Thursday, September 29, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 29th, Thursday


Wee hours.
Yesterday you were talking about left's race baiting, hatred against this country and especially white people. You played a clip from a speech at UN by some phoney-n-disgusting woman - M.F. Mendez with french accent who was condemning USA and talking about reparations. You compared her to Pol Pot. Yes, liberal fascism has no limits.
The time of the slave owning in USA it was a legal trade worldwide. From Africa they were being sold to all over the world. They were first captured and enslaved by muslim Arabs who invaded africa, then they started catching each other and selling them away. Why they don't want to sue the original wrongdoer? Because there is no one who wants to hear their "complaint" and there is no money to be made.

To me reparations are done for 180 years and being done every day a million ways and thousand times over than any monetary compensation can. I personally paid reparation for last 25 years living in here and paying it every day in expense of my health, my wellbeing, my career. my financial success and my physical existence. What else you want me to to do for every minority person who is ever coming across to me and dealing with me on daily bases?
They come first, they're more important, more values, more feared from, more tended to, more paid, faster and specially employed, etc. etc.
Not only I pay directly for what happened 200 years ago, which I had no part of, but also paying indirectly by putting up and tolerating self-hating, aggressive, vicious whites who victimize me just to be "nice" to those who give a darn-damn about them. It's a basic instinct; out of fear most people side with a dangerous person to survive.
I can talk about this endlessly, but nothing can do any good than old fashioned showing and asking simple Qs. If you don't show, anyone will attack, stop, destroy, threaten, call names, etc.
The "real reality" as old-lady-clintongue says nothing more than a big lie repeated endlessly by the vermin. There is a book by Michael Medved called "The big 10 lies about America."
I'd love to get involve to put this huge racism business down. I need a big, fat, black lady who agrees with me and will come with me all over I go and we'll broadcast live (live stream) to show the "real reality." H.Clintongue and her family foundation is a huge criminal enterprise which should be shut
down and money should be given to government. That's all. Now it's time for whites to show, sure, show sure, show sure and keep doing it until cows with common sense comes home. You don't need
to be formally educated and be savvy in your life experiences, you just have to have a common sense.
I know it's not easy. It's hard to find.
In a nutshell; the business of race in USA is created and ran by people who are the "yalachies" for money. Money, money and only money; money for lawyers, media, doctors, pharmaceuticals, which are top 4 on my list. In real reality, which I am a living actor, the most discredited, disadvantaged and discriminated people are most moral, yes I said moral, educated, peaceful, decent, innocent and not connected white people. Ad to it being an immigrant who came with nothing and no one to rely on, and, there goes your truth to the sky.

Today Trump had to rallies;
at 3pm he had in Council Bluffs, IA, at Rudy Giuliani opened it (he was wrong about Russia, he has no clue about it, I don't hold it against him though as long as Trump doesn't his advice on FP).
At 6pm he made it to next rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Crowds were big in Waukesha County Expo Center. Full event at Lots of people couldn't get in. Good speech.

Today he's going to be in Bedford, NH at 3pm.

Evening; there have been a terrible train accident in Hoboken, NJ. One dead, more than 100 injured.
I heard your show. You were talking about a few things; elections - saying that Trump should stay authentic and he shouldn't bring his beautiful family on the stage every time, because most people don't have perfect families and they can be jealous and it will backfire.
I agree. Do not underestimate power of jealousy.
You're right - he should stay on his merits only.
Then you talked about Al-Sharptongue's daughter's $5M lawsuit against NYC because she fall down on the street in 2014. Poor taxpayer.
I was laughing when you said that the whole bunch of lawyers in their BMW are driving to Hoboken to get those injured in train wreck as clients to file a class action lawsuit. Hahaha!
Then you read from your very first book "Earth medicine" and the funny one - "The Political Zoo."
You read about Clintons, but not about Trump. Trump is there too. Maybe he doesn't know that's why he has been so nice to you. You know that he like to drive his enemies crazy.

About debates; actually the real numbers (not the stupid CNN's) will appear on weekend. My personal expectation was that if Hillary shows up, stands steel and can talk without passing out, she'll declared a winner.
Because of the moderator's skin color, thus his affiliations, there was 2 vs.1 on that stage. Trump was outnumbered and attacked viciously. Trump was bending down for mic., which was an uncomfortable situation.

Int'l news; There has been an uproar about DoS's spokesperson John Cirby's declaration that Russia is wrong in Syria and in the result it can be attacked on its own territory by t.r.r.sts.
What a moran in a gorgeous, admirable uniform!
Here is the official answer from, at Must watch this.

Well, EU and US are still bickering about Russia;

I heard the part of your show today.
You were fuming over the info about the head of FBI J.Comey's connection to Clinton-crime-family- foundation. Apparently he and/or his family got military contracts from or through it?
I don't know where you saw that info., I didn't check anything on it yet. He was and very well have been on many important organizations' boards who'd deal with that foundation.
We all know that financial crimes are usually buried under multiple layers fraudulent dealing which can look quite legit.
Of course she wasn't prosecuted because of Comey's cover-up. Both should go to jail and talk to public how they're sorry and teach their successors who do the job the right way.
Wouldn't it be beneficial? Tomorrow is October already and I can't wait to hear an Oct. suprise.
You were also ranting about O's betrayal of this country for secretly organizing influx of people who are full of hate toward US and never going to assimilate.
He was in Israel today for Shimon Peres's funeral and again said something which was indirectly stupid against both countries.

Do you know that there is a clip of Michelle-O saying "if you can't run your own household, you can't run the White House" Can't do it!" ??? Do you know who she was referring to? To H. and her inability to control her husband's chon-chon-adventures all over the place throught their "marrage."
Here is that criminal's war crimes in Serbia in your words, at
[Must hear, dear readers!]

