Afternoon, your show will start in a few minutes.
Look at this desperate attempt of Kiev's thugs to keep themselves in the attention of the West - EU and US. Now, that Trump is elected and he promised to take a different look between US and RF relations, they're panicking and actually taking dangerous actions to get that attention. What they'' do without the West's money anyway? That's their survival, - their meal ticket.
Yesterday one of the previous big-shot-idiots of Kiev's government had an article published in WSJ saying "we know you're busy, but please don't forget us." He's a snake oil salesman, sold out soul for $ and so fat got weapons and killed his own brethren.
He should be taken to int'l tribunal and be shot on live TV, should anyone ask for my opinion. Look at that vermin; looks like one, walks like one, talks like one, oversaw killings of several 1000s if his own in his own country and asking us to keep feeding him and arming him and his co-criminals.
What am I talking about? Here is the report, at
Ukraine is doing some air force training exercises very close or inside the border like of Crimea hoping that Russia will retaliate. Kremlin sent a protest letter to Kiev stating that they're encroaching
and their territory, didn't let them know about the plan and that that's 's illegal.
The answer from military "big shot" of UA is at 2:08min., into the tape, saying that they can do whatever they want to and don't need to let know anyone at advance.
Obviously asking for trouble, they're planing to start racket launching from tomorrow for 2 days.
Provoking Putin using Kiev's thugs ordered and paid by WH. O personally can't stand him, it's only and only personal. There is nothing RF does that can be against our interests. They're our natural allies against Islamist treats in this new world order mess. Whatever that man in military uniform says has no weight, because UA's entire neo-nazi media complex is talking, heralding and encouraging to "bring back" Crimea. They treat that place like a soil with no people on them.
One of their big cuckoos called ethnic Russians and thus people in Donbass "genetically inferior." Where are our "journalists?" Why they don't cover this?
Look what big shots in Kiev used to say about Trump when he was running;
Arsen-Avakov, the head of Ministry of Interior (pretty powerful man in that country) called Trump "a marginal person."
Another one, none less than UA's ambassador to UN himself, called him a "clown flown out of coils."
Now, when power is about shifting in WH, they're taking on flying bombs under and into the nose of RF to intimidating it to respond, then cry foul and get their patron, the WH and US congress back.
I call it a "dangerous shack down" of American taxpayer.
Hope I see the day that Trump from WH will announce Kiev's thugs Int'l criminals and will call to prosecute and put them down. O pray for it to happen, not because I have anyone there or I will ever have, but because several thousand of innocent people, among them 100's of children, were bombed and murdered in their own soil, in their homes and on the way to their jobs.
It so amazing that because those are white Christians, western media totally is not covering it.
Like the war in Dinabass don't even exists, while even today shots are being fired and bombs are being dropped on civilians by Kiev's neo-nazi thugs.
Your show started, you're ranting about Ohio State University attack by and our officials complacency to silence and cover up of the real reasons behind Islamist attacks. You call O an "islamophile" saying that's is opposite of "islamophobe."
It's not really that interesting to me. I know he's no-goodnik all together.
Second hour you talked about Polosi continuing her position, which looks like a monopoly in politics. Some cadavers like her and McCain live forever.
Then you were asking those who had sexualOCD to call to share their experiences about how they recovered from it. It wasn't interesting to me either.
Many other small news, such as OPEC meeting and madam Pelosi's earning of new lease in the clock,
but the main one for me is Trump's consideration of Romney. I'm puzzled as many of his loyalists including KellyAnne Conway. She openly expressed discontent against Romney. We, those who want to see normal people come to power, don't want to have someone who's taking garbage out.
Maybe it's not a bad thing on of itself, but when the man is a multimillionaire, his wife is stay home lady, they SURE have a help around the house. How come the garbage came down to him to take out?
Yesterday evening he had a dinner with mittens-romney and rinse-prebath in Trump Int'l Tower and Hotel's restaurant. Vermin in the media immediately cried foul, saying that he suppose to be for middle class low class people.
What dining in an expensive place got to do with "betraying" anyone's interests? Aren't they middle and low economic class people who work in there? The cook, the bus boy, the waitress, the cleaning personnel, the maintenance guys, the vendors?
It's so amazing how many vicious, vile and jealous people putting their stupid thoughts out in the "media." Media wasn't bad enough, now a fat-vermin-O'Donnell tried to pick on 10 years old Barron.
It's good that Ms. Melania is suing.
Someone has to come out to put all of them in garbage one by one, by words, by actions, by lawsuits. WHO? Perhaps ME?!! I can do with words. When? I'm thinking about it, putting the puzzle together, so help me God.
So long.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 26-27th, weekend edition
Saturday, 26th, 1:30am.
Just heard Fidel Castro passed away at 10:30pm yesterday, 4 hours ago.
His brother announce it and said that by his will he'll be cremated. Do you think O is going to go there? Maybe potato face Kerry will? Putin or Lavrov? We'll see.
Fidel was the same guy all his years. American administrations changed too many times in his time.
He had seen them come and go and one was different from the other. He lived a long life though, 90.
He was working on his revolutionary craft from 1953 until 2006. Wow! He was a writer and awarded journalist. In 2007 he was claimed to be the best in the county. He influenced 3 generations of Cubans and outlived 9 US presidents, in terms of the leadership post.
Why he didn't want to be buried next to Trotsky, his comrade in communism, I ask?
As Jacky Mason often says "who knows?" :)
Russian report about the news and his life in brief is at
Yesterday was black Friday, I took small part in it. Don't like crowds and waiting more than a few minutes to pay don't work for me. I was checking if any human disaster happened today because of discounts, but didn't find anything drastic yet. It might happened already, but not appeared on internet yet. I found this tragicomic clip from the past years. I mean this is a real disaster, but people chose to put themselves into those situations. I feel very sorry for a young worker of a mall in NY who was victim of stampede in one of NY malls in 2008. Clip called "5 deaths because of black Friday," at
Thursday you has a substitute, yesterday was encore. Everybody in the media that I care to listen to was talking about
1. Trump's nominations to his high cabinet posts,
2. expense that NYC will have by protecting his family and residence.
Don't know if it's true, because I haven't heard from her, but media says that Mrs. Melania Trump wants to stay behind after inauguration in order to let their son to finish the school year in here.
I feel it's normal. Children can be greatly effected by the changes. I remember when I changed schools, I was hardly keeping straight face in school, but crying inside.
It's a big change for that family. It's a totally new type of life that not too many live to know about exactly, to say the least. All I read is that Mrs. Melania said that she understands and talks to Barron that change is not easy, but he can also look forward to new things and new friends. True.
If that happens, meaning after inauguration he moved into WH alone, it will give him full time freedom to concentrate only on work. He'll be 100% work-machine, working for us, - Americans.
We should be thankful to him for it, he didn't need that job. It won't bring him joy and merriment, it will give him stress, anxiety and everything which come out of it.
Now, today's talk was about appointing mittens-Romney (as you call him), to position of SoS.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, in my opinion.
He should not soften, should not put nikki-haley anyplace because she is a "woman." We need to know how the person, who's job going to be the representation and the face of this country, thinks about the world.
One could be a good mayor, senator, governor, etc, but not know world affairs, because of mass media psychosis. The problem might not be that that person wouldn't necessarily know exactly what's going on, the tragedy would be that the person's knowledge will be false.
Don't know how Rudy thinks about Russia, I know VP talked in very bad terms, which is surprising. He needs to get informed by real experts. Who's going to do it. I know only 2 people, Dr. S.F. Cohen and I. Mr. pence is an honorable man, but don't know current world events in real terms.
This is interesting about Nikki Haley; she is ethnic Singh, daughter of immigrants and a military spouse herself. She suggested mouth of May to be "mouth of military spouses." Here is an excerpt from an article;
Read more here:
Saturday, 26th, 1:30am.
Just heard Fidel Castro passed away at 10:30pm yesterday, 4 hours ago.
His brother announce it and said that by his will he'll be cremated. Do you think O is going to go there? Maybe potato face Kerry will? Putin or Lavrov? We'll see.
Fidel was the same guy all his years. American administrations changed too many times in his time.
He had seen them come and go and one was different from the other. He lived a long life though, 90.
He was working on his revolutionary craft from 1953 until 2006. Wow! He was a writer and awarded journalist. In 2007 he was claimed to be the best in the county. He influenced 3 generations of Cubans and outlived 9 US presidents, in terms of the leadership post.
Why he didn't want to be buried next to Trotsky, his comrade in communism, I ask?
As Jacky Mason often says "who knows?" :)
Russian report about the news and his life in brief is at
Yesterday was black Friday, I took small part in it. Don't like crowds and waiting more than a few minutes to pay don't work for me. I was checking if any human disaster happened today because of discounts, but didn't find anything drastic yet. It might happened already, but not appeared on internet yet. I found this tragicomic clip from the past years. I mean this is a real disaster, but people chose to put themselves into those situations. I feel very sorry for a young worker of a mall in NY who was victim of stampede in one of NY malls in 2008. Clip called "5 deaths because of black Friday," at
Thursday you has a substitute, yesterday was encore. Everybody in the media that I care to listen to was talking about
1. Trump's nominations to his high cabinet posts,
2. expense that NYC will have by protecting his family and residence.
Don't know if it's true, because I haven't heard from her, but media says that Mrs. Melania Trump wants to stay behind after inauguration in order to let their son to finish the school year in here.
I feel it's normal. Children can be greatly effected by the changes. I remember when I changed schools, I was hardly keeping straight face in school, but crying inside.
It's a big change for that family. It's a totally new type of life that not too many live to know about exactly, to say the least. All I read is that Mrs. Melania said that she understands and talks to Barron that change is not easy, but he can also look forward to new things and new friends. True.
If that happens, meaning after inauguration he moved into WH alone, it will give him full time freedom to concentrate only on work. He'll be 100% work-machine, working for us, - Americans.
We should be thankful to him for it, he didn't need that job. It won't bring him joy and merriment, it will give him stress, anxiety and everything which come out of it.
Now, today's talk was about appointing mittens-Romney (as you call him), to position of SoS.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, in my opinion.
He should not soften, should not put nikki-haley anyplace because she is a "woman." We need to know how the person, who's job going to be the representation and the face of this country, thinks about the world.
One could be a good mayor, senator, governor, etc, but not know world affairs, because of mass media psychosis. The problem might not be that that person wouldn't necessarily know exactly what's going on, the tragedy would be that the person's knowledge will be false.
Don't know how Rudy thinks about Russia, I know VP talked in very bad terms, which is surprising. He needs to get informed by real experts. Who's going to do it. I know only 2 people, Dr. S.F. Cohen and I. Mr. pence is an honorable man, but don't know current world events in real terms.
This is interesting about Nikki Haley; she is ethnic Singh, daughter of immigrants and a military spouse herself. She suggested mouth of May to be "mouth of military spouses." Here is an excerpt from an article;
South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, a military spouse herself, proclaimed May Month of the Military Spouse.First Gentleman, Capt. Michael Haley, was deployed to Afghanistan for much of 2013 with 46 members of the South Carolina National Guard's Agribusiness Development Team -ADT.
Are they there to do or teach irrigation? Talking of a waste of taxpayers' money...
At least when gov. pays for security personnel at Trump tower and in surrounding areas, it pays people who well deserve to get paid, and, they pay taxes on it.
I think if Trump softens and gives in to pressure from his cabinet members, some of which could be enemy within, he'll derail his course. I'm sure, in general if he'd follow his gut feelings he'll do just fine and dandy.
I think if Trump softens and gives in to pressure from his cabinet members, some of which could be enemy within, he'll derail his course. I'm sure, in general if he'd follow his gut feelings he'll do just fine and dandy.
This is another "funny"thing, at
A British man, who was a specialist in nuclear sciences found dead. I don't believe that the story can get to media properly, but as rumor has he was the one checking cause of death of dead-cuckoo-litvinenko, a sock-puppet of west. He was a KGB agent, committed treason against his own country, got caught, ran away, and the same UK (which banned you from entering it), gave him asylum and "job" working for them. On top of it, they made him to "write" books, as if whatever he was saying could be true. -:)-
Nobody knows what that loser died of, nobody. Western media can say anything it wants to. Who's checking? Any of our vermin knows what nuclear poisoning is or even looks like?
J school at CU teaches it, perhaps? Pothead teachers in there don't knew where their heads are, let alone what's in someone's system in another continent.
This is nice, but it's done in Russia, not here. We need to do this in this country, such as start learning history and massively take a test, at 26/10:00#7. Theirs includes 1000 years, Americans can't do 240? Why not? Maybe the motivation and love isn't there? That might be and that's an interesting topic to discuss.*******************
Late night;
more videos about what's going on in Cuba today are coming in, at,
Some loved him, some hated him, what's new under the sun? El-comandante is gone, he was one of a kind, no matter who says what. When he visited USSR for the first time, he stayed for 40 days and travel almost the entire country to get to know it. He stayed a friend of Russia for life. Nine days of mourning is announced in Cuba. How many time his adversaries wanted to kill him? 634 times.
He said "if surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I'd be win the gold medal," at
In Syria Russian soldiers found ammunition with chemicals used by t.r.r.sts and let the head of the state know. Everything was documented on the video also, at
I wonder, when Russians are doing all this work, what Assad is busy doing? Is he cuddling with his wife and getting bored? He let the entire country out of control, Russians are doing his military's job, is he going to pay for it? I'd be Putin, I'd ask for compensation. Who has an extra son to send to work and die for another man? He's a ruler and must have lots of money coming from his father.
Sunday, 27th.
Last weeks int'l news is full of stories of Castro's life and work, at His revolution started in 1959, he was one of the most famous people of last century, Century of 2 World Wars, historical revolutions, Genocides and Holocausts. He didn't change though, that's what I like about him.
I like a man of convictions, unless it's a sole or mass murderer. Was he a murderer? I don't know, I'm not Cuban and it's look like it depend who you ask. I met both types of Cubans; those who hated him and those who loved him. I haven't been in Cuba, although some from former soviet have been and liked it very much. They liked the people's openness, their social interactions, their lively and happy music, the weather, etc. The last Cuban I met was couple of moths ago. She is living and working in here, but loves Cuba and has family in there. Her and her brother's name are Russian, because her mother loved Russian names. She said "they don't have much in Cuba like in here, but they have a reason to party every day." I believe it, I totally believe it. I know how it feels and looks like.
Another thing I believe is that without help of some sources from here, Fidel couldn't do any revolution. They helped him to win, then started dictating their will, he said "no" and there went the "perfect" neighborhood. Cuba was the only socialist country in western hemisphere.
I don't know, but was Mexico, el-Salvador, Venezuela, Panama, Honduras or any other countries in 2 American continents have had a better life than Cuba? Nobody can say that. That type of analysis is too far fetched for the intellect of vermin in the media in here. They were told to demonize him and they did. For a half of century and some. Look who's cheering in Florida, look at those overfeed faces and behinds. How many have been on taxpayer back for all their lives? Remember when US pressured him to release his prisoners, he released them to US? Instead of 35000 he sent 135000 and cleared his country from criminals, didn't he?
America started nuclear missile crisis when it put nukes in Turkey directed on Russian major cities. Then Russians put theirs in Cuba, what else you'd expect? USA has more prisoners percapita than any other country. Even until today bums in our government don't want to "release" foreign criminals from our soil. What kind of psychosis is this? Do we have more because of "mass incarcerations" as Hillary Clinton claims? No, absolute not, she's as psychotic as any psychotic goes. She's even worse, because she don't know (or don't want to know) that she has a mental problem, so she don't seek help.
That's very dangerous for someone who can get so far and high in her careerist life in such powerful country like ours. I can show so many who had to be and have to be incarcerated as of right now. But... because of all sorts of "rights" that criminals can use to stay free, they're out there doing what they're doing right in front of our eyes. I see it, know it, but keep silent. Why would I endanger my life speaking out? Who's going to care about me? Who's going to protect me physically from thugs, criminals, racists, you name it. All the liberals make this city a hub of deplorable criminals from top to bottom, from street drug dealer to high end politicians and even "intellectuals" like lawyers. Yes, some lawyers too, especially in criminal defense and immigration.
Am I saying that there were no people among those who came here from Cuba (one way or the other) didn't want to be here or shouldn't be here. Of course not. I don't know everyone to ask them these Qs, but neither anybody else in mass media. All they can do is to go with their sticks and show around, that's all. "He was a bad guy, he's dead, hihihi,hahaha, let's sing and dance and make violent noises." What kind if celebration is that anyway? Celebration death? The whole world's media showed those jumping up and down footages pointing out how Americans public is so low in class. Well, they got little to do with American general public's behavioral traits. Americans don't celebrate real death of a real human.
I hear what some of politicians who're from Cuba and didn't like Castro are saying today, as if he helped soviets to spy against US from the island. Maybe yes, maybe not, but if's yes, so what? US was spying against Russia from everywhere, including From Turkey, a country who don't still apologize for committing genocide and was ally of Germany in both world wars. At the contrary, Iran was against Nazis and helped Russia and the anti-h.tler alliance. That's why traditionally Iran has been a good neighbor for Russia and Turkey has not. For US administrations it's reverse. Go figure.
Oh, well, Castro is gone, he was an extraordinarily energetic and charismatic orator (he talked many hours at UN and elsewhere and nobody was bored) and father-like leader.
Viva el Partido Ortodoxo! Do we have one in here? Viva el-comandante! Viva el-Jefe! Do we have one in here? No. I don't think so. Maybe we should? - Viva el-Trump! What about it? Let's try him for a change, not for socialism, but capitalism, shall we?
