Thursday, August 18, 2016

To Michael Savage Aug. 18th, Thursday


12th day of Olympiad. Yesterday 3 American ladies took all 3 top medals in 100 hurdle. Never happened before. Good girls!
In swimming "Americans went into that pool and made it a b.tch!" Not my words, Laslie Jones from SNL, which is in Rio among fans, said it on TV interview. So true and happily hilarious!
Russians are in 5th place with the medal counts, despite barring of entire track and field team.
Today Russian lady boxer Anastasia Beliakova got injured in the ring and had to be taken out of competition. Her trainer was hoping she'd become the champ. She resorted to bronze.

In local politics; still talk is about H's emails, activities of "Clinton-criminal-family-foundation" as Rush calls it, elections in general about Trump changing members of his team, etc.
Hillary's getting away with emals is an example that not everyone is equal before the law in this country.
Today CIA ex-agent is substituting for Rush and he's asking very professional Qs. My Q is: if she can't handle 2 separate phones to do such and "important and sensitive job" like being an SoS, how she can handle the world? I'm just saying.
Tonight is an important night of competition among a few types.

In the meantime, military of RF is working hard to bring peace in Syria and providing civilians with humanitarian help.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

To Michael Savage Aug. 16th, Tuesday


I'm enjoying the 31st Olympiad (where Russian and Ukrainian athletes took pictures together), following local news and the battle between T and H. Trump got on Twitter before yesterday and fired it off. He needs to hire young people who will go out to register voters like O's campaign did. He should adopt some techniques that O used.
But I didn't forget about Int'l hot spots, such as ongoing hot war in civilized, christian world called Eastern Europe.
Yes, with the help of EU and USA, genocide against mostly ethnically Russian people of #Donbass.
Look at this clip at from a program broadcasted 3.5 months ago and also this 
I know readers of this blog most likely are not familiar with the history of that region, but what's going on there is very vital to our security in here.
Under auspices of ran-out-its-mind EU and getting crazy US Kiev is opting for against Russians and RF.
May God give Putin enough patience to wait until Trump gets into WH and this madness of humanity stops. There is no other alternative. Its getting late. Several thousand innocent deaths, among them several hundred children. Nothing seems to work with uncle PP's mind. No Minsk agreements, no shame of owing Russian Billions of dollars, nothing whatsoever. As long as bite-me-Biden and his son feel like home in Kiev getting as much as they want, blood of innocent people in Southeastern Ukraine continues to flow.

It's after 6am and I haven't slept yet.

Monday, August 15, 2016

To Michael Savage Aug. 15th, Monday


I was too busy over the weekend, I heard a part of your show today. It's a scorcher in NYC.
Who cares where is Trump in polls? Not me. Most people who have money to really get out and go far away are not following politics. It will start again after Labor day.
He should take a break too. He's an workaholic.
I heard vermin in the media saying that future first spouse Bubba will do better job than Melania Trump. Yeah, I agree, in messing with 100 female interns all together in WH out of boredom of just hanging around, he'll do great. As his resume shows he can do it in and out and around all alright.
All he needs a battle full of Viagra in his pocket and a dark corner. I'd suggest him to use Lincoln bedroom, as he already sold it out for use to all sorts of unsavory characters. For all I care.

I'm having fun watching Olympic games. What not to be happy about it? Team USA doing awesome. Russians could do better, but still are not bad. That's all I care. I celebrate for them all. I admire them. Many people do not watch because they're jealous. They're born like that. They can't stand to see someone achieved something and they didn't, although they weren't even trying.
These are the types who don't go to museums, because it will give them a heart-attack or stroke.
I personally know 2 people like that. Both functional, one own her own business and the other one is my dentist.
Anyone out there who is reading this and wants to have fun should watch this clip at and others like this. Look at 5:04 min. into the tape. :)!
Trump called Hillary America's Merkel. True, both are political h.rlots, if you ask me.
Clintons have been in politics for 30 years, I don't hear anything good they have done that anyone even supporting them can tell me, let alone the rest.
Let me tell those who haven't been around the world too much this thing; the way O embarrassed America by bending over and apologizing for it, the world said "America is down, see this is the best they could find." Now, if the next would be an old and sick grandmother who can't even keep an eye on her husband's paints, they will say "that's it, let's go get them, she's paying for the "bridges."
I heard she released her tax return papers. All their lives their taxes are done by lawyers like themselves. What that suppose to mean? Just an investigation of getting foreign money should put them both in jail. Lat year they donated $1M to their "foundation?" Interesting. This one is a new trick; hand washing the same hand. It's "self-washing," "self-cleaning" self- ^^^^^ as they did to themselves as a couple.

