Monday, at 10 am.
While they're talking, Kiev's thugs are killing as many as possible.
Check also these;,

In the meantime, NATO continuing to creep up on Russia and intimidate the Bear.
Next week, NATO is going to take out 2 military destroyers - American and French, from Black Sea back to Mediterranean Sea and replacing them with 2 other vessels - Italian and french, "which are spying equipped with recent technologies," reported Russia's defense ministry today.
It's at www.NTV. ru/novosti/1031936.

I couldn't listen to your program today.
Last week Wed. and Thurs. you were predominantly talking about the 5 - 1 exchange for an American soldier (a suspected deserter).
I have my own theory about it. I can tell you, if you ask.

About taking children in the country who are crossing the border from Mexico, coming from all over including Central and South America, is a policy clear for anyone to see and pay for it too.
P.TUS's politics is pretty dangerous. This one os just one of very many. You know that.

So long.

Monday, June 9, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 144)


Neo - Nazis paid and controlled by the West are gone berserk. Don't know what else to call this Neo - Fascists. There should be new word for this type of atrocity, because these are worse.
Check this;

In Brussels 3 sides met to talk gas bill and still didn't come to agreement yet. Didn't even let reporters to ask Qs at this time. I don't see the problem. Russia gave and gave and is giving all the discounts it possibly could give and western sponsors of all the mess can't help to pay it. Tomorrow is REALLY THE deadline, which UA can go on prepaid system.

In the meantime people in eastern Ukraine being slaughtered, some of them with bare hands stopping the tanks and military for taking their men to serve in Ukrainian army.
Can you imagine that they come to draft your son to take to Kiev and send him right back to kill you?
Can you comprehend what's going on here? I think Russia should not stand on the side anymore whatsoever. Enough and is enough is due.
Look at this; It's not for sensitive people, if you understand what people are saying and crying out for.
How America can finance this?
If this won't make you clinically depressed, I don't know what will.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 143)


I'm checking the news now. It's Monday morning and work day started in Moscow. It's 8 hours before us.
Today UA freed detained journalists from TV channel "Zvezda" and they say they were hold in cold, dark military base with no food and experienced "pain." They sounded gracious and happy to be back and were not enthusiastic to talk and complain. Obviously were covering up the stress they endured.
It's at and also other TV channels.

Today in Brussels is the 5th  EU-RF-UA meeting about the gas bill, which is due tomorrow after many missed deadlines. I personally don't see the problem; EU already gave UA 3 Billion Euros, US gave loan guarantee for $1 Billion to begin with (which help hired Biden's son and Kerry's family member to be able safely get it back to those family's accounts (pour people couldn't find a job in US for so long, they were starving)), then $1.4 Billion for "democracy" (which is a coded word for war in Potus's book) and yesterday US gave another $48 Million, well just in case the "good" guys need some greens in their packets for change. On top of it, UA's new President is a billionaire. What seems to be the problem of such a delay in payment of something essential such a gas, without which they can't?
In my book, it's just an intimidation, another war front against RF through "bargaining" in order to get away as much as possible. That's all.

In the meantime, when new President of Ukraine says the fire should stop, he continues to send more troops and gives more orders to bombard the residential and industrial areas in the East.
Several dead, among them elderly woman and 5 years old girl, deficit of fuel, no water, no electricity, no mobile phone connection, destroyed homes, 200 years old historic mansion destroyed, everywhere is fire, despair and devastation inside and around Slovyansk. We see those pic. because there is a reporter who still is functioning. There are only handful of them in Southeastern Ukraine. What about in all other towns and villages where there are no one to report anything?
Talking of war crimes? Oh my goodness!
Check this; 
From other towns also such as Artyomovka, people are running away with whatever they can take on hands. About 6 thousand ended up in Crimea, where they're being given shelter and food. Imagine of Crimea wouldn't be under Russia's control now and this people would not be allowed to get there, what would happen?
Russian Crimea saving lives today.
Check this;, where refugee women with kids saying it's unbelievable what is happening. Their men - husbands, brothers, fathers and sons stayed behind to protect their homes and homeland.
Check this also,; In Slovyansk train station is bombed, polish-paint production building of the chemical factory, which was bombed before, is still burning and releasing hazardous smoke for days. Not far from there, in village of Semyonovka several homes are on fire and a few people dead.
On Twitter the press center of DNR (Donetsk National Republic) reported that bombardment of the area was especially intense at Saturday morning 10 am, when in Kiev new president was being inaugurated.
I assume his military wanted his massage of "peace" be heard loud and clear.
Well, it's 4:05 am in NYC now.

