Sunday, November 20, 2016

To Michael Savage Nov. 19-20, weekend edition


Sat, the 19th, late evening, nice days are over, raining and it's going to be cold in NYC.
I found this massage by Corey Lewandowski recorded before election. It's powerful, it's true and it's already proven, thank God! I couldn't say it any better, at 

I was doing some research into the minds of today's mass media "elite." The Ivy academia, the top sh.t-slimy-mouthpiece of it and the the of the swamp.
I'm so shocked (it's good I still can be, thought I was already too depressed to react) that the vermin still can't figure out what was wrong with them that went wrong for them on Nov. 8th.
I thought they're cunning and conniving whole bunch of people (98% of them) who managed to get their ways into some TV studios and newspaper offices. Come to see that they're worse than that. You should see what are they "preparing" themselves to do.
Those lowlife stupid thugs, who simply can not learn and advance themselves (so much so for their progressivism) are writing and distributing a step by step plan how to poison Trump's work, how to interrupt his upcoming administration's job by screaming guess what "democracy," what else?
In the mean time are organizing fundraising to all sorts of white majority hating organizations, including some in low profession of the Law. I'm sure you know by heart a few names such as....
Of course nasty useless mouths need to be feed too, especially now that most people woke up and don't need to listen to them anymore, so they'll get some feed for themselves.

You don't believe who talks about ethics of journalism from where. I'm so glad that I was smart enough to figure it out on time and not to pay a penny to listen to those bozos. Even being around them can distress me. I have a very strong positive bio-energy and negatives around me can drain me. Unless I keep making fun of them openly and publicly, I can't rebuke that sh.t!
Trump should hire me to check peoples' energy surrounding him, that's important. I can do it.
He hired a Feng shui specialist from China to check the ground where Trump Int'l Hotel and Tower stands now. Do you know that we are Geminis? We can do two things at the same.

You know what? I'm thinking to bring the house of cards called MSM down single-handedly.
It's not impossible, let me tell you. How? Long story. Why me? Who else?
A few of you out there in their right minds, but you all work for someone. You can be put out after one inappropriate word. I have nothing to lose in terms of job or money. I will lose privacy, which is a terrible thing, but don't worry too much what will happen to me, - I don't have children to cry after me. Not that everyone cries after their parents, but that's another story all together.
My email accounts were hacked, two of them still are blocked, this blog was hacked, I had to do all sorts of reroutes to connect to this.
If I'd have my life live-streamed for last 25 years in USA and particularly in NYC that would automatically be a documentary film called "Black hate." There would be no other name but back hate - non other.