I see and hear about the riots in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What do you expect? Media is having a ball and can't have enough blood to thrive on. It puts bread and butter on their table. Instead of serving public, it's on the mission of destroying the nation. It's predominantly ran by a small group of lowest creatures with no moral values whose agenda is to sniff as much blood as possible.
Of course O wants to change this country upside down and made it like any other one in disarray. Because no one would dare to talk about human nature's dark side and show the connection, words stay as words.
You can yell and scream until cows come home, unless you, people like you, Trump, people like Trump start DONG things to overpower those dark forces, things will not change to the better and like this it'll only get worse.
Media don't cover Trump fairly, he said he's not running against H. but against the media. True, we all know that.
The only remedy to this that I see is this; I want Trump to create his own media channel. Yes, his own, start from internet, buy a network, what-ever. I can help him with that.
After 25 years in here, I'm ready to go! *************************************************

Today Trump held a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, Rudolph Giuliani spoke there also. His full speech including his foreign policy is at This is a must watch!!!
See how R.G. says she'd not be qualified to work for him as an assistant, how she can run the country. He recommends a book "Clinton cash" by Peter Schweizer. Must read!!! 

VP Mike Pence looks and sounds like an honest, accomplished and honorable man. Apparently he was here on 9/11 and was with Giuliani, walking through the debris of WTS. !!!!!!!!!!
I have Giuliani's book "The leadership." Haven't got a chance to read. I must now an will report.

Now I have to hear this speech and watch the Olympics. GN everybody.

So long.

Friday, August 12, 2016

To Michael Savage Aug. 12th, Friday

Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday I heard part of your show.
Olympics is on its peak with team USA doing great. My favorite is swimming. I enjoy watching it.

Most worrisome news for me is that Ukrainian Army is put on 'high alert' to attack Donbass.
We need to understand that we're paying for brother killing war and it can backfire. Last day Russian FSB caught a few people from Ukraine who went to Crimea to commit t.r.r. acts. "Ukraine has switched to practice of t.r.r," Putin said. 4 people were arrested so far and 5 bags full of weapons and explosives were found. covered it. One of the arrested, Evgeniy Panov who works for Ukrainian defense ministry apparatchik said that several of them came to Crimea like 'seasonal vacationers' with order to investigate vulnerabilities of defense infrastructure. They stopped by sensitive facilities and acted as summer tourists while plotting bombings. Another one, Andrei Zakhtei said that his assignment was to move around saboteurs in Crimea in his own vehicle. Russian FSB found 3 kg of explosives in it before arresting him.

Dmitri Mevedev, PM of RF, said that this types of activities can only further escalate tensions between 2 countries and end up in full cut-off of relations, which he'd deeply regret.

Russians continue to deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo, Syria.

Afternoon; Your show will start soon. I found an interesting clip about crooked-Hillary called 'Psychotic ill'  and watching it now; at
Also found this about Trump called "road to WH" at
Your show started, you have a substitute. I better concentrate on international issues.


Monday, August 8, 2016

To Michael Savage Aug. 8th, Monday


Wee hours of the morning.
I'm enjoyment the Olympic Games, especially yesterday the swimming competition where US athletes were great.
Man-oh-man, Michael Phelps is something else. One of a kind. His teammates were awesome also.
The beach wally-ball with Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross as a team was some spectacle.
Although Russians already got 5 medals, but in my opinion they are not being up to par the way I have seen them before. Maybe the moral pressure they have gone thought before the start and the less participants than anticipated. From the entire team of RF, 116 were not allowed because of very controversial way of checking doping. There is so much conflicting info about it that I don't want to even go there. Russians say that the most of this BS is political.
I believe so.
Now, as of today, one month before Paralympics talk goes about banning the entire Russian team consist of 250 people. Can you believe it? Actually Russian Paralympic team is more successful than the Olympic one. There is exactly one month time left to contest that.
By the opinions of Russians in sports and politics it's being done to eliminate a strong competitor and get the medals for themselves.
Why our media is not talking about it? They couldn't care less and they're happy, that's why. Anything against Russians - goes!

Another example of cold war in sphere of information and news is that there is not even a note for convoy of hundreds of vehicles going from Germany to Russia to show solidarity with Russian people and protest economic sanctions against RF. They'll pass 4 200 km.
The headline reads "Automobile race on the anti-Russian propaganda: hundreds of cars moved in a single column from Germany and keep the path in Russia. has the report, but because they changed the format everything goes under the same instead of before when they used separate codes for individual reports, which was giving me possibility to link them. Just check Aug. 8th, 9am (Moscow time) news headlines. or "Friendensfahrt, Berlin-Moscau - 2016" in German.