So long.

Monday, September 26, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 26-27th, Monday, Tuesday

Monday, 26th,

Biggest event is the first debate of Presidential elections between T and H.

Today you were fuming about the fact that your employer put you out of the air on WABC and put Curtis and Cuby instead. You didn't know why they did it, they didn't even inform you about it. You said that if they do it again tomorrow, you won't be on air on Wednesday.
I'd be you I'd strike on Tuesday, not Wed. What's the point to put you out again. They're not so stupid, they're just political hacks for dem- machine.

I heard half of your show. Watched the debate. I didn't get a feel that it was high class, sophisticated or even a serious meeting. Same script from H. At least T was a newcomer and more interesting to listen to. He came up with couple of sharp sword waves on her. They put podium and the mic. very low for T, so on the screen of TV he came out bending over to talk into mic, and looking defensive.
She called him Donald, like they were friends for a long time, but he called her madam Secretary.
Secretary - my dog's foot! She was, not is. Why she don't call him Mr. CEO when he was and still is for a long time?

I can do my own analysis of each Q and response from both, but not right now, maybe later.
Russian news channels covered the part when they talked about Russia. Cuckoo-H said that RF is cyber-spying and that he's fan of Putin. He said that we don't know who does it.
I'm so ready for a nice-hot-n-crispy October surprise. Assange should release all her deleted emails.
She said it was a mistake from her part to use a personal server. A mistake? That's what clinton-crime-machine is calling their criminal acts. Crooked-cuckoo said she didn't send or receive C info, then she said some emails had a C mark, but she didn't know what it was. How come wit her "experience" she can't figure out what is C and what's not? Then, if it's marked, she didn't know what it was. What about her dumb husband, couldn't he chip-in to figure out? He didn't know either, wasn't interested what was going on in his wife's career? Server was in their house after all. How he missed that? One thing in my mind is very clear; this woman lied in her life and career so much, she lost last ounce of common sense. She communicated with O through the same server. Aren't any correspondence with President automatically classified? You bet yours! For only that she had to be behind bars right now. In the other hand, her boss O didn't know either through which pipe his correspondence was going to her? Looks like both of them should be behind bars. of course, if we'd have a legit government who complies with "law and order."

I have a feeling that her daughter also has a shamless side in her like her parents do. Not out of imagination, I saw her in one of colleges where she was "promoting" her mother's candidacy. A student asked about the honesty of her father after he got caught lying to entire America. I thought she might say "let's leave it behind, shall we," or, "I don't condone lying by anyone, but let's move forward," or, "it's over with, do you have another Q?" Instead she said "none of your business."
Some companies pretended they hired her or invited her to gave a "speech" and gave 100s of 1000s of $s to their corleone-family foundation.



Sunday, September 25, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 25th, Sunday


Wee hours of the morning.
I listened to the show on Friday, you were talking about guns and asking listeners who have more than 3 of them to call and explain why they think they needed so many, if they don't why not? Also you had a caller who didn't have any and thought he don't need one.
Also you mention that at Monday debate H-Clintongue asked for a stool to get even with Trump's height. She's 5'4", he's 6'4". Commissioner rejected it, but she might get custom made podium.
[What? N to stool, Y to podium? What's the difference???
Of course discussions about guns are very controversial. I don't have one, never had one in my life. Don't know for sure if I want to have one living on NYC. Should I be forced to answer or to chose between Y or N, I'd say Y! In the neighborhood where I live there were multiple gun fires throughout the summer. Even funny thing happen, I don't have time to tell it now. ***********************]

This is the clip where a courageous woman unleashed the hell of bullets on armed thugs who broke into her house at night, killing one of them. This happened in Gwinnett county, GA, which is close to Atlanta. The date on the videotape shows 9-16-2016 though. Is this happen at 16th and hit the fan of media 23rd, or happened 23rd, remains unclear.
Watch a good job!, at 3min.
This is a little longer version includs the 911 call, at 13min. The operator of 911 should be fired right on spot. Is she retarded or she just was making fun of that woman asking her a dozen times if she's hurt or not? She said from the beginning that she got hit on the head.
I knew why bozo operator is acting like that. She's delaying the ambulance help for a racial reason. She's a black racist, that what I believe and that's what I say!

I had a good laugh watching this. Although there is a death involved, but sorry, can't help it. Looks one of "instant karma" clips. Dead person's mother should cry, not the rest of us. He went with gun to harm others, he went down with gun. That's just fair.
Hope they catch the other two soon and staff them in slammer fast. I hope someone puts this clip in slower motion so we will enjoy it even better.
Enjoy this version too; 5min.
She should be awarded by medal of "civilian self-defence" (I just made it up on the spot) and hired by local police department.
No commercial breaks at Monday debate. Must be 90 minutes. Good staff! Everyone should watch.
Now they're "complaining" that Trump has a "height privilege." Liberal fascists never stop, do they?

In this matter yours and my favorite Jackie Mason says "they should bring down the hoop for Jews, Japanese want to play basketball too," at, 2:22min. into the tape. He's hilarious. You sometimes sound like him, I'm sure you're listening to his concerts often.
He started praising Trump from the middle of last year.
When Jews call Christians goyim is it derogatory? I assume gentile is not. I search google, but couldn't find any clear and serious answer. Internet is not the best place to look up for serious things anyway. Some word even can have dual meanings, such as "chutzpah."   
I put this clip before, but doing it again, because I want every Jew see this, at Made by Ezra Levant called "The Donald Trump video every Jew must watch."

Extra sensory perceptions are necessary for radio host, I agree with you.
At the end of your 3rd hour you were bickering that your job is lonely and you don't know if anyone is listening. Complaining that no one is calling... Well, its Friday evening in here, people have life, you know. Another thing about calling you is what I call a "bad experience" for many reasons.