So long.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 142)


Bombing from the air and the ground is continuing in southeastern Ukraine. The new President supposedly briefly met with Putin in Europe and in his inauguration speech he said that "soon" he'll go to eastern Ukraine to talk to people there and he will go there with "peace."
Sounded good, but no date, no follow up so far.
While he's talking the talk his troops are killing as many as they can. So, if there's ever a peace it would be with less or no Russians in Southeastern Ukraine.
Real, serious humanitarian crises is growing in that area now. Dead bodies all over without being buried, in some town no water and no electricity.
Russia's request to UN to allow to open a humanitarian corridors to send food and medicine from Russia, UN didn't approve. Got that? !!! No humanitarian help. Yup, aha!

I have a feeling that the world has gone mad. How this can happen in front of our eyes and we can't do nothing about it? Why newly elected President UA, an oligarch, can't sign his own check to pay his country's debt? He could become a hero automatically. And, won't be straggling in poverty afterwords, I'm sure.
He's working, his wife is working, they have a home looks like the White House, plus they're going to live in presidential palace. He can make more money by keeping good relations with Russia, because his candy business is mostly there. But, no...... He still gives the commend to kill his own countrymen and the gas bill to RF is due in couple of days. It's deadline was extended many times, over and over.
Check out the clip below, see if you can believe your eyes, see the devastation of people's lives and future. No food, no medicine, no electricity, no water, no way of leaving for Russia, unless few minivans took out some women and children from some places. 2 accredited journalists from Russian TV channel Zvezda (means Star) are detained and no answer about their whereabouts. and look also at /96 to see the disaster in Altai region. It's flooded and tomorrow is going to be the worst day of emerging waters according to specialists.
I don't see any country is helping Russians in disaster zone.
You see the true face of the West?

Look at this clip, not for sensitive viewer, though;

#SaveOurGuys is for freeing the journalists.
On you'll see that today our good old US of A gave additional $48 Million to Ukraine.
I can't do this too much, I'm twitting more from here and you can find it @Starlet737.
It starts from tweet #435.

So long.


To Michael Savage (part 141)


Check this;, Putin's interview in Europe where he was for 70th anniversary of D-Day.
He is explaining about the difficulties of doing business with Ukraine the way Europe and USA are wishing or I would say "pushing" him to do.
Not only NATO is creeping up on Russia militarily, but also the EU wants to push its products to Ukraine from where it can be used as transit to get into Russian market, because of no tax customs zone in between. It will greatly harm the local market (and consequently the job market (my words) and Russia can NOT let it happen. Besides that type of a deal is not in any contract between all the parties involved. If EU would go ahead pushing such things through, Russia would be forced to changed the customs "no tax zone" condition to Internationally known so called "favorable country status," which he doesn't think would be economically advantageous for Ukraine.

Doc, now you imagine what is going on? Are you following the money?

This unbelievable "fascination" with Ukraine in which those great unwashed are fighting tooth and nail clinging on its territory and preying on its people's lives with their bloody jaws is REALLY something else in my eyes. There is definitely more to it, than anyone of us who is not directly involved could see. I pray that one person who's directly involved in this strategically planed distraction of Russia (and thus Slavic nations) will come out and put the dirty sheets out in the open.

Don't we need a Snowden in every country now to bring a real peace?
Russia closed so many military bases all over the world, but USA following the great unwashed only expending them. Putin said America's military budget is more than the rest of the world's together. ???
I wander if this is true. Today we owe 17 Trillion to China only, without the rest of of obligations.
And our government is giving money to Ukrainians to kill their own in the name of "democracy?"

Did you hear that Cameron didn't shake the hand of Putin when they met first? Did you see and hear how he was screaming that what RF is doing is "unacceptable?" I wonder for who? Rotten rat like him, who keeps Russian criminals, who are indicted and wanted for financial and other crimes at home? That's the country which keeps you banned from there, like you're a threat to their national security or some such? They are scared of talk show host, but not international criminals, actually, they even like and protect them? These are the ones who have "Hague court" for Int'l justice?
Do you know that for 2 decades so many oligarchs who ran away with their criminal money settled in London and/or around it, that they call it "London-grad" in Russia? For Asians it's London-istan, for dour-doom like Cameron it's just a hell where the fire was put on with his own hands. It's burning soooo bad, that he can't sit and think, he has to run so far east to try to bent over to neo-nazis and pay them to be able to hang around them. Maybe he hopes to get lucky there?
Don't know what kind of drug can keep a woman around that retard.
I wonder as what animal you'd portray him in Political Zoo?
The whole thing is so sickening. Any crackhead bum in NYC streets will make more sense and have more conscience than those in expensive suits.

