Afternoon, Your show will start soon.
Yesterday I heard most of the first 2 hours of your show. You were talking about race relations and saying that O is doing his destructive work pervasively.
Also, yesterday in Cleveland was the first day of RNC convention. I watched it live. 4:30 this morning I was still up and turned the news on and there it was - badmouthing of Melania Trump's speech/address. As if she "plagiarized" it from taking from M-O's 2008 speech.
Of course she didn't write the speech, of course professional speech writers help her. Of course those take the same worlds and throw around to make it look different. ??? What can be more plagiarizing than political speech? ??? Give me a break. Only one paragraph had the same words, but used differently. What else anybody going to say good about their upbringing than "my parents told me to work hard for what I want?" How many different words in different contexts you can use to say the same thing? Give me a break, for real! She should throw some warm words in other languages that she speaks.
Attack on train in Germany by .S.L follower - a 17 years old refugee with Afghan origin, at
He injured 4 tourists with an axe, all of them from Hong-Kong, 2 of them currently are in critical condition. Vermin was killed by police.
You started; comparing main heads of media with jungle animals, because they're focusing on M. Trump's speech so much, trying to force Hill's email scandal out of attention.
You think that Melania trumped everybody with her speech by showing class. I agree.
You're calling Soros the most dangerous man on planet, because of his sponsorship to radical leftists.
4:30pm you put a clip when O was asked about plagiarism, when he was running, he said that type of accusation is silly, because everyone is doing it in politics.
[How many speech writers are there, anyway? Especially the ones who write for "high level" politicians? Handful? I never heard of any of their names. Did you? Maybe the same is writing for several of them at the same time.]
I like when you call Soros "money changer in temple" and Merkel - "an oven stuffer." At this time she stuffed her people's future in the ovens alright.
This is your show's podcast; at
Today was the second day of RNC convention. Full coverage of it,
Chris Christi in his personified speech convicted Hillary with the help of crowd by asking Q about her job performance with 'yes' or 'no' answers. All ended up with "yes, lock her up" answers.
He has been a federal prosecutor, he knows that H got a pass. The only part in his speech I didn't like is that he put Russia in the same equation in relations with Libya, Nigeria, Syria, etc.
He sounded like against 'reset' for relations with RF. I think he need more information about that one.
Who is going to give it to him? How he's going to learn and see it differently? I wish I could.
I don't understand why invocation should be done by any other faith than Christianity?
Sound of Sikhism is not familiar to Americans. America is still largely protestant-christian. I didn't come to America to hear a weird sounds in such major event in any other language than English. Even in those which I'm fluent in or familiar with.
How many Americans ever heard this before?
Enough bending over, for God's sake!
All the delegates from AZ and CA voted only for Trump, which was surprisingly pleasant for me.
CA? WOW! Pot-head CO delegated were an embarrassment for themselves. No wonder, it snows in there in May. CT, DE, DC, FL, NJ (with most popular vote, introduced by Christi's son), NM, WV and some others also gave all.
Trump won the nomination! Yeah! You can hear it at 2 h. 27 min. into this tape.
Tiffany Trump (4h 10min.) and Donald Jr. (4h 21min.) also spoke, beautifully. Donald Jr. stressed one very important thing; he said that unlike current politicians who leave problems behind for future generations, his father puts emphases in solving problems today to make it easy for tomorrow. That he believes and means what he says that's why he pays for the election from his pocket.
"For my father word "impossible" is just a starting point," he said. [Hallelujah!
He has 5 children, his father has 5 children, they have enormous business and wonderful life to protect and preserve for more to come. I believe in this family. Their words and standing in daily life speak for themselves.
Dr. Ben Carson spoke wonderfully (4h.52min. also.
This a movement and American giant's spirit is awakened.
At the first time after 20 years I'm feeling something that I felt when I arrived here and just was imagining things the way they should be.
So long.
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