Int'l news; Syria's PM at UN said that bombing of its military is not a mistake by US troops, it's done deliberately, at 
Lavrov said that US should separate groups on Syria, 

Talking of liberal fascism I want to mark this; they will not stop on anything, nothing.
CC works on 5 steps;
1. tolerance, meaning "leave me alone,"
When people agrees without asking right Qs there comes
2. acceptance, meaning equal rights, meaning cress-cross every social order, do the way you want, Then, when it's already accepted, i.e. is normal,
3. let's celebrate, meaning - promote.
4. forced participation,
5. punishment to everyone who disagrees.

Sounds like the religion which starts with word "peace" and goes right into killing spree under 'command' of God. Goes from A-Z very fast. Once you bent for A without sorting out what it is about, there goes your neighborhood... asking the fate of sodom and gomorrah from God.
Don't tell me I have to change The Holy Bible, because I can't.
O thinks that Putin shouldn't knows about it, or, most people in America are dumb.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 21st, Wednesday


Wee hours of the morning.
I was listening yesterday. You were talking about O's speech in UN, calling it 'bad college lecture.' Yes, it's his signature theme to put down America to look good for its enemies foreign and thugs domestic.
It's so pathetic and already old that I don't want even go into it.
Upcoming Monday debate should be interesting. I'm sure granny is going to unleash all her inner hysteria to overpower Trump. She is prepared for that day for 30 years. 30 years of repeating the same sh.t over and over and over again. Just using different words written by others and the dumb and dumber should not be noticing.
Imagine sending Bill Clinton back to white house full of interns again? At this time with so much free time in his hands? First gentleman - my dog's foot!
You talked about recent t.r.rists acts and said that Somali-vermin who slashed 10 innocent people in the mall only was stopped by off duty cop and his gun. Yes, we need guns. I agree. Law abiding people should be able to have guns. That's all.
Also you blamed this administration and its stupid people in change of health for not stopping the spread of Zika virus coming primarily from Honduras and other central and south American countries. Criminal heads of CDC, NIH and their boss O, instead of cutting the human flow to prevent the spread, brought 100s of 1000s people from those places. Now it's spreading here, already found in Miami Beach and Orlando, FL and going to other places.
Here is the info with its history and a map of today's nationwide spread, at
In 3rd hour you put the interview with Trump again.
I just found a clip showing that a NC black church members are endorsing Trump, interesting why,
at Look at the thick headed reporter and his stupid Q about "mass incarcerations" to preacher's daughter. I bet he got that job of his through affirmative action, otherwise his mental disorder called "hallucinations-while-wide-awake" would prevent him from even cleaning trash for MTA. The church called "Antioch road to glory Int'l ministries." Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Int'l news; there was a bombing of UN humanitarian convoy in Aleppo, Syria. Of course, O's handlers and mouthpieces were quick to blame Russia and/or Assad's forces for it. Russians are adamantly are rejecting it and you'll see the official answer of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RF on its website  Also at
There are drones flying over that territory from both sides, RF and US, and Russian drones are showing that it was done by those who were controlling that area at that time, which was al-nusra.
Sergei Lavrov rejected the possibility of Russian forces being involved in the incident by bringing basic technical reason; they don't have night vision equipment and do not engage in fire at night, at 

Afternoon; You had a substitute today and I didn't listen.
Maria Zakharova of MID of RF says that today's presentation of ceasefire in Syria by John Kerry in UN was unsettling, it was a tragicomic show and Kerry lives in parallel reality. A few days ago, Sep, 16th to be exact, US military bombed Syrian army in Der Zor and killed soldiers who were fighting .S.L for a long time. To another Q about uncle PP of Ukraine and his speech comparing his country with Syria, because of Russia, she said that it was tragicomidic, at
[To me that man is a rich idiot and a war criminal. He should be hanged like Saddam. He killed several thousands of people in his own country who were peacefully living in their homes and going to work.
Ohm by the way, last Sat night, I was in UES when I saw a convoy of fancy cars, one of them a SWAT team. I knew there was somebody "important" in one of the restaurants on the black. I asked 2 bodyguards who is was, they said that I knew they can't tell me. I said if it's Putin, he's my cousin and I have to say hello to him. :) They smiled, one of them said, yes, that's Putin, which meant it wasn't.
While I was thinking maybe to go in one of restaurants for the heck of it to hang around and see who's coming out, I saw the commotion and signs that "he" was coming out. Lo-n-behold it was here comes out John Kerry with an elderly, thin, fragile looking all dressed up lady (don't know if that was Teresa Kerry or his mother. She kissed him on the chick, they've got into different cars. He got into the limo. He's tall, thin, has a broken looking nose, which is strangely flat. Looks like a broken nose grown-up Pinocchio. They meet with S. Lavrov very often, maybe more than they see their own families and still have no clear understanding what the other one is talking about. ]

Russia has precented all the evidence for imparcial investigation, Lavrov said, at

In the meantime, NATO is not fast to put the blame of hitting humnitarian convoy on Russia, at Report called "Parallel Universe."
[Must see this report to see the aerial videos and compare Kerry's words with pictures.
The bottom line is that whatever Russia says is not taken to consideration in here and nobody really knows what's going on on the ground in Syria. Not even Syrians know. So many tribes and groups and affiliations - forget about it! I love the "Predator" drone. Look how slicky it is. Has its own mind and flying on its own? Wow, what else you can ask from a pile of metal? Amazing. ]

Check this; senate approved $1.15B worth of arms sell to Saudi, at
Go to #StopSoudiArms and do something about it, before it's used against all of us.
I've just retweeted the names of senators who didn't go on the leash of self-destructive money at my Twitter account @Starlet737.
Check also #AmericaFirst,  #ImWithYou.