I'm looking at refugees from eastern Ukraine with nothing but cloths on their becks, women with kids, whose men died or might be dying any minute by the hands of those vermin in suits.
Seeing the pictures of bodies who nobody can collect and bury - makes me noxious. One of the women was saying there were dozens of those all over and not only intact but in pieces.
How you can talk about the victory over Nazism, when the same thing is happening right now in Europe perpetrated with their own hands? This is worse than Nazism. Nazis thought they're were different that's why they should get rid of others, which is bad enough as a crime against humanity.
What's going on today in front of us is brother killing brother atrocity, perpetrated by foreign interests.
I'm not a military expert, so I don't know how to call it. To us, outsiders it's a civil war.
For insiders, those who were on the side of opposition in maidan against duly elected President are revolutionaries and now when they went to suppress and kill their own countrymen in the east, who disagree with them, they become insurgents? Who are they now? What do you call them? How does this work? They killed their own soldiers who refused to kill their own people. They shoot and killed policemen inside the police station and burned the building to the ground in Mariupol, because those policemen didn't kill their own town people who are their own families and neighbors.
In the clip below the locals, who are protecting their own homes, are saying that they're not fighting against the Ukrainian Army, but the Right Sector, which is making a mess in entire country, they're the ones who come to kill civilians in order to put it on locals and make more mess. The elected mayor of Slovyansk in this clip
on 1:50 min. addresses Mr. O, asking him not to give Kiev aggressors, who are coming against their own people, money and weapons and not send Blackwater mercenaries to fight there.
Also check, Later the casualties were much more.
This war is Neo-Nazi war (direct and by proxy together) which ignited a civil war.
To me civil war's moral roots are deeper and more dangerous, because its side effects cause more emotional and psychological damage for years to come. When enemy is on the other side of the fence, you don't take it personal. You know that they can call you names and put you down even when you're dead, so you worry only about getting back to them. You can heal psychical wounds and rebuilt your house and country. But when brothers killing brothers and first cousins, is incomprehensible. Its moral Qs will stay unanswered forever. Its emotional wounds will never heal. To me, as a trained emergency nurse, it's like comparing an infection to gangrene. You can survive the first one and recover, but if even you survived the gangrene, you'll always miss a part of yours forever. Your cousins' and your own family's hostility is the biggest let down, as you know very well, it burns you deeper cutting into your soul.
I remember a poet, a classic, who said "the wound of soul hurts forever and it's cure is hidden in the skies." That's what applies  today to conflict in Ukraine. So sad that anti Nazi USA is involved in the other side today. What a shame!
Embarrassing was (French and others showed continuously) O's chewing gum while watching the enactment of D-Day. They compared it with him taking photos, chit-chatting and laughing at the funeral of nelson Mandela in South Africa. Well, I remember also him talking during the State dinner in UK Parliament (with the Queen present (not that I think she is a big deal)), while their hymn was playing. British didn't let it slide either. They showed it over and over to embarrass Americans and their "culture."

Well, so much more to say.
The only thing I blame Russia today that they don't or can't show their side of the story and send their massage clearer to much wider audience of the world. They're definitely on the losing side of the info. war against violent, murderous lying thugs, which is costing them lives and livelihoods right now.

So long.

Friday, June 6, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 140)


There is a massacre and genocide going on in eastern Europe by neo-nazis backed by old nazis and USA is against mostly Russians in there. Bombarding hospitals, homes, entire domestic agriculture indiscriminately.