His policies are not gone yet. His brother Raul is still at the wheel, and, guess what, when a few mouths ago O said that he wanted to open doors with Cuba and start wheeling and dealing again "like neighbors," Raul Castro figuratively said "show me the money for a handshake. You want to top on my shoulder? Not so fast pal, first pay for all the loses Cuban economy incurred from being embargoed against it for half a century." Check this at
Did you see the footage where O wanted to put his left arm on his shoulder, how he pushed back away from him by moving it up? He's aging, but still fast with right moves.
Today is the second day of 9 day mourning period. I don't know why they chose number 9. Maybe one for each decade of his life? Who knows? If I hear, I'll report you.
Let's move on to other news, shall we?
In yesterday forum of "All-Russian National Front" (ANF, a public organization watching over the project that fed. gov. finances), reported the situation from the ground. It has an important function, it's not only checking things out, but also helping to expose corruption, stop or slow down waste and materially improve things on the fields. It's members are hands on, work on activists and report from projects to Kremlin, at Putin is the head of this 5 years old organization and oversees the reports personally. He spoke and said that
Of course in Russia there is abuse of power and theft of gov. money and property. You want to see it in here, in USA in general or right here in NYC today?
I saw programs which invited volunteers of ANF (who're from all walks of life from laborers to lawyers), and asked them about their work. Most of their work is done on camera, which I love. Those programs are in Russian though, otherwise I'd link.
You know why things can go wrong in million ways? Because there is no proof. No photo or video. Wrongdoers and criminals are very aware of cameras. You'll not believe how much. I haven't seen a bum who'd not know where the cameras are.
I already reported that most members of EU Parliament requested to put some Russian news agencies on the same list ban list where organizations are, calling them anti-west propagandists, at Pure, unadulterated marasmus of a mind. More proof?
Children's radio program in Germany, called Cockatoo (for up to 12 years olds) is telling how country called Russia is a scary place, how Mr. Putin is evil and how nice aunt merkel is trying to stop the evil to save them, at
Also at
Many already made a career from intensly buiding up hate against Russia for last decade or so and many more are looking to benefit from upcoming hot war perpetrated against it all by themselves.
Another proof? After 3 years of uprising and coup in Kiev sponsored by US and EU that contry is worse than ever, politically, orally, economically, you name it. Minister of Culture of that country said on national TV that people who live in western parts of Ukraine are genetically correct and those who live in southest are genetically impared, at
I guess that's the new joseph goebbels of Ukraine. America sponors those types in far lands, as long as they are againt words Russia and Russian.
Ukrainian MSM were busy poisioning Trump's campaign by lies. For example they created a false news that as if Paul Menofort was involved with preivious Kiev adminiatration. He was not, but that trick worked. What the thugs in Kiev are going to do if Trump gets in the office and won't pick up their tab?
Rumors of organizing recount in some swing states are going around. Gray-hair-another-old-lady used the occasion to fundraiser millions for it already. If there was a fraud, fraud was on the side of democrats who never ever ask for ID for voting. Right in front of my eyes, in NYC. Do you know how many that I can point out that vote illegally in here? Who do I go to? Who's checking checkers?
Trump twitted; In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally!!!
He wins everyday, look at that little teddy bear grandson he has who turned 8 mo. old today. He was in his mother while she was running around campaigning for grandpa. Look at this photo - Absolutely delightful!!!
Oh, did I mentioned that O is starting some "renovations" in Oval office, which might take a year, and Trump can't work in it after he moved in WH? Isn't this on-purpose? I think so. But, guess what, they're dealing with a wrong person; he's a builder and will have it done his way and his time.
So long.
A British man, who was a specialist in nuclear sciences found dead. I don't believe that the story can get to media properly, but as rumor has he was the one checking cause of death of dead-cuckoo-litvinenko, a sock-puppet of west. He was a KGB agent, committed treason against his own country, got caught, ran away, and the same UK (which banned you from entering it), gave him asylum and "job" working for them. On top of it, they made him to "write" books, as if whatever he was saying could be true. -:)-
Nobody knows what that loser died of, nobody. Western media can say anything it wants to. Who's checking? Any of our vermin knows what nuclear poisoning is or even looks like?
J school at CU teaches it, perhaps? Pothead teachers in there don't knew where their heads are, let alone what's in someone's system in another continent.
This is nice, but it's done in Russia, not here. We need to do this in this country, such as start learning history and massively take a test, at 26/10:00#7. Theirs includes 1000 years, Americans can't do 240? Why not? Maybe the motivation and love isn't there? That might be and that's an interesting topic to discuss.*******************
Late night;
more videos about what's going on in Cuba today are coming in, at,
Some loved him, some hated him, what's new under the sun? El-comandante is gone, he was one of a kind, no matter who says what. When he visited USSR for the first time, he stayed for 40 days and travel almost the entire country to get to know it. He stayed a friend of Russia for life. Nine days of mourning is announced in Cuba. How many time his adversaries wanted to kill him? 634 times.
He said "if surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I'd be win the gold medal," at
In Syria Russian soldiers found ammunition with chemicals used by t.r.r.sts and let the head of the state know. Everything was documented on the video also, at
I wonder, when Russians are doing all this work, what Assad is busy doing? Is he cuddling with his wife and getting bored? He let the entire country out of control, Russians are doing his military's job, is he going to pay for it? I'd be Putin, I'd ask for compensation. Who has an extra son to send to work and die for another man? He's a ruler and must have lots of money coming from his father.
Sunday, 27th.
Last weeks int'l news is full of stories of Castro's life and work, at His revolution started in 1959, he was one of the most famous people of last century, Century of 2 World Wars, historical revolutions, Genocides and Holocausts. He didn't change though, that's what I like about him.
I like a man of convictions, unless it's a sole or mass murderer. Was he a murderer? I don't know, I'm not Cuban and it's look like it depend who you ask. I met both types of Cubans; those who hated him and those who loved him. I haven't been in Cuba, although some from former soviet have been and liked it very much. They liked the people's openness, their social interactions, their lively and happy music, the weather, etc. The last Cuban I met was couple of moths ago. She is living and working in here, but loves Cuba and has family in there. Her and her brother's name are Russian, because her mother loved Russian names. She said "they don't have much in Cuba like in here, but they have a reason to party every day." I believe it, I totally believe it. I know how it feels and looks like.
Another thing I believe is that without help of some sources from here, Fidel couldn't do any revolution. They helped him to win, then started dictating their will, he said "no" and there went the "perfect" neighborhood. Cuba was the only socialist country in western hemisphere.
I don't know, but was Mexico, el-Salvador, Venezuela, Panama, Honduras or any other countries in 2 American continents have had a better life than Cuba? Nobody can say that. That type of analysis is too far fetched for the intellect of vermin in the media in here. They were told to demonize him and they did. For a half of century and some. Look who's cheering in Florida, look at those overfeed faces and behinds. How many have been on taxpayer back for all their lives? Remember when US pressured him to release his prisoners, he released them to US? Instead of 35000 he sent 135000 and cleared his country from criminals, didn't he?
America started nuclear missile crisis when it put nukes in Turkey directed on Russian major cities. Then Russians put theirs in Cuba, what else you'd expect? USA has more prisoners percapita than any other country. Even until today bums in our government don't want to "release" foreign criminals from our soil. What kind of psychosis is this? Do we have more because of "mass incarcerations" as Hillary Clinton claims? No, absolute not, she's as psychotic as any psychotic goes. She's even worse, because she don't know (or don't want to know) that she has a mental problem, so she don't seek help.
That's very dangerous for someone who can get so far and high in her careerist life in such powerful country like ours. I can show so many who had to be and have to be incarcerated as of right now. But... because of all sorts of "rights" that criminals can use to stay free, they're out there doing what they're doing right in front of our eyes. I see it, know it, but keep silent. Why would I endanger my life speaking out? Who's going to care about me? Who's going to protect me physically from thugs, criminals, racists, you name it. All the liberals make this city a hub of deplorable criminals from top to bottom, from street drug dealer to high end politicians and even "intellectuals" like lawyers. Yes, some lawyers too, especially in criminal defense and immigration.
Am I saying that there were no people among those who came here from Cuba (one way or the other) didn't want to be here or shouldn't be here. Of course not. I don't know everyone to ask them these Qs, but neither anybody else in mass media. All they can do is to go with their sticks and show around, that's all. "He was a bad guy, he's dead, hihihi,hahaha, let's sing and dance and make violent noises." What kind if celebration is that anyway? Celebration death? The whole world's media showed those jumping up and down footages pointing out how Americans public is so low in class. Well, they got little to do with American general public's behavioral traits. Americans don't celebrate real death of a real human.
I hear what some of politicians who're from Cuba and didn't like Castro are saying today, as if he helped soviets to spy against US from the island. Maybe yes, maybe not, but if's yes, so what? US was spying against Russia from everywhere, including From Turkey, a country who don't still apologize for committing genocide and was ally of Germany in both world wars. At the contrary, Iran was against Nazis and helped Russia and the anti-h.tler alliance. That's why traditionally Iran has been a good neighbor for Russia and Turkey has not. For US administrations it's reverse. Go figure.
Oh, well, Castro is gone, he was an extraordinarily energetic and charismatic orator (he talked many hours at UN and elsewhere and nobody was bored) and father-like leader.
Viva el Partido Ortodoxo! Do we have one in here? Viva el-comandante! Viva el-Jefe! Do we have one in here? No. I don't think so. Maybe we should? - Viva el-Trump! What about it? Let's try him for a change, not for socialism, but capitalism, shall we?
His policies are not gone yet. His brother Raul is still at the wheel, and, guess what, when a few mouths ago O said that he wanted to open doors with Cuba and start wheeling and dealing again "like neighbors," Raul Castro figuratively said "show me the money for a handshake. You want to top on my shoulder? Not so fast pal, first pay for all the loses Cuban economy incurred from being embargoed against it for half a century." Check this at
Did you see the footage where O wanted to put his left arm on his shoulder, how he pushed back away from him by moving it up? He's aging, but still fast with right moves.
Today is the second day of 9 day mourning period. I don't know why they chose number 9. Maybe one for each decade of his life? Who knows? If I hear, I'll report you.
Let's move on to other news, shall we?
In yesterday forum of "All-Russian National Front" (ANF, a public organization watching over the project that fed. gov. finances), reported the situation from the ground. It has an important function, it's not only checking things out, but also helping to expose corruption, stop or slow down waste and materially improve things on the fields. It's members are hands on, work on activists and report from projects to Kremlin, at Putin is the head of this 5 years old organization and oversees the reports personally. He spoke and said that
Of course in Russia there is abuse of power and theft of gov. money and property. You want to see it in here, in USA in general or right here in NYC today?
I saw programs which invited volunteers of ANF (who're from all walks of life from laborers to lawyers), and asked them about their work. Most of their work is done on camera, which I love. Those programs are in Russian though, otherwise I'd link.
You know why things can go wrong in million ways? Because there is no proof. No photo or video. Wrongdoers and criminals are very aware of cameras. You'll not believe how much. I haven't seen a bum who'd not know where the cameras are.
I already reported that most members of EU Parliament requested to put some Russian news agencies on the same list ban list where organizations are, calling them anti-west propagandists, at Pure, unadulterated marasmus of a mind. More proof?
Children's radio program in Germany, called Cockatoo (for up to 12 years olds) is telling how country called Russia is a scary place, how Mr. Putin is evil and how nice aunt merkel is trying to stop the evil to save them, at
Also at
Many already made a career from intensly buiding up hate against Russia for last decade or so and many more are looking to benefit from upcoming hot war perpetrated against it all by themselves.
Another proof? After 3 years of uprising and coup in Kiev sponsored by US and EU that contry is worse than ever, politically, orally, economically, you name it. Minister of Culture of that country said on national TV that people who live in western parts of Ukraine are genetically correct and those who live in southest are genetically impared, at
I guess that's the new joseph goebbels of Ukraine. America sponors those types in far lands, as long as they are againt words Russia and Russian.
Ukrainian MSM were busy poisioning Trump's campaign by lies. For example they created a false news that as if Paul Menofort was involved with preivious Kiev adminiatration. He was not, but that trick worked. What the thugs in Kiev are going to do if Trump gets in the office and won't pick up their tab?
Rumors of organizing recount in some swing states are going around. Gray-hair-another-old-lady used the occasion to fundraiser millions for it already. If there was a fraud, fraud was on the side of democrats who never ever ask for ID for voting. Right in front of my eyes, in NYC. Do you know how many that I can point out that vote illegally in here? Who do I go to? Who's checking checkers?
Trump twitted; In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally!!!
He wins everyday, look at that little teddy bear grandson he has who turned 8 mo. old today. He was in his mother while she was running around campaigning for grandpa. Look at this photo - Absolutely delightful!!!
Oh, did I mentioned that O is starting some "renovations" in Oval office, which might take a year, and Trump can't work in it after he moved in WH? Isn't this on-purpose? I think so. But, guess what, they're dealing with a wrong person; he's a builder and will have it done his way and his time.
So long.
Read more here:
Thursday, November 24, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 24th, Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!
Late night.
Today you had encore pieces from previous shows and I didn't listen.
Trump is in Florida and working to form his administration. It's true that he's a workaholic.
Putin met with upcoming head of UN - Antonio Guterres in Kremlin and had a good conversation.
Looks like a pleasant meeting, both had serious but happy faces. He was a socialist PM of Portugal then worked in UN with refugee stuff, at
Is he good, bad or in between I don't know, but he sure talks very highly about Russian role not only in UN as a member of security council, but also in entire world affairs.
He says "I can be useful in my position if I'd have the co-operation of such important countries like Russia."
To help put out wildfire close to Haifa in Israel, today Putin sent emergency equipment and personnel, at
EU is tripping again, its parliament decided to ban RT, Sputnik and 2 other news agencies from operating in its territory, citing that those have harmful propaganda against its interests. ???
Maria Zakharova of MID of RF said that if that happens RF will take similar measures, at
"There is no anti-EU propaganda is being done by Russian sources. RF is interested to see united, stable and predictable partner and work with it on bases of respect for mutual interests," she said.
Cuckoo EU put Russian news agencies on the same list with .S.L. Go figure.
I think s.t.n is hovering over Europe. D-tran have in to it and became the enemy within for her nation. You're right, she has become h.tler in reverse. She organized the enemy invasion of Germany and continue to destroy Germany and EU.
Beside everything else, today Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was very nice.
This is a clip by amateur reporter from balloon inflation process, at
This is the full parade, at [not there yet] *************
Also, after the Parade there was a wonderful competition of National Dog Show dog show where greyhound girl by the name Gia won. Full show [not there yet] ******************
So long.
Late night.
Today you had encore pieces from previous shows and I didn't listen.
Trump is in Florida and working to form his administration. It's true that he's a workaholic.
Putin met with upcoming head of UN - Antonio Guterres in Kremlin and had a good conversation.
Looks like a pleasant meeting, both had serious but happy faces. He was a socialist PM of Portugal then worked in UN with refugee stuff, at
Is he good, bad or in between I don't know, but he sure talks very highly about Russian role not only in UN as a member of security council, but also in entire world affairs.
He says "I can be useful in my position if I'd have the co-operation of such important countries like Russia."
To help put out wildfire close to Haifa in Israel, today Putin sent emergency equipment and personnel, at
EU is tripping again, its parliament decided to ban RT, Sputnik and 2 other news agencies from operating in its territory, citing that those have harmful propaganda against its interests. ???
Maria Zakharova of MID of RF said that if that happens RF will take similar measures, at
"There is no anti-EU propaganda is being done by Russian sources. RF is interested to see united, stable and predictable partner and work with it on bases of respect for mutual interests," she said.
Cuckoo EU put Russian news agencies on the same list with .S.L. Go figure.
I think s.t.n is hovering over Europe. D-tran have in to it and became the enemy within for her nation. You're right, she has become h.tler in reverse. She organized the enemy invasion of Germany and continue to destroy Germany and EU.
Beside everything else, today Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was very nice.
This is a clip by amateur reporter from balloon inflation process, at
This is the full parade, at [not there yet] *************
Also, after the Parade there was a wonderful competition of National Dog Show dog show where greyhound girl by the name Gia won. Full show [not there yet] ******************
So long.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 22nd, Tuesday
Wee hours;
Watch and enjoy Trump's rise to fame and money, at
He did it all by himself, he worked hard, had his share of ups and down, he's born genius!
Monday, November 21, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 21st, Monday
Wee hours of the morning.
Look at this clip where POTUS is making fun of Trump at WH correspondent's dinner 2 years ago, at His badmouthing of Trump starts at 9:20min. into the tape.
Late evening; today you were talking about Pluto's "Republic" and intellectualizing about what kind of society we want to have. Put some Greek music, lovely...
Talked about Trump and all the vermin of MSM (who were against him going) to his residence to "talk to him." Talk about what type of business, I ask? Let me come closer so I can stab you deeper?
Maybe. To me it's not a good sign. I better see this picture clearer than in 50 shades of yellow. We already have a 5th column in all shades of yellow journalism.
Who's advising him, how much he listens, we have no way of knowing. I hope he is guided by a "higher" feeling of inclusiveness in leadership for all.
We can only hope that the price for this non-tangible luxury commodity will not bring down the real estate on top of the property/soil on which we all live - this country.
Country has a different meaning than the market place. It has its own character, personality and historic DNA. Market place is for everyone who can get into it and take whatever they can.
Legally ran, regulated market has rules and laws, even street fairs and open bazaars are regulated. Those who scream and demand lawlessness are using words multiculturalism, tolerance and inclusiveness to achieve chaos of their choice. They themselves are NONE of those.
