Hi Doc,
Wounds are still open for some, and I still can get emotional, although I didn't have anybody who died 9 years ago. I watched TV all day, I looked at things on Internet and didn't see any reconciliation between main religion and culture of our country and our enemies.
Islam grows in the West and in here, Christianity is still the same or shrinking.
So long.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
To Michael Savage (part 13)
Hi there,
Has been a long time, but was listening, regularly. Not that I had nothing to say, but had too much. Some things I noted, but others just let to accumulate. I could write 10 pages a day, but can't afford to be self-destructive with time.
Time is all I have as a commodity. What's going on can destroy normal people in more than one way. I'll explain this later.
Today I heard you talking about Henry Miller. I checked his Bathroom monologues and some other clips. Was it that bad in NYC at that time? How did he survive and lived that long? Wasn't he a lib? He lived in notoriously perverted city of Paris, right? I'm intrigued now to read that novel.
Let me go back and talk about what I promised in last posting about religious conflicts and immigration.
Ambassador Yehuda Avner author of "The Prime Ministers" (he worked with 4 of them) said on TV "there is no solution to theological conflicts. It becomes not a fight between people, but their Gods." You can't question God and there you have it - point, end of the story.
Or us or them.
This is the worst part of religion being used for political reasons.
Oh well, just wanted to mention it to you.
I'd like you to invite him to your program.
At US conference of Catholic Bishops in Tuscon, Arizona, Bishop Gerald Kicanas said "immigration is ultimately a humanitarian issue since it impacts the basic rights and dignity of millions of persons and their families. Our current immigration system fails to meet the moral test of protecting the basic rights and dignity of the human person."
I was noxious reading this, not only for his bad English, but the meaning of the sentence and underlying sickness of it. I had to fully note it for the exact quotation.
To this cocktail d..g user I'd like to ask questions only on live TV while he has all his 4 legs connected to lie detectors made in different continents for accuracy.
See, the thing is, when someone commits a crime it's a one crime. Such as if someone is a thief, he is a thief. You charge him for thievery only. If someone is an adulterer, you charge him for adultery only. But if someone is a law enforcer and he steals, it's a double crime. If someone is a preacher, who preaches religion, which is about 2 main things MORALITY and RESPONSIBILITY and everything around it, goes out and shows that he's a fraud, he doesn't believe what he preaches and he continues to be out there and manipulate people to get money out of them and make a living, should be charge twice as a fraud.
In which way "illegal" act can relate to concept of morality and responsibility in his pot-fog-infested world? I'm sure he has all the nonsense words to throw around to confuse normal people, victimize their good conscious by using it against them, while making a living out of it. After all apparently that's what he did so far. I also would love to have some of other con-men and BS artists come to his rescue and volunteer to get on with lie detector on live TV with him. And, I'll do this as a very proud naturalized Citizen of this country, who did it the right way; who applied to come here, who waited for it, who worked for American Company before coming and waited for many years and showed merits to become a CITIZEN.
You know what? I remember that day. I never will forget. There was a Federal judge who was taking the oath. He made me repeat the Oath of Allegiance:
1. Support the Constitution,
2. Denounce any foreign allegiances,
3. Bare arm to protect US of A from enemies foreign and domestic.
After I took the oath I went and registered with Selective Service.
At that happy moment of my life little that I knew, that one day some clergy will become the enemy "domestic."
How do I fight that, if I'm not able to bare arm as a civilian?
So this is apparently is more dangerous. He, that enemy within, uses "nice" words, wears modest gown, making harmless faces. Has money too, got from others. Maybe even lots of it.
What can I do to keep my promise to my country and to my fellow countrymen who took me as one of them? This is the ultimate Question.
Yes, mobsters and killers can wear monk gowns. Can carry swords underneath their skirts and knock your door. Asking what? A night-shelter... on God's name.
Oh, yeah...
Want an example? Don't look further than to a lovely, cute, sunny place for shady people right in today's civilized Europe by Mediterranean sea. Although it was a while ago, more than 700 years to be precise, but no regrets till today. Just the pride of Catholic Church. The statute of the head of the gang was made just recently and given as a gift to his ruling grand grandson (actually he's a nice, positive energy guy, I personally like him). Tourists enthusiastically are taking pictures with the statute of his beloved grand grandfather. One Italian lady asked me to take her picture with the "mob" (her word) while giving fun kisses on his ferocious face. Sure, my pleasure.
I'm not saying that his descendants should be held morally responsible or embarrassed today, so long after, but also don't feel that they should be constantly proudly taking tourists around and tell them about this "wonderful" bloody episode that started their dynasty. Pope couldn't advise him to tone it down a little, stop bragging at least, perhaps?
That's what Europe is about till this very day. They're proud of their atrocities, no matter what they lecture us - Americans.
Year after year I saw Catholic schools closing down in Manhattan, because of millions of dollars in settlements paid for child molestation cases. Still, till today lessons can't be learned, minds can't be cleared, lying dirty mouths can't be shut, demagoguery can't be stopped, right? OK, I'm going to take the number you mentioned, which is only 3% of them as perverts, and leave it there. Don't want to hurt good ones among them.
Hundreds of homeless year after year sleeping on their Churches' doorsteps and they - clergy, all of them, step over them, jump over them, look at their faces and take the money to other people in other continents?
