Sunday, September 11, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 10 -11th, weekend edition


Sat, the 10th, wee hours.
Look I found more "amazing" stuff about Hillbilly. She keeps calling Trump "scary" to scare those who don't know anything including what she's talking about. What I hear is that she is the one who's scared.
Did you hear that co-founder of fakebook-bs that I never use and never even liked the idea of its creation, Moscovitz-or-some-such-with-his-wife pledged $25 M to hillbilly's campaign? Talking of enemies within. Two very wealthy jewish guys going mentally rogue on their own country and the future of their children? Why would they do it? Don't they know better. I think they do. The problem is that if this country goes down, their hope is to get out and get another refuge. Well, well, money don't keep you safe everywhere and all the time. No one took it to the next world also.
Sad that smart and wealthy can become a huge destructive force, which we'll witness if zuker-face-n-his-bozo-partner's woman wins.
Here is "The Donald Trump every Jew must watch" clip by Ezra Levant, who is a Jew too, at 
Saudis who support .S.L, who pulled 9/11 on US, who're the architects of all refugee exodus to western world, who're not taking their muslim brethren into their country and homes, but are funding muslim schools and constructions of temples of their faith all over Europe and in here, who organized $620M to be shuffled in $200 donations from middle east to O's campaign, of course want an old, sick, money hungry woman to give some stock of papers and laugh at her dumb, uncovered head.
Do you know what they say while they laugh at her? Oh, please, my grandparents and my father were fluent in Arabic and they said that the swear words in that language has no equals. Those are detailed, 77 story high and full of flavor with special seasonings.
Someone like her gets all of it, for sure. Now the "kingdom" gave to her "foundation" $25M and other "sheiks" gave her individually who knows how much. What about other rich Arab countries?
In above clip Ezra says that Huma Abedin's family business is the "muslim extremism" (9min.) !!!
I just discovered Ezra's It's worth to check. I'll do it. 

Check this too, this is a masterpiece when Bill was waging fingers at American people's faces and his wife was saying that his affair will not be true, at  
Actually, if you pay attention to her every word, you can hear that she's indirectly threatening those who are accusing her "husband" for fornicating at work time and making it an oral-office.
Her marrage was a business from get-go, she kept that man as an umbrella, he wanted a divorce when Chelsea was a baby in her crib. You can read it in his book "my life."

The following clip should be one of favorites in Trump's phone and he should show it to the public in rallies and in play it in his every interview. Hear Bill saying that Hill's 2012 concussion was terrible and it took 6 mouths of serious work to get over, at 
I remember her getting blood clot behind her ear also. Can you really get over those types of things completely? What medications is she still taking for prevention? She's "working" her behind off and getting older at the same time. We should know about her meds. That's all.
How did she get a concussion. She never does anything but talk and maybe read what others wrote. Let me check now. Oh, she fainted. Aha, is she epileptic? Does she have a seizure disorder?
Check this clip to see her faint, at Her health implodes, at
In 2008 campaign O said about her "she'll say anything and change nothing," at       #Hillaryhealth is a gift keep on giving.
My Q about her emails; ...........****************************************************

"Trump will win if this goes viral," at

Tomorrow is 15ht anniversary of 9/11. Tonight I'm going to classical music concert for its memory.

On Int'l side of things; Today Moscow became 869 years old, at 
The whole city and the country with it will celebrate, have festivities all weekend long. This year is a year of Russian cinematography and that's why the entire city looks like a giant film shooting scene.
Grandiose performances are organized by the Kremlin's wall, in the heart of the city.
Must be fun to be there. Too bad so sad for me.

Yesterday Putin gathered his defense team and commended to have RF's forces up to date to combat any aggression. Why would he do that? Because a few days ago Russian fighter got close to NATO plane and buzz-buzz it. Now, our media says the plane was in Int'l space over Black Sea. How really do they know? Bozo media doesn't know it whatsoever and the military wouldn't tell if they were about crossing the air space or if they even did it and Russians spared them.
Instead, even in some talk shows on radio war mongers were fuming and foaming fire from their crock-pot-mouths.