Demon always uses nice words which are very hard to disagree with, simply because they're "nice."
How'd you say "no" to word "help" or "love" or "give" or those above?
My answer is; we don't need to say "no" if we don't want to. We just have to ask Qs before saying "yes." ??? Help who, how many, for what reason, how much, for how long, why now, etc.
Why would I love those who hate me, my culture and religion, I'm asking? Because we're better than them, so we have to "sacrifice ourselves?" Wait a minute...
They already believe that they ARE better than us, why not they follow the same philosophy? ???
Let them be the better one fore a change, see what they give us to advance and improve our lifestyles. Any education we don't have here, innovation, technology?
America provided half of the world with tech for running water and flushing toilets.
We don't need anything from the 3rd world, simply because they don't have sh.t. Why they don't have good sh.t? Good Q, but I prefer not to open by big fat mouth, at least not yet.
All I can hope and prey that Trump knows what he's doing and if he'd have any of the snakes in mass media and entertainment around him that will only serve a purpose of following "keeping enemies closer" wisdom.
I'd work for him for free, I don't want to live in DC, it feels too unknown to me. Too cold and impersonal. I have been there once only so far, but I have seen too many crime documentaries from there.
You also said that Os bought 3 houses in different locations, DC, Hawaii and CA and was wondering were the money came from. Oh, please, I don't and I have no Qs about it.
Do you know that cast of Hamilton by order of big tour organizer should not have any white actors/performers? Yes, Rush said it today in his show. I have no reason to doubt his sources.
Another thing you were furious was same music awards yesterday. I didn't watch, I don't listen to insane and vile stuff, end of the story. Other vile people are paying thus enriching those vile people in entertainment business. Money goes around, I don't care. Does it effect on the mind of children and makes them grow as cuckoos? Yes, absolutely, a 100%. Music you grow up with, fairy-tales you read, behavior you saw in your own family, plus the inherited genes - there goes your identity.
Only Tarzan was very different from his human tribe. We're all memories plus emotions and intellect comes later. For some the latter never arrives, which we see more and more often through the mass media.
Int'l news; OPEC in Lima is over, Putin said that short talk with O was constrictive and he thanked him for co-operation with RF. What??? I assume he just was polite to outgoing "colleague."
He said that he mentioned Syria and economic sanctions. I don't think O gives a damn about it at this point. It has been and we'll be "personal" between the two. One reason is Ed Snowden, but beside that there is another one. *************************
In Syria .S.L bombed 3 schools in Aleppo when children were in classrooms. Many casualties, the pictures are so distressing that better don't see.
From this point on we - the reporters, should shut down mass media coverage. We know for a fact that's a sewage for normal minds. We should get some life left for ourselves. We worked hard, we put tremendous intellectual (which also takes a physical tall), energy into this election and we need to recover to be able to enjoy it. I personally put 6.5 years into this blog without benefit of any penny or name recognition.
I'll continue reporting Int'l news from reliable sources, but right now let's pray for Trump's successful transition to WH and for health and safety of his family.
I'm going to listen to Russian romance music and classic music.
Andre Rieu rocks and his orchestra is totally awesome!
Feed your soul people, album called "Falling in Love,",
Watch this at and think how and why these people bring those with 9th century mentality and clothing, who despise and want them dead, to their homes and feed them for their own demise?
Also - Havah Nagilah - at /
My dear, unknown readers, let's enjoy sounds of western civilization as much as we can, shall we?
Com'on, keep it up, lalalalalalala......!!! we just escaped the 3rd world war,
check this out at, oops, oops, oops, oopse, la-la-la!!!!
Play Russian anthem thanking Mr. Putin for his patience, at
Then this at Ta ta ta ta ta !!!!
and this at tra la la la la tra la la la .......
So long.
Wee hours of the morning.
Look at this clip where POTUS is making fun of Trump at WH correspondent's dinner 2 years ago, at His badmouthing of Trump starts at 9:20min. into the tape.
Late evening; today you were talking about Pluto's "Republic" and intellectualizing about what kind of society we want to have. Put some Greek music, lovely...
Talked about Trump and all the vermin of MSM (who were against him going) to his residence to "talk to him." Talk about what type of business, I ask? Let me come closer so I can stab you deeper?
Maybe. To me it's not a good sign. I better see this picture clearer than in 50 shades of yellow. We already have a 5th column in all shades of yellow journalism.
Who's advising him, how much he listens, we have no way of knowing. I hope he is guided by a "higher" feeling of inclusiveness in leadership for all.
We can only hope that the price for this non-tangible luxury commodity will not bring down the real estate on top of the property/soil on which we all live - this country.
Country has a different meaning than the market place. It has its own character, personality and historic DNA. Market place is for everyone who can get into it and take whatever they can.
Legally ran, regulated market has rules and laws, even street fairs and open bazaars are regulated. Those who scream and demand lawlessness are using words multiculturalism, tolerance and inclusiveness to achieve chaos of their choice. They themselves are NONE of those.
Demon always uses nice words which are very hard to disagree with, simply because they're "nice."
How'd you say "no" to word "help" or "love" or "give" or those above?
My answer is; we don't need to say "no" if we don't want to. We just have to ask Qs before saying "yes." ??? Help who, how many, for what reason, how much, for how long, why now, etc.
Why would I love those who hate me, my culture and religion, I'm asking? Because we're better than them, so we have to "sacrifice ourselves?" Wait a minute...
They already believe that they ARE better than us, why not they follow the same philosophy? ???
Let them be the better one fore a change, see what they give us to advance and improve our lifestyles. Any education we don't have here, innovation, technology?
America provided half of the world with tech for running water and flushing toilets.
We don't need anything from the 3rd world, simply because they don't have sh.t. Why they don't have good sh.t? Good Q, but I prefer not to open by big fat mouth, at least not yet.
All I can hope and prey that Trump knows what he's doing and if he'd have any of the snakes in mass media and entertainment around him that will only serve a purpose of following "keeping enemies closer" wisdom.
I'd work for him for free, I don't want to live in DC, it feels too unknown to me. Too cold and impersonal. I have been there once only so far, but I have seen too many crime documentaries from there.
You also said that Os bought 3 houses in different locations, DC, Hawaii and CA and was wondering were the money came from. Oh, please, I don't and I have no Qs about it.
Do you know that cast of Hamilton by order of big tour organizer should not have any white actors/performers? Yes, Rush said it today in his show. I have no reason to doubt his sources.
Another thing you were furious was same music awards yesterday. I didn't watch, I don't listen to insane and vile stuff, end of the story. Other vile people are paying thus enriching those vile people in entertainment business. Money goes around, I don't care. Does it effect on the mind of children and makes them grow as cuckoos? Yes, absolutely, a 100%. Music you grow up with, fairy-tales you read, behavior you saw in your own family, plus the inherited genes - there goes your identity.
Only Tarzan was very different from his human tribe. We're all memories plus emotions and intellect comes later. For some the latter never arrives, which we see more and more often through the mass media.
Int'l news; OPEC in Lima is over, Putin said that short talk with O was constrictive and he thanked him for co-operation with RF. What??? I assume he just was polite to outgoing "colleague."
He said that he mentioned Syria and economic sanctions. I don't think O gives a damn about it at this point. It has been and we'll be "personal" between the two. One reason is Ed Snowden, but beside that there is another one. *************************
In Syria .S.L bombed 3 schools in Aleppo when children were in classrooms. Many casualties, the pictures are so distressing that better don't see.
From this point on we - the reporters, should shut down mass media coverage. We know for a fact that's a sewage for normal minds. We should get some life left for ourselves. We worked hard, we put tremendous intellectual (which also takes a physical tall), energy into this election and we need to recover to be able to enjoy it. I personally put 6.5 years into this blog without benefit of any penny or name recognition.
I'll continue reporting Int'l news from reliable sources, but right now let's pray for Trump's successful transition to WH and for health and safety of his family.
I'm going to listen to Russian romance music and classic music.
Andre Rieu rocks and his orchestra is totally awesome!
Feed your soul people, album called "Falling in Love,",
Watch this at and think how and why these people bring those with 9th century mentality and clothing, who despise and want them dead, to their homes and feed them for their own demise?
Also - Havah Nagilah - at /
My dear, unknown readers, let's enjoy sounds of western civilization as much as we can, shall we?
Com'on, keep it up, lalalalalalala......!!! we just escaped the 3rd world war,
check this out at, oops, oops, oops, oopse, la-la-la!!!!
Play Russian anthem thanking Mr. Putin for his patience, at
Then this at Ta ta ta ta ta !!!!
and this at tra la la la la tra la la la .......
So long.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 19-20, weekend edition
Sat, the 19th, late evening, nice days are over, raining and it's going to be cold in NYC.
I found this massage by Corey Lewandowski recorded before election. It's powerful, it's true and it's already proven, thank God! I couldn't say it any better, at
I was doing some research into the minds of today's mass media "elite." The Ivy academia, the top sh.t-slimy-mouthpiece of it and the the of the swamp.
I'm so shocked (it's good I still can be, thought I was already too depressed to react) that the vermin still can't figure out what was wrong with them that went wrong for them on Nov. 8th.
I thought they're cunning and conniving whole bunch of people (98% of them) who managed to get their ways into some TV studios and newspaper offices. Come to see that they're worse than that. You should see what are they "preparing" themselves to do.
Those lowlife stupid thugs, who simply can not learn and advance themselves (so much so for their progressivism) are writing and distributing a step by step plan how to poison Trump's work, how to interrupt his upcoming administration's job by screaming guess what "democracy," what else?
In the mean time are organizing fundraising to all sorts of white majority hating organizations, including some in low profession of the Law. I'm sure you know by heart a few names such as....
Of course nasty useless mouths need to be feed too, especially now that most people woke up and don't need to listen to them anymore, so they'll get some feed for themselves.
You don't believe who talks about ethics of journalism from where. I'm so glad that I was smart enough to figure it out on time and not to pay a penny to listen to those bozos. Even being around them can distress me. I have a very strong positive bio-energy and negatives around me can drain me. Unless I keep making fun of them openly and publicly, I can't rebuke that sh.t!
Trump should hire me to check peoples' energy surrounding him, that's important. I can do it.
He hired a Feng shui specialist from China to check the ground where Trump Int'l Hotel and Tower stands now. Do you know that we are Geminis? We can do two things at the same.
You know what? I'm thinking to bring the house of cards called MSM down single-handedly.
It's not impossible, let me tell you. How? Long story. Why me? Who else?
A few of you out there in their right minds, but you all work for someone. You can be put out after one inappropriate word. I have nothing to lose in terms of job or money. I will lose privacy, which is a terrible thing, but don't worry too much what will happen to me, - I don't have children to cry after me. Not that everyone cries after their parents, but that's another story all together.
My email accounts were hacked, two of them still are blocked, this blog was hacked, I had to do all sorts of reroutes to connect to this.
If I'd have my life live-streamed for last 25 years in USA and particularly in NYC that would automatically be a documentary film called "Black hate." There would be no other name but back hate - non other.
Sometimes on weekends when conservative talk shows are off I turn the TV on public channels where are no commercials.
Today morning on one of them was a black man, of course a white-hater who was interviewing a pollster. The latter had been drumming for H all this time, but today was saying things that maybe he simply couldn't lie about. Actually he said that Trump won majority of white educated man and women, the middle class and the working class. Very little margin H had on women's vote, I think +1%. So this man being a professor of PS, a pollster and some, obviously a dem. was saying totally opposite what NYslimes wrote about Trump's voters. The host was trying to turn the words around to adjust was he wonted to hear, but the numbers were stubborn. At his "final though" segment he said something like as if America will be lost the way he knew it if he and his "people" won't stand up and destroy the upcoming government. "Poor thing" seemed inconsolable and defiant at the same time.
Someone like me should interview that bastard, ask Qs into his eyes and ask if's agree wot be followed to show that he does what he says in his life.
You know what is wrong with the whole "talk" stuff? Everyone has an opinion, it's like an .sshole, as the saying goes, but seeing is believing. We have to show. If you follow all those street agitators and show their lives, I'm more than sure they won't come out to disturb. Am I against demonstrations?
Of course not. They're very entertaining, exciting and revitalizing. But, it depends what are they about. I participated in several of them in NYC myself. But, those who don't want to be protected by the borders, who don't care about their language being anything, who don't respect 6000 years of human civilization and its legacy are now paid by destroyer-in-chief, int'l criminal soros's money to poison and endanger our lives.
Imagine to be in Trump's place and see this? Imagine having a feeling of remorse and regret that he has to put up his life, literally in lock-down, to work to protect this country and work on its people's prosperity and so many of them don't even want it.
Imagine how good we'd live if country would be cut in half - them and us, - right in the middle. Let Clintons rule the dems and progressives and the rest who'd want to be with us. Imagine we could have cities and towns without permanent poverty class, no project neighborhoods full of crime and drugs where many think that not working for generations is a heroic thing to do.
In the evening of Nov. 8th, after I voted where everyone was openly only Hillary-the hilarious voter making fun of Trump for running, I was walking in midtown by Penn station. I mean. it felt like I was alone in entire city. I saw a big black man standing by the wall of Penn station, did't look like a bum, was dressed ok, was openly peeing at the wall. It was't a corner, it wasn't dark side, it was out in the open. I wish I'd have my camera to take a picture called "Hillary voter." She is on his side against me because it makes her psychically safe. Those bastard coward-dems!!! I have no other words for them. Those among them who're rich don't live next to them. Look where she lives - in republican white conservative town in upstate NY. Look where she took her to get away from those who would pee on her face when get a chance. That criminal old-bag doesn't understand that by lying that as if there is a racism against black people to get their favor of voting for her, she is jeopardizing the safety of the lives of people like myself who live in inter cities with mix population and get racism everyday on their faces. I can't even describe, it's so disturbing. Normal people have to see it only on live-stream to believe it.
If only those so called "laws" on the books about discrimination and racism would apply to all, including whites like myself, who are innocent, decent and not connected, I should be able to sue and sue and sue and be rich and rich and rich. I actually should be retired in a few years of living in here, in NYC. But, nosir, that's not for white people. Now only black and others rule over everything. Do you know that I can't even file a police report? Do you believe that police did before and still will harass me if I call them or go to them with any complain, including assault? Do you know that?
It's hard to believe right? I know, that's why I don't write about it. At least not now. Do you know that I can show a huge fraud involving multiple people who have no-show jobs and are fraudulently suing multiple entities left and right including the city? But, who'd protect me after that and who'd give me roof over my head? All those rich white people who're democrat who are feeding those who hate their guts and want them dead? Do you think any of them will have an awaking moment and say, 'let me sponsor one white person, because she has so much to offer?' Where so I find one? Only Trump can do, if with some miracle from active God can put us in front of each other and he'll hear what I have to say.
Immigration is such a mess, you want believe. He has no idea and never will, unless someone like me who knows ins and outs of it takes on general cleaning job of the system to restore an order.
Bill-di-bloodio, as you call him, asks federal gov. to pay for the price Trump tower security costs the city. Do you know that it was him who decriminalized peeing in the streets? Also he's asking to keep the sanctuary city status. He cares about safety of illegals, but not the safety of the majority of low-abiding taxpayers who pay the tub and are silenced from the fear of gangs.
Did you hear that Friday VP Pence went to see musical Hamilton and was harassed by crew? I'm feed up seeing dopey entertainers doing politics, for real.
I was thinking to go see it, now I won't. It's overpriced anyway. Maybe music and choreography are good, but Hamilton was a bastard in a technical sense, that's what they call them at that time, it meant born out of wedlock, that's all. When he was on his highest position, secretary of treasury, he said "this capitalism is not for me." He didn't like the system. Now, not liking or believing in what he was doing what kind of hero it makes him?
Oh, did you hear? Some ugly-duckling so called "designer" who dressed M.O for 8 years, said that she disagree with Trump's points of view and will not dress Mrs. Trump. I didn't know Mrs. O had a designer. I haven't seen her in something that I's look for a second time. All I remember is her in a curtain looking white dress, picture of which Eddy Griffin had on his stand up. Maybe couple of too tight pants about which Rev. James David Manning had 'interesting' things to say. Should be on youtube.
Sunday, 20th.
Wee hours.
OPEC meeting in Peru started, Putin was there, at
Oh, before I forget, did you hear that when O was in Germany after the election he was calling in D-tran-Merkel not to listen to Trump in the future and continue sanctions and animosity toward Russia?
Yessir, it's his legacy, that's what he cherishes - confrontation with another superpower. How come Putin is not bending over to his dark skin? It scared the whole wide world already. Look everybody is shaking in their booths. Look how Arabs are throwing millions to please dems. Because they like them? Let's not go there.
Do you know that the scam called "contribution" to charity from foreign donors, like in here to Clinton foundation, is totally illegal in Russian Federation? I heard this on their TV from prestigious TV hosts. I'm surprised.
Russian media in general is happy for Trump victory. Only their 5th column is bickering. Those are the ones who want to come here and get on taxpayers' back, I assume. GN
It's so sad and so much fun at the same time to do one thing these days; - to watch all the losers from all over the media before election, from NYSmilme to others, talking their butts of against Trump, at Look at so called "presidential campaign correspondent" and her 2 guests. One of them is saying that she was arguing with anesthesiologist during her c section operation last mouth. Then, I assume she left the baby to feed formula by babysitter while she took off traveling to another state. I don't get this person, she says she's a republican, but look at her affiliations and her husband's affiliations now. Who'd watch CNN or read dailybeast to be information? For that all you need to do is satay awake and be high on illegal drugs.