Please watch,  you can have the site translated to English on the page.
People are being killed in their homes, running out with nothing whoever has place to go. Old people are trapped, the head surgeon of main hospital in Lugansk got wounded in the head and there is no way to transport him to Donetsk for surgery. People can't bury their dead. There are bodies who nobody can retrieve.
Yesterday O was dinning with the new rich thug of Kiev, who was paying for the coup from the beginning and now paying for new recruits every day. It's his OWN army.
You should see the picture of his mansion-castle-house looks likeThe White House in D.C.
Have you seen that?
If duly elected President of UA Y. would disburse the crowd the first day in November of last year,
when they started to gather in the middle of busy city and decided to live there and shoot at government buildings and such, this genocide would not be happening now.
Polish has a historic grudge against Russia. Every 200 years they were concurring each other. Now they are using EU to do that.
In the west of UA they were drafting young men for last 2 months to go to war in the east. Their parents started protesting, some of them push their fears away from being prosecuted and said in the camera that they don't want to kill anyone and don't see any so called "danger" to their country from their own countrymen.. It's at

Want to see humanitarian crisis; bombarded hospital, broken water pipe, destroyed roads, etc.?
Here -
Is this what America should finance? How this can happen right in front of our eyes?

Mr. O is going to go to France for D-Day on June 6th, at the same time he's financing fascists?

You just started the show and talking about the swap. Don't know why you're screaming so much. You heard O say, he will close the g.tmo on his campaign. He couldn't do it out-right, he's doing it little by little, head by head in the ratio of 1 to 5.

I just found an interesting clip, an interview with British PM by author and journalist George Galloway. It's at He' stalking about UK being on the side of thugs in Syria, who after killing are removing inside organs of deceased such as liver and heart and eating those in front of camera, and, release it to the world to see!!! Got that?!!!??!!!?

Now you're interviewing Judge P.rr., she sounds straight talking and courageous person.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 139)


Check the clip at
UA military bombarded a hospital in Krasniy Liman town in east of UA, killing 2 and injuring several patients among them severely injuring the head surgeon of the hospital on his head. Then went there and killed the wounded. If this is not one of the worst crimes of war, I don't know what is it. Check also ---260317/318.

This is a real war zone;

While stooges for the West are killing their own people in UA, in Warsaw the big O met with Kiev's new man around a table. It's at

Kerry and Lavrov have to meet in Paris on Thursday, June the 5th. Then on the 6th, which is D-day, O and Putin have to be there too. Will see what happens.
Check - #SaveDonbassPeople.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 138)


Your second hour just ended. You were talking about the "kids" coming through southern border and big O asked for $1.4 Billion for "help." That's the key word to shut you up and dumb down your logic.
What's new under the sun over good old US of A?
I came 23 years ago and that's what I felt; everyone from less developed, less educated countries were welcomed, but me and my type. Although I came educated, single, with no dependents and no deceases.
There are layers and layers of racial order in this country and the last one on the least is the white Christian with foreign accent. Especially and particularly that he/she is educated, smart, knowledgeable, moral, not "aggressive" and not-connected.
This attributes are no-no to survival in here. If you're one of them you'll be discriminated, victimized (emotionally, psychologically and psychically) and will struggle to the rest of your life.

Now, you were talking about $1.4 Billion for illegals.
What about that he just promised $1 Billion to put American booths in Poland against Russia? Reuters reported 8 hours ago. You can see him talking both sides of his mouth and the pathetic part is that he has to be there with some money, otherwise he'd not be welcomed. He has to pay his way of making more mess in entire world with your money.
I'd ask him how much of his OWN money he's going to give to any of this.
On top of that, you were saying that US and RF airplanes came close over Pacific?
He's working on all fronts, and all this can backfire and come down on us right here.
Look what's going on in in Eastern Ukraine, which is overwhelmingly Russian and always have been. Check    
-------------------------------/260291/ hundreds of dead already in this conflict. How many more desired, wanted, needed or necessary for "Int'l community" to get involved?
Is there a limit, an "acceptable" amount under any Int'l Law, before the whole hell breaks loose?

Let me summarize today's news with 4 points for today.

1. He is keeping his promise of closing down the sanatorium in Cuba by releasing its open-end lease holding residents.

2. Yes, he's changing the demographics of this country (not that I'd care, if that would make it better), but it's simply going to finish this country. The problem for me not the race (we all know skin doesn't think, brain does, and everyone's brain is the same color), but the mentality that is hostile to this land, its original owners and founders and justifies the same actions as the manic was doing in Europe in WWII, just the other way around considering the color of the skin.
3. More money for "kids" some of whom are already have kids (because they start right around 14-15 to procreate (remember Jeb Bush saying "they're more fertile?," I agree)). The money he's going to print out will go mostly to pay back his people and create more friends and voters for him and his causes. What's new with this?