I'm following Trump and NC police shooting event, but I've got my flu shot yesterday and it's making me half-uneasy or almost sick; drowsiness, hot and cold flashes, sleepiness has been the side effects.

So long.

Monday, September 19, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 19th, Monday


I'm listening, I'm watching all local, national and Int'l news and commentary. Didn't have time to write though.

This week is UN assembly and big shots are coming to town. I believe we should take UN out of this country, point, end of the story. Just look how they put out their schedule. You'll see the psychosis behind the thinking. Where did they got that man who's mambaling in English and put him on top?
We don't need the crowds and expenses .

Some t.r.rist acts committed in NYC and NJ last couple of days. Also stabbing of a 9 people in St. Cloud, MN, mall by an acclaimed ".S.L's soldier."
Saturday one was in Chelsea, NYC, close where Chelsea Clinton lives (not too close though). Her mother is in drag induced brain-numbing mode right now. She blamed Trump for saying that we have to get tough. Look how she looks and talks. How many medications are in her system?
[If I'd look like that at my job interview, would I get hired?]
Mental retardation coupled with snake-oil-saleswoman-n-race-baiter genetic mutation, she's getting more and more mancing to this society. Chelsea attack wounded 29 people.
Here is my girl - Judge J.P. is putting her in her place last saterday;
Making fun of her lying husband and her, here is a clip with song called "Delete it,"
at Enjoy!

While crooked-weido is cooking her witch-brew for this country's lowlives to eat, DonaldJTrump put this beautiful ad showing decent Americans at work, called "Rebuilding America now: America soaring." Must watch, at

More bombings today in Elizabeth, NJ, suspect, a muslim, an Afghan is in custody in hospital. He was armed and shot at PO.
[I'm glad I didn't become a doctor, imagine treating that roach? Does money justifies doing everything, even a medicine? I don't think so. Thank God I'm not part of it.

Your show is about starting. Only 50 days left before election day!
Look what I found at Sounds conspirotorial, but aren't Clintons a little conspiratorial afterall?
You just started with Blue Monday song, saying that Trump is going to come on the show at any minute. I'm going to stop now, only listen and will be back after the show.

Evening; Trump was on, you were talking about 3 attcks that happened over the weekend and ranting that it's time to take action starting by puting limitation on first amendment. "freedom is not free, I live by the first amendment, however I have an internal sensor, there are r things that I wouldn't say," you say.
This is the podcast of your today's show, at

[Do you know how many things I don't say on daily bases? Do you know how many things the innocent, decent white people like myself wouldn't dare to say? Way too many, Oh yeah. Yessir.
The only thing can help is the camera and the live stream - 24/7. The rest is a joke, laws are jokes, reality shown on TV jokes, the whole thing's a hoax. Unless Trump buys his own TV channel and puts me in change of true-reality coverage, the lies and deceits will continue and affect his aspiration and the rest of us. He said that we NEED to start profiling, we have no choice. It should be done long time ago. Profiling means describing, taking identifying features. How can you identify anyone if you do not discribe how do they look like? Besides why can't you ID the certain Types of people's mentality and thus motives?
If a nation can be stupefied to a level that submits to a process of taking people who hate them into their midst (many with RGD due to inbreeding) and feeding them, what else can kill it faster? Our monster-ZOMBIE-media has to be dismantled for the sake of survival of this nation. 98% of it belongs to 5th column.
I can do it all by myself, but I need tools and protection. Only Trump can help to do this. ***] 
For Trump check # MAGA (Make America Great Again),  for Hillary check @ZombieHillary, #ZombieHillary, see how she's chewing her tongue while trying to answer to Qs about pressure-cookers flying off the garbage cans in the streets of USA. Does she think that she's immune to those? I'd not be surprised if she says that she is. She's so disconnected that I believe she really believes so. Her handlers put her in her own 7th heaven, created by psychosis, where rent is paid by "donors."
Listen to this fun clip called 'Hillary is so vain,' at
Look at crooked Hilbilly's funds raised for Heiti relieif, which never went to Haitians,
at Hear what the Haitian man is saying to Trump about it.
Who and when they're going to be investigated for that?

Int'l news;
Russia had its parliamentary elections yesterday where 54% of votes went to "Edinaya Rossiya" - "United Russia" party, which is Putin's party. Then 2 other main parties each followed by about 13% and the little rest.

Nobody cares what's going on in Russia? I do. It's very important to us and the world.
Our O'Shvitzer doesn't like Putin, because he's so popular. He doesn't pick up O's call and say "yessir" right away. Two big egos collide because our Shvitzer thinks that he's one of a kind.
What economic sanctions are for right now? Anybody talks about it? No. I will; it's to weaken Russia just by any means possible. That's all.
Look what British air force did in Syria despite Russian efforts to combat the vermin in there, at It went beyond its back Syrian goverment forces.

So long.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 10 -11th, weekend edition