What is that old-white dude is talking about? I see those types on UWS schlepping around with their dirty tote bags. I call them "tote-bag-libs."
Those young who're so bitter, angry, aggressive and hate their country are the kids of those types of parents, who abandoned them with a complete stranger who often hates the mother and can't stand the kid. For her it's a job not an emotional endeavor for higher materia. She might even hate her own, did the mother checked that out? Of course not. Let's see who is the woman who this new mom left her kid with? Most likely than not, the sitter is black, older and fat who hates her skinny, made up persona. Why I say this? Because that's the way I see it on every step I make in NYC. It looks like white women are not hiring white babysitters. Why? I tell you, if we meet.
Why I say it's so sad and funny at the same time? It's sad to see that the country which praises itself with its Freedom of Speech in Constitution and Bill of Rights, costs more for education than the rest can have such pathetic low-class low-lives "representing" the public. How the "public" chose these low-lives to represent it? Where these cuckoos come from? They didn't. Cuckoos come from another sewage pipe of selling advertisement by using another name. No wonder "public" is semi-literate and uninformed. Look at those who have high education. Look who's teaching them; - sour puss low paid "professors" who can't stand an accomplished rich man. Not all professors of all fields, of course. I'm talking about humanities degrees and particularly journalism. Look who are teaching in the "best" and "highest" school of journalism of all time in Land of the free - the old good US of A! Look at those dopey losers. You'll get emotional sickness from intimidation and hate toward students just by being around them. This is the sad part. It conformed, stamped and closed the chapter in my bio called Dream of Profession - "looking to be an American and one of the freest voices in the world to do good for my country and the world."
But now, that it's done and over with, thanks to Mr. Trump's notarization, I have to do this all by myself. My instincts of caution and restrain not to get involved in this business with any of the outlets of media and press (yes it's a vicious business and not a groovy public service), paid off in one way; my name is clean, because it's not associated with any of them. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Fun part of this, I wish, can be before me, because I will do it myself and try to have fun with it. Despite depression and anxiety that every living and thinking person and pet can get in this city, I still have a great sense of humor and loooooooots to say. I mean, the volume of talk stretches for 25 years of my own life experience only in here.
I want to show, not to talk about, how NYPD is not taking a report because I'm white. Yes, unless I have an activist lawyer who is waiting outside with a TV crew while watching my attempt live-streamed and can come in to interfere when I'm being threaten by arrest, because I want to make a complain. There should be a new organization which must have right to go in do something about it, it won't change. It simply won't come out to change. Talk is cheap, it don't work. Democrats are the thugs themselves, mayor is anti-police when something is against a black person, because his kids are mix. He was saying that they'd instruct his son to be "careful" on the streets of NYC because police could catch him for nothing. Do you believe this man is not diagnosed with severe stage of paranoia?
Well, he should be for his own good. That's why, in order to bring this extreme assault on white majority should subside and hopefully come to an end. Racism, discrimination and prejudice has been all the way, a 180%, institutionalized against white people before I step a foot on the soil of USA. Minorities are running the majority of this country like a donkey. Even donkey needs a care to survive. This donkey is feeding them and caring them on its back.
Whatever is going on in Europe come here in the matter of a few years. Go look at EU and come to see the same social changes in minor scale pupping up like mushrooms. Once it's there, there is no stopping it. Our Immigration laws are old, broken, ineffective, not followed through, not applied - you name it. Whatever the case might be, it need someone who understands it, not just one who has a connection to WH. It would be smart to stop it, let's say for 4 years, declare a total moratorium, before going through law books and doing the complete general cleaning and refreshing.
Mr. Trump has family to protect, family that he lives and proud of, rightfully! I believe in him, he will not let them down and change his mind listening to all sorts of low-lives which might manage to sneak into his administration. He should stay away from romneys, bushes, rinses (as you call
Reince :), what kind of name is that anyway?) axelrod types, the majority leader guy who don't look good to me either. He really, really needs some outsiders and needs to put time limits for congress members. Those half-brain-dead-mcshames should be far from DC a long time ago. He doesn't even know how many houses he has, maybe he should go count them, find out where they are and start sleeping in them, instead of Capitol Hill, for a good change for himself. I imagine his snore all over the place bothering other people to work. It's embarrassing and must be unacceptable for America!
I have to put a plan of action and let you know to watch it. I;m gong to do live, because I don't have the skills, nerves and time to cut and edit anything. I don't care either. I don't care how I'd look, who'd like to hear me because of it. I know for sure that whoever will listen will learn something and find a person and place to go to talk to. We want to END racism once and for all. I'm not an expert in English language, didn't even had a single lesson of English language in my life.
Whatever I'll say, I'll say it the way I can, the way I know it for a fact. I love asking Qs to have a conversation. Those low-lives with high degrees and huge debt have conversations only among themselves. Look at that tote-bag!
I know that most important thing for an independent thinking intellectuals in this country is not what today MSM is showing and telling them, but what has substance and proof from today's reality.
Do you know that huge organization like Carnegie Corp is funding organizations who OPPOSE enforcement of immigration laws of this land?
Look here; Carnegie’s promotion of civic participation includes its funding of efforts by the Center for Community Change to oppose enforcement of immigration law.
Ad to the list of funded la-raza, aclu, southern..., even to defend Latino elected and appointed officials, Mexicans, you name it. What??? Anybody was harassing Latino officials?
Check this sh.t to believe in your own eyes, at
How anti-Americanism can work so openly and forcefully that law abiding citizens can't even say anything against it? Who is donating to those forces, let's get their names out, let's see if they have a Swiss account to hide. My gut tells something smells to high heavens. Put this name on 5th column.
Who is going to expose this stench to public, if not me? **********************************
Now Int'l news from Lima, Peru, at
Putin and O met, shook hands, Putin was saying something, but it didn't come out yet. Also Chinese President in the meeting with O said that he hopes after Trump's taking office our relationship will improve.
In his goodbye tour in EU as POTUS O told everybody to extend sanctions against Russia, at
He goes around lying that RF is not complying with Minsk agreements, which is a propoganda, it's Kiev's government who's not complying. Kiev is so spoiled by EU sponsorship that even don't pay attention to them, he looks up to DC. Not too long ago O gave $325 Million to Kiev to kill their own brethren. White Christian men are killing each other? "Here's the money, get more weapons and keep killing your brother Russians," he said to uncle PP of Rada, - "finish them all, come back for more." What else can satisfy his jealous and vile ego?
He pet the heads of his scared vassals of EU, "don't be too scared, maybe not everything is lost yet."
[You won't believe how Europeans don't like America and its people, you have to know the languages and live there for that.]
Not everywhere he was greeted nicely, for example in Greece there have been huge anti-American demonstrations.
Oh, did I mention that after Putin and Trump spoke over the phone for the first time, he extended a ban to enter the US on 6 more Russian politicians who're members of Parliament? Yes, he did and will be going spewing poison as much as he can.
So long.
Sat, the 19th, late evening, nice days are over, raining and it's going to be cold in NYC.
I found this massage by Corey Lewandowski recorded before election. It's powerful, it's true and it's already proven, thank God! I couldn't say it any better, at
I was doing some research into the minds of today's mass media "elite." The Ivy academia, the top sh.t-slimy-mouthpiece of it and the the of the swamp.
I'm so shocked (it's good I still can be, thought I was already too depressed to react) that the vermin still can't figure out what was wrong with them that went wrong for them on Nov. 8th.
I thought they're cunning and conniving whole bunch of people (98% of them) who managed to get their ways into some TV studios and newspaper offices. Come to see that they're worse than that. You should see what are they "preparing" themselves to do.
Those lowlife stupid thugs, who simply can not learn and advance themselves (so much so for their progressivism) are writing and distributing a step by step plan how to poison Trump's work, how to interrupt his upcoming administration's job by screaming guess what "democracy," what else?
In the mean time are organizing fundraising to all sorts of white majority hating organizations, including some in low profession of the Law. I'm sure you know by heart a few names such as....
Of course nasty useless mouths need to be feed too, especially now that most people woke up and don't need to listen to them anymore, so they'll get some feed for themselves.
You don't believe who talks about ethics of journalism from where. I'm so glad that I was smart enough to figure it out on time and not to pay a penny to listen to those bozos. Even being around them can distress me. I have a very strong positive bio-energy and negatives around me can drain me. Unless I keep making fun of them openly and publicly, I can't rebuke that sh.t!
Trump should hire me to check peoples' energy surrounding him, that's important. I can do it.
He hired a Feng shui specialist from China to check the ground where Trump Int'l Hotel and Tower stands now. Do you know that we are Geminis? We can do two things at the same.
You know what? I'm thinking to bring the house of cards called MSM down single-handedly.
It's not impossible, let me tell you. How? Long story. Why me? Who else?
A few of you out there in their right minds, but you all work for someone. You can be put out after one inappropriate word. I have nothing to lose in terms of job or money. I will lose privacy, which is a terrible thing, but don't worry too much what will happen to me, - I don't have children to cry after me. Not that everyone cries after their parents, but that's another story all together.
My email accounts were hacked, two of them still are blocked, this blog was hacked, I had to do all sorts of reroutes to connect to this.
If I'd have my life live-streamed for last 25 years in USA and particularly in NYC that would automatically be a documentary film called "Black hate." There would be no other name but back hate - non other.
Sometimes on weekends when conservative talk shows are off I turn the TV on public channels where are no commercials.
Today morning on one of them was a black man, of course a white-hater who was interviewing a pollster. The latter had been drumming for H all this time, but today was saying things that maybe he simply couldn't lie about. Actually he said that Trump won majority of white educated man and women, the middle class and the working class. Very little margin H had on women's vote, I think +1%. So this man being a professor of PS, a pollster and some, obviously a dem. was saying totally opposite what NYslimes wrote about Trump's voters. The host was trying to turn the words around to adjust was he wonted to hear, but the numbers were stubborn. At his "final though" segment he said something like as if America will be lost the way he knew it if he and his "people" won't stand up and destroy the upcoming government. "Poor thing" seemed inconsolable and defiant at the same time.
Someone like me should interview that bastard, ask Qs into his eyes and ask if's agree wot be followed to show that he does what he says in his life.
You know what is wrong with the whole "talk" stuff? Everyone has an opinion, it's like an .sshole, as the saying goes, but seeing is believing. We have to show. If you follow all those street agitators and show their lives, I'm more than sure they won't come out to disturb. Am I against demonstrations?
Of course not. They're very entertaining, exciting and revitalizing. But, it depends what are they about. I participated in several of them in NYC myself. But, those who don't want to be protected by the borders, who don't care about their language being anything, who don't respect 6000 years of human civilization and its legacy are now paid by destroyer-in-chief, int'l criminal soros's money to poison and endanger our lives.
Imagine to be in Trump's place and see this? Imagine having a feeling of remorse and regret that he has to put up his life, literally in lock-down, to work to protect this country and work on its people's prosperity and so many of them don't even want it.
Imagine how good we'd live if country would be cut in half - them and us, - right in the middle. Let Clintons rule the dems and progressives and the rest who'd want to be with us. Imagine we could have cities and towns without permanent poverty class, no project neighborhoods full of crime and drugs where many think that not working for generations is a heroic thing to do.
In the evening of Nov. 8th, after I voted where everyone was openly only Hillary-the hilarious voter making fun of Trump for running, I was walking in midtown by Penn station. I mean. it felt like I was alone in entire city. I saw a big black man standing by the wall of Penn station, did't look like a bum, was dressed ok, was openly peeing at the wall. It was't a corner, it wasn't dark side, it was out in the open. I wish I'd have my camera to take a picture called "Hillary voter." She is on his side against me because it makes her psychically safe. Those bastard coward-dems!!! I have no other words for them. Those among them who're rich don't live next to them. Look where she lives - in republican white conservative town in upstate NY. Look where she took her to get away from those who would pee on her face when get a chance. That criminal old-bag doesn't understand that by lying that as if there is a racism against black people to get their favor of voting for her, she is jeopardizing the safety of the lives of people like myself who live in inter cities with mix population and get racism everyday on their faces. I can't even describe, it's so disturbing. Normal people have to see it only on live-stream to believe it.
If only those so called "laws" on the books about discrimination and racism would apply to all, including whites like myself, who are innocent, decent and not connected, I should be able to sue and sue and sue and be rich and rich and rich. I actually should be retired in a few years of living in here, in NYC. But, nosir, that's not for white people. Now only black and others rule over everything. Do you know that I can't even file a police report? Do you believe that police did before and still will harass me if I call them or go to them with any complain, including assault? Do you know that?
It's hard to believe right? I know, that's why I don't write about it. At least not now. Do you know that I can show a huge fraud involving multiple people who have no-show jobs and are fraudulently suing multiple entities left and right including the city? But, who'd protect me after that and who'd give me roof over my head? All those rich white people who're democrat who are feeding those who hate their guts and want them dead? Do you think any of them will have an awaking moment and say, 'let me sponsor one white person, because she has so much to offer?' Where so I find one? Only Trump can do, if with some miracle from active God can put us in front of each other and he'll hear what I have to say.
Immigration is such a mess, you want believe. He has no idea and never will, unless someone like me who knows ins and outs of it takes on general cleaning job of the system to restore an order.
Bill-di-bloodio, as you call him, asks federal gov. to pay for the price Trump tower security costs the city. Do you know that it was him who decriminalized peeing in the streets? Also he's asking to keep the sanctuary city status. He cares about safety of illegals, but not the safety of the majority of low-abiding taxpayers who pay the tub and are silenced from the fear of gangs.
Did you hear that Friday VP Pence went to see musical Hamilton and was harassed by crew? I'm feed up seeing dopey entertainers doing politics, for real.
I was thinking to go see it, now I won't. It's overpriced anyway. Maybe music and choreography are good, but Hamilton was a bastard in a technical sense, that's what they call them at that time, it meant born out of wedlock, that's all. When he was on his highest position, secretary of treasury, he said "this capitalism is not for me." He didn't like the system. Now, not liking or believing in what he was doing what kind of hero it makes him?
Oh, did you hear? Some ugly-duckling so called "designer" who dressed M.O for 8 years, said that she disagree with Trump's points of view and will not dress Mrs. Trump. I didn't know Mrs. O had a designer. I haven't seen her in something that I's look for a second time. All I remember is her in a curtain looking white dress, picture of which Eddy Griffin had on his stand up. Maybe couple of too tight pants about which Rev. James David Manning had 'interesting' things to say. Should be on youtube.
Sunday, 20th.
Wee hours.
OPEC meeting in Peru started, Putin was there, at
Oh, before I forget, did you hear that when O was in Germany after the election he was calling in D-tran-Merkel not to listen to Trump in the future and continue sanctions and animosity toward Russia?
Yessir, it's his legacy, that's what he cherishes - confrontation with another superpower. How come Putin is not bending over to his dark skin? It scared the whole wide world already. Look everybody is shaking in their booths. Look how Arabs are throwing millions to please dems. Because they like them? Let's not go there.
Do you know that the scam called "contribution" to charity from foreign donors, like in here to Clinton foundation, is totally illegal in Russian Federation? I heard this on their TV from prestigious TV hosts. I'm surprised.
Russian media in general is happy for Trump victory. Only their 5th column is bickering. Those are the ones who want to come here and get on taxpayers' back, I assume. GN
It's so sad and so much fun at the same time to do one thing these days; - to watch all the losers from all over the media before election, from NYSmilme to others, talking their butts of against Trump, at Look at so called "presidential campaign correspondent" and her 2 guests. One of them is saying that she was arguing with anesthesiologist during her c section operation last mouth. Then, I assume she left the baby to feed formula by babysitter while she took off traveling to another state. I don't get this person, she says she's a republican, but look at her affiliations and her husband's affiliations now. Who'd watch CNN or read dailybeast to be information? For that all you need to do is satay awake and be high on illegal drugs.
What is that old-white dude is talking about? I see those types on UWS schlepping around with their dirty tote bags. I call them "tote-bag-libs."
Those young who're so bitter, angry, aggressive and hate their country are the kids of those types of parents, who abandoned them with a complete stranger who often hates the mother and can't stand the kid. For her it's a job not an emotional endeavor for higher materia. She might even hate her own, did the mother checked that out? Of course not. Let's see who is the woman who this new mom left her kid with? Most likely than not, the sitter is black, older and fat who hates her skinny, made up persona. Why I say this? Because that's the way I see it on every step I make in NYC. It looks like white women are not hiring white babysitters. Why? I tell you, if we meet.
Why I say it's so sad and funny at the same time? It's sad to see that the country which praises itself with its Freedom of Speech in Constitution and Bill of Rights, costs more for education than the rest can have such pathetic low-class low-lives "representing" the public. How the "public" chose these low-lives to represent it? Where these cuckoos come from? They didn't. Cuckoos come from another sewage pipe of selling advertisement by using another name. No wonder "public" is semi-literate and uninformed. Look at those who have high education. Look who's teaching them; - sour puss low paid "professors" who can't stand an accomplished rich man. Not all professors of all fields, of course. I'm talking about humanities degrees and particularly journalism. Look who are teaching in the "best" and "highest" school of journalism of all time in Land of the free - the old good US of A! Look at those dopey losers. You'll get emotional sickness from intimidation and hate toward students just by being around them. This is the sad part. It conformed, stamped and closed the chapter in my bio called Dream of Profession - "looking to be an American and one of the freest voices in the world to do good for my country and the world."