Sometimes on weekends when conservative talk shows are off I turn the TV on public channels where are no commercials.
Today morning on one of them was a black man, of course a white-hater who was interviewing a pollster. The latter had been drumming for H all this time, but today was saying things that maybe he simply couldn't lie about. Actually he said that Trump won majority of white educated man and women, the middle class and the working class. Very little margin H had on women's vote, I think +1%. So this man being a professor of PS, a pollster and some, obviously a dem. was saying totally opposite what NYslimes wrote about Trump's voters. The host was trying to turn the words around to adjust was he wonted to hear, but the numbers were stubborn. At his "final though" segment he said something like as if America will be lost the way he knew it if he and his "people" won't stand up and destroy the upcoming government. "Poor thing" seemed inconsolable and defiant at the same time.
Someone like me should interview that bastard, ask Qs into his eyes and ask if's agree wot be followed to show that he does what he says in his life.    
You know what is wrong with the whole "talk" stuff? Everyone has an opinion, it's like an .sshole, as the saying goes, but seeing is believing. We have to show. If you follow all those street agitators and show their lives, I'm more than sure they won't come out to disturb. Am I against demonstrations?
Of course not. They're very entertaining, exciting and revitalizing. But, it depends what are they about. I participated in several of them in NYC myself. But, those who don't want to be protected by the borders, who don't care about their language being anything, who don't respect 6000 years of human civilization and its legacy are now paid by destroyer-in-chief, int'l criminal soros's money to poison and endanger our lives.
Imagine to be in Trump's place and see this? Imagine having a feeling of remorse and regret that he has to put up his life, literally in lock-down, to work to protect this country and work on its people's prosperity and so many of them don't even want it.
Imagine how good we'd live if country would be cut in half - them and us, - right in the middle. Let Clintons rule the dems and progressives and the rest who'd want to be with us. Imagine we could have cities and towns without permanent poverty class, no project neighborhoods full of crime and drugs where many think that not working for generations is a heroic thing to do.
In the evening of Nov. 8th, after I voted where everyone was openly only Hillary-the hilarious voter making fun of Trump for running, I was walking in midtown by Penn station. I mean. it felt like I was alone in entire city. I saw a big black man standing by the wall of Penn station, did't look like a bum, was dressed ok, was openly peeing at the wall. It was't a corner, it wasn't dark side, it was out in the open. I wish I'd have my camera to take a picture called "Hillary voter." She is on his side against me because it makes her psychically safe. Those bastard coward-dems!!! I have no other words for them. Those among them who're rich don't live next to them. Look where she lives - in republican white conservative town in upstate NY. Look where she took her to get away from those who would pee on her face when get a chance. That criminal old-bag doesn't understand that by lying that as if there is a racism against black people to get their favor of voting for her, she is jeopardizing the safety of the lives of people like myself who live in inter cities with mix population and get racism everyday on their faces. I can't even describe, it's so disturbing. Normal people have to see it only on live-stream to believe it.
If only those so called "laws" on the books about discrimination and racism would apply to all, including whites like myself, who are innocent, decent and not connected, I should be able to sue and sue and sue and be rich and rich and rich. I actually should be retired in a few years of living in here, in NYC. But, nosir, that's not for white people. Now only black and others rule over everything. Do you know that I can't even file a police report? Do you believe that police did before and still will harass me if I call them or go to them with any complain, including assault? Do you know that?
It's hard to believe right? I know, that's why I don't write about it. At least not now. Do you know that I can show a huge fraud involving multiple people who have no-show jobs and are fraudulently suing multiple entities left and right including the city? But, who'd protect me after that and who'd give me roof over my head? All those rich white people who're democrat who are feeding those who hate their guts and want them dead? Do you think any of them will have an awaking moment and say, 'let me sponsor one white person, because she has so much to offer?' Where so I find one? Only Trump can do, if with some miracle from active God can put us in front of each other and he'll hear what I have to say.
Immigration is such a mess, you want believe. He has no idea and never will, unless someone like me who knows ins and outs of it takes on general cleaning job of the system to restore an order.
Bill-di-bloodio, as you call him, asks federal gov. to pay for the price Trump tower security costs the city. Do you know that it was him who decriminalized peeing in the streets? Also he's asking to keep the sanctuary city status. He cares about safety of illegals, but not the safety of the majority of low-abiding taxpayers who pay the tub and are silenced from the fear of gangs.

Did you hear that Friday VP Pence went to see musical Hamilton and was harassed by crew? I'm feed up seeing dopey entertainers doing politics, for real.
I was thinking to go see it, now I won't. It's overpriced anyway. Maybe music and choreography are good, but Hamilton was a bastard in a technical sense, that's what they call them at that time, it meant born out of wedlock, that's all. When he was on his highest position, secretary of treasury, he said "this capitalism is not for me." He didn't like the system. Now, not liking or believing in what he was doing what kind of hero it makes him?
Oh, did you hear? Some ugly-duckling so called "designer" who dressed M.O for 8 years, said that she disagree with Trump's points of view and will not dress Mrs. Trump. I didn't know Mrs. O had a designer. I haven't seen her in something that I's look for a second time. All I remember is her in a curtain looking white dress, picture of which Eddy Griffin had on his stand up. Maybe couple of too tight pants about which Rev. James David Manning had 'interesting' things to say. Should be on youtube.      
Sunday, 20th.
Wee hours.
OPEC meeting in Peru started, Putin was there, at