There was a t.r.r attack in hospital in Pakistan killing mostly lawyers; 

Big cuckoo of Turkey had a time of his life in Istanbul,

Couple of days ago was an assassination attempt against the head of republic of Lugansk (LNR)
Igor Plotnitsky in Donbass region if eastern Ukraine. He and 2 others were injured,
Thugs who are behind it are sponsored by west, EU and US. Why O is doing this? I have a simple explanation, but can't put it in here.

Look, I found one interview with Prof. S.F. Cohen with Larry King on RT in Feb. of last year
See how right he is, how knowledgeable he is? Why O is not using his expertise? You think he never heard of his name? I don't think so. He just don't want to hear the right thing. He wants to do whatever he wants to do. It smells rot to me.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

To Michael Savage Aug. 4th, Thursday


About 7pm.
Last a few days my computer wasn't functioning and I wanted to fix it by myself. I lost time for blogging, but persisted and eventually did fix it all by myself. Yeah!

I was listening though. Last news is the $400 M overnight shipment in unmarked cargo plane to Iran, Trump, his campaign against Hillary.
Oh, boy, can she say anything she wants and get away with it anyway?
Check who she is talking to and no wander she gets away with whatever she says. Look at these "happy campers" of hers. Is this hilarious or tragic? at
At 1:55min into the tape you'll see a woman calling herself an "educator" and the state of public education will be crystal clear. What do you expect?

You're not happy about Trump's campaign manager, his sons going on TV shows, etc. You think he's listening others too much, that's why he's a little down in polls.
It's summer time, who knows who is doing polls and what types of Qs are they asking. I'd care about those numbers until at last October. Normal people unlike us are not following politics in August. They're vacationing.

Of course Trump's "incident" with conman - Khan -the- father- of- the- killed- soldier has been all over the media. Here is a clip - Trump in O'Reilly before yesterday answering to Qs about it.
O squeezed every bit of venom out of that story and used against Trump. Look how he's pretending to be dumb and not know what was really said. Dumb - he is not, he is a snake oil salesman who can include the venom into the package for free. He's a masterpiece. Master-piece-a-s..t!
Here is the clip at

In your show you said that the man died in 2004. It has been 12 years. So why the mother didn't speak? Because she had nothing to say. That's why. What she suppose to say? Don't send your children to military? Military is a dangerous job. I agree. But, statistically not as dangerous as fishing and contraction. Not my statistic. And, please do not open my mouth against these bozo parents, especially the conman-n-bulls..t-artist father. Low firm he worked is the biggest lobbying group in DC and he's an immigration lawyer in there? Wawawawoom!
FBI should give me the job of investigating this man's practice. I'll do it on live-stream, Ustream and everybody else's stream who wants to see what's going on in immigration "business."
I can ask Qs to Hillbilly about it too, see if she has any clue whatsoever. And, she was a Sec. of State? SoS of my rat's .ss. She was busy playing with a phone 24/7 and didn't even know how
o to use it. That's all.
To me, there is nothing unusual that someone died in combat zone. Unusual is that a strange man, a by passer in a street jumps and give his life to save another life. That's on the first line of the first page in my book of heroes.
The son got the credit posthumously, so couldn't enjoy it, but the shameless parents went in front of every possible crowd and camera to sell their agenda. After 12 years? Shame on them!!!

Look at O talking in above clip. I muted it and just looked at his face. No wonder Rev. James David Manning called him anti-Christ.

The only thing that Trump stumbled on foreign policy until now is his recent expression that "Russia took over Crimea." For more than 300 years Crimea was, is and will be Russian. To say Russians took over or invaded it is an oxymoronic thing of a highest order. He needs a real professional in this field. I know only two - S.F. Cohen and I.

Media also have been bickering about Trump for delaying to endorse Paul Ryan so far. Hello pookies! Paul Ryan wasn't 'rushing' to endorse him as well, remember? So... ?
That's real Trump, he likes eye for an eye. Good job! He stays loyal to his authentic self.

Katt Williams about Hillary 8 years ago said pretty funny things, which I remembered by heart.
I know I have attached this clip before, but it's too funny,

Int'l news; about 280 Russian athletes were given a green light to participate in Olympics. This has been a wildly politicized, anti-Russian campaign by the West.

In Syria, after kicking t.r.r.sts out of surrounding areas of Aleppo, Russians found heavy arsenal made in America. Our side said that it was meant to be for "moderate opposition," but then ended up in bad hands, at
[DUH? Like they know who is moderate and who's not? How, from where and from who?]

Also 5 Russians perished in military MI-8 transport helicopter crush while delivering humanitarian aid to people of Aleppo, at 
