Monday, April 14, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 112)


You said you're going to vocation, but I think you can't stay away from live action.
So, I'll continue to keep you posted.
Clouds are gathering in Eastern Europe, thanks to blood thirsty West. I can't believe that America will get into Europe's trap.

I though only Fox news and  WSJ were in the middle of the political roads, because. libs hate them, but by listening to the so called "members of the editorial board" of WSJ on radio talk shows "explaining" what's going on in Balkans and why, makes me flabbergast. No, I'm not astonished to see and hear their ignorance on this matter, but the "audacity" to push this country into war.

I found a book called "The artillery of the press" by James Reston published in 60's. It will scare you how much governments don't know about each other and how the news and information people can jeopardize the safety of the nation with their stupidity. Look who is doing journalism, where they are graduated from their mindset and intentions and put 2 and 2 together.
There is another book in my library called "Napoleon's hemorrhoids,"  which will scare you with its stories of "accidents" in history.
I'm so wary to look at the news from Russia. It racks my nerves. Are we going to perpetrate another brother killing conflict and the WWIII? Pe-liz!
Now I'll tell you what's going on there.
After Victoria Nuland got caught boasting that US "invested" $5 BILLION in Ukraine to get it into NATO zone, cursed out the EU, gave out all the cookies in Maidan and came back to US, things got worse in there.
In Donetsk region war is brewing. Simple people who were disconnected from mother Russia, who were ignored and financially and socially abused and exploited are going to streets to saying that they don't want this current "authorities" in Kiev. They were dismissed and disenfranchised before and now and the only way to continue their lives is to have a referendum to decide the future of their regions.
I don't blame them. Eastern UA is feeding Western UA, these people are mostly Russian, speak Russian, have their families in Russia and are not getting any attention from Kiev. Today's rulers are so arrogant, that knowing that this can bring to bloody conflict, none of them went to those regions to talk to people.
Only one of the presidential candidates, Oleg Tsaryov, offered that as a good idea, but he didn't go. What there is people to do? They announced "Donetsk National Republic." ! ! !
Kiev started with arms and EU and US thing it's OK. Why is not OK to listen to huge group of people who are unarmed and who are main providers for entire country? Is this the "democracy" they're preaching?
That's why people are forming national defense groups from local men and women, building barricades and getting ready to protect themselves.
Kiev's thugs gave an order to take precincts and gov. building in Eastern regions. In Slavyansk, which is in Donetsk region, the mayor Nelya Shtepa said to people in the street that city hall and couple of other buildings are being controlled and secured by local residents in order to prevent any attack from people of Kiev. She said that those in charge of the movement are talking to Kiev authorities to resolve the situation. "We don't want war in our city" she said.
Arsen Avakov, which is the minister of Internal affairs sent the special forces to attack the city, but those brave men refused to realize the commend. They said to people that they can't fire a shot on their own people and their families and joined them.

In the mean time Putin sent 18 letters signed by him to all PMs of EU asking to help UA to pay its gas bill which is already $2.2 BILLION and growing. Not a penny paid for entire mouth of march. All the help they promised is only in words.
America pledged $1 Billion in loan guarantees. "Guarantee" means to pay the banks who who would be willing give the UA the loans. No bank so far came foreword. Kremlin offered advanced form of payment for gas, meaning UA will pay at advance for the price of gas a mouth prior.
Surprisingly, USA who is not a Russia's customer for gas, responded first saying Russia is pulling a "gas sabotage." Putin said, "first, it's not nice to read other people's letters, then in terms of the price they're asking for, it is the same which is in contract from 2009."

Doc, my Qs is;
If I'd not pay my gas or electric bill would it be cut next month or not - right here in NYC?
How we can tell another country to give out its resources without getting paid?
Before the coup Mr. Putin pledged $15 Billion and asked the West to chip in to help UA. West didn't.
Now they're blaming RF, aggravating it and threatening a super power.
Professor Stephan Cohen is right to say that "Putin might think that West and US are all nuts."
Putin said "Don't pull and push Ukraine around, why they should choose sides? Let's all of us help Ukraine." West said "no."

In Odessa, Kiev's thugs are ordering to arrest clergy who's churches heads are in Moscow. they arrested someone for conducting a funeral for a Ukrainian soldier, because they didn't like the latter.
Today they attacked and injured a presidential candidate Oleg Tsaryov, who was asking the "authorities" to count in the Eastern Autonomous Regions and explaining that that would be the only way to have united Ukraine.
After injuring his head instead of hospital they took him to attorney general's office. Also attacked another candidate for Pres. Mikhail Dopkin, who is former mayor then governor of Kharkov, now leading the party called "party of Regions." he was on the side of federalization and close contacts with Russia and other members of commonwealth.
Also offices of communist party was burn down so bad, you would smell the sting from the picture.
It's head is also a candidate for Presidency.
I wish you could understand the people who are in barricades, waiting to be attacked. Simple working family people who have jobs and can't go to, because they don't know what's coming. At night wives are sitting with their husbands around the fire, saying they'd be worried more if they'd not be around them.
Putin asked O to use all the influence to stop any bloodshed. Also great unwashed had to get together today. I'll check what happened.

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