Sunday, July 28, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 66)


Russia celebrated 1025 year anniversary of adopting Christianity as its official state religion.
It started in Kiev with Vladimir the Great. He was the Price of Kiev, married to the sister of emperor of Byzantine and adopted Christianity. I remember a movie about that period showing how all that evolved. Different religions' representatives went there to "pitch" theirs. Islam was out of Q right off top, because of prohibition of pork and alcohol. I thought it was funny, I laughed so much and it stuck in my mind. It was a nice movie, informative and entertaining. Don't remember the name, though.
People, politicians and clergy went to Kiev to celebrate and then went to other historic religious towns.
President Putin, who has been a believer all his life, even the times when he was working for KGB, said nothing has been and is still more powerful, not governments nor even the church, than the power of God to connect Russians and Ukrainians and Orthodox in general like the power of God's love itself.  He kissed the main Icon like everybody else and got an historic icon of mother Mary as a gift.
It's important to note, that when he went to his car, he didn't find the Icon, asked where it was, they said they put it in the trunk of the car, he ordered to bring it out and give it to his hands.
Russian Churches are gorgeous and language and music are amazing. You should visit, if you get a chance, see who has more "freedom of speech." Be careful though, now Moscow is the most expensive city in the world, more than NYC, London or Tokyo.

Please find other parents of the dead Navy Seals. We want you to interview all of them. Put them all on record - one by one. Ask even others who have currently serving solder sons and daughters to tell their stories right now.

So long.

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