Russia celebrated 1025 year anniversary of adopting Christianity as its official state religion.
It started in Kiev with Vladimir the Great. He was the Price of Kiev, married to the sister of emperor of Byzantine and adopted Christianity. I remember a movie about that period showing how all that evolved. Different religions' representatives went there to "pitch" theirs. Islam was out of Q right off top, because of prohibition of pork and alcohol. I thought it was funny, I laughed so much and it stuck in my mind. It was a nice movie, informative and entertaining. Don't remember the name, though.
People, politicians and clergy went to Kiev to celebrate and then went to other historic religious towns.
President Putin, who has been a believer all his life, even the times when he was working for KGB, said nothing has been and is still more powerful, not governments nor even the church, than the power of God to connect Russians and Ukrainians and Orthodox in general like the power of God's love itself. He kissed the main Icon like everybody else and got an historic icon of mother Mary as a gift.
It's important to note, that when he went to his car, he didn't find the Icon, asked where it was, they said they put it in the trunk of the car, he ordered to bring it out and give it to his hands.
Russian Churches are gorgeous and language and music are amazing. You should visit, if you get a chance, see who has more "freedom of speech." Be careful though, now Moscow is the most expensive city in the world, more than NYC, London or Tokyo.
Please find other parents of the dead Navy Seals. We want you to interview all of them. Put them all on record - one by one. Ask even others who have currently serving solder sons and daughters to tell their stories right now.
So long.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
To Michael Savage (part 64)
Did you hear yesterday Rudolph Giuliani substituting for Sean Hannity? I was listening enthusiastically when he was talking about "democracy" and elections, then he put the Ice Cream Man with his psychotic pep-talk and both telling that we can't do anything about "illegality." And this is a former prosecutor? It's crazy to see how grown men who are in positions of ruling countries and sometimes even the world can be psychotic. After ICM I turned it off, couldn't stand it no more.
That ICM has gibberish memorized or he is reading it every time on the air. He starts in one place and ends in the other thinking people are stupid. I agree, people who elected him or even associate with him personally must be stupid.
Rush read something from a military person that said:
"when I've got into military 30 years ago, being g.y was not good, now it's OK and I want to get out of there before it's mandatory." I won't be surprised if O will announce it as mandatory behavior, otherwise one should be qualified as a "phobe" and not allowed to join.
Your replacement was good yesterday. Government hired GED holding teenager - E. Sn..d.n into sensitive agency. How did it happen? Who were his recommendations?
They should hire me to tell them how to close the border and get rid of illegality, how about that?
Where do I apply? Should I put in an application in a wish note in Western Wall?
You should see what foreign agencies are doing in Russia. I was watching the news and Attorney general of RF, who is called "general prosecutor"- Uriy Chayka, was telling Pres. Putin that there are 2226 NGOs of foreign countries operating in Russia today. These are the registered ones. Imagine how many are not registered? In the period of last Nov. to this April they've got 30.8 billion rubles from abroad. 215 of them proved to be conducting political work, 17 of them were being funded throught their countries' embasses by using similar names of regular companies to transfer money to them to avoid being caught. I'm so not good at grasping fraudulent garbage, I couldn't get clearly what was he explaining.
Do you think all of a sudden almost entire world went there to help Russians? That's good that Putin was a KGB guy, he can figure it out better. Could he control or stop it? I doubt it. He does liberal sh.t too, though. He signed amnesty for 10.000 business frauds and tax evaders with a condition that they return the amount of money they stalled.
These are not indicted ones, these are already convicted ones. Months ago under pressure he sign a law and do you know how much of stallen 90 billion was recovered? Only about 90 million so far - only 10% of total.
Well, too much to say. I see fraud every day in my life. All I can do is show. I can tell and tell and only others will make the money.
So long.
Did you hear yesterday Rudolph Giuliani substituting for Sean Hannity? I was listening enthusiastically when he was talking about "democracy" and elections, then he put the Ice Cream Man with his psychotic pep-talk and both telling that we can't do anything about "illegality." And this is a former prosecutor? It's crazy to see how grown men who are in positions of ruling countries and sometimes even the world can be psychotic. After ICM I turned it off, couldn't stand it no more.