4. He's getting bolder and bolder.
After intimidating Russia on the Sea (he sent 2 nuke containing US battle ships) and on the ground putting baits to get it involved in Ukrainian territory militarily. Knowingly letting to shed blood of many Russians and others in their own homes for many months now and not succeeding yet, he is now sending reconnaissance jets flying into or very close to Russian airspace. Today those nearly avoided the fiery clash in the air. He is really asking for it, doesn't he?
And then Chucky-cheese Bagel wants to talk to Shoigu? About what? He could already post his apologies in writing everywhere in Int'l media, couldn't he?
The news is:
Russian fighter jet intercepted American reconnaissance plane.
Next thing you know the industrial military complex, through their planted vermin  in the media, is heralding foul and announcing the WWIII, saying "Russians are coming" to push their citizens into the basements again, like they did in cold war. And while they will be there, they won't see what kind of hot war they perpetrated up above. Coming out of stinky, smelly, moldy, break rotting ground holes (all of them are intact in Upper West Side buildings' basements), all they'll see will be dead - some burned into the air without trace (as it was in Twin Towers), some unrecognizable in closed caskets.

I really feel that the West and USA lost their minds. They are asking for war and they're not stopping for anything. They're really serious about it, they're rushing into it like crazies. All they wanted an "election" in Ukraine to put their man, and guess what, not less than an oligarch, who was working in every administration before. How this was any good for UA, is beyond me and everyone in Ukraine who was asking for "change."  Let's say it's OK, Fine. I don't live there. But if I would, I would say "why he's not paying Russia the GAS BILL from his own packet?" He has the money, why not to show "patriotism?"
Most of his business is in Russia, so this could just help himself personally to continue to do business there, instead of (in case Putin follows the steps of the West and puts sanctions on his business and freezes his accounts) loosing it?  
What would you advise Putin, should you be his consultant right now?
I'd ask him to quote from Bible to the EU and the US: "Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you."  
Isn't this "fair and democratic" enough? Isn't this clear?

So long.
P.S. Check also Vladimir Solovyov's talk show at on May 30th and the other on June 1st at
What's is going on in Ukraine's Southeast is a war-crime and a genocide by Neo-Nazis.
People can not bury their dead. The commentator is saying that the aggressors using even Internationally prohibited weapons. Who is checking on those?

Monday, June 2, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 137)


Today, Monday, you're talking about the US soldier swap with 5 others from here.
Why, why, why? If course the right mind tells you that this is a bad precedent which will encourage similar actions from enemy.  By the sound of his father I smelled a rot. Something fishy in here and it rots from the head. Look for the connections they made on the other side and who came to big O with suggestions.
You told that he was enticed by ballet at the beginning, than travel and adventures? Pretty far fetched to want to go to military, wouldn't you say?
Stockholm syndrome, radicalism, the hatred toward his own parents (that's what usually starts from), let loose of genetic psychosis - comes to my mind.
The worse part in this story is the death of 6 other American men who had to parish looking for him. They're the heroes and they parents should sue the whatever entity is responsible for doing it to their sons.
You can not exchange 5 dangerous men, who can continue to posses a security danger to whole lot of people and have perished 6 more of yours in the process.
And look what they've got back. Moran who can't talk? What else he can't do?
Nobody in their right mind will forget the first language in 5 years.
Apparently he's roof is gone (Russian expression), and he might need someone who would help him use the bathroom to the rest of his life -taxpayer paid, of course.
I'd look into some connection in some areas of the world coming and going in D.C. That's all. Something sounds too good on the surface and the bottom, it's like the yogurt on top and the sh.t underneath. There was a joke about it in old country, says "don't dig it, sh.t will come up."
I have my own theory about this, but let's go on with the news, shall we?

This country is being invaded from south by our neighbors who sent their minor kids over the border alone.
This called "concurring and colonizing" by using "humanitarian" concept of decent humans. But, in my book, no decent person would jeopardize the safety of their kids by sending them to open the road for them to follow. This is a cruelty and abuse and those kids' parents, when found to be prosecuted.