Sat, the 10th, wee hours.
Look I found more "amazing" stuff about Hillbilly. She keeps calling Trump "scary" to scare those who don't know anything including what she's talking about. What I hear is that she is the one who's scared.
Did you hear that co-founder of fakebook-bs that I never use and never even liked the idea of its creation, Moscovitz-or-some-such-with-his-wife pledged $25 M to hillbilly's campaign? Talking of enemies within. Two very wealthy jewish guys going mentally rogue on their own country and the future of their children? Why would they do it? Don't they know better. I think they do. The problem is that if this country goes down, their hope is to get out and get another refuge. Well, well, money don't keep you safe everywhere and all the time. No one took it to the next world also.
Sad that smart and wealthy can become a huge destructive force, which we'll witness if zuker-face-n-his-bozo-partner's woman wins.
Here is "The Donald Trump every Jew must watch" clip by Ezra Levant, who is a Jew too, at 
Saudis who support .S.L, who pulled 9/11 on US, who're the architects of all refugee exodus to western world, who're not taking their muslim brethren into their country and homes, but are funding muslim schools and constructions of temples of their faith all over Europe and in here, who organized $620M to be shuffled in $200 donations from middle east to O's campaign, of course want an old, sick, money hungry woman to give some stock of papers and laugh at her dumb, uncovered head.
Do you know what they say while they laugh at her? Oh, please, my grandparents and my father were fluent in Arabic and they said that the swear words in that language has no equals. Those are detailed, 77 story high and full of flavor with special seasonings.
Someone like her gets all of it, for sure. Now the "kingdom" gave to her "foundation" $25M and other "sheiks" gave her individually who knows how much. What about other rich Arab countries?
In above clip Ezra says that Huma Abedin's family business is the "muslim extremism" (9min.) !!!
I just discovered Ezra's It's worth to check. I'll do it. 

Check this too, this is a masterpiece when Bill was waging fingers at American people's faces and his wife was saying that his affair will not be true, at  
Actually, if you pay attention to her every word, you can hear that she's indirectly threatening those who are accusing her "husband" for fornicating at work time and making it an oral-office.
Her marrage was a business from get-go, she kept that man as an umbrella, he wanted a divorce when Chelsea was a baby in her crib. You can read it in his book "my life."

The following clip should be one of favorites in Trump's phone and he should show it to the public in rallies and in play it in his every interview. Hear Bill saying that Hill's 2012 concussion was terrible and it took 6 mouths of serious work to get over, at 
I remember her getting blood clot behind her ear also. Can you really get over those types of things completely? What medications is she still taking for prevention? She's "working" her behind off and getting older at the same time. We should know about her meds. That's all.
How did she get a concussion. She never does anything but talk and maybe read what others wrote. Let me check now. Oh, she fainted. Aha, is she epileptic? Does she have a seizure disorder?
Check this clip to see her faint, at Her health implodes, at
In 2008 campaign O said about her "she'll say anything and change nothing," at       #Hillaryhealth is a gift keep on giving.
My Q about her emails; ...........****************************************************

"Trump will win if this goes viral," at

Tomorrow is 15ht anniversary of 9/11. Tonight I'm going to classical music concert for its memory.

On Int'l side of things; Today Moscow became 869 years old, at 
The whole city and the country with it will celebrate, have festivities all weekend long. This year is a year of Russian cinematography and that's why the entire city looks like a giant film shooting scene.
Grandiose performances are organized by the Kremlin's wall, in the heart of the city.
Must be fun to be there. Too bad so sad for me.

Yesterday Putin gathered his defense team and commended to have RF's forces up to date to combat any aggression. Why would he do that? Because a few days ago Russian fighter got close to NATO plane and buzz-buzz it. Now, our media says the plane was in Int'l space over Black Sea. How really do they know? Bozo media doesn't know it whatsoever and the military wouldn't tell if they were about crossing the air space or if they even did it and Russians spared them.
Instead, even in some talk shows on radio war mongers were fuming and foaming fire from their crock-pot-mouths.

Sunday, the 9/11, wee hours.
Look at Tear Drop Memorial that Russians gave to Americans for 9/11. See how impressive and dynamic it is. I like it very much. It's in Bayonne, NJ. In its groundbreaking ceremony in 2005 Putin was in attendance, at  

Cuckoo Hill-rot-ham's use of word "deplorables" referring to half of Trump voters is backfiring on her alright. She's losing her damn mind. Dementia is setting in and Lucifer is taking over.
Criminal is automatically deplorable and Clinton clan is a criminal enterprise as far as I'm concerned. Her loose-screw, bent-knee husband lied to American people wagging his finger on every camera in this country. Fornicated in highest office of this country at work time and dirtied the place. What a disgusting person with a deplorable wife who stood by him anyway. Used one of his 9 lives like a cat and survived by only losing his law license. Both should be locked up. The big punishment would be to put them together in one jail cell without bars and window, - just a heavy metallic door. That will do to both of them justice.

Check a new thing; -  #Basketofdeplorables. 

I've got her a nickname; Hilarious-rot-ham-deplorable-cuckoo, --- HRHDC.
From now on I'll use this abbreviation instead of her name.
On Twitter @RealDonaldTrump responded graciously, didn't come down to her level and said that no matter who will or will not vote for him, he'll respect them all. Also said that Hrhdc's words will cost her. Of course. How stupid Barney's voters have to be to vote for her?
Don jr and Eric also took to Twitter on defense of their father. Don Jr. said to Clintons that deplorable is to be impeached! True.    


After the word "deplorables" I'm thinking of jumping into more visible, front line action for Trump.
She really made me disgusted and noxious. She has her nasty mouth thrown around too loose. Everything should have a limit. She crossed it.
As long as Trump was doing good I was watching from behind. Waiting to the moment that he'll need help the most. I was gathering steam so far. Waiting for a moment of distress to jump in.
That low-low-brigitta has no respect and no consideration for American people. She became too cocky and arrogant because she has gotten away with too much too far.
One more person should tell her that, let it be me!!! ****************************
All Trump has to do is talk to me about immigration and get his Qs together for her. I'm sure he doesn't know what kind if pipe is that and the low-low-br has no clue and couldn't care less.
If Trump would ask Qs that I'll give him, she'll be proven a damn-retarded-fraud, because she was SoS. Not only she must have known what illegality is going on, but do something about it. Talking about illegal border crossing is just top of the hay.
She was, she is and she'll be a failure. Simply because American people deserve better. I deserve better. I'm an immigrant and educated one at that. I don't want to see this country as an marketplace
ran mock-daddies and mock-mommies from street corners.

