Friday, June 14, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 58)


I listened today for first 2 hours. That's true that people who listen on Friday evening have no social life. lol
I certainly don't socialize too much. Who am I going to talk to in this town, libs? About what?
Chameleon is the word and you also should add scorpion in the mix for ice cream man. That dude is really a vicious violent soul who can push any dangerous idea through a sewage pipe in the name of "good."
You hear the choice of words he is using and how he is purging them out like machine gun?
Jeb is another thing; starting with kissing lowlifes' behinds off the top. If you pay people, those who have no education and no ambition, for unprotected sex, you'll have "fertile" population, of course. Look what happened in Europe, when "fertile" ones arrived and started reproducing 2-3-4 times more: natives who were paying for it started not reproducing themselves. Why? Because they don't see a future and they don't feel safe.
I checked Russian sites. They put C. Powell's testimony before Iraq war in UN and then, after, when he says he was wrong. They say USA is doing it all over again. And it is true. 10 years in Iraq, 12 years in Afg., what's next - Syria?
Michael Behenna's case was denied again... How idiotic Americans can't understand one simplistic, primitive thing: we can not pay for those types of self distractive wars anymore. We don't want anymore body-bags, injured and our own in jails. People don't know where Syria is, how this can happen?
In the mean time, King O is traveling, revenging America, burning money while country is in debt. You're right, there is no media. I can't believe that I chose to come here 22 years ago for freedom of speech and still can see any journalistic outlet I would like to work for.

Ending on a good note; I was crossing from West side to East on Central Park South at the end of your second hour listening to you and was blowing kisses to horses on carriages lined up on the park side of the street. Do you know how sensitive their ears are? They are very sensitive. I blew kisses and their ears move and they turn to me, but their eyes are covered from both sides by some shades, I guess for them not to be distracted. I feel sorry for them. Standing in the traffic all day long, in the hot summer and the cold winter, that's an animal abuse. They should be free in a place they can run around. At least they should keep them in the park, not on the streets.
In terms of Bloomi as a mayor, he did good things. His police doesn't report crime, though. He brought definition of crime very low, that's why he reports crime down. But... He didn't ban anything. I was in McDonald's today; people are buying sodas in bucket looking cups and sucking on them too. What did he ban, where? I'm sick and tired of fatsos taking 1.5 and 2 seats everywhere. Some even more, plus their shopping carts. Smokers - they should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned. I'm sick of their stink coming to my lungs and contaminating everything around. If they allowed to do it to me, why shouldn't I be allowed to spray some toxic gas on their faces? What's the difference? They harm me, i should harm them, wouldn't it be fair? Or spit in their mouths the way it would go into their lungs. Sorry, my spit is too clean, it wouldn't do any harm.
You should be running for office. I should be your advisor.
See what Iranian election results going to be tomorrow.
50 years ago soviets put a woman in space first in the world - Valentina Tereshkova. She is member of Russian parliament now and wants to go to Mars. Still in good shape, very nice woman. I loved the reportings about her and her career on various Russian media sites. Check

So long.

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