That ICM has gibberish memorized or he is reading it every time on the air. He starts in one place and ends in the other thinking people are stupid. I agree, people who elected him or even associate with him personally must be stupid.
Rush read something from a military person that said:
"when I've got into military 30 years ago, being g.y was not good, now it's OK and I want to get out of there before it's mandatory." I won't be surprised if O will announce it as mandatory behavior, otherwise one should be qualified as a "phobe" and not allowed to join.
Your replacement was good yesterday. Government hired GED holding teenager - E. Sn..d.n into sensitive agency. How did it happen? Who were his recommendations?
They should hire me to tell them how to close the border and get rid of illegality, how about that?
Where do I apply? Should I put in an application in a wish note in Western Wall?
You should see what foreign agencies are doing in Russia. I was watching the news and Attorney general of RF, who is called "general prosecutor"- Uriy Chayka, was telling Pres. Putin that there are 2226 NGOs of foreign countries operating in Russia today. These are the registered ones. Imagine how many are not registered? In the period of last Nov. to this April they've got 30.8 billion rubles from abroad. 215 of them proved to be conducting political work, 17 of them were being funded throught their countries' embasses by using similar names of regular companies to transfer money to them to avoid being caught. I'm so not good at grasping fraudulent garbage, I couldn't get clearly what was he explaining.
Do you think all of a sudden almost entire world went there to help Russians? That's good that Putin was a KGB guy, he can figure it out better. Could he control or stop it? I doubt it. He does liberal sh.t too, though. He signed amnesty for 10.000 business frauds and tax evaders with a condition that they return the amount of money they stalled.
These are not indicted ones, these are already convicted ones. Months ago under pressure he sign a law and do you know how much of stallen 90 billion was recovered? Only about 90 million so far - only 10% of total.
Well, too much to say. I see fraud every day in my life. All I can do is show. I can tell and tell and only others will make the money.
So long.
Friday, July 5, 2013
To Michael Savage (part 63)
I was watching the fireworks yesterday on UWS of Manhattan and listening to your repeat show about
America's immune system deficiency. That's my feeling too.
O'Reilly is pro-amnisty, so what? He lost his spine long ago. Another one is Heraldo Rivera, who was faking his report from so called "overseas" before, remember? Somehow he survives. I wonder who he knows in verminic media. From his voice I smell stink of liberal commy, it just comes true so bad. How he's in mostly conservative channel? As soon as he says anything conservative he squeezes a liberal stink right through it. he's also for amnesty. I wonder how many illegals those libs use in their households. Anne Coulter who in his program and she said "why we don't take people from Eastern Europe or Scandinavia? After letting her go he started laughing at it.
He's a real skunk.
About the psychosis of libs; when they assume they're doing something to favor one group, such as implementing transgender "happy go lucky to sh.t wherever you want" law, they never think about others who are majority and who don't have problems with their gender. They take our right, they violate us, out privacy, our safety. Why rich people pretend they're on the side of the poor. Rush said it very clearly, everyone that I know knows that: to justify their money and to keep them safe from violent crowds. Do you think I'm rich? No, hell not. But I know mostly poor people, rich people do not socialize much with others they don't know. It don't make me mad, it don't make me hostile against them. They pay more taxes and give to charities. i appreciate that.
I can tell you about this so much and so differently that no one that you know can tell you.
My one hope is that God gave human an imagination and google glass is coming up. Everyone will wear it sooner and later. It will be good and it will be bad, but to me I can't wait. If my life as a white woman living in NYC pretty much from 1991 would be live-steamed, I would be retired, I could make changes that others can't, or, would be given an asylum in another country with good lifetime pay to improve their system.
About racism: of course blacks are more racist. If you see my daily low-key, mind-my-own-business life, you'll be surprised if blacks really wonted to be mixed. I'm more puzzled about this than before.
The mere fact that black people go to white people's countries all over the world, not the way around, says everything. Why do the poll? You can see a black man cursing me and another white woman passing by on Park Ave. on 60's and we both just pass by without reacting. Go to Harlem and curse a black person, see what happens.