Now, let's go to Balkans. It's a horror, it's a civil and Int'l war all together. This is a proxy war by West, for energy, for geopolitical influence and expansion on the blood of Slavic nations.
Do you ever think that Deutsche-tran gives a damn about both of them - Russian and Ukrainian alike?
Check this video clip from today's war zone in Donbass, where 5 civilians died, among them Minister of Health Natalia Arxipova, 10 others were wounded when the Lugansk region's administrative building was bombarded from the air by Ukrainian military.,, you can see her reporting how she was helping the public.
Russia's Foreign Minister asked from UN to intervine to stop the military actions and start the negotiations and provide humanitarian help to those who stuck in there or help those who want to come out, to be able to do so.
See how tolerant and careful Putin has been in this conflict. Do you ever think, that if the West REALLY were scared of him, thinking that he is crazy and can use his country's might as soon as first shot went off against his people, they would go so far to bombard entire towns and areas indiscriminately?
See how the "West" does its"humanitarian"work? is the address of Lavrov to UN.

I just found something on YouTube,check it, you need a translator, though.
There was a geopolitical plan called "Harvard project" found by Soviets in the beginning of 1980's how to destroy USSR. I think, in a way they did it, I mean they did destroy the political structure, now what? It's capitalist now, the whole world invests in it, Moscow is the most expensive city of the world. Now they want to take it over, or want to burn it down destroying themselves in the process? What is it? Why can't Americans stay out of wars?
Here, at by Evgeny Novokov (just found him out, never heard before, but whatever he says seems interesting and alarming).

At the meantime Kiev didn't send any pensions, any other financial payments and cut the water going to Crimea. They just blocked the way it was naturally going directed it to Black Sea. For them it better be wasted, rather used by their own people. But gas? Oh, no, gas they should get for free from Russia, because the West said so. Go figure.
Listen to Churkin today at the UNSC meeting asking to interfere to stop the killings of general population and bring humanitarian help. it's on - Ukraine-UN-resolution-Russia/.
He says "how come UN interferes preemptively to prevent crisis, but here they 'have to think' about it."
I'd be in his place I'd put the foot down and say to whatever group or one person (let's say the Gen. Secretary) in charge of this to pick up the phone and call Kiev and do it live, on media, publically or whatever, so everyone could hear what and how it was said. "Stop the atrocities" that's it, point by this time - hour, day and month. And, if it's not done, then they have to go ahead and protect people - Russians and Ukrainians alike who are being killed in their homes.
I think Putin should do it already. This is getting ridiculous.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 136)


Before it was good news - bad news in the media. Now it's bad news - bad news and worse news.
Yesterday - on June 1st, during the Int'l Day for Protection of Children, June Ukrainian military among other targets bombed a day care and an orphanage in the middle of the city of Slavyansk in Eastern Ukraine.
Is this what America calls "promotion of democracy?"  WOW!

Check also,

My Q is "how much we don't even see?" There are only few heroic reporters in that big region. People are
in blockade and being bombed.





Donbass is the collective name of Donetsk and Lugansk regions in Eastern Ukraine and Rostov region in Western Russian Federation.
It's most industrial and densely populated area in UA. Mostly miners live and work there and pay the most taxes to sustain the rest of Ukraine.
They are overwhelming majority of ethnic Russians, living in their historic land, working in dangerous industry with 19th century technology and getting paid less than $100 a MONTH. And now, being killed in their own homes? Would you blame Putin, if he finally says "enough is enough?" I wonder what is he thinking of doing these hours? How he can go to sleep after seeing these bloody pictures and children's cries?
In one of incidents only, there was a truck transporting 30 wounded from checkpoints and carrying medical sign (the cross) on top of it and was bombed by Kiev's military. Everyone was dead including the driver. The morgue had pile of dead bodies on top of each other. Isn't this a slaughter, massacre or genocide? Nationalist - Nazi sympathizer Ukrainians are killing their own brethren, Russian and Ukrainian alike.
Do you remember why Saddam Hussein was hanged? For killing 148 people. That's it.
To know the difference you can check yourself, see if you can find any Ukrainian living in Russia dead because of this conflict. But you see a massacre from the other side.

So long.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 135)


Things are getting worse in Southeastern Ukraine. Its Army is killing local unarmed residents indiscriminately; bombing houses, schools, hospitals, roads - you name it. Groups of refugees coming out of real war zone,
if they can.
Check these reports;,,, this one is bringing parallels between Nazis and their sympathizers in Ukraine during WWII and their descendants' actions right now.
I hardly believe that this can go on like this and America not only will be watching, but actually will be aiding and abetting those. Go figure.
The only thing is out in the open right now is the Biden's son and one of Kerry's relatives who openly got involved in energy sector already. Selling arms, sending more young men to be killed, getting paid by EU thugs to get control over Russia's resources? Who knows what else. List might not be short on this.

So Long.


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