But now, that it's done and over with, thanks to Mr. Trump's notarization, I have to do this all by myself. My instincts of caution and restrain not to get involved in this business with any of the outlets of media and press (yes it's a vicious business and not a groovy public service), paid off in one way; my name is clean, because it's not associated with any of them. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Fun part of this, I wish, can be before me, because I will do it myself and try to have fun with it. Despite depression and anxiety that every living and thinking person and pet can get in this city, I still have a great sense of humor and loooooooots to say. I mean, the volume of talk stretches for 25 years of my own life experience only in here.
I want to show, not to talk about, how NYPD is not taking a report because I'm white. Yes, unless I have an activist lawyer who is waiting outside with a TV crew while watching my attempt live-streamed and can come in to interfere when I'm being threaten by arrest, because I want to make a complain. There should be a new organization which must have right to go in do something about it, it won't change. It simply won't come out to change. Talk is cheap, it don't work. Democrats are the thugs themselves, mayor is anti-police when something is against a black person, because his kids are mix. He was saying that they'd instruct his son to be "careful" on the streets of NYC because police could catch him for nothing. Do you believe this man is not diagnosed with severe stage of paranoia?
Well, he should be for his own good. That's why, in order to bring this extreme assault on white majority should subside and hopefully come to an end. Racism, discrimination and prejudice has been all the way, a 180%, institutionalized against white people before I step a foot on the soil of USA. Minorities are running the majority of this country like a donkey. Even donkey needs a care to survive. This donkey is feeding them and caring them on its back.
Whatever is going on in Europe come here in the matter of a few years. Go look at EU and come to see the same social changes in minor scale pupping up like mushrooms. Once it's there, there is no stopping it. Our Immigration laws are old, broken, ineffective, not followed through, not applied - you name it. Whatever the case might be, it need someone who understands it, not just one who has a connection to WH. It would be smart to stop it, let's say for 4 years, declare a total moratorium, before going through law books and doing the complete general cleaning and refreshing.
Mr. Trump has family to protect, family that he lives and proud of, rightfully! I believe in him, he will not let them down and change his mind listening to all sorts of low-lives which might manage to sneak into his administration. He should stay away from romneys, bushes, rinses (as you call
Reince :), what kind of name is that anyway?) axelrod types, the majority leader guy who don't look good to me either. He really, really needs some outsiders and needs to put time limits for congress members. Those half-brain-dead-mcshames should be far from DC a long time ago. He doesn't even know how many houses he has, maybe he should go count them, find out where they are and start sleeping in them, instead of Capitol Hill, for a good change for himself. I imagine his snore all over the place bothering other people to work. It's embarrassing and must be unacceptable for America!
I have to put a plan of action and let you know to watch it. I;m gong to do live, because I don't have the skills, nerves and time to cut and edit anything. I don't care either. I don't care how I'd look, who'd like to hear me because of it. I know for sure that whoever will listen will learn something and find a person and place to go to talk to. We want to END racism once and for all. I'm not an expert in English language, didn't even had a single lesson of English language in my life.
Whatever I'll say, I'll say it the way I can, the way I know it for a fact. I love asking Qs to have a conversation. Those low-lives with high degrees and huge debt have conversations only among themselves. Look at that tote-bag!
I know that most important thing for an independent thinking intellectuals in this country is not what today MSM is showing and telling them, but what has substance and proof from today's reality.
Do you know that huge organization like Carnegie Corp is funding organizations who OPPOSE enforcement of immigration laws of this land?
Look here; Carnegie’s promotion of civic participation includes its funding of efforts by the Center for Community Change to oppose enforcement of immigration law.
Ad to the list of funded la-raza, aclu, southern..., even to defend Latino elected and appointed officials, Mexicans, you name it. What??? Anybody was harassing Latino officials?
Check this sh.t to believe in your own eyes, at
How anti-Americanism can work so openly and forcefully that law abiding citizens can't even say anything against it? Who is donating to those forces, let's get their names out, let's see if they have a Swiss account to hide. My gut tells something smells to high heavens. Put this name on 5th column.
Who is going to expose this stench to public, if not me? **********************************
Now Int'l news from Lima, Peru, at
Putin and O met, shook hands, Putin was saying something, but it didn't come out yet. Also Chinese President in the meeting with O said that he hopes after Trump's taking office our relationship will improve.
In his goodbye tour in EU as POTUS O told everybody to extend sanctions against Russia, at
He goes around lying that RF is not complying with Minsk agreements, which is a propoganda, it's Kiev's government who's not complying. Kiev is so spoiled by EU sponsorship that even don't pay attention to them, he looks up to DC. Not too long ago O gave $325 Million to Kiev to kill their own brethren. White Christian men are killing each other? "Here's the money, get more weapons and keep killing your brother Russians," he said to uncle PP of Rada, - "finish them all, come back for more." What else can satisfy his jealous and vile ego?
He pet the heads of his scared vassals of EU, "don't be too scared, maybe not everything is lost yet."
[You won't believe how Europeans don't like America and its people, you have to know the languages and live there for that.]
Not everywhere he was greeted nicely, for example in Greece there have been huge anti-American demonstrations.
Oh, did I mention that after Putin and Trump spoke over the phone for the first time, he extended a ban to enter the US on 6 more Russian politicians who're members of Parliament? Yes, he did and will be going spewing poison as much as he can.
So long.
Monday, November 14, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 14th, Monday
Wee hours.
When I want to talk about MSM one thing comes to mind; C'est la merde de la merde.
Having said the above I want to stress that all the huge events of human history started with an idea.
Some were good, some bad and others in between. Not all of them rose in urban areas, as our left things today, but often in suburbs. That misconception was what "surprised" the "blue intellectual elite" of America a few days ago.
All my life I lived in major metropolitan areas and I have one of the finest and highest educations in the entire wide world and especially western civilization. I'm technically "suppose" to belong to that class. But, I don't, because I decided so, not because they wouldn't consider me. Who are they?
Most of college educated people who consider themselves other than conservative, because their colleges called as it is - liberal. It's nothing wrong with that word, but the problem is; how is it used, for what reasons and where it takes you. Once you do the math, - there goes your neighborhood.
I knew Trump will win, if he'd run first time he talked about it, which was in 2011. That's when I opened a blog, had couple of entries to support him, then, unfortunately he changed his mind.
The blog called "" I continued it at this time, but because I already write what I want to say about him and his campaign in here, I phycically had no time to take that portion out of this blog to put in the other.
In that blog I refer to this one, which might not be to clear for the first time reader, but they can read what I had to say and more, which only can be helpful for their knowledge in supporting him.
Should I get his attention, I'll have my work cut out for me. All I need him or one of his children to listen what I have to say and what I offer to do.
I did this for 6y. 8mo. already anonymously, without looking for any personal reword; no name recognition and no penny from it. I don't even tell those people who I know, they're all liberal. Even to those who know I write and asking the name of the site. I don't give them. It's too much for their brains anyway. NYC's dems, libs and others who supported H were and are irredeemable. :)
See, I can learn too. If you'd give me any highest degree from any IVY college in here, I'd not exchange it with mine. I'm so glad I didn't pay for Journalism School at CU. What an embarrassing waste of money. You come out of there and the best place you can get a job (if you're connected to Pinch, of course) would be the Slimes? Alas...
This is yesterday's Sunday evening news, which covers the past week from Moscow, at
Russians are happy, they seems to be relieved by the fact that Trump is not a warmonger against Russia.
I personally would like to see Pence changing his tone, because he was very hawkish toward Russia during the campaign. He said lots of nasty things because he's unaware of facts. He's unaware because he gets his info from the vermin. Now, that he knows they're vermin. maybe he should listen to someone like myself; - an absolute independent expert.
You know who're in panic now? Kiev's thugs, its neo-nazi government who got 100's of millions of dollars handouts from O, taken from American taxpayer without their permission, at Bet on the old aunt H with free cookies in the basket for them went awry.
Oh, looky, looky, who is crying foul now; none other than cuckoo Jens Stoltenberg - General Secretary of NATO. "Who is going to pay us for BSing the world if Trump decides USA is not going to do anymore? Oh, boo-hoo my rat's .ss - you jerk you!
More than half a million people bureaucracy machine, which is mostly paid by American taxpayers, might slip out of his skinny fingers. Ooh, la, la, Jensy-Jens!!! You trash you! You killed 1000s in their own homes in eastern Ukraine because they were mostly Russian, you racist piece a sh.t! mw
Yesterday was a year after Bataclan theater attack in Paris, at
People came out to remember victims. First time it opened and Sting held concert in it. He opened with a prayer and song "Fragile." Tickets were sold fast, people wanted to be there.
In the meantime, lib-head F. Hollande's approval rating is 4%.
This is the song Fragile with lyrics, at, it's beautiful.
Look how Russia is fighting its own inside terrorists, at connected to .S.L. Who will give them credit and help with it if not Trump? The rest look like lost their minds.
I have an idea, or, a wish; why we don't we celebrate Trump's victory with big concert? We'll invite Russians too, I'll be playing the piano. It could be so much fun. Just let it loose, shall we? 2am
Wee hours.
When I want to talk about MSM one thing comes to mind; C'est la merde de la merde.
Having said the above I want to stress that all the huge events of human history started with an idea.
Some were good, some bad and others in between. Not all of them rose in urban areas, as our left things today, but often in suburbs. That misconception was what "surprised" the "blue intellectual elite" of America a few days ago.
All my life I lived in major metropolitan areas and I have one of the finest and highest educations in the entire wide world and especially western civilization. I'm technically "suppose" to belong to that class. But, I don't, because I decided so, not because they wouldn't consider me. Who are they?
Most of college educated people who consider themselves other than conservative, because their colleges called as it is - liberal. It's nothing wrong with that word, but the problem is; how is it used, for what reasons and where it takes you. Once you do the math, - there goes your neighborhood.
I knew Trump will win, if he'd run first time he talked about it, which was in 2011. That's when I opened a blog, had couple of entries to support him, then, unfortunately he changed his mind.
The blog called "" I continued it at this time, but because I already write what I want to say about him and his campaign in here, I phycically had no time to take that portion out of this blog to put in the other.
In that blog I refer to this one, which might not be to clear for the first time reader, but they can read what I had to say and more, which only can be helpful for their knowledge in supporting him.
Should I get his attention, I'll have my work cut out for me. All I need him or one of his children to listen what I have to say and what I offer to do.
I did this for 6y. 8mo. already anonymously, without looking for any personal reword; no name recognition and no penny from it. I don't even tell those people who I know, they're all liberal. Even to those who know I write and asking the name of the site. I don't give them. It's too much for their brains anyway. NYC's dems, libs and others who supported H were and are irredeemable. :)
See, I can learn too. If you'd give me any highest degree from any IVY college in here, I'd not exchange it with mine. I'm so glad I didn't pay for Journalism School at CU. What an embarrassing waste of money. You come out of there and the best place you can get a job (if you're connected to Pinch, of course) would be the Slimes? Alas...
This is yesterday's Sunday evening news, which covers the past week from Moscow, at
Russians are happy, they seems to be relieved by the fact that Trump is not a warmonger against Russia.
I personally would like to see Pence changing his tone, because he was very hawkish toward Russia during the campaign. He said lots of nasty things because he's unaware of facts. He's unaware because he gets his info from the vermin. Now, that he knows they're vermin. maybe he should listen to someone like myself; - an absolute independent expert.
You know who're in panic now? Kiev's thugs, its neo-nazi government who got 100's of millions of dollars handouts from O, taken from American taxpayer without their permission, at Bet on the old aunt H with free cookies in the basket for them went awry.
Oh, looky, looky, who is crying foul now; none other than cuckoo Jens Stoltenberg - General Secretary of NATO. "Who is going to pay us for BSing the world if Trump decides USA is not going to do anymore? Oh, boo-hoo my rat's .ss - you jerk you!
More than half a million people bureaucracy machine, which is mostly paid by American taxpayers, might slip out of his skinny fingers. Ooh, la, la, Jensy-Jens!!! You trash you! You killed 1000s in their own homes in eastern Ukraine because they were mostly Russian, you racist piece a sh.t! mw
Yesterday was a year after Bataclan theater attack in Paris, at
People came out to remember victims. First time it opened and Sting held concert in it. He opened with a prayer and song "Fragile." Tickets were sold fast, people wanted to be there.
In the meantime, lib-head F. Hollande's approval rating is 4%.
This is the song Fragile with lyrics, at, it's beautiful.
Look how Russia is fighting its own inside terrorists, at connected to .S.L. Who will give them credit and help with it if not Trump? The rest look like lost their minds.
I have an idea, or, a wish; why we don't we celebrate Trump's victory with big concert? We'll invite Russians too, I'll be playing the piano. It could be so much fun. Just let it loose, shall we? 2am
Sunday, November 13, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 12-13th, weekend edition
Saturday, the 12th.
Yesterday you had a substitute and I didn't listen. I listened most of Sean Hannity's show and it was was a happy program.
Also listened most of the Rush's. You know what he said? Apparently a family committed murder suicide believing that global warming is coming and their kids have no choice of survival, so they decided to die together and die now. It's tragicomedy of its kind. That's how progressive minds can literally kill those who believe them.
Local news about Trump was that he had his transition team with him in Trump Tower and he appointed Mike Pence to take over from Chris Christi, because he was running a little late on schedule. Now Christi will help Pence. They say that Giuliani and Christi are on the short list for Attorney General. It makes sense. I think both of those should be involved.
I loved Giuliani as a mayor. He was great, but only one thing ticked me off; once he was asked about changing of city's sanctuary status, he said "no" and called on illegals to come to NYC. He did this on TV. I saw it with my own eyes. He literally addressed them from TV screen and said "come to NYC!" He had some judgment calls on his marriages. He said he didn't know that his first wife was his second cousin. ?? It's nice to see that he is happy with the 3rd one so far.
Christi need to watch his diet. His wife is good though. She looks normal weight-wise and h as been making much more money than him being a governor.
Today more street-professional-demonstrators went out to streets on NYC against Trump. Apparently can not swallow defeat. My take on it is that they're jealous. Jealous of his everything; his success his good family and finally his victory to lead the free worlds. He should not pay attention to those for a second! Those are so utterly ignorant in the fields of history, geography and even simplistic current events, witch can be checked on everyone's hand-device, that they do not deserve to be paid attention. I wish he'd have the power of collecting them and sending to middle east to rest there. How about that? If they like people from other places rather than us in here, they should go and join them there.
To me they're self-hating street thugs who came out of hate-filed families and schools of lowest learnings. Nothing else to it.
Now Int'l news; reports about Putin press-secretary's interview to CNN. Peskov said (to that scary woman Amm.) that Putin never took sides, never "endorsed" Trump, always said that they'll work with anyone who American people elect.
[That is so true. He said it all the time; "we do not endorse anyone, we do not meddle, we'll work with anybody who will lead the US." He even explain that despite their campaign time promises politicians can change their positions according the times and circumstances.
Even in very top level political talk shows in Russia many called for refraining from praising Trump because that might be interpreted as a "connection" of some sort and actually hurt his chances.
The whole hoax backfired dems. Yes!]
Also Peskov noted that good relation with new American administration can start only in atmosphere of mutual understanding instead of the language of sanctions.
[He should say right there; we need Mr. Trump to get rid of the sanction on the second day of his work. That's all. How difficult is that? I can say it, I'm saying it right now; "Mr. Trump, get rid of nonsensical sanctions, which are result of O's personal hate toward Putin." That's all. ]
Sunday, the 13th.
Wee hours.
Did you see Megyn Kelly's dress on Nov. 9th edition of her show "Kelly's nail-file" as you call it? :)
Looks like a lingerie, isn't it? Especially in Nov. and next to men who are fully clothed with suits.
Look how she's made up. She is totally covered with a thick brown-bronze skin paint. Look, right at the end, when Sean come up, she's talking to him and moving arms up you can see the difference between her shoulders' color and the white-powder under her arms. Big contrast. Ugly too.
This phone number - 267-606-5147 was advertised offering to hire protesters who can get paid from $15 - $18 an hour. Some cuckoo-sour-grapes are calling for electoral vote holders to change their pledge and on Dec. 19th do not finalize their votes for Trump. If one already voted, but changes his/her mind, gets fined for $1000? What are they talking about? Is this even possible? This can't get any weirder by the vermin on the streets. He got 289 electoral votes, he can sacrofice 19 of them for all I care!!!
Trump's after election interview with "60 minutes" will air today.
Look what's going in in Seoul, South Korea where the President is a woman, at and at
What about another women in Brazil? What about that crazy Merkel that I call D-tran?
My Q; What's uterus got to do with it?
My interest leans toward watching World Championship Chess Tournament started 2 days ago in NYC and will end in Nov.30th.
Check site. Yesterday's game ended with 1-1.
All together Carlsen from Norway and Karjakin from Russia will play 12 games.
A child prodigy Sergei Karjakin (must be spelled Karyakin though) was born in Crimea and earned title Grandmaster when he was only 12 years and 7 mo. old. The previous youngest one was Garry Kasparov. I'm talking about those from former Soviet Union. There was a very good chess school.
Quite a few ladies also achieved the title from there.
Look how proud the parents of these young men must be.
Should I work for Trump and wanted to expose the personalities of those street agitator-thugs, I'd expose their parents' past and present.
It's their responsibility to take their bums off the streets, guide them to better ways of living and doing things, isn't it? What about accountability for your family member's behavior? When it all changed in America? It was a norm where I grew up. No shame anymore. No embarrassment. That's what immorality brought to this nation and it came with liberalism.