O and H are both from Chicago. The latter have been in politics for 30 years. The former is a president for 8 years, what they have done for that city? Help made it to reach a milestone of killings? Blooming of gang-galores? The murder capital of USA? I see.

Ms. Phillis Schlafly died and Trump is going to appear at her funeral with her wife Melania, 


Trump also tweeted that CNN aired some film about him which is entirely fictional and he doesn't even know people who are talking about him in it. He called it totally dishonest, which is too soft. I haven't seen it, I'll not watch another burst out of a professional perversion from trash-pipe.
Yes, perversion is not only physical, but also intellectual, spiritual, mental and psychological.

Judge Jeanine Pirro had an "at it" with Hillary in her opening statement yesterday, at She was rightfully pissed, calling her a pathological liar. Must watch!  also check @JudgeJeanine. 

Here are these 2 wonderful girls talking about democrat plantation, explaining how real slaves were treated (10min.) and how democrats now treat their voters as slaves while enriching themselves on their jobs, at Must watch!
These girls are informed, wise and caring. Hear their 14:50min. exchange about the "rock."

Damn those phony "do-gooders" who are the source of hatred and crime in this country! My words.
Can't wait to see the reaction of these sisters to H's "deplorable" remark.  

So long.

Friday, September 9, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 9th, Friday


You just opened the show with rock-n-roll Friday theme song.
Soros is pushing for online voting and you call him a white trash. There is an epidemic of harassment against white students and you say that we have to fight to stop it, no matter who wins the election.
You're drinking espresso with lemon and enjoying it on the air, sip, sip, lol.
Larry King is a fraud who set up Trump, you say. The interview was over the phone and Trump thought it was for LK's podcast, but it ended up on Did he ask all Qs, if yes, were they answered properly? I assume he didn't ask everything, didn't sign a contract, he's busy, he's not an expert in handling snakes in the media no matter which one and where. He wasn't in the studio, he was on the phone maybe in his bathroom. ??? Now the snakes are all over him. He needs a handler like me.
Look at crazy looking Paul Ryan. He couldn't stay away and not to badmouth. I think that bozo has too much time in his hand and has nothing better to do than show off his oversized ears and weird looking eyes. Look how his eyes are widening on and off when he's talking. I used to know someone who was bulging his eyes while talking and he committed suicide. I know for a fact that that's a symptom of a serious neurological and mental problem.
The entire congress should be dissolved, the new ones should have entire health check up done by randomly chosen doctors on live TV! Psyche too! What about that?
Oh, by the way, recent survey showed that 71% of doctors who were asked about H's coughing and other symptoms, said that she's too sick to be fit.
Hillary is bulging her eyes too, more and more increasingly. Look at this idiotic apperence, at 
Pay attention to her crooked fingers. Her bones are no good either. She's crumbling physically, caught-choking on her own lies.
Check this clip called "H.Clinton, a career criminal;" at
Is she high in here or what? at
Is she also wearing an earpiece? at 
To combat the lucifer who is giving her the answers, in future debates Trump needs to use a jammer.
Bz,bzz, bzzzz....

"Scorched Earth" is #1 on Amazon before it's published. :)

Kerry and Lavrov are in  now Geneva and already spoke for 9 hour. Not finished yet.
North Korea let loose a scary bomb again and UN has to get together to decide what to do about it. Hydergine bomb test was done on this January. This is how they advertised, reported and how they see their actions, at They say that it's for their protection from US's hostile attitude and policies against their country.
Korean gov. said that the recent one was a test with nuclear warhead, at, also
at Some shaking of earth, 5.3 magnitude to be precise, was detected close to the site of the test.

Trump was in Pensacola, FL today, huge crowds, full event and speech at It's 2 hours long, he starts at 48th minute into the tape.

I found a clip complying funny moments from president's lives from around the world. Hilarious, must watch for an uncontrollable belly laugh, at
Compare Putin's and O's arrival in China for G20 summit.

So long.

Monday, September 5, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 5th, 2016, Labor Day


Wee hours.
At G20 in China Putin and O met and talked for an hour. According to reports they talked about Syria and Ukraine.
[I guess O successfully evaded the most important topic for entire humanity - the so called anti- missile shield project that US and EU are aggressively pushing under the Russia's nose.]
O's reception at his arrival to Hangzhou was "cold," according to reports, because he wasn't greeted with red carpet. Xi Jinping said that he didn't asked for it.]
[What's the protocol in these cases?]

Look at Someone should send this example to Trump. When US is going to learn that by befriending snakes they're not going to change them?
How do you know if it's a snake and the poisonous one? I don't have the chemical indicator for blood work in my possession, but know one thing; blood wouldn't show what's going on in the mid. Here POs give psyche test. Apparently it's not working properly. I'd suggest looking into Israeli policies and protocols and learn from it.

In Kiew ultra-nationalist/neo-nazi thugs, sponsored by their criminal government which is sponsored by our criminals from congress and WH, burned down a Ukrainian TV station "Intern" they didn't like, because comparably it was independent. Almost killed the entire crew inside with fire and smoke. Miraculously no one died. People hardly saved their lives running out, but their equipment is damaged beyond repair. The head of information programs of station Alex Pilipets addressed Uncle PP on camera saying "Mr. President, it's time to fix the situation of suppressing of constitutionally guaranteed right of freedom of speech in Ukraine, because we can't live like this anymore." Heroically, those who were not arrested or hospitalized went on air live and told the stories; the one that happened to them and those which the viewer had to see, if not the ambush and arson.
[I guess no news will come out of that  building any time soon. Although later they let go of 6 arrested, thugs promised to go back tomorrow.
Someone should tell Biden to go there, take his own money with him and have it fixed to save his face. To me he's a faceless thug and neo-nazy sponsor. That's all.]
This news was covered by at 9am issue. It don't give separate link anymore, which is stupid.

