Mr. Savaaaaaage!!!
Happy New Year and more tongue lashing on your part this year!
More forcefully and mercilessly, I might add. LOL
What else I can wish to the biggest mouth in the contemporary Media of the United States of America - The land of the free and home of the brave? It will be free as long as we'll be brave, isn't it? Amen to that!
You're blessed, God gave you a tool - a microphone, so go ahead, blow it all... Enjoy the ride!
I don't have that luxury, I pray to him to give platform to me too. So, if He hears me finally, the crowd will get nosier among conservatives.
But... I'm asking you, here and now, lash it out on enemies within and foreign, not on your fellow conservatives, please...
As far as I'm concerned, this should be your professional resolution or one of them for this year. I'm requesting it as a listener.
Try only for this year, see what happens. If you're not happier, then go back and make it out for loses by doubling the dosage in 2012.
Leeaavve them aloooone! Will you?...
Just do your job, you're OK, you'll be better off if you stop it.
They don't badmouth you, you notice that, don't you?
I still don't know if you're aware of this blog, because no matter how many emails or letters I sent, there is no reply or answer. So, I'm going to send postcards to your 2 favorite restaurants (you mentioned them on Radio), one of them North Beach and ask the owners to refer this info to you.
I also will ask and encourage anybody who is accidentally reading this to call and tell them about this, so will get this news to you one way or the other.
Enjoy your dinner with your family and loyal friends.
Be happy, it's a moral obligation for this year.
It's very difficult, I know, but I'm going to try myself, we'll see what happens.
I'll tell you who's the person commending it. He's a wise man, he's deep and might be very well right on this. Won't hurt to try, that's for sure.
So long.