To be honest, now I'm a little worried about Dec. 19th vote finalizing sh.t. "Be friends with a beast, but don't lay down your stick," the old saying goes. Personally, I don't want to be their friend and need to get a stick now. Stick not as a baton, but word power. Free speech, - the thing that I came for 25 years ago and I still didn't get to exercise. Liberal thugs kept me down like a hostage. Unless you see it live-streamed you will not believe the scope of it. You might guess, have an idea, imagine, but can't feel the real thins unless seeing and feeling it live-time. No cutting no changing, no makeup, no he says she says, none of those things. No time for that. Not anymore.
UK politicians are starting to meet with Trump. First is one of the man behind Br-exit - Nigel Farage, at
In the meantime Dr. S.F. Cohen said that if Trump tries to heal ties with Russia, establishment will
oppose him, at
Dr. Cohen knows how congress operates, he has access to insiders there. He was saying that when he talks about Russia in good terms they treat him like an enemy.
In his interview he says that american media has real knowledge of the country in whole, that's why they were so wrong on this election.
[That's what I'm talking about! Somebody should heal sick, uneducated, ignorant minds of congress, who can bring this country to its tragic end. BUT... WHO? Who can teach them? Only Dr. Cohen is one too little. Maybe MOI?
With God's will I', going to put my guts together and try to do something about it.
When Trump starting his campaign he said "vote for me, your depression will go away." I thought he was talking to be directly and individually. He should hold on to his words and I will do everything I can to make a difference. ******************************************************]
I didn't forget about situation in southeastern Ukraine and its suffering people. It's not quiet there yet, not at all. Cold winter, Kiev thugs are doing their dirty job of breaking the ceasefire every chance they get. Yesterday, thugs and murderers under Kiev regime 4 times shelled the positions of national police of Lugansk, at
I want Trump to get to WH, next day lift the sanction against Russia, call uncle PP of Kiev and tell him off. Cut off all the money, ask back what they owe us right away (O gave them more than $300 million from American tax payers), change that neo-nazi regime, bring those ultra nationalist groups to justice. Restore the bad relations between 2 bother nations. It can absolutely be done with a stroke of the pen, a phone call, because it was created in DC and is solely based on "feeling" of O toward P.
That's all.
I want so badly to actually go to DNR and LNR, take help and distribute it to those poor, suffering, hardest working people who're innocent and live in their homes on their own land.
About 2am in the morning, that's what I'm going to pray for before going to sleep.
this is Trump's interview on "60 minutes," at
Lesley-whoever tried to poison the conversation as much as she could. What a lowlife! Even pronounced Melania's name as bad as she could. She did it on purpose, maliciously.
I can explain this later. **********************
Our man was gracious and handled her pretty well. He came through for American people on a high note surprise at 28min. when he said that he will NOT take the Presidential salary. He's going to work for free and liberal handout oriented low life protesting crowds on the streets right now should kiss his .ss! What a man!!!
I wish he'd take and invest in my projects and put those low-life-so-called-reporters of MSM out of business once and for all!!!
Actually I really believe that that should be on the first line on 'To Do' list for domestic affairs.
It's a national security issue. He needs to talk to people directly. I'm so happy to see one man who matters so much now to call NYSlimes by its own name, - "very poor and highly inaccurate," at Imagine how the rest are. Slimy pinch tried to lick his wound by writing "open letter" to its readers. hahaha
Also to keep country safe he has to work constantly. In order to be tireless he needs his health taking care of. For that the very first thing he should do it to avoid talking to the vermin in the media and the press-titutes. Just being physically far from them is a necessity. I studied nutrition, maybe I should be his nutritionist? But... don't want to live in DC or be up early morning. Can do electronically, talking to his chef though.
So long.
Saturday, the 12th.
Yesterday you had a substitute and I didn't listen. I listened most of Sean Hannity's show and it was was a happy program.
Also listened most of the Rush's. You know what he said? Apparently a family committed murder suicide believing that global warming is coming and their kids have no choice of survival, so they decided to die together and die now. It's tragicomedy of its kind. That's how progressive minds can literally kill those who believe them.
Local news about Trump was that he had his transition team with him in Trump Tower and he appointed Mike Pence to take over from Chris Christi, because he was running a little late on schedule. Now Christi will help Pence. They say that Giuliani and Christi are on the short list for Attorney General. It makes sense. I think both of those should be involved.
I loved Giuliani as a mayor. He was great, but only one thing ticked me off; once he was asked about changing of city's sanctuary status, he said "no" and called on illegals to come to NYC. He did this on TV. I saw it with my own eyes. He literally addressed them from TV screen and said "come to NYC!" He had some judgment calls on his marriages. He said he didn't know that his first wife was his second cousin. ?? It's nice to see that he is happy with the 3rd one so far.
Christi need to watch his diet. His wife is good though. She looks normal weight-wise and h as been making much more money than him being a governor.
Today more street-professional-demonstrators went out to streets on NYC against Trump. Apparently can not swallow defeat. My take on it is that they're jealous. Jealous of his everything; his success his good family and finally his victory to lead the free worlds. He should not pay attention to those for a second! Those are so utterly ignorant in the fields of history, geography and even simplistic current events, witch can be checked on everyone's hand-device, that they do not deserve to be paid attention. I wish he'd have the power of collecting them and sending to middle east to rest there. How about that? If they like people from other places rather than us in here, they should go and join them there.
To me they're self-hating street thugs who came out of hate-filed families and schools of lowest learnings. Nothing else to it.
Now Int'l news; reports about Putin press-secretary's interview to CNN. Peskov said (to that scary woman Amm.) that Putin never took sides, never "endorsed" Trump, always said that they'll work with anyone who American people elect.
[That is so true. He said it all the time; "we do not endorse anyone, we do not meddle, we'll work with anybody who will lead the US." He even explain that despite their campaign time promises politicians can change their positions according the times and circumstances.
Even in very top level political talk shows in Russia many called for refraining from praising Trump because that might be interpreted as a "connection" of some sort and actually hurt his chances.
The whole hoax backfired dems. Yes!]
Also Peskov noted that good relation with new American administration can start only in atmosphere of mutual understanding instead of the language of sanctions.
[He should say right there; we need Mr. Trump to get rid of the sanction on the second day of his work. That's all. How difficult is that? I can say it, I'm saying it right now; "Mr. Trump, get rid of nonsensical sanctions, which are result of O's personal hate toward Putin." That's all. ]
Sunday, the 13th.
Wee hours.
Did you see Megyn Kelly's dress on Nov. 9th edition of her show "Kelly's nail-file" as you call it? :)
Looks like a lingerie, isn't it? Especially in Nov. and next to men who are fully clothed with suits.
Look how she's made up. She is totally covered with a thick brown-bronze skin paint. Look, right at the end, when Sean come up, she's talking to him and moving arms up you can see the difference between her shoulders' color and the white-powder under her arms. Big contrast. Ugly too.
This phone number - 267-606-5147 was advertised offering to hire protesters who can get paid from $15 - $18 an hour. Some cuckoo-sour-grapes are calling for electoral vote holders to change their pledge and on Dec. 19th do not finalize their votes for Trump. If one already voted, but changes his/her mind, gets fined for $1000? What are they talking about? Is this even possible? This can't get any weirder by the vermin on the streets. He got 289 electoral votes, he can sacrofice 19 of them for all I care!!!
Trump's after election interview with "60 minutes" will air today.
Look what's going in in Seoul, South Korea where the President is a woman, at and at
What about another women in Brazil? What about that crazy Merkel that I call D-tran?
My Q; What's uterus got to do with it?
My interest leans toward watching World Championship Chess Tournament started 2 days ago in NYC and will end in Nov.30th.
Check site. Yesterday's game ended with 1-1.
All together Carlsen from Norway and Karjakin from Russia will play 12 games.
A child prodigy Sergei Karjakin (must be spelled Karyakin though) was born in Crimea and earned title Grandmaster when he was only 12 years and 7 mo. old. The previous youngest one was Garry Kasparov. I'm talking about those from former Soviet Union. There was a very good chess school.
Quite a few ladies also achieved the title from there.
Look how proud the parents of these young men must be.
Should I work for Trump and wanted to expose the personalities of those street agitator-thugs, I'd expose their parents' past and present.
It's their responsibility to take their bums off the streets, guide them to better ways of living and doing things, isn't it? What about accountability for your family member's behavior? When it all changed in America? It was a norm where I grew up. No shame anymore. No embarrassment. That's what immorality brought to this nation and it came with liberalism.
To be honest, now I'm a little worried about Dec. 19th vote finalizing sh.t. "Be friends with a beast, but don't lay down your stick," the old saying goes. Personally, I don't want to be their friend and need to get a stick now. Stick not as a baton, but word power. Free speech, - the thing that I came for 25 years ago and I still didn't get to exercise. Liberal thugs kept me down like a hostage. Unless you see it live-streamed you will not believe the scope of it. You might guess, have an idea, imagine, but can't feel the real thins unless seeing and feeling it live-time. No cutting no changing, no makeup, no he says she says, none of those things. No time for that. Not anymore.
UK politicians are starting to meet with Trump. First is one of the man behind Br-exit - Nigel Farage, at
In the meantime Dr. S.F. Cohen said that if Trump tries to heal ties with Russia, establishment will
oppose him, at
Dr. Cohen knows how congress operates, he has access to insiders there. He was saying that when he talks about Russia in good terms they treat him like an enemy.
In his interview he says that american media has real knowledge of the country in whole, that's why they were so wrong on this election.
[That's what I'm talking about! Somebody should heal sick, uneducated, ignorant minds of congress, who can bring this country to its tragic end. BUT... WHO? Who can teach them? Only Dr. Cohen is one too little. Maybe MOI?
With God's will I', going to put my guts together and try to do something about it.
When Trump starting his campaign he said "vote for me, your depression will go away." I thought he was talking to be directly and individually. He should hold on to his words and I will do everything I can to make a difference. ******************************************************]
I didn't forget about situation in southeastern Ukraine and its suffering people. It's not quiet there yet, not at all. Cold winter, Kiev thugs are doing their dirty job of breaking the ceasefire every chance they get. Yesterday, thugs and murderers under Kiev regime 4 times shelled the positions of national police of Lugansk, at
I want Trump to get to WH, next day lift the sanction against Russia, call uncle PP of Kiev and tell him off. Cut off all the money, ask back what they owe us right away (O gave them more than $300 million from American tax payers), change that neo-nazi regime, bring those ultra nationalist groups to justice. Restore the bad relations between 2 bother nations. It can absolutely be done with a stroke of the pen, a phone call, because it was created in DC and is solely based on "feeling" of O toward P.
That's all.
I want so badly to actually go to DNR and LNR, take help and distribute it to those poor, suffering, hardest working people who're innocent and live in their homes on their own land.
About 2am in the morning, that's what I'm going to pray for before going to sleep.
this is Trump's interview on "60 minutes," at
Lesley-whoever tried to poison the conversation as much as she could. What a lowlife! Even pronounced Melania's name as bad as she could. She did it on purpose, maliciously.
I can explain this later. **********************
Our man was gracious and handled her pretty well. He came through for American people on a high note surprise at 28min. when he said that he will NOT take the Presidential salary. He's going to work for free and liberal handout oriented low life protesting crowds on the streets right now should kiss his .ss! What a man!!!
I wish he'd take and invest in my projects and put those low-life-so-called-reporters of MSM out of business once and for all!!!
Actually I really believe that that should be on the first line on 'To Do' list for domestic affairs.
It's a national security issue. He needs to talk to people directly. I'm so happy to see one man who matters so much now to call NYSlimes by its own name, - "very poor and highly inaccurate," at Imagine how the rest are. Slimy pinch tried to lick his wound by writing "open letter" to its readers. hahaha
Also to keep country safe he has to work constantly. In order to be tireless he needs his health taking care of. For that the very first thing he should do it to avoid talking to the vermin in the media and the press-titutes. Just being physically far from them is a necessity. I studied nutrition, maybe I should be his nutritionist? But... don't want to live in DC or be up early morning. Can do electronically, talking to his chef though.
So long.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 10th, Thursday
Wee hours of morning.
Putin was one of the first who congratulated Trump and said that mutual work will put RF and the US on the path of amicable relations. Russia is ready and looking forward to better days in between two countries.
Another fast one was the President of Egypt, Gen. Abdul Fattah El-Sisi, who knew that from H's coming to power muslim-brotherhood will be energized. Trump's victory help his country from more bloodshed right off top. Trump should get Noble Peace prize for that off the top. Why not? He already did something, O only said something and got it.
Yesterday I was feeling under the weather from previous day of being out in crowds.
Haven't done it for years. Most of the day I spent in the bed sleeping. I was emotionally drained and physically exhausted. s
Now still in the bed, but feeling a little better. Trying to put a finale to 16 months worrying.
It's still hard to believe. My worrying actually started 8 years ago and can't wait that racist gets out of WH.
Silent majority was for real. It proved itself when bet all the predictions of polls and MSM.
Why majority was silent? Why should it be silent? When is started to become silent? These are the Qs I'd love to ask and get answers from ordinary people. ********************************
There are lots of people who don't have voice. One of them is me.
What I experience against me in daily bases, because I'm white, educated and decent person from black unadulterated racists fraudsters, you have to see it to believe it.
There is no amount of talking about it can do anything. NYPD is full of clueless half or full racists against white people, especially those who have accents. They automatically assume that I don't know my way around and ignoring their job or even threatening me for calling them will do the trick.
They're always angry why someone who is not dead called police. I'm very extremely serious about this. It has been a long psychopathic experience with NYPD. To call or to go to precinct to file an assault report with a witness can be so distressing that both of us decided not to do it. Should the incident streamed live, lawyers would find me fast instead of me looking for them.
My life must be streamed live for 24/7. Society attitude is geared against whites, entire system of jurisprudence is tangled, socked in lies and deceits, MSM is a huge criminal enterprise perpetrating and sponsoring all of it.
I'd like someone, let's say Bloomberg, who has no problem of accessing or sponsoring anything
agree to get involved to see himself what is going on in the same town that he lives in and his taxes pay. You think he will? I don't think so. He wouldn't have the "time." He's busy working, making more money, instead of volunteering to help good citizens who then can help other good ones.
How a person that smart and accomplished could be on H's side, is beyond my imagination.
Poor man doesn't like rich man and rich man hates another rich man? Is that it?
You know what I'd love to see to feel really elated? I've love to go to the border of Canada and wave good riddans to the many vermin from sewage of Hollywood who said they'd leave the US if Trump becomes the President. Now that he IS, they should get the heck out of here!!!
Oh, now that I wrote about one thing, more and more things come to mind.
Maybe I should put a list down. Hmmmm ..... not a bad idea.
1. Trump should take me with him to Russia to meet Putin. I'll be the interpreter. It's extremely important to have a good one who understand the meaning behind words.
I read translations on major Int'l TV channels and get shocked how that could be done so badly.
I miss Moscow, I love the city. It has been 25 years. Don't have anybody there either. It's cold in there now. Actually unusually cold weather came down on most of the regions in Russia. Where is Al Gore when we need him?
2. We should create new type of media and Trump should be the sponsor. I need a place to work and technology. Couple of technical people to help around. That's all. I'll do the work. It will be only live.
3. He should cut NATO funding and invest in my projects to save western civilization. NATO with 2 German women, D-tran and MoD of Germany, is killing those who carrying the heritage of it tactically and strategically. Did you hear that bozo MoD's interview? Did you see how "shocked" she was to see Trump win? You should check it out to feel how psychosis in EU rulers gone wild.
Instead Putin is happy and Russian people are exulted.
I found an interesting interview talking Trump, American people's tradition and mentality. It's from Russia, at
Here is your yesterday's show, at
You said "God's hand is all over this election. If not for you, listeners of Savage Nation, this won't happen. There are letters in Torah that show prediction of this happening."
Late night; this is your today's show, at
You said that before moving in Trump should have white house fumigated, because al-sharptongue visited it so many times. Other vermin of society did it too. I'd say disinfect too! Hahaha!!!
The funny thing was about podesta's-d.monic-rituals. When you were making fun of it I was laughing out loud. I also felt some unknown negative emotion when I saw him talking that evening. I didn't pay attention to him and his face before. Talking of deplorable . . .
Yes, Eddie did it! I have educating that Ivy colleges don't give in America. I voted for Trump. To me to pay to Ivy college to get a humanities degree is total waste of time and money. All I'd hear would be stupidity, which can effect any persons common sense. Imagine that you hear stupidity and pay for it too. What would it make you, smart? NYSlimes is a low-life stuff, you shouldn't even mention what it said, you should start with celebration and end with celebration.
The most important thing for Trump is not to soften up. He has to use scorched earth policies. Nice words are for entertainment to get someone to pay for it. He doesn't need to get paid for niceness or for anything else. He is blessed with money. All he need to keep us safe and get our blessings and appreciation for his sacrifice. Yes, it's going to put him and his family in lock-down lifestyle and make him work 24/7. Too bad now Trump tower is going to be surrounded with so much protection, it's not going to be pleasant to go into it. Imagine from next year when Trump family come home from DC?
I found this clip from Fox news broadcasted the day after the election, at
It's about so called "celebrities" (to me they're so called) reaction to election results. I like when Eric Bolling on the air offers to anyone who wants to leave the country first class one way ticket to the country of their choice. !!! He has bestselling book published a few mouth ago called "Wake up America." I haven't read it, but after I see him with such wonderful gesture I'm going to get it.
Greg Gutfeld is funny. I haven't watch Fox for years. Sometimes somethings come through from different sources, but when I used to watch, I liked Greg a lot. He has books too, nice ones, such as "Not cool," "The joy of hate," "How to be right," and more.