Oh, before I forget, did you hear that when O was in Germany after the election he was calling in D-tran-Merkel not to listen to Trump in the future and continue sanctions and animosity toward Russia?
Yessir, it's his legacy, that's what he cherishes - confrontation with another superpower. How come Putin is not bending over to his dark skin? It scared the whole wide world already. Look everybody is shaking in their booths. Look how Arabs are throwing millions to please dems. Because they like them? Let's not go there.
Do you know that the scam called "contribution" to charity from foreign donors, like in here to Clinton foundation, is totally illegal in Russian Federation? I heard this on their TV from prestigious TV hosts. I'm surprised.
Russian media in general is happy for Trump victory. Only their 5th column is bickering. Those are the ones who want to come here and get on taxpayers' back, I assume.  GN

It's so sad and so much fun at the same time to do one thing these days; - to watch all the losers from all over the media before election, from NYSmilme to others, talking their butts of against Trump, at Look at so called "presidential campaign correspondent" and her 2 guests. One of them is saying that she was arguing with anesthesiologist during her c section operation last mouth. Then, I assume she left the baby to feed formula by babysitter while she took off traveling to another state. I don't get this person, she says she's a republican, but look at her affiliations and her husband's affiliations now. Who'd watch CNN or read dailybeast to be information? For that all you need to do is satay awake and be high on illegal drugs.
What is that old-white dude is talking about? I see those types on UWS schlepping around with their dirty tote bags. I call them "tote-bag-libs."

Those young who're so bitter, angry, aggressive and hate their country are the kids of those types of parents, who abandoned them with a complete stranger who often hates the mother and can't stand the kid. For her it's a job not an emotional endeavor for higher materia. She might even hate her own, did the mother checked that out? Of course not. Let's see who is the woman who this new mom left her kid with? Most likely than not, the sitter is black, older and fat who hates her skinny, made up persona. Why I say this? Because that's the way I see it on every step I make in NYC. It looks like white women are not hiring white babysitters. Why? I tell you, if we meet.

Why I say it's so sad and funny at the same time? It's sad to see that the country which praises itself with its Freedom of Speech in Constitution and Bill of Rights, costs more for education than the rest can have such pathetic low-class low-lives "representing" the public. How the "public" chose these low-lives to represent it? Where these cuckoos come from? They didn't. Cuckoos come from another sewage pipe of selling advertisement by using another name. No wonder "public" is semi-literate and uninformed. Look at those who have high education. Look who's teaching them; - sour puss low paid "professors" who can't stand an accomplished rich man. Not all professors of all fields, of course. I'm talking about humanities degrees and particularly journalism. Look who are teaching in the "best" and "highest" school of journalism of all time in Land of the free - the old good US of A! Look at those dopey losers. You'll get emotional sickness from intimidation and hate toward students just by being around them. This is the sad part. It conformed, stamped and closed the chapter in my bio called Dream of Profession - "looking to be an American and one of the freest voices in the world to do good for my country and the world."
But now, that it's done and over with, thanks to Mr. Trump's notarization, I have to do this all by myself. My instincts of caution and restrain not to get involved in this business with any of the outlets of media and press (yes it's a vicious business and not a groovy public service), paid off in one way; my name is clean, because it's not associated with any of them. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Fun part of this, I wish, can be before me, because I will do it myself and try to have fun with it. Despite depression and anxiety that every living and thinking person and pet can get in this city, I still have a great sense of humor and loooooooots to say. I mean, the volume of talk stretches for 25 years of my own life experience only in here.
I want to show, not to talk about, how NYPD is not taking a report because I'm white. Yes, unless I have an activist lawyer who is waiting outside with a TV crew while watching my attempt live-streamed and can come in to interfere when I'm being threaten by arrest, because I want to make a complain. There should be a new organization which must have right to go in do something about it, it won't change. It simply won't come out to change. Talk is cheap, it don't work. Democrats are the thugs themselves, mayor is anti-police when something is against a black person, because his kids are mix. He was saying that they'd instruct his son to be "careful" on the streets of NYC because police could catch him for nothing. Do you believe this man is not diagnosed with severe stage of paranoia?
Well, he should be for his own good. That's why, in order to bring this extreme assault on white majority should subside and hopefully come to an end. Racism, discrimination and prejudice has been all the way, a 180%, institutionalized against white people before I step a foot on the soil of USA. Minorities are running the majority of this country like a donkey. Even donkey needs a care to survive. This donkey is feeding them and caring them on its back.

