Thursday, August 29, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 71)


You're right, lots of people are out of big town of NYC, but I'm in. Can't believe summer got our of my hands so fast.
I tried to call your show throughout years sooooooo many times. I just gave up. You say there are few women are listening, I'm one of them.
I can't believe this gov. is getting into another conflict against the will of their own people.  I hope Russia would not step off and do what they have to do to protect their own interests in a good faith according to International law.
I watched Russian news in Russian. They show Damascus live.
Most pathetic and disturbing thing is in the middle of NYC there is a fascistic conspiratory policies  against people who want to survive, I mean physically survive, I mean not to be physically attacked and injured and killed. Those "do gooders" created a permanent so called "poverty" class, some of them in that class are criminals, frauds, drug-addicts and drug-dealers. Tax payer pays their bills and they can eat and do the rest of human and animal creatures do without giving a rat's .ss who pays and actually victimize them without any consequence whatsoever.
I'll get deeper in it later, but just letting you know that not everyone is out and we're witnessing another self-perpetrated demise of USA in near future. All those people they're pretending to "help" can't wait to get their hands on their necks.
Racism business against whites is blooming. It's getting more and more vicious and lucrative for black and other minority racists and their pimps and hustlers. You should go to the site of James David Manning on youtube and check couple of clips about T.martin and zimmer thing. One clip says T.M. son of the s.t.ns son, refering to O, who in deeper sense was putting more seeds into racist division of America.  He puts it into open words that you didn't do and possibly wouldn't do b/c of the fear of  being called racist. Pastor is black, he has "right" to talk about his own. We, whites are not allowed.
We only can be victims and shot the hell up. I could prove every word I say in here million times over in daily bases, should I carry a hidden camera just to show my simple daily life of survival.
I believe that day will come and every white person MUST and SHOULD carry a concealed or open camera everywhere and every moment of their lives in this town and in America. I'd be rich, taking care of myself, raising a family and helping "deserving" one in my life, should I have it done starting 20 years ago. Anybody is talking about "freedom of speech" and "justice, should always mention - "not for whites." Fist category of 'Humans in here are the precious, special creatures blacks. they go first, they matter most, then hispanics, LG - whatever, Asians, white locals who can afford to stay away and hide behind their doormen, then maybe the only 5th or 6th category of humans are the immigrant whites, especially the one who are decent, educated, moral, working or non-working poor and not connected. Those are in the worst condition. You were right saying that if white person goes to black he/she hates him, and if he goes to a white one this hates him more. You know why? because of the fear from other blacks. Whits don't even congregate, or talk to each other if they are in predominately
black company or surrounding, b/c if one becomes a victim, the other one will be targeted too. They will be safe separately being "nice" and hanging around blacks.
When you say who verminic S.r.s or some such talk about things like they're poor, Rush had very good explanation; it so called "justifies" what they have so they won't be victimized. Of course they don't want bums in their neighborhood, but if I'd need help such as that bums in the street, they'd give them,
not me. Liberalism is mental disorder of highest degree and conservatism has 2 main issues which ends up being self-defeating for their own survival. It's like an suicidal ideology, which directly benefits their haters who want them dead, multiply their own killers. Paying to your enemy to more in numbers, bigger and stronger to kill and finish your kind. It happened already in Europe and it's here and growing. Numbers and facts talk for themselves.
If normal person wouldn't be depressed today in this society, it means that person wasn't normal from the get go. My doctor says if I'd be depressed she should be worried then, it would mean I was so bad I couldn't get any worse.

But... As you say, it's normal to be down at least twice a day. I keep that in mine when I feel down. Thank GOD I have been born with great sense of humor, otherwise I might get a heartache or two a day.
I believe in karma, though. So sad that being just around those bozos can and will indenter our lives. The mess is getting bigger and coming close.
No science of psychology and psychiatry can even imagine what the real human nature is like I do.
If I'd have the possibility to write about my life in details for last 2 years I NYC, you'll change your opinion about humans and so called industry of helping them indiscriminately.
Rich who are psychopathic liberals and liars pay for their own demise and demise of good people who have limited financial possibilities.
My life should be on lifestream 24/7 at least last 2 years. You might want to know what I'm talking about and break the black magic curse in this society and establish your own nationalist party.

So long.

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