Thursday, November 13, 2014

To Michael Savage Nov.13th, 2014


I had to take off from writing in here due to traveling, but was following and taking notes.
Today you were talking about immigration, that potus wants to shove down to our throats.
Yes, he wants to "fundamentally transform" America as he already declared out loud. He's just keeping his words. That's all. There are many things can make him want to do that and to try to realize the idea by using all the power he can use. None of them is caused by "love" or basic respect to this country and its rule of law, unfortunately.
Like you I can see the dark side of the human specie and like you I'm not too optimistic that every time it makes good decisions. I saw one superpower crumble, when no one would believe in it, even members of my family. Who would think soviet union would collapse the way it did? Handful of people inside, who were members of intelligentsia plus some with common sense. I was in journalism then and there and after Gorbachev's announcement that he's going to "reform" things, everyone was glued to TV to see how he's going to do it. Didn't take much for intellectuals to understand that he's about crushing the country down. It took me 3 weeks, every day, from morning openings of sessions of supreme soviet council until closing (which were live broadcasts for the first time), for me to realize that the only way to survive for me was to get the hell out of there. It has been 23 years for me to be here and I'm much better citizen than most of those who got it by chance. I'm pro immigration, but I'm totally against the one he's trying to pull on us, because its deadly dosage will kill this country as it is fundamentally alright!
Believe it or not, if he manages to push that bulldozer under the foundation of this country and let it loose, the damage will NOT be fixable at all. I mean forever. And, believe it or not, lots of people, who are educated, capable, immigrants and natives alike, are going to look towards other shores. In 2013 more American citizens gave up their citizenship than ever before, mainly because of outrageous taxes. I'm not sure he's going to "enjoy" being here, either. Do they want them in kenya? Maybe, as long as he takes his money out of his pocket and gives all to them? Maybe then, they'd let him hang around? I certainly hope so.

Yesterday you were talking about the injured marine and his dog, that he can't get back. I didn't hear you all day today to know any update on it. But God bless you for helping that cause. I know what he's going through. It's like his baby brother he's separated from. Unfortunately there are scumbags in military also. Generally I respect men in uniform, but some are criminals like in any other field.

Now about Ukraine.
I was following what was going on in there last a few weeks. Oct 26th Rada elections produced increasingly pro-western parliament. Then, Nov. 2nd, eastern regions did their own elections and declared independence. How much of it was before (because it was autonomous already) and how much more they've decided to give to themselves, remains to be seen. At least for me from here.
They didn't vote to join Russian Federation, instead reserved the name Novorussia - Novorossiya, as they say. They have been that before, so this is not a first time thing. Kiev stopped financing those regions many months ago. Gradually starting from "revolution" they pulled through in February,
then entire summer no one got paid from gov. budget; no teachers, no doctors, no pensioners, no one who was depend on center. More than 4,000 killed, about 1 Millions displaced, who knows how many injured, distraction of infrastructure of entire regions will take decades. But this is not over with. The "west" don't like the elections in there. "Democracy" is what fits their needs from time to time and from case to case. Not what paper says it suppose to be, noooooo, not for perverts who're looking into new markets to spread their diseases, no.... Somebody has elections and didn't ask their permission? Oh, no.....  "They" should let you have it, or bring it to you, or force down to your throat
if necessary (the way they do it in Middle East), then maybe, depend on weather and the news about their personal lives, they'd "legitimize" it, or not.
I listen to everyone who talks about this matter in America I possibly can. Only Dr. Cohen is the closest who comes through factually and realistically. He was on Batch on Tuesday.

Ok, now; Putin was in China also, I heard he got "groovy" with potus with some friendly gestures or something, I didn't see the video, so can't vouch what it was. But he said no more gas before UA pays for the overdue bill before that. Today he is back and traveling, checking out new and improved industrial projects in the country. I heard that a few days ago Ruble went down and Europe is very divided on sanctions' issue with RF. UA's Grivna is down too and pensioners were protesting in Kiev against National Bank. It's at Also the situation of those who went to western parts of the country from southeast fleeing the war is dire, because gov. requires them to register as whatever they suppose to call themselves and it causes huge lines in front of Social Services offices. It's at Nina, mother of two living mounts in one room of relatives saying that there are no jobs whatsoever, no daycare for kids, no monetary help and sometimes they go hungry. Sometimes they have only potato for whole day.
Alena Vosotskaya says that 12 sq. meter room with roaches they've got to settle in they have to pay 1,320 grivna, which is lots of money. Jurists said that's unconstitutional not to pay people in shoutheastern regions, because they're still considered the part of the country.
At you'll see that the UA's energy minister Yury Prodan says that they can't stop buying coal from southeastern regions, because they won't survive the winter without it. Apparently in the middle of Oct. UA asked Poland to supply coal - guess what? - for free. That's what report says and I'm not surprised, because it seems they think that if cuckoo over-viagra-ed mccain shook their hands the whole world should give them everything for free.
While I'm doing this in one of Starbucks coffee shops in UWS, the man next to me asked me a Q.
He was from Swiden. Guess what? After short talk about politics I told him about you, your show, your new book and sent him to Barnes and Noble to buy it. He was enthusiastic to find out there was a book store still opened, now it's 8pm, that he could sit down like in here and browse around.
He just went there. I told him where he can pick it up exactly as soon as he walks in. They also got souvenirs, just got gorgeous holiday cards, etc. Nice place to do the holiday shopping.
Also check

So long.

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