Thursday, May 8, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 128)


Your yesterday's program was about everything in the local news, sort of smorgasbord, but burning Balkans was missing from the table.

May 8th; Putin met with Pres. of Switzerland and present chairman of OSCE - in Kremlin were he said that his western partners when push a problem into a dead end like to blame Russia all time.

I agree. Watching from here, listening and understanding who says what in which language, I'm horrified that sooooo many "educated" people who are in politics, media, economy and academia can act psychotically and in an extreme blood thirsty manner for no good of their own stupid heads.

Also Putin suggested to postpone (he didn't say "cancel") the scheduled referendum in Southeastern Ukraine and also postpone elections in Kiev. He was very good and reasonable. He said that he pulled military from its border of Ukraine and asked for Ukraine military to do the same.
The other guy said he has a "road-map" but he sounded more abstract than anything. Just another stupid waist a time visit, in my estimation. Nothing was concrete or fixed with time and place with the people's names who would see its realization.
To me, if that was serious, if should have people who were appointed to be in charge right there - present in that meeting, after which they'd be deployed with live-stream attached to them to the world media to report the progress. Is this genius or common sense? To me it's common sense, to them it's incomprehensibly genius, I guess. Oh, let me guess a little more on this; a few days ago so called OSCE members were caught
with their spy ID on them from showing that they were military spies from their countries. They were detained and later released by protectors of their homes and families of People's Republic of Donetsk.
I Tweeted that clip from TV @Starlet737.
Check the clip, in which Alexander Kharitonov from Lugansk is still jailed on 2:30min. former US Ambassador to USSR, Jack Matlock speaking his mind saying he'd wish that US would be less involved and thinks that Ukraine can not be successful without having good relationship with Russia, etc.
In the meantime, after so many funeral and missing people in Donetsk region women came out to the defensive opposition posts to be next to men to stop Ukrainian militia, thugs, provocateurs and military from entering into cities. Ms. Elena, who is 31 years old and has 2 kids, standing on barricades with her husband and other men and women, showing her empty hands, showing no fear, but strong will to stop Kiev backed thugs with tanks (3:00min on the same clip).
In one of the previous clips I tweeted today, parents of those men who were picked up to be transported to Kiev, stood in front of the track as a human shield, until the thugs let the men out.
After your program, my radio still was on. when the hist put a clip from some interview with a woman, I guess it was WSJ, and the woman said that she's not sure that the military help we sent to Ukraine is sufficient. She even mentioned it, it sounded like MRY???, I'm not sure, I couldn't hear it clearly.
It boggles my mind, what to know what is it that American taxpayer is paying for?
On the bright side, I saw a comment on Twitter, calling Nuland a "cookie monster" and Kerry a "fossil face."

Tomorrow is a Victory day, Moscow and the other 24 cities in Russia are going to have a military parades.
I heard that Putin or Medvedev has to go to Crimea. I haven't watch it for decades. I'm interested at this time. Nazi remnants will do and pay everything to provoke something. Look what they did already - brought a brother against the other to shed blood by promising money.
Those radical ultra-nationalists, often called Nazis who are controlling Kiev now are against this holiday, because their fathers and grandfathers were on Nazi side and have been defeated. After 1991 they systematically were destroying the monuments of heroes of WWII and eradicating every memory of them. This is what every normal average Ukrainian and all the Russians in Ukraine and elsewhere are against.
How you can give those people power and authority?
I'm not surprise that Deutsche-tran is trilled to brew a bloody cocktail with her defeated Nazi grandfather's bones. It's her shining time.
I wonder, if.................................. let me stop here, before I go too far.

You know that Obama's grandfather was a WWII veteran, don't you? What is he and our government thinking? Did they forgot that day in Berlin when they got together with Russian? Those people who gave their lives for us will be turning in their graves and curse everyone who is indifferent in this case today.
It's already 5:25am in New York, I hear birdies outside of my window and I can use some sleep.

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