It's early afternoon in NYC now and I'm looking at evening news from Russia.
Don't know what's worse in the world than this story at Heroic Dennis Davidov reporting from Donetsk.
Story of 1 year old Sofia who is in hospital with injuries which'll require multiple surgeries and long rehabilitation. And, that not all. She just lost both of her parents. Under the thick layers of gauze her palm in crashed and 4 broken and burned fingers put together piece by piece. She smiles under the heavy doze of pain killers, but usually she screams and cries from the pain. Natalya Maltseva, her grandmother says that her son, Sofia'a father was 25 and mother was 22. Dima (Dmitry), the father just finished the collage, got his diploma, Olya, the mother, didn't graduate, when WAR started she took her documents back in the last year and decided to finish later.
At 2:09min. Dennis reporting that Dima was returning home from store and Olga with Sofia were meeting him about where he stands. Time was about 12:30pm when a bomb came down next to them in proximity of 5 meters. Look at that damage he's showing. Dima died right there and Olga expired on the way to hospital. It's a miracle that little girl survived. She also had a shrapnel in her right leg. Stroller helped reduce the impact on her arm. Now 2 grandmothers are taking care of her, feeding her solid food for the first time. She was being breast feed until now. Then the grandma takes her for a walk in corridors of hospital, but not too far, because on the other end there are men with refiles. Those are self-defense men who are watching injured killers who came to their town to kill them and destroy their homes. Yes, in the same hospital they are treating injured enemies taken hostage from airport area. One of them says "I'm a soldier, I obey commend." The other one, name Sergei from Lvov, at 3:55 min, who is 25 y.o. like Sofia's father Dima, says he don't know who fired on them. If it'd be one of them, they'll apologize.
At 4:10min; Natalya is crying, but doesn't blame the soldiers, says "that's the fault of our government, they're forcing them into military under the fear of incarceration. They should stop this madness all together. Maybe there are some volunteers, but they're not many. All mothers are crying."
I don't know if I'd have that much nerve to say those things in her place, God forbid! Imagine that Russian mothers would worry about German mothers' tears? What the heck is she talking about?
I'd conspire to sneak into the room of those injured bastard hostages with stolen machine gun, hopefully authentic Kalashnikov and finish them in their beds. If I could do it when the TV crew
was there watching and taping that even would top it off my mission. I'd say their mothers "see what'll happen if you send the next one."
Now, why do you think I'd do that? Because Am I a harsher person than those nice, soft, caring, crying grandmothers? Maybe yes, maybe not. I don't have measurement for "feeling." Everyone has their own way of coping with their loss. Who is right or wrong, is a subjective matter. I understand that. BUT... In this particular case I know one thing; those thugs' mothers could stop their suns going to war zone which is in their own country and on their own people. Capish?
How? Simply, let them loose, keep them out of house, send them somewhere else, hide them under the table, behind the chimney, in barnyard, finally, under their skirts, inside their big behinds where they came out from - for all I freak-en care !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That bankrupt country called Ukraine now ran by psychopaths simply doesn't have enough people
to go to every house to arrest everybody and put them into jails. They simply DO NOT have that manpower and that many jails to put entire population and feed them - for free. They just don't!!!
What if every mother stands up and says "I'm going to jail with my son" and spits on the face of the
Gendarmes? See what happens.
Even in nazi Germany, which was so much more powerful and organized then those in Kiev now, people would hide and dodge the draft. Some would commit suicide. It's always an option, isn't it? Yes, it is!
To me it's better to be in jail than go to war to kill my own people or be injured or killed like a last dirt in the world. Why would in eastern Ukraine where they're blockaded from the rest of the country waste their scarce medicine, food and other things on those dirt? WHY? It's beyond my comprehension. It really is.
To me, this is the worse conflict in the world right now.
Your show is starting now and if you won't talk about this conflict, I'm not going to listen, sorry.
3:07pm on WABC, you started with security issues under Eric Holder.
Also you're asking "where are the righteous Jews when Christians are dying in the world today?"
You have no answer, neither I do.
Talking about Loretta Lynch, who might replace Holder, is a left wing black woman, and that is or might be the only qualification for her to occupy such an important position. Also about why skin color is the thing to qualify anyone for anything, answer is only one: it's gone the other way around. A loooong time ago. Before I came to this country 23 year ago it was all the way around, 180 degrees. On top there was and is a solid "race" business (or war) built against whites and specifically Christian whites. That's what Jacky Mason says; if to a tall, white, blue eyed, Christian men you say "you're fired," he just goes away...
3:16pm you say you're a little "off" today because tonight you have to get an MRI for your sports' injury from which you were in agony for last 9 months.
Now you're taking "unprotected" calls. I'm calling, but not getting through. It's tiring and I'm going to check 9pm news from Moscow.