Sunday, the 9/11, wee hours.
Look at Tear Drop Memorial that Russians gave to Americans for 9/11. See how impressive and dynamic it is. I like it very much. It's in Bayonne, NJ. In its groundbreaking ceremony in 2005 Putin was in attendance, at  

Cuckoo Hill-rot-ham's use of word "deplorables" referring to half of Trump voters is backfiring on her alright. She's losing her damn mind. Dementia is setting in and Lucifer is taking over.
Criminal is automatically deplorable and Clinton clan is a criminal enterprise as far as I'm concerned. Her loose-screw, bent-knee husband lied to American people wagging his finger on every camera in this country. Fornicated in highest office of this country at work time and dirtied the place. What a disgusting person with a deplorable wife who stood by him anyway. Used one of his 9 lives like a cat and survived by only losing his law license. Both should be locked up. The big punishment would be to put them together in one jail cell without bars and window, - just a heavy metallic door. That will do to both of them justice.

Check a new thing; -  #Basketofdeplorables. 

I've got her a nickname; Hilarious-rot-ham-deplorable-cuckoo, --- HRHDC.
From now on I'll use this abbreviation instead of her name.
On Twitter @RealDonaldTrump responded graciously, didn't come down to her level and said that no matter who will or will not vote for him, he'll respect them all. Also said that Hrhdc's words will cost her. Of course. How stupid Barney's voters have to be to vote for her?
Don jr and Eric also took to Twitter on defense of their father. Don Jr. said to Clintons that deplorable is to be impeached! True.    


After the word "deplorables" I'm thinking of jumping into more visible, front line action for Trump.
She really made me disgusted and noxious. She has her nasty mouth thrown around too loose. Everything should have a limit. She crossed it.
As long as Trump was doing good I was watching from behind. Waiting to the moment that he'll need help the most. I was gathering steam so far. Waiting for a moment of distress to jump in.
That low-low-brigitta has no respect and no consideration for American people. She became too cocky and arrogant because she has gotten away with too much too far.
One more person should tell her that, let it be me!!! ****************************
All Trump has to do is talk to me about immigration and get his Qs together for her. I'm sure he doesn't know what kind if pipe is that and the low-low-br has no clue and couldn't care less.
If Trump would ask Qs that I'll give him, she'll be proven a damn-retarded-fraud, because she was SoS. Not only she must have known what illegality is going on, but do something about it. Talking about illegal border crossing is just top of the hay.
She was, she is and she'll be a failure. Simply because American people deserve better. I deserve better. I'm an immigrant and educated one at that. I don't want to see this country as an marketplace
ran mock-daddies and mock-mommies from street corners.

O and H are both from Chicago. The latter have been in politics for 30 years. The former is a president for 8 years, what they have done for that city? Help made it to reach a milestone of killings? Blooming of gang-galores? The murder capital of USA? I see.

Ms. Phillis Schlafly died and Trump is going to appear at her funeral with her wife Melania, 


Trump also tweeted that CNN aired some film about him which is entirely fictional and he doesn't even know people who are talking about him in it. He called it totally dishonest, which is too soft. I haven't seen it, I'll not watch another burst out of a professional perversion from trash-pipe.
Yes, perversion is not only physical, but also intellectual, spiritual, mental and psychological.

Judge Jeanine Pirro had an "at it" with Hillary in her opening statement yesterday, at She was rightfully pissed, calling her a pathological liar. Must watch!  also check @JudgeJeanine. 

Here are these 2 wonderful girls talking about democrat plantation, explaining how real slaves were treated (10min.) and how democrats now treat their voters as slaves while enriching themselves on their jobs, at Must watch!
These girls are informed, wise and caring. Hear their 14:50min. exchange about the "rock."

Damn those phony "do-gooders" who are the source of hatred and crime in this country! My words.
Can't wait to see the reaction of these sisters to H's "deplorable" remark.  

So long.

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