This is a cute news;
In Zelenogradsk of Kaliningrad region world firework competition is going on this month.
Check Nine countries, including Russia, are participating.
Last year Russians won the championship.

Good news; D-tran Angela Merkel's party is goin caput; 
[May Saddam's fate lands on her next. I personally want to hear her weight in lb. from her neck.]
Enjoy this too,
at  The head of the group is Leif-Eric Holm. Go Eric!
One more goodie, guess I can't have enough of this news .. Instead of "nationalist, which has a bad connotaion, it better say "patriotic." ]

Late evening;
Int'l press and media covering G20 in China were synonymous in their assessments about the results; attempts to isolate Russia backfired. Despite the financial losses caused by sanctions, it's economy is stronger now and its influence is larger. Plus, By the host country Putin was graded as the guest #1. !!
I like Egyptian President, his looks, his stand, his attitude. He said that only with Russia the world can be a safer place. Putin was satisfied by the results.
According to the reports today O and P spoke one on one, then let the reporters in for a short while.
Putin was smaling, O was not and while talking was sticking his long, boney fingers on P's face.
I listened to both Putin's and O's press-conferences about what was talked about and agreed upon, but didn't feel like anything practical was done. No word about lifting the sanctions, so, don't want to go into details of other issues like Minsk 2 agreement, etc.
Because this is O's last big event of this type, he just said words and that's about it. A job like any other. About Syria he talked totally cuckooish, saying that Russian military actions are not letting us, both RF and US to fight against the real enemy - .S.L. What? Who is Russians are fighting against?
Is this man asleep in donkey's ear? Is his handlers are all totally psychotic beyond repair?
Who is his ally, Turkey? The cuckoo of Ankara is his real "partner?" WOW! Look at 2 other big clowns; lazy-eye-Francois who brought chaos and crime to his country, at, and D-tran-Angie the pathetic loser described in today's Int'l media coverage, at
These are America's allies? These are O's "partners in business?" Pres. of Philippines called O an SOB. What a bunch of .........
Let me stop here before I say too much, ain't worth my time anyway.
In a nutshell; US - China relations are weakened, RF - China are strengthened. I have no feelings about it, though.

Hope everyone enjoyed the Labor day weekend. I did, but so glad tomorrow is a work day.

So long.  

Friday, September 2, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 2nd, Friday


Can't believe how time passes by. I didn't do much in summer. At least not yet. Haven't been on the beach for many years. Tonight I'm going out. I'll tell about it tomorrow.
You had substitute today. I didn't listen.

Trump went to Mexico and met with its President 2 days ago, on Wednesday. It went well, everyone can find and hear it for themselves.
Then he came back and have a rally in Phoenix, AZ. He spoke about the meeting in lenght, at This entire speech is 1 hour and 14 minutes.

If you want to hear his words only about building the WALL, here it is only 2-3 min excerpt from it, at I love when he says in this clip "From day one we'll begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We'll use the best technology, including above and below ground sensors. I absolutely believe that Mexico will work with us."  
TEXT TRUMP 88022. 
I'd suggest also inviting a few Russian Border Generals (yes there are the ones specialized on borders) and ask their advice how they keep those enormously long Russian borders secure. How did they do even soviet times, where there were no high tech. "sensors."
If I'd interview H on immigration, she'd not survive a chance. She is so ignorant about what is going on, you can only imagine.
None of conservatives also, be it talk show host, an author, a priest, a rabbi, a public figure, none in public eye know about the mess the immigration business of this country is.
You mentioned that Laura Ingraham is your good friend, she speaks Russian and now she's involved
with Trump campaign. It's a good news, but I assume she can do more than she already did, because I just heard about it from you only.
You don't seem to be impressed by Kellyanne Conway becoming Trump's campaign manager. She was on Cruz's cruizer first, now T took her. Maybe because she has been all over the media, she is a lawyer and a pollster, maybe knows women issues in voting process better than others, who knows?
Her face is familiar, but I haven't heard her talk, because I don't pay attention what is being said by whom on channels that she frequented. It should be an emotionally hazardous job to talk to those rotten-headed-idiots on CNN, MSLSD, etc, etc. She should get yogurt for free.

You mentioned the name of MSM dummy who's going to mediate the debate between the two? Wow! What a clownada that is going to be?!

Vermin of MSM are attacking T, saying that he flip-flopped on his signature issue of immigration. One thing I'm so certain about it that he should start bringing concrete examples and asking Qs to H.
I'm more than sure that she had no answers.
Trump should show the media statistics of legitimate surveys, which they can't argue against, and then ask Qs to the other side. Many, many Qs. One after another, endlessly. He doesn't need to be confined by a debate or two ran by hostile bozos. He can just go on to public in any which way he can and ask and ask and ask questions and ask some more until he get answers.
Who can give him whose Qs? MOI! Me, myself and I. Who else has more info. about immigration?
Do I know about it everything? No. But... I can find out everything like no one else. Not even lawyers L. Ingraham, K. Conway, C. Christi, you name it. How?  Only I know how.
Give it to me, let me handle it, Mr. Trump!!! *****************************************
Why do I want to do it? If not me, who else?
We're living dangerous times in this country. Drug overflow, semi-literacy and jail culture has numbed lots of brains from within while enemies are cripping up on us, crawling inside the house and setting up shops like termites in low quality, semi-rotten wooden walls. It stinks to high heavens when cuckoo Jeh Johnson of DHS under "auspices" of his boss attempting to take over the US presidential election process by using a scare tactic. At this time bogeyman is Putin and his weapon is a computer. S. O. S! What do they call it? Electrical infrastructure like an electric grid?
  Watch this at Tell me if something is not very wrong with this man's mouth, inside and out. He can swallow my giraffe's .ss, as far as I'm concerned and, because of it, I'm very concerned.
Is Jeh means Jehova or what? Maybe he considers himself Jehova like his boss? I wonder why not?
Afterall he has got in there with that brain and mouth.