It took be 22 years living in NYC to finally comprehend why people would choose to live in gated communities. When I came i was shacked to hear about it. I felt they were people's enemies. How dare they were to put a barrier between themselves and others, I thought. I didn't speak English and I'd go and stand by any group of people looked minority and hold their placards with them in protest, without knowing the particulars of protest or strike. I didn't care, they should be the "oppressed" ones. Oh well,
I have so many proves that most minorities hate me because I'm white and whites don't don't give a sh.t about me, because it will make them look "bad." How one white can stand up for another? that don't happen here in NYC, or the America I've got to know for more than 2 decades.
About Zimmerman case: you say he is a wannabe, I say you don't know. I was an auxiliary police officer in mid. 90's in NYC. I didn't go 16 weeks training, pass a test and put a same police uniform on with no gun and did community service because I wanted something back. I never put it on my resumes, never wanted to became a policewoman, I just wanted to give to community. Even my friends would ask me why was I doing it? And, do you know that Police don't like the auxiliaries? they don't want you around anywhere. They don't want extra eyes, extra witnesses and different interpretation of events. Police itself calls them "wannabes."
If there would be the Google glass, we'd see what happened and taxpayer wouldn't pay for this trial. The question I have: what was he doing in that neighborhood? Was he a guest in one of the households? And if he was a guest, he didn't have enough candy in that house so in rainy day he went out to buy candy? Thais grown man and candy buying scenario is just not impressive for me.
What you're not being consistent about this is that you like to bring examples of "old days" on Utopia Parkway in Queens, where old grandma could go out at nights without fear, because police use to use
'deterrent." So what happened for your nostalgia for deterrent? He was a grown guy, he was recast against whites by calling Zimmerman "a cracker" and he put a fight. Don't you think, especially if you're "visiting" a family who lives in gated community, they're cautious about strangers roaming around? Plus, they have a neighborhood watch with armed people? Maybe you should be more cooperative and nicer to your surrounding if you're an innocent teenager, a grown man, craving for a candy in a rainy day? Maybe you should tell the man who stops you that you're visiting, telling who are you visiting and offer to share your candy, and maybe, just maybe, a good Samaritan like George Zimmerman would take you to the house you're "visiting." Did this appeal to you as more "normal" behavior? I understand that you know more about guns that I know; how he had to have it ready is the matter of the law, but you don't know for sure and for sure there were already break-ins in that area.
So, go figure. One thing I know the victims parents will retire from this, Zimmerman will emerge broke for all his life. You can't go what "legal" and put a logic on it. Most criminals are not "criminally insane" they're crazy vermin. Too bad because of the dirty bloody money grabbing lawyers in this country present reason as an excuse, and succeed many time, unfortunately, logic took a back seat in courtroom. It's a theater and a joke, as far as I'm concerned. I can bring countless examples from my life, but without taped LIVE proof, everyone will just make money and victimize me more.
You should tell all the mothers who listen to you to tell their teenage sons full of raging hormones to not
run in gated neighborhoods in dark, rainy days going after "candy." You shouldn't give candy to your young children let alone have your grown son be depend on it. What about that for "bad mothering" ha? Is it logical? Will your son tell you he was doing a thing like that and you'dn't question his judgment? If kid would do that, you as a parent should spank him. What about that? Makes sense?
I'm done now.
So long.
I was watching the fireworks yesterday on UWS of Manhattan and listening to your repeat show about
America's immune system deficiency. That's my feeling too.
O'Reilly is pro-amnisty, so what? He lost his spine long ago. Another one is Heraldo Rivera, who was faking his report from so called "overseas" before, remember? Somehow he survives. I wonder who he knows in verminic media. From his voice I smell stink of liberal commy, it just comes true so bad. How he's in mostly conservative channel? As soon as he says anything conservative he squeezes a liberal stink right through it. he's also for amnesty. I wonder how many illegals those libs use in their households. Anne Coulter who in his program and she said "why we don't take people from Eastern Europe or Scandinavia? After letting her go he started laughing at it.
He's a real skunk.
About the psychosis of libs; when they assume they're doing something to favor one group, such as implementing transgender "happy go lucky to sh.t wherever you want" law, they never think about others who are majority and who don't have problems with their gender. They take our right, they violate us, out privacy, our safety. Why rich people pretend they're on the side of the poor. Rush said it very clearly, everyone that I know knows that: to justify their money and to keep them safe from violent crowds. Do you think I'm rich? No, hell not. But I know mostly poor people, rich people do not socialize much with others they don't know. It don't make me mad, it don't make me hostile against them. They pay more taxes and give to charities. i appreciate that.