Whatever is going on in Europe come here in the matter of a few years. Go look at EU and come to see the same social changes in minor scale pupping up like mushrooms. Once it's there, there is no stopping it. Our Immigration laws are old, broken, ineffective, not followed through, not applied - you name it. Whatever the case might be, it need someone who understands it, not just one who has a connection to WH. It would be smart to stop it, let's say for 4 years, declare a total moratorium, before going through law books and doing the complete general cleaning and refreshing.

Mr. Trump has family to protect, family that he lives and proud of, rightfully! I believe in him, he will not let them down and change his mind listening to all sorts of low-lives which might manage to sneak into his administration. He should stay away from romneys, bushes, rinses (as you call
Reince :), what kind of name is that anyway?) axelrod types, the majority leader guy who don't look good to me either. He really, really needs some outsiders and needs to put time limits for congress members. Those half-brain-dead-mcshames should be far from DC a long time ago. He doesn't even know how many houses he has, maybe he should go count them, find out where they are and start sleeping in them, instead of Capitol Hill, for a good change for himself. I imagine his snore all over the place bothering other people to work. It's embarrassing and must be unacceptable for America!

I have to put a plan of action and let you know to watch it. I;m gong to do live, because I don't have the skills, nerves and time to cut and edit anything. I don't care either. I don't care how I'd look, who'd like to hear me because of it. I know for sure that whoever will listen will learn something and find a person and place to go to talk to. We want to END racism once and for all. I'm not an expert in English language, didn't even had a single lesson of English language in my life.
Whatever I'll say, I'll say it the way I can, the way I know it for a fact. I love asking Qs to have a conversation. Those low-lives with high degrees and huge debt have conversations only among themselves. Look at that tote-bag!
I know that most important thing for an independent thinking intellectuals in this country is not what today MSM is showing and telling them, but what has substance and proof from today's reality.

Do you know that huge organization like Carnegie Corp is funding organizations who OPPOSE enforcement of immigration laws of this land?
Look here; Carnegie’s promotion of civic participation includes its funding of efforts by the Center for Community Change to oppose enforcement of immigration law. 
Ad to the list of funded la-raza, aclu, southern..., even to defend Latino elected and appointed officials, Mexicans, you name it. What??? Anybody was harassing Latino officials?
Check this sh.t to believe in your own eyes, at 

How anti-Americanism can work so openly and forcefully that law abiding citizens can't even say anything against it? Who is donating to those forces, let's get their names out, let's see if they have a Swiss account to hide. My gut tells something smells to high heavens. Put this name on 5th column.
Who is going to expose this stench to public, if not me? **********************************

Now Int'l news from Lima, Peru, at
Putin and O met, shook hands, Putin was saying something, but it didn't come out yet. Also Chinese President in the meeting with O said that he hopes after Trump's taking office our relationship will improve.

In his goodbye tour in EU as POTUS O told everybody to extend sanctions against Russia, at 
He goes around lying that RF is not complying with Minsk agreements, which is a propoganda, it's Kiev's government who's not complying. Kiev is so spoiled by EU sponsorship that even don't pay attention to them, he looks up to DC. Not too long ago O gave $325 Million to Kiev to kill their own brethren. White Christian men are killing each other? "Here's the money, get more weapons and keep killing your brother Russians," he said to uncle PP of Rada, - "finish them all, come back for more." What else can satisfy his jealous and vile ego?
He pet the heads of his scared vassals of EU, "don't be too scared, maybe not everything is lost yet."

[You won't believe how Europeans don't like America and its people, you have to know the languages and live there for that.]
Not everywhere he was greeted nicely, for example in Greece there have been huge anti-American demonstrations.

Oh, did I mention that after Putin and Trump spoke over the phone for the first time, he extended a ban to enter the US on 6 more Russian politicians who're members of Parliament? Yes, he did and will be going spewing poison as much as he can.

So long.


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