I heard some hispanics left their agenda of supporting Trump, because his stand on immigration? How did that happen? Entire MSM saying that he "softened" on the issue. So what seemed to be the problem?
Oh, I see... I see what was the problem; they were fake, phony, frauds who didn't succeed in "changing" him, so they decided to go back to their "right way" where they originally belonged.
Good riddance!

Eastern Economic Forum starts in Russia's Far East's capital Vladivostok, at 
Putin is keeping his cool and doing local and Int'l business as usual.

I've just got an idea how Trump can start shutting up stinky mouths of vermin of the MSM. Not by changing the meaning of his words or anything that he already said or did, but just changing the construct of his thought process transfer. Just change the diagrams like in one of the jokes I know.
Entire nation don't need to have high intellectual IQ to understand basic common sense in daily life.

Real master of its craft can explain even most complex things in simple ways and words. It's not easy though, that's why I said "real master." I meant the one like myself. ;-)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 1st, Thursday, 2016 AD


I was listening most of the time. Got info. and news on all topics discussed these days. Just was too busy to sit in front of the computer. Sometimes too much is overwhelming to put in a small blog like mine.
Big news for today for me is this; Space X9 Falcon rocket, satellite were destroyed in explosion in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, at

4:07pm now, the second hour of your show. Georgetown University is going to give privilege to those who are descendants of ....... ?????
George Washington Univ. hired a radical-islamic-recruiter? Wow! Talking of dirt-education-of-lower-learning. What kinds of stupid-to-retarded parents would pay for that? I want to know their names and ask them some Qs.

I found an interesting clip about muslim-islam-n-extremist argument, at  See what happnes when westerners take those who come to better themsleves in and seriously and let them say and do what they want. Instead of appreciation, as a rule, they get hostility, viciosity and ridicule back. These 2 cultures are too far apart to work together. Islam is riggit, islamists are cruel, culture is full of bloodshed as survival, etc. Why liberal-to-progressive idiots on top on decision making chain don't understand this? Let me think some more about this; Oh,  I see why; they don't live next to us, among us. Cuckoos like Hillary and berzerk-crazies like Clintons don't live in NYC like Trump and I, they bought a house in rural area in upstate, in conservative republican town where nobody wanted them around. Put her "private server" in her basement, used one "device" called "phone" in simple word, because she's not "technologically" proficient/advanced enough (her words) and couldn't handle 2 separate phones. Ooh, la-la!
If someone can't handle 2 different phones, how she's going to handle the world affairs?
Comedian Katt Williams asked if she couldn't even handle her husband's p.nis correctly, how is she's going handle the world? "It's a big place, I'm just saying," - KW, at
Also watch this about her emotional and phsycological state, at
This too about her perjuries, at
Comey of FBI, Johnson of DHS and many others should be kicked out of any public office for the rest of their lives to kick off the process of cleaning Washington DC.
My Qs is this; she had only one phone for everything, personal and work together. She said that she never received or sent emails marked classified. That means that as SoS she had nothing to do with any classified info. Is this true or false? If it's true, then what was she doing playing with a phone for so many hours, days, months? Tens of thousands of emails? Does anyone investigates how long she was on her phone to be able to play with it that much? Why any so called journalist out there is not doing any research to give us an estimate? That woman had a job of playing with her phone? Does it called "working?"
If there was nothing serious, sensitive and secrete was coming and going through her communication device, then what kind of damn, retarded job is that so called Secretary of State and why we need it?
Anything President of the country would like to say to anybody abroad, he can say it directly from his office. What would stop Absolutely not a thing. That position, as far as I'm concerned is a total waste.
If not, then only SHE was a waste! That's all. I'd like to interview H and ask Qs about immigration.
"Clueless from Chappaqua" will be the name of the program.
Another thing; those 2 girls, Diamond and Silk, that I love to hear from, asked what O and her, who both are from Chicago, have done for that city? If they couldn't do anything to improve their hometown, how they're going to improve the country? O's "reign" made race relations worse and intercity crimes, which are overwhelmingly are black on black, much worse.

To me only one thing is enough to break the deal with her; her stand with Russia. It's unacceptable, it's dangerous and we can't take a chance on that. Point, end of the story.
O brought down of strong and decent face of this country by going around the and apologizing for America. Yesterday and today you said that he covertly already let 10 000 muslims into this country. You even mentioned the states' names where they're being placed, among them CA - your hometown. Today you've gone through "nice" monologue about San-Fran, its handlers, CA in general, also you have gone through the enormously high "earnings" of civil servants, such as city supervisors, fireman, police and others. You don't let out those "senators" on not so big salaries whose family members are making fortunes by using their power and influence to access lucrative deals.
About O; his mind was poisoned genetically and environmentally. Both his parents were no-goodnik persons of their times for their time and surroundings. He has their genes and pursuit getting everything through ..... you know what I'm talking about and what to make this short. *********** There is a book (author of which I heard on radio a few years ago), about infrastructure of DC maze connecting all ins and outs of powerplay and moneymaking, but unfortunately forgot the names of both. ***********************************************************************
I personally would like to see entire congress resigned and new people elected by new methods. I believe this country has enough good and smart people to do much better job.

Today Russian kids and college students went back to school. It's a beautiful day for everyone.
Traditionally kids go to school carrying big bouquet of flowers for their teachers. Watch the report on of today. It's so cute.
Putin was in Far East of his country called Primorye and had tea with group of school children who excelled in academics and public service together. Schools in Far East are teaching Japanese and Korean. Good policy to live in harmony with neighbors, isn't it?

So long.


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