At report says that 29 dead and 57 injured during last 5 days in war zone in southeastern Ukraine. These are the publish numbers by OSCE.
Behind this number there are many human tragedies. Some even with irony of the fact that some victims are treated in the same hospitals, in next room with the ones who came and harmed them.
It's Sofia's story I already covered above.
At; OSCE visited the borders controlled by self-defense and didn't find any transportation of military equipment was NOT found.
What happened to mysterious "9 000 RF troops crossing borders to UA" as uncle PP announced recently? So much so for hallucinations of psycho mccain - mcshame.
At heroic Alexander Yevstigneeyev reporting from Stakhanov in Lugansk region showing that heavy artillery shellings in residential areas in that city. Look at the missile head on the ground in front of a building. A man says that yesterday was his "2nd birthday" because he miraculously survived bombing of his house by racket called Uragan. I guess it also called BM - 30 Smerch? That missile is 4 meters long and penetrated into another floor down. Even stairway is so damaged that people don't know how to get into their apartments (1:32min). Basically that racket came down from the roof of 5 story building, got down through 5, 4 and 3 and got stock between 3rd and second floors.
Stakhanov is in 70 km from Lugansk and yesterday it got several of those Uragan missiles sent by Ukrainian gov. forces. Lugansk itself had been hit yesterday. At 2:12min. a woman from there is describing the explosions, saying how all the glass from the windows of the building came on their heads in the streets and how they were scared. Everybody seems in shock.
Who wouldn't be?
At heroic Anton Vernitsky reporting that mobilization of Ukrainian youth to be sent to war zone is failing. Neighboring Romania's hotels are full of those who escaped by leaving the country. Source - //, which is a site of Ukrainian hackers who are exposing UA Government's secret documents showing that commanders in military are ordered not
to expose the number of draft dodgers and casualties in the front line to public. Also there is an order to Nat'l Guard of UA to shoot their own men in arms, who'd decide to became hostages.
At 3: 15min. Yriy Litsenko, who is an adviser to PP and a member of Rada, on TV says that mobilization is not going well, some %^&# got on the side of self-defense, etc. Another basket case UA official, advider to unclee PP - Yuri Biriukov swearing on his fellow citizens calling them all sorts of low-life names nowhere else but right on internet for the whole world to see.
See who we are dealing with? Maybe O, mcshame and alike are saying the same things about us,
just not on Internet yet.
In western regions of Ivano-Frankovsk and Kharson people are getting up and refusing to sent their suns into civil war (4:07min). At 4:14 a woman says that her 3 sons and 3 son-in-laws are called to war and she's totally sick because of it. "How long we're going to tolerate this ridicule from our own government," she says.
In one village called Konukha people hired 2 buses and left to RF all together.
About the overseas departures of many young dodger men admitted the general in charge of mobilization in republic of UA - Oleg Boyko (5:15min).
Some men of draft age want to go to Europe. The same Europe who they were longing and fighting for in maidan last years at this time. The same Europe who was encouraging, giving them food in maidan and promising to pay further. Well, oh hell...
Happen to be the same EU members, one of them next door neighbor Poland, who is Russia's political foe, does NOT want them. Yup! A-HA, your'e right. "No sir, don't come here, do what I say and die, just kill each other, we don't want you both," - that what it means in simple words, isn't it?
During entire year of 2014 Poland didn't grant even 1 (ONE) political asylum to "help" their co-ideologist, Slavic, next door brethren who came to save their lives being pushed into hot-bloody war.
About that writes a Polish paper; /
Instead in RF as of today more than 222 000 people already received refugee status. Mind you that many are still being processed, not everyone applied (many found job or had relatives) or can be qualified. Those who qualify are getting federal help, which paid by Russian government/taxpayer.
Don't forget privet organizations' and individuals help.
I'd like to know how many among them are ethnic Ukrainians. To me there is NO difference between the two, besides whose in western UA's some regions who are brewing this chaos.
And, look on which side we're on. Can you believe this?
Ukrainians are welcomed, respected and cared for in Russia, while in western Ukraine they call them names and call for their killings. There are million Ukrainians in RF working with limited working visa and sending money home or providing for themselves. And those don't want and have no place to go back into a country on war. For their requests to extend the time limits on visas, in one of his recent interviews Putin agreed and ordered to do so.
In the meantime, our own on /state.gove is calling for full fledged mobilization of american armed forces in 6 EU countries to fight Russia. As if this conflict in-golfed in other countries that she cares about? In the meantime she "prefer" NOT to name those precious 6 countries names. Got it? See what Russia is dealing with?
If even that would be the case, none of them are ours, sin't it?
What is this woman smoking? What kind of "institution of primitive intellect" would invite this pig
to talk? Apparently one called or some such sh#t!