I can tell you about this so much and so differently that no one that you know can tell you.
My one hope is that God gave human an imagination and google glass is coming up. Everyone will wear it sooner and later. It will be good and it will be bad, but to me I can't wait. If my life as a white woman living in NYC pretty much from 1991 would be live-steamed, I would be retired, I could make changes that others can't, or, would be given an asylum in another country with good lifetime pay to improve their system.
About racism: of course blacks are more racist. If you see my daily low-key, mind-my-own-business life, you'll be surprised if blacks really wonted to be mixed. I'm more puzzled about this than before.
The mere fact that black people go to white people's countries all over the world, not the way around, says everything. Why do the poll? You can see a black man cursing me and another white woman passing by on Park Ave. on 60's and we both just pass by without reacting. Go to Harlem and curse a black person, see what happens.
It took be 22 years living in NYC to finally comprehend why people would choose to live in gated communities. When I came i was shacked to hear about it. I felt they were people's enemies. How dare they were to put a barrier between themselves and others, I thought. I didn't speak English and I'd go and stand by any group of people looked minority and hold their placards with them in protest, without knowing the particulars of protest or strike. I didn't care, they should be the "oppressed" ones. Oh well,
I have so many proves that most minorities hate me because I'm white and whites don't don't give a sh.t about me, because it will make them look "bad." How one white can stand up for another? that don't happen here in NYC, or the America I've got to know for more than 2 decades.
About Zimmerman case: you say he is a wannabe, I say you don't know. I was an auxiliary police officer in mid. 90's in NYC. I didn't go 16 weeks training, pass a test and put a same police uniform on with no gun and did community service because I wanted something back. I never put it on my resumes, never wanted to became a policewoman, I just wanted to give to community. Even my friends would ask me why was I doing it? And, do you know that Police don't like the auxiliaries? they don't want you around anywhere. They don't want extra eyes, extra witnesses and different interpretation of events. Police itself calls them "wannabes."
If there would be the Google glass, we'd see what happened and taxpayer wouldn't pay for this trial. The question I have: what was he doing in that neighborhood? Was he a guest in one of the households? And if he was a guest, he didn't have enough candy in that house so in rainy day he went out to buy candy? Thais grown man and candy buying scenario is just not impressive for me.
What you're not being consistent about this is that you like to bring examples of "old days" on Utopia Parkway in Queens, where old grandma could go out at nights without fear, because police use to use
'deterrent." So what happened for your nostalgia for deterrent? He was a grown guy, he was recast against whites by calling Zimmerman "a cracker" and he put a fight. Don't you think, especially if you're "visiting" a family who lives in gated community, they're cautious about strangers roaming around? Plus, they have a neighborhood watch with armed people? Maybe you should be more cooperative and nicer to your surrounding if you're an innocent teenager, a grown man, craving for a candy in a rainy day? Maybe you should tell the man who stops you that you're visiting, telling who are you visiting and offer to share your candy, and maybe, just maybe, a good Samaritan like George Zimmerman would take you to the house you're "visiting." Did this appeal to you as more "normal" behavior? I understand that you know more about guns that I know; how he had to have it ready is the matter of the law, but you don't know for sure and for sure there were already break-ins in that area.
So, go figure. One thing I know the victims parents will retire from this, Zimmerman will emerge broke for all his life. You can't go what "legal" and put a logic on it. Most criminals are not "criminally insane" they're crazy vermin. Too bad because of the dirty bloody money grabbing lawyers in this country present reason as an excuse, and succeed many time, unfortunately, logic took a back seat in courtroom. It's a theater and a joke, as far as I'm concerned. I can bring countless examples from my life, but without taped LIVE proof, everyone will just make money and victimize me more.
You should tell all the mothers who listen to you to tell their teenage sons full of raging hormones to not
run in gated neighborhoods in dark, rainy days going after "candy." You shouldn't give candy to your young children let alone have your grown son be depend on it. What about that for "bad mothering" ha? Is it logical? Will your son tell you he was doing a thing like that and you'dn't question his judgment? If kid would do that, you as a parent should spank him. What about that? Makes sense?
I'm done now.
So long.
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