Tuesday, April 1, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 107)


A lots of news out there, but not on local.
Vermin drug-addicts in the main stream media and drug-dealer Press-titues don't care that Russia might let it loose and set it off up in here, should it be pushed its beck to the wall a little longer, truthfully.
Today NATO has suspended its civilian and military co-operation with Russia. Imagine that? Civilian also?
What is that for? Oh, boo-hoo. Look at those bis got together. Look at their countries, look at their TV
programs, at their educational system. Their misery can't be contained, they wanted to put Russia into it,
and personally use the head of the country. He's not bi. That's it, end of the story.
This Ukraine story EU was cooking 20 years non-stop financially, ideologically and politically, but the whole problem goes 100s of years back. There are things I can't say on Internet or on radio.
JPMorgan stopped money transfers from Russian Embassy. They're asking for it, aren't they? Seriously.
At the meantime look what are they doing; a few days ago, another their NATO ally Turkey used Syrian
"rebels" to destroyed entire christian village and put its entire population out of their homes. Hundreds years later, again, another one. Those Nazis were allies with Turks in 2 World Wars. The Turks who victimized Europe for 500 years, went up to Austrian Kings palace and desecrated it, desecrated also Parthenon, uprooted entire civilization of Christians, fought against Russians for Crimea, etc. 
Under American pressure and its powerful minority Nazis "apologized," paid something to keep themselves going, but their "ally" never even apologized. How you can be a convicted criminal who pleaded guilty and your ally in arms was not? Go figure.
"Christians flee Syrian Kessab" is the headline on RT. It should have a pic. from AP showing the deserted streets as of March 27th. Check rt.com/news/armenians-kessab-syria-attack-381/.
Now it's 5:37 and you just put a clip from John McShame, calling him a war-monger. You're right. I have my diagnosis about , you should hear it, it's funny and true.
You said the same thought yesterday about the movies and Hollywood. I never used my body (although, thank God had no complaints) or makeup or hair to get anyone's attention. Was using my brain and still using my brain, that's why not qualified for many jobs - "overqualified" you understand.
What we called "corruption" in USSR and ran here, happen to be all legal out in the open and required in here for getting a job.
Good for Asians who don't want "affirmative action" along with back people that I know. It affirms the perception that whose who have to get it are inferior and can't do it by themselves (that's what my black friends say they feel like when they hear about it and they're those who did it all by themselves).

So long.

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