Oh, wait to hear this;
apparently the phrase "arming 6 countries which are on line" was pronounced right after breaking
up of Soviet Union, about 23 years ago, and those 6 were under the radar of USA for being used militarily against RF.
So, this conflict is not even the reason to "help" those, it's a lucky occasion to get more american boots in there. Isn't it a b.....! Those booths also have mothers, wives and daughters, as far as I'm concerned. Which one of those know anything about this conflict or ready to loose a lived one for it?
And, at the end of the day, if even though no one cares and don't want to know, still will pick up the tab. How many trillions we owe only to China among others? You do that math.
Your show is over now, I couldn't listen more than half an hour. You're not doing this.
I have to do it. We can get into war at any day; in scary, global, very shocking war. Like those buildings came down and no one was believing their eyes, people won't believe that it's really happening. MS Media is brain-dead, even the ones mostly on radio I have respect for don't pay attention or even got this conflict wrong.
So, I'm all by myself. So help me God.
At you'll see a price list of "commission" to be paid to UA solders for each machinery idem destroyed. For example; for each automobile, tank and airplane they'll get
12 000 - 121 000 grivnas. One day in war zone is 1000 grivnas and if they'll destroy those machines in war zone, payments will double and triple.
Before they even put bounties on some heads of individuals.
Also some very big names in Russian media (among the names of politicians), those that NEVER brew hatred towards Ukrainian people, just the opposite, praise them and express their love to them, are banned from entering Ukraine. So, you're far not the only "banned" person from somewhere in the world.
To sort out insanity of EU, watch the report at, see if you can. I have no nerve left for that.
Now about Dr. Cohen's interview;
As I was saying in this blog, yesterday he said that O's attitude towards Putin looks personal.
He voted for O both times of elections. His wife is running a liberal publication. They're not O bashers. He even said that himself literally on your show.
I can show at least one thing that I found. I'm sure Putin doesn't have a clue about this specific thing. But Os do, and won't spare anyone's son's blood to satisfy their egos.
In last days, instead of starting the dully agreed upon withdrawal of armed forces to create the buffer zone, fighting from both sides intensified. Both sides are blaming each other. I understand that. Why I believe the side of self-defense? Because one can NOT bomb his own house. Only the ones who are forced and paid to go somewhere else, such as from western regions to eastern regions under commend of "clearing the territory from humans," which they considered "t.r.r.sts" can.
This was also Dr. Cohen's opinion of escalation of the situation issue. Fights erupted for Mariupol because it's a port city and has strategic location. Of course western powers quickly used the occasion to scream about helping Kiev.
To JBS's Q "what's the difference between arming Kiev and making Kiev part of NATO?" Dr. Cohen said that Wash. is already fighting Moscow by proxy, extend of which we don't know. Also, apparently bunch of politicians went to Kiev for "fact finding." They didn't go to Moscow or war zone - Donbass, they only went to Kiev. Of course they got together to discuss what to say and how much more to arm Kiev thugs. They can call it "limited lethal help" for now and increase it anytime later as much as they want. Who is checking anyway? This group of "official" from US government will release this sometime soon in Chicago. If this happens we might get in war with RF. And this issue is not being discussed or debated here with public or any other forum.
Apparently on Sunday on TV O said that US backing of Kiev is only for "weakening" of RF and now Putin doesn't look "decisive" at all. It's totally personal.
"For the siting American president to say such thing shows that he doesn't have any objectivity in policies that he's following," Dr. Cohen says (6:45). About the financial situation he says that should all-out-war breaks up, Russian gov. can expropriate all foreign assets invested there and that will be a disaster. In the financial war, the WEST thinks, that banning of RF from SWIFT system will do the damage. RF is a member of BRICS and they can come together and create alternative system. Q is; what that will do to our economy which is propped by overprinted $s? One thing is mutual between the parties; US thinks that "western freedoms" are in steak in Kiev and that's why it's our war-front and Putin says that that is US who is fighting against us. JB said that on top of Poland there are US military aircrafts are flying 24/7 prepared to face-up with Russians. At 29min. SC says that there are many reports that NATO vessels are congregating in Black Sea to be ready to attack Crimea.
After fall of Soviet Union in 1991, neo-cons which are called "political strategists" were writing about "Ukraine as the grand prize, the brass ring to WEST and the US."
Red Army freed Auschwitz prisoners and its commemoration day Putin wasn't invited to Poland.
Last about 25 years WEST worked very hard to rewrite the history of WWII by diminishing Russia's role in it, which is insanity. After this type of announcements even most pro-western, anti-Putin publications and media outlets and their listeners and viewer become outraged.
By the way SC's father was freed by a Russian soldier from concentration camp.
So long.
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