Saturday, June 15, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 59)


Iran has a new President, let's hope for the best. Yesterday Russian channel had an interview with an Iranian family- a young couple with a child. Husband spoke Russian, he studied at University of Tehran. They were going to elections. He showed his passport, saying without it he can't vote. Crew went with them, everyone in line had a document - a mandatorily required passport in their hands, plus, they had to give a finger image with ink - all of them. Talking of election and democracy????......... .???? Where? When?
In NYC, where illegals go from one election's post to another and vote without any proof of ID and no fingerprints? What about they're registered in different states? And America goes to Russia and other places to monitor them? This is an irony of world events. If I'd not be the witness, I'd not believe.
About the article that Putin took Robert Croft's ring. Robert Croft is lying out of his teeth. First, Putin don't speak English, that might be misunderstanding the least to say, but in case of "stealing?"
Robert Croft should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned. All those drug-addics like him, don't know what's going on in their lives. I don't trust none of them, not even walking a dog. Putin don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't drink. R. Croft is. Putin took it and he put it in Library? Why he didn't keep it, if I'd like it so much? Why Croft took it out and handed to him, instead of just showing. Putin hasn't seen a ring in his life? Why would he even talk to Croft ay first place?
You haven't seen the wealth exhibited in Kremlin Museums. I remember when Ronald Reagan visited Russia and were taken there, his wife said they have been around the world and haven't seen anything like that. And that's after what rich stoled and ran away before and during the revolution. Most of them came to America with stolen goods from nation and were given a harbor. Putin don't talk anybody anywhere that wouldn't be in camera and in record, especially with foreigners. So... where is the proof?

So long now.

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