Today Trump was in WH, at Hear how O's is mumbling. He can't believe his eyes.
Today you sounded like blaming Trump for saying he's a good man and he'll seek his council. Well, presidency is bigger than the president, so when you're there you have to be polite and respectful.
The whole things should make any normal person humbled.
Of course O knows things about gov. inside jobs that Trump does not. How would he? He's his own boss in private sector. Gov. is little different animal which has its own nature and bad and good habits. He has to find out many things before taking over that desk. Would O follow good intentions and share all the relevant info Trump needs
to know? In my opinion internal governance is easier to figure out, but about his dealing in foreign affairs O might not disclose honestly. Who know what he said and done and promised to his sponsors in muslim world? Remember when he just become a president first interview he gave was to al-jazeera? Then went to Saudi and got a gold chain, the one father gives to his son) like a rap artist from a promoter. That chain shows dynasty, clan, family, blood related person. Remember how low he bowed? One only can hope that he will not use his antichrist skills to do horribly destructive things before he takes any furniture he likes (like his friends clintons did) and get the heck out of there.
Someone should keep a close eye on how many hate filled illegal muslims he'll try to sneak in from backdoor before he leaves that building. I'm sure he will not rest after coming out. Once hateful, always hateful. What is going to happen in order to change it? It comes from his mother and father. She didn't like this country and he hated it. It's genetic. 100% natural brew.
Hope I'm wrong on this too; I feel like Michelle and he are going to get divorced afterwords. Maybe not right away, but down the line, when second kid is out of house. Just saying.
Look at those 2 pathetic Chicago natives; Barack and Hillary. Look what's going on in Chicago. They couldn't fix their own town.
To show their patriotism those 2 families should move into the worse area in that city, what about that? Why not live next to your constituency and change their lives hands on, ha?
So long.
Wee hours of morning.
Putin was one of the first who congratulated Trump and said that mutual work will put RF and the US on the path of amicable relations. Russia is ready and looking forward to better days in between two countries.
Another fast one was the President of Egypt, Gen. Abdul Fattah El-Sisi, who knew that from H's coming to power muslim-brotherhood will be energized. Trump's victory help his country from more bloodshed right off top. Trump should get Noble Peace prize for that off the top. Why not? He already did something, O only said something and got it.
Yesterday I was feeling under the weather from previous day of being out in crowds.
Haven't done it for years. Most of the day I spent in the bed sleeping. I was emotionally drained and physically exhausted. s
Now still in the bed, but feeling a little better. Trying to put a finale to 16 months worrying.
It's still hard to believe. My worrying actually started 8 years ago and can't wait that racist gets out of WH.
Silent majority was for real. It proved itself when bet all the predictions of polls and MSM.
Why majority was silent? Why should it be silent? When is started to become silent? These are the Qs I'd love to ask and get answers from ordinary people. ********************************
There are lots of people who don't have voice. One of them is me.
What I experience against me in daily bases, because I'm white, educated and decent person from black unadulterated racists fraudsters, you have to see it to believe it.
There is no amount of talking about it can do anything. NYPD is full of clueless half or full racists against white people, especially those who have accents. They automatically assume that I don't know my way around and ignoring their job or even threatening me for calling them will do the trick.
They're always angry why someone who is not dead called police. I'm very extremely serious about this. It has been a long psychopathic experience with NYPD. To call or to go to precinct to file an assault report with a witness can be so distressing that both of us decided not to do it. Should the incident streamed live, lawyers would find me fast instead of me looking for them.
My life must be streamed live for 24/7. Society attitude is geared against whites, entire system of jurisprudence is tangled, socked in lies and deceits, MSM is a huge criminal enterprise perpetrating and sponsoring all of it.
I'd like someone, let's say Bloomberg, who has no problem of accessing or sponsoring anything
agree to get involved to see himself what is going on in the same town that he lives in and his taxes pay. You think he will? I don't think so. He wouldn't have the "time." He's busy working, making more money, instead of volunteering to help good citizens who then can help other good ones.
How a person that smart and accomplished could be on H's side, is beyond my imagination.
Poor man doesn't like rich man and rich man hates another rich man? Is that it?
You know what I'd love to see to feel really elated? I've love to go to the border of Canada and wave good riddans to the many vermin from sewage of Hollywood who said they'd leave the US if Trump becomes the President. Now that he IS, they should get the heck out of here!!!
Oh, now that I wrote about one thing, more and more things come to mind.
Maybe I should put a list down. Hmmmm ..... not a bad idea.
1. Trump should take me with him to Russia to meet Putin. I'll be the interpreter. It's extremely important to have a good one who understand the meaning behind words.
I read translations on major Int'l TV channels and get shocked how that could be done so badly.
I miss Moscow, I love the city. It has been 25 years. Don't have anybody there either. It's cold in there now. Actually unusually cold weather came down on most of the regions in Russia. Where is Al Gore when we need him?
2. We should create new type of media and Trump should be the sponsor. I need a place to work and technology. Couple of technical people to help around. That's all. I'll do the work. It will be only live.
3. He should cut NATO funding and invest in my projects to save western civilization. NATO with 2 German women, D-tran and MoD of Germany, is killing those who carrying the heritage of it tactically and strategically. Did you hear that bozo MoD's interview? Did you see how "shocked" she was to see Trump win? You should check it out to feel how psychosis in EU rulers gone wild.
Instead Putin is happy and Russian people are exulted.
I found an interesting interview talking Trump, American people's tradition and mentality. It's from Russia, at
Here is your yesterday's show, at
You said "God's hand is all over this election. If not for you, listeners of Savage Nation, this won't happen. There are letters in Torah that show prediction of this happening."
Late night; this is your today's show, at
You said that before moving in Trump should have white house fumigated, because al-sharptongue visited it so many times. Other vermin of society did it too. I'd say disinfect too! Hahaha!!!
The funny thing was about podesta's-d.monic-rituals. When you were making fun of it I was laughing out loud. I also felt some unknown negative emotion when I saw him talking that evening. I didn't pay attention to him and his face before. Talking of deplorable . . .
Yes, Eddie did it! I have educating that Ivy colleges don't give in America. I voted for Trump. To me to pay to Ivy college to get a humanities degree is total waste of time and money. All I'd hear would be stupidity, which can effect any persons common sense. Imagine that you hear stupidity and pay for it too. What would it make you, smart? NYSlimes is a low-life stuff, you shouldn't even mention what it said, you should start with celebration and end with celebration.
The most important thing for Trump is not to soften up. He has to use scorched earth policies. Nice words are for entertainment to get someone to pay for it. He doesn't need to get paid for niceness or for anything else. He is blessed with money. All he need to keep us safe and get our blessings and appreciation for his sacrifice. Yes, it's going to put him and his family in lock-down lifestyle and make him work 24/7. Too bad now Trump tower is going to be surrounded with so much protection, it's not going to be pleasant to go into it. Imagine from next year when Trump family come home from DC?
I found this clip from Fox news broadcasted the day after the election, at
It's about so called "celebrities" (to me they're so called) reaction to election results. I like when Eric Bolling on the air offers to anyone who wants to leave the country first class one way ticket to the country of their choice. !!! He has bestselling book published a few mouth ago called "Wake up America." I haven't read it, but after I see him with such wonderful gesture I'm going to get it.
Greg Gutfeld is funny. I haven't watch Fox for years. Sometimes somethings come through from different sources, but when I used to watch, I liked Greg a lot. He has books too, nice ones, such as "Not cool," "The joy of hate," "How to be right," and more.
Today Trump was in WH, at Hear how O's is mumbling. He can't believe his eyes.
Today you sounded like blaming Trump for saying he's a good man and he'll seek his council. Well, presidency is bigger than the president, so when you're there you have to be polite and respectful.
The whole things should make any normal person humbled.
Of course O knows things about gov. inside jobs that Trump does not. How would he? He's his own boss in private sector. Gov. is little different animal which has its own nature and bad and good habits. He has to find out many things before taking over that desk. Would O follow good intentions and share all the relevant info Trump needs
to know? In my opinion internal governance is easier to figure out, but about his dealing in foreign affairs O might not disclose honestly. Who know what he said and done and promised to his sponsors in muslim world? Remember when he just become a president first interview he gave was to al-jazeera? Then went to Saudi and got a gold chain, the one father gives to his son) like a rap artist from a promoter. That chain shows dynasty, clan, family, blood related person. Remember how low he bowed? One only can hope that he will not use his antichrist skills to do horribly destructive things before he takes any furniture he likes (like his friends clintons did) and get the heck out of there.
Someone should keep a close eye on how many hate filled illegal muslims he'll try to sneak in from backdoor before he leaves that building. I'm sure he will not rest after coming out. Once hateful, always hateful. What is going to happen in order to change it? It comes from his mother and father. She didn't like this country and he hated it. It's genetic. 100% natural brew.
Hope I'm wrong on this too; I feel like Michelle and he are going to get divorced afterwords. Maybe not right away, but down the line, when second kid is out of house. Just saying.
Look at those 2 pathetic Chicago natives; Barack and Hillary. Look what's going on in Chicago. They couldn't fix their own town.
To show their patriotism those 2 families should move into the worse area in that city, what about that? Why not live next to your constituency and change their lives hands on, ha?
So long.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 9th, New day in America!
Afternoon; I'm still trying to digest the information that another day, a brighter one, came down on America. It has been a long time of feeling down and depressed. Yesterday I literally pull lots of hair off my head while waiting for results. It was a long evening. The longest that I remember for doing anything. Usually time for me goes fast, because I work from home most of the time.
Yesterday afternoon I couldn't be inside the house. Came out, sent Trump and his family placards, saying "no matter what happens today, tomorrow our job just starts." I mean it. I can straighten out broken immigration policies, be a consultant for the President on foreign affairs, an interpreter/ translator of Russian language when he meets with Putin, even his private nutritionist.
Putin was one of the first who sent a telegram of congratulations, at I imagine the weight off his shoulder.
Cuckoo foul mouth Micheal McFaul of ours put in his twitter page that Putin influenced the election.
Putin's press-secretary called it absurd.
Already H gave her concession speech. I wonder what is she going to do next. To me she is not feeling well and as a grandmother she needs to stay home to take care of her grandchildren.
Yesterday I voted for the first time and saw with my own eyes that system is really rigged. Why?
Because on the voter registration form it asks; "are you a US citizen? - yes or no. If 'no' do not fill out this form." Well, I marked 'yes,' because I am and got registered. Took my passport with me, in case they'd ask. If you're a citizen and don't have a passport you should have your birth or citizenship (naturalization) certificate, right? Right! Did they asked for any? No. Not at all. Moreover they didn't ask for any ID. Manhattan is the armpit of liberalism, like Rush Limbaugh says. You should see the faces and looks of people lined up to vote. Am I criticizing people for their looks? Maybe yes, maybe not. Don't you see a bum when you see a bum?
System is rigged by democrats, liberals and progressives who create lawlessness and use it as weapon against law abiding and decent people of this country. Thugs, criminals, freeloaders, immoral racists who scream discrimination while practicing it against white people in daily bases.
Reverse discrimination against majority of this country is legitimized, institutionalized, made a goal and mission of millions of people who hate this country, whose grandparents didn't work, parents didn't work, who don't work now and do not plan in the future. Those are Al Sharptongue's, J-the-immoral-Jackson's, O's and his cronies,' criminal-Clinton's, world distractor Soros and his street mob BLM and crooked MSM's constituency. What the vermin in the media can do without those?
Those who intellectually understand psychology and those who just have an instinct for it know why negative energy people do these types of things. Yes, there are very many out there who operate their lives in destructive and harmful ways toward others who're better than themselves. Those harmful ones come in every shape and form - from crazy bum in the street, who can attack and kill, to a billionaire in a mansion, who can pay for unrest, riots and massive killings.
Money can be also used in destroying lots of good things in many different ways. This is a topic for another day, now let's celebrate. I're got a bottle of wine and looking to share with someone who is on my side politically. So far I can't find any. No neighbor, no friend, not even people who work in stores where I shop for decades and know them and their families personally. Nobody. If my neighbors would know that I was and I am pro-Trump, lots of strange cool-off of relations will happen. Not that I care too much. Maybe then they'll ask less stuff from me? But... unless they ask, I'll just keep it to myself to save their nervous system.
Yesterday after 4pm while I was around Hilton hotel, where Trump should be, I got into conversation with a female police officer who seemed to agree with me. I told her directly that Trump is life and Hillary is death just because of relations with Russia. She said he don't have a chance in NY state, but sounded regrettable. I briefly explained the intellectual conflict between WH and Kremlin, gave her a few historic facts showing that it's only personal and created by O and the hot war out of it will kill us all. She seemed all taking in, amazed and agreeable and wondered why I wasn't doing journalism. I said I do it for myself. She said that she was out from 6am and was hoping that before polls close they'd let them go, so she could vote. I didn't ask her directly who she was voting for, but I felt that we were on the same page.
Isn't it something? I'm so shocked that America I dreamed about is far not the same and in reality can be even very different from what its laws and Constitution says.
There is only one way to expose this; to show the proof live. Streamed live is the ONLY way to truth which is the ONLY thing can set us free. Who are us? First it's me, then people like me who're innocent and not connected, then maybe US itself?
One only can hope, but from today on I'm going to take some small practical steps to try to make my dreams come true. I'm old enough to know and do better and still young enough to enjoy it.
My experience of the evening of voting for the first time I'm going to describe in details at another time.*****************************************************************************
So long.
Afternoon; I'm still trying to digest the information that another day, a brighter one, came down on America. It has been a long time of feeling down and depressed. Yesterday I literally pull lots of hair off my head while waiting for results. It was a long evening. The longest that I remember for doing anything. Usually time for me goes fast, because I work from home most of the time.
Yesterday afternoon I couldn't be inside the house. Came out, sent Trump and his family placards, saying "no matter what happens today, tomorrow our job just starts." I mean it. I can straighten out broken immigration policies, be a consultant for the President on foreign affairs, an interpreter/ translator of Russian language when he meets with Putin, even his private nutritionist.
Putin was one of the first who sent a telegram of congratulations, at I imagine the weight off his shoulder.
Cuckoo foul mouth Micheal McFaul of ours put in his twitter page that Putin influenced the election.
Putin's press-secretary called it absurd.
Already H gave her concession speech. I wonder what is she going to do next. To me she is not feeling well and as a grandmother she needs to stay home to take care of her grandchildren.
Yesterday I voted for the first time and saw with my own eyes that system is really rigged. Why?
Because on the voter registration form it asks; "are you a US citizen? - yes or no. If 'no' do not fill out this form." Well, I marked 'yes,' because I am and got registered. Took my passport with me, in case they'd ask. If you're a citizen and don't have a passport you should have your birth or citizenship (naturalization) certificate, right? Right! Did they asked for any? No. Not at all. Moreover they didn't ask for any ID. Manhattan is the armpit of liberalism, like Rush Limbaugh says. You should see the faces and looks of people lined up to vote. Am I criticizing people for their looks? Maybe yes, maybe not. Don't you see a bum when you see a bum?
System is rigged by democrats, liberals and progressives who create lawlessness and use it as weapon against law abiding and decent people of this country. Thugs, criminals, freeloaders, immoral racists who scream discrimination while practicing it against white people in daily bases.
Reverse discrimination against majority of this country is legitimized, institutionalized, made a goal and mission of millions of people who hate this country, whose grandparents didn't work, parents didn't work, who don't work now and do not plan in the future. Those are Al Sharptongue's, J-the-immoral-Jackson's, O's and his cronies,' criminal-Clinton's, world distractor Soros and his street mob BLM and crooked MSM's constituency. What the vermin in the media can do without those?
Those who intellectually understand psychology and those who just have an instinct for it know why negative energy people do these types of things. Yes, there are very many out there who operate their lives in destructive and harmful ways toward others who're better than themselves. Those harmful ones come in every shape and form - from crazy bum in the street, who can attack and kill, to a billionaire in a mansion, who can pay for unrest, riots and massive killings.
Money can be also used in destroying lots of good things in many different ways. This is a topic for another day, now let's celebrate. I're got a bottle of wine and looking to share with someone who is on my side politically. So far I can't find any. No neighbor, no friend, not even people who work in stores where I shop for decades and know them and their families personally. Nobody. If my neighbors would know that I was and I am pro-Trump, lots of strange cool-off of relations will happen. Not that I care too much. Maybe then they'll ask less stuff from me? But... unless they ask, I'll just keep it to myself to save their nervous system.
Yesterday after 4pm while I was around Hilton hotel, where Trump should be, I got into conversation with a female police officer who seemed to agree with me. I told her directly that Trump is life and Hillary is death just because of relations with Russia. She said he don't have a chance in NY state, but sounded regrettable. I briefly explained the intellectual conflict between WH and Kremlin, gave her a few historic facts showing that it's only personal and created by O and the hot war out of it will kill us all. She seemed all taking in, amazed and agreeable and wondered why I wasn't doing journalism. I said I do it for myself. She said that she was out from 6am and was hoping that before polls close they'd let them go, so she could vote. I didn't ask her directly who she was voting for, but I felt that we were on the same page.
Isn't it something? I'm so shocked that America I dreamed about is far not the same and in reality can be even very different from what its laws and Constitution says.
There is only one way to expose this; to show the proof live. Streamed live is the ONLY way to truth which is the ONLY thing can set us free. Who are us? First it's me, then people like me who're innocent and not connected, then maybe US itself?
One only can hope, but from today on I'm going to take some small practical steps to try to make my dreams come true. I'm old enough to know and do better and still young enough to enjoy it.
My experience of the evening of voting for the first time I'm going to describe in details at another time.*****************************************************************************
So long.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 8th, 2016 AD, Election day!
Can't believe the date.
It looks like an age long intellectual journey to come to this point. Way too long. It should be the most 6 mouths.
This video shows critical points of H's 2 faced mind set, at
Like her personal life was fake, her words and deeds are phony.
Look she can't even walk freely by herself, she's falling apart, at
I believe O has a tooth for Comey now and will try to get rid of him. Can the President fire the FBI Director?
I slept a little bit for the night, but never woke up this early and started checking the news and writing.
No matter what happens today, my job to get rid of 5th column starts tomorrow.
Those who want to live in civil society should work on having a independent thinking media. Not cronies, not corrupt agents of this or that political party. Somebody has to do it, let it be me.
Before going to vote, I'm going to drop a placard at Trump tower, which says:
Nov. 8th, 2016 A.D.
"Mr. Trump, before I go to vote, Good Luck and God Bless You! We'll win today! No matter in which building you'll work next 4 years, we'll help each other to get rid of 5th column of this country - the MSM as it is today. That's an incurable internal infection that can kill the body from within. USA needs a capital clean up of the sewage feeds its mind. Changing the pipes will do better, if fiscally possible. Please check the site " and @starlet737. AnnaNYC
Now it's 7:12am in NYC, chilly, but OK. I have my work cut out for me for the day.
I don't go to vote, I get out to vote.
Can't believe the date.
It looks like an age long intellectual journey to come to this point. Way too long. It should be the most 6 mouths.
This video shows critical points of H's 2 faced mind set, at
Like her personal life was fake, her words and deeds are phony.
Look she can't even walk freely by herself, she's falling apart, at
I believe O has a tooth for Comey now and will try to get rid of him. Can the President fire the FBI Director?
I slept a little bit for the night, but never woke up this early and started checking the news and writing.
No matter what happens today, my job to get rid of 5th column starts tomorrow.
Those who want to live in civil society should work on having a independent thinking media. Not cronies, not corrupt agents of this or that political party. Somebody has to do it, let it be me.
Before going to vote, I'm going to drop a placard at Trump tower, which says:
Nov. 8th, 2016 A.D.
"Mr. Trump, before I go to vote, Good Luck and God Bless You! We'll win today! No matter in which building you'll work next 4 years, we'll help each other to get rid of 5th column of this country - the MSM as it is today. That's an incurable internal infection that can kill the body from within. USA needs a capital clean up of the sewage feeds its mind. Changing the pipes will do better, if fiscally possible. Please check the site " and @starlet737. AnnaNYC
Now it's 7:12am in NYC, chilly, but OK. I have my work cut out for me for the day.
I don't go to vote, I get out to vote.
Monday, November 7, 2016
To Michael Savage Nov. 7th, Monday
Wee hours of the morning.
Weekend was busy for Mr. Trump, flying from one state to the other and rallying.
Yesterday he stopped by in Reno, NV, at
2h22min, he starts at 1h19min.
Some vermin try to jump close and caused little distraction 1h 52min. he came back at 2h. and continues saying "nobody said that it was going to be easy for us, but we'll never be stopped."
Yeah! He thanked secret service. I understand and glad to hear. But, isn't it secret service's job to prevent these things? Check people out before they come in? Vermin had a weapon or whatnot?
What was the panic at this time? They suppose to be proactive, pro-act, not re-act.
Trump's contract with voters starts with promise of ending gov. corruption.
First on "to do" list should be creating new type of media and spreading around to replace the old, corrupt, stupid and criminal one we have right now. He calls them dishonest and crooked media.
That's my President right there!
We have ideas, vision and will power to bring people together. I have, I do!
To do whatever possible to clear the mess of mass media must be the civil society agenda of every citizen who's concerned about the future of this country.
Drain the swamp and throw the bums out of Washington, Mr. Trump! Take me with you to help you out, I'm ready!
Yesterday he was also at Sterling Heights, MI, at 2h4min. He starts his speech at 1h 22min. into the tape, at 1h 37min he invited bunch of kids on the stage. Aaaa... how nice...
Blue color, union people in there seem to be for Trump, because of their job situations.
Union can have a luxury to do what they suppose to do for their members, but when there are no jobs there are no union members either. Everyone gets kaput. Reagan democrats will be Trump democrats.
He's so right by saying that no other politician can fix the job situation, because they have no clue.
I can't believe tomorrow is the election day.
No matter what happens the job of cleaning up the mess of mass media should start. He he wins, it will start officially from the top, otherwise it still will start and will go around to cover Washington and its cronies.
Drain the swamp alright!
He has scheduled 5 stops for today. WOW!
11am Sarasota,FL,
3pm Raleigh,NC,
5:30pm Scranton, PA,
8pm, Manchester, NH,
11pm Grand Rapids,MI.
The most ridiculous thing is that O is not working. Instead he's running around doing her job. Why? Because she can't do it for herself. He is such an embarrassment!
Moscow, Russia; it's 9:30am in there and last preparations for the parade of Nov. 7th are taking place in Red Square, at
It will start in half an hour and will be aired live from Channel One, which we can't see from here.
In NYC it's 1:30am and I need to get some sleep.
After 1pm, Parade of November 7th in Moscow had happened and went very well, at Light freeze and snow in Moscow like it was 75 years ago. There are some surviving vets who were present. Their number is shrinking every year, unfortunately.
7th of November is a big date for everyone who's from former soviet union and their descendants now who're there and who're not there. To me it still is and will be. On top of it, it's my mother's birthday.
This is a clip from the march dedicated to 1941 parade on Red Square from where soldiers went to the front lines to defeat nazis. From Moscow to Berlin, 4 years of hell on earth and beyond they, their families and the entire country had suffered. My grandfather and my uncle died in that war.
I still can't stand hearing German language. Being a linguist and appreciating languages I just don't know how to overcome that barrier against that particular language. 2 times I visited Switzerland, in 2000 was in Zurich and tried to stay away from hearing the local language. As a tourist I dealt with people who suppose to speak English. They don't smile, they have military faces. Even in a grocery store. When I asked if they speak English they usually said "a little bit" with no pleasure whatsoever. Dankkhei! In Russian it's X - kh together and they pronounce it with a twisting sound. Germans from Germany pronounce it softer like danke and smoother, instead of dankkkkhkhkhei with up and down tone. "Guten morgen" for me associate with a joke of someone who wakes up in morgue. Yope, there is a Russian joke for it. "Guten tag" like they want to put a tag on you? "Guten abend" is like "bend over in the evening." :) I don't want to know more and now I digress. Really digress.
If Russia would devastate what was left from Germany in 1945, they wouldn't have problems they have from it today. Look what is NATO doing to Russia, look how economic sanctions hurting. Why have mercy for people who never liked you and you know for sure they never will? Why take a chance of "hoping?" Hope for what? They stated to hate themselves so bad that they devastated the future of their children to have a place called home. Look at the barnyard they created out of their country. They let their own enemies in and close to their children's necks. On top, those enemies didn't fool them with their skills, education, style, better knowledge of anything, money and wealth they brought with them, instead they are being feed for free!!! They brought illiteracy, incompatible mentality base on their believes and culture, poverty and illnesses. Unprotected constant sex with close relatives from minor age to death with the outcome of more eating mouths. It's a gift for their stupidity which will keep on giving until cows come home and beyond.
I pray every day for more patience to Putin and his cabinet until we go through another day. Another day is tomorrow, - Nov. the 8th. After 25 years of living in America, being a citizen for many years, I have to vote for the first time.
I probably can't follow up the news the whole day tomorrow. At least that's how I feel now. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. Wednesday we'll have America not just a little different here and there, but we'll have America "do or die." Do is for T, die is for H! Those are very different paths.
O is out today, running around like a marathon. Work? What work? What oval office? What about it? Me? Nosire. I'm O'Hussein, I don't need to work, look at my skin color. Don't you know by now that you can't say anything? Anybody who opens the mouth is automatically racist. Ask Al-Sharptongue.
Watch this clip and see what policies of Hussein and his cohort neo-nazis in EU brought to a white, Slavic, Christian country of Ukraine, at
Another Orthodox church belonging to Moscow patriarchate was arsoned in Dnepropetrovsk. Books, Icons, the interior. By a miracle alter did survive.
Why the West needs this conflict? Besides making money on blood, western powers need to hurt others. Who creates jealousy the most? Of course Russia.
RF is not a member a clan, a gang and a pack. It stands on its own, makes its own policies and don't owe anybody. Straight man, religious, a church goer, master of marshal arts? Oh, no sir. O and his cronies can't stand it, let's do WW3, shall we?
Your show will start in half an hour.
Evening; you started by ranting "it is time to come out of your sleep, it is time to put your hats on forward, put your p.rn,gr,phy in bonfire, turn off your sports, you entertainment, you'll not have a nation unless you stand up like a man." I think this was a part from previous show.
You said "this is the last day for America as you know it. After tomorrow night you'd not have the same nation. No matter who wins it's not going to be the same America." That's true.
You asked the listeners to call and explain what do we afraid most of H wins. I decided to call and explain why I'm afraid that war might break loose with Russia. Before the end of the first hour I got through to my surprise! Your producer picked up and said that you already have a caller about it, meaning war with Russia. Who was the caller, how he/she was more qualified to answer and/or explain, I don't know. But it was hurtful to me. You should remember me from previous calls. They were unusual ones. I'm long time listener, I live in NYC where I can't meet even one person who politically agrees with me and you were about taking somebody else's call? Interesting.
It hurt my feelings, i turn the radio off. It's nerve racking to listen to you, problematic to get through phone lines, now the rejection? I don't think so. I have my limits too like everybody.
You are in NYC as far as I understood? Maybe came to be here in case Trump invites you to victory celebrations? Good idea. Hope he wins and invites you, you deserve it.
Tomorrow I have a plan to drop a placard at his building for him saying "if you win, our job just
will start, if not, it will start anyways. We have to get rid of 5th column in this country. I can help you do it, if you give me ground to stand on. I'll start for free for my country. Deal?"
Trump was in Sarasota, FL, full event at and in 4 more places. The day of reckoning is close, very close!!!
So long.
Wee hours of the morning.
Weekend was busy for Mr. Trump, flying from one state to the other and rallying.
Yesterday he stopped by in Reno, NV, at
2h22min, he starts at 1h19min.
Some vermin try to jump close and caused little distraction 1h 52min. he came back at 2h. and continues saying "nobody said that it was going to be easy for us, but we'll never be stopped."
Yeah! He thanked secret service. I understand and glad to hear. But, isn't it secret service's job to prevent these things? Check people out before they come in? Vermin had a weapon or whatnot?
What was the panic at this time? They suppose to be proactive, pro-act, not re-act.
Trump's contract with voters starts with promise of ending gov. corruption.
First on "to do" list should be creating new type of media and spreading around to replace the old, corrupt, stupid and criminal one we have right now. He calls them dishonest and crooked media.
That's my President right there!
We have ideas, vision and will power to bring people together. I have, I do!
To do whatever possible to clear the mess of mass media must be the civil society agenda of every citizen who's concerned about the future of this country.
Drain the swamp and throw the bums out of Washington, Mr. Trump! Take me with you to help you out, I'm ready!
Yesterday he was also at Sterling Heights, MI, at 2h4min. He starts his speech at 1h 22min. into the tape, at 1h 37min he invited bunch of kids on the stage. Aaaa... how nice...
Blue color, union people in there seem to be for Trump, because of their job situations.
Union can have a luxury to do what they suppose to do for their members, but when there are no jobs there are no union members either. Everyone gets kaput. Reagan democrats will be Trump democrats.
He's so right by saying that no other politician can fix the job situation, because they have no clue.
I can't believe tomorrow is the election day.
No matter what happens the job of cleaning up the mess of mass media should start. He he wins, it will start officially from the top, otherwise it still will start and will go around to cover Washington and its cronies.
Drain the swamp alright!
He has scheduled 5 stops for today. WOW!
11am Sarasota,FL,
3pm Raleigh,NC,
5:30pm Scranton, PA,
8pm, Manchester, NH,
11pm Grand Rapids,MI.
The most ridiculous thing is that O is not working. Instead he's running around doing her job. Why? Because she can't do it for herself. He is such an embarrassment!
Moscow, Russia; it's 9:30am in there and last preparations for the parade of Nov. 7th are taking place in Red Square, at
It will start in half an hour and will be aired live from Channel One, which we can't see from here.
In NYC it's 1:30am and I need to get some sleep.
After 1pm, Parade of November 7th in Moscow had happened and went very well, at Light freeze and snow in Moscow like it was 75 years ago. There are some surviving vets who were present. Their number is shrinking every year, unfortunately.
7th of November is a big date for everyone who's from former soviet union and their descendants now who're there and who're not there. To me it still is and will be. On top of it, it's my mother's birthday.
This is a clip from the march dedicated to 1941 parade on Red Square from where soldiers went to the front lines to defeat nazis. From Moscow to Berlin, 4 years of hell on earth and beyond they, their families and the entire country had suffered. My grandfather and my uncle died in that war.
I still can't stand hearing German language. Being a linguist and appreciating languages I just don't know how to overcome that barrier against that particular language. 2 times I visited Switzerland, in 2000 was in Zurich and tried to stay away from hearing the local language. As a tourist I dealt with people who suppose to speak English. They don't smile, they have military faces. Even in a grocery store. When I asked if they speak English they usually said "a little bit" with no pleasure whatsoever. Dankkhei! In Russian it's X - kh together and they pronounce it with a twisting sound. Germans from Germany pronounce it softer like danke and smoother, instead of dankkkkhkhkhei with up and down tone. "Guten morgen" for me associate with a joke of someone who wakes up in morgue. Yope, there is a Russian joke for it. "Guten tag" like they want to put a tag on you? "Guten abend" is like "bend over in the evening." :) I don't want to know more and now I digress. Really digress.
If Russia would devastate what was left from Germany in 1945, they wouldn't have problems they have from it today. Look what is NATO doing to Russia, look how economic sanctions hurting. Why have mercy for people who never liked you and you know for sure they never will? Why take a chance of "hoping?" Hope for what? They stated to hate themselves so bad that they devastated the future of their children to have a place called home. Look at the barnyard they created out of their country. They let their own enemies in and close to their children's necks. On top, those enemies didn't fool them with their skills, education, style, better knowledge of anything, money and wealth they brought with them, instead they are being feed for free!!! They brought illiteracy, incompatible mentality base on their believes and culture, poverty and illnesses. Unprotected constant sex with close relatives from minor age to death with the outcome of more eating mouths. It's a gift for their stupidity which will keep on giving until cows come home and beyond.
I pray every day for more patience to Putin and his cabinet until we go through another day. Another day is tomorrow, - Nov. the 8th. After 25 years of living in America, being a citizen for many years, I have to vote for the first time.
I probably can't follow up the news the whole day tomorrow. At least that's how I feel now. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. Wednesday we'll have America not just a little different here and there, but we'll have America "do or die." Do is for T, die is for H! Those are very different paths.
O is out today, running around like a marathon. Work? What work? What oval office? What about it? Me? Nosire. I'm O'Hussein, I don't need to work, look at my skin color. Don't you know by now that you can't say anything? Anybody who opens the mouth is automatically racist. Ask Al-Sharptongue.
Watch this clip and see what policies of Hussein and his cohort neo-nazis in EU brought to a white, Slavic, Christian country of Ukraine, at
Another Orthodox church belonging to Moscow patriarchate was arsoned in Dnepropetrovsk. Books, Icons, the interior. By a miracle alter did survive.
Why the West needs this conflict? Besides making money on blood, western powers need to hurt others. Who creates jealousy the most? Of course Russia.
RF is not a member a clan, a gang and a pack. It stands on its own, makes its own policies and don't owe anybody. Straight man, religious, a church goer, master of marshal arts? Oh, no sir. O and his cronies can't stand it, let's do WW3, shall we?
Your show will start in half an hour.
Evening; you started by ranting "it is time to come out of your sleep, it is time to put your hats on forward, put your p.rn,gr,phy in bonfire, turn off your sports, you entertainment, you'll not have a nation unless you stand up like a man." I think this was a part from previous show.
You said "this is the last day for America as you know it. After tomorrow night you'd not have the same nation. No matter who wins it's not going to be the same America." That's true.
You asked the listeners to call and explain what do we afraid most of H wins. I decided to call and explain why I'm afraid that war might break loose with Russia. Before the end of the first hour I got through to my surprise! Your producer picked up and said that you already have a caller about it, meaning war with Russia. Who was the caller, how he/she was more qualified to answer and/or explain, I don't know. But it was hurtful to me. You should remember me from previous calls. They were unusual ones. I'm long time listener, I live in NYC where I can't meet even one person who politically agrees with me and you were about taking somebody else's call? Interesting.
It hurt my feelings, i turn the radio off. It's nerve racking to listen to you, problematic to get through phone lines, now the rejection? I don't think so. I have my limits too like everybody.
You are in NYC as far as I understood? Maybe came to be here in case Trump invites you to victory celebrations? Good idea. Hope he wins and invites you, you deserve it.
Tomorrow I have a plan to drop a placard at his building for him saying "if you win, our job just
will start, if not, it will start anyways. We have to get rid of 5th column in this country. I can help you do it, if you give me ground to stand on. I'll start for free for my country. Deal?"
Trump was in Sarasota, FL, full event at and in 4 more places. The day of reckoning is close, very close!!!
So long.
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