Why? WHY???
Taking tax deductible money from here, made in here, money which should go to public hospitals, school, colleges, PD, FD, etc., and doing exactly what with it? Just curious. To encourage those far away, that we don't even plan to visit, to multiply more, create more misery?
I want to see what do they tell them while giving them money, food, medication and other stuff for free? I want to hear it. Do they require from them to change their lives, be responsible and moral, not to do things that are self-destructive such as having unprotected uncontrollable sex at desire resulting in having excessive amount of children without having means to support them?
How does it help to bring more people into poverty and suffering in today's dangerous and volatile world? HOW? And, who is going to take care of them? Our children and grandchildren? Maybe that's why those who think before doing things are consciously don't want to have children anymore. Look at the "civilized" world at extinction. Some "helpers" who don't care to help themselves.
Is this clergy even has any children of his own? How many? Will he sign a promissory note to fully support me and encourage me to have children and to help financially to raise them with dignity? Just was wondering. Yeah, right!
What about our people - their fellow countrymen, sleeping right on front of the Churches, where they pass by them after preaching "compassion?" Do they have any moral obligation to help them first, at least? It's more expensive to take money or things to far away shores than give it out right there, isn't it?
Let's start from this. Let's get an answer for this first.
The lie detector will give us the answer, Dr. Savage, the lie detector!
Rep. Lamar Smith combated him by citing passages from Holy Bible, Romans 13, which says that every person is a subject to governing authorities. "To preserve order we must protect citizens and punish wrongdoers. A truly Christian approach would be not to acquiesce to illegal immigration, but to work to end it" said the
Honorable Congressman Lamar Smith.
I'd suggest him for the next time to have a big tableau on which clearly explained the meaning of the word "illegal" in variety of ways accompanied by colorful pictures for damn-playing, slow-learning clergy.
People who call it "caring," especially the ones in red and black, some in white shirts, should be investigated in their own turf, in their own job or businesses. They're so insolent that they don't even hide under cover, but come out right to cameras.
Put the names of those Corp.s on your website, doc. Illegality brings more illegality, it's a Karma thing, to say the least. More illegals will run around, less illegal corporate crooks and clergy will look, right? It'll get diluted, muddy and foggy. Is this a rocket science for fancy pants in FBI?
The Hill has so called "government accountability" commission? Who are they, what do they do? Do they function, who can go to them, can we sue to stop the madness? This is a madness which can pull out the last bloody nail from the witch's brew bucket and have the casket sealed.
Couple of months ago, while screaming about this, you said "You know what, get this, God watches out for this country, He will not allow you - the evil, to win. You putz - you! You vermin - you! Up yours - Johnson! Up yours - Jack! Truck drivers should stop the roads and bridges and tunnels to stop the madness."
That was so powerful, doc! At that moment I was holding my breath while trying to cross a wide highway in steamy Florida in the evening dark. I was cautious, holding my breath and was too tense. It is nerve-racking not to drive in here. No close light crossing and endless fast moving cars. Listening to my Walkman and literally closing my mouth with my palm, thinking I can't make it, I have to force myself to walk much further to find a crossing light. The place I was going across the street was full of people, attractions, carousels, shops, music and evening events, but to cross there on foot is not appealing. I could see the very bright, happy little noisy town in its prime time of fun, but couldn't quite reach it easily. When you started screaming, it gave me fresh breath at that moment. I let my mouth open, I let my hands go up and down the way you wanted it, it looked like I was hip-hopping, all over sudden cars looked friendly and slow, the place become brighter, I was repeating you louder and louder and just took off and crossed the road hop-hopping like a bunny in my flip-flops.
I stopped looking and worrying. That's them - the cars should watch out. That's their turn! Enough was enough!
I crossed, got into fast food chain, you got into the break, but I was still singing about Jack and Johnson. Usually people think that the one with earphones on is listening to music. The girl behind the counter asked what kind of music I was listening with a big smile. Apparently I was glowing. I said, it's a country music, some patriotic stuff against corporate crooks. "That sounds like fun" she said.
I thoroughly enjoyed that evening; let loose and danced under the blasting music with fellow citizens, talked to shopkeepers, who work for themselves (they said business is down and are happy to see people coming and cheered me giving their phone numbers), watched the parade, found grilling juicy shish-kebab, got a drink from Captain Morgan's, cheered craft sellers, threw a few balls and won 45 candies, met couple of young Russians and caught the last bus coming home to motel. About midnight I hit the pool. Nobody was there. Laid on the water, looked at the skies and stars, watched skies moving pretty fast and felt that constant move. I'm on the carousel Earth, which is moving none-stop and taking me with it for free. I'm lucky to be here, and, I should appreciate and enjoy life while I can. Swam and looked at the playful stripes of lights on the water's small waves, trying to catch them with little splashes. Maneuvering and getting in and out of shadows of palm trees and catching the lights again. "Inner chatter, inner chatter," one preacher was preaching on TV earlier, "it's very important to talk to yourself, to ask where you are and where are you going" he said.
I think I did it that night, I asked myself questions while alone in the pool at night.
Not really alone, it was HIM and I, who made it possible. I did my prayers over and over.
I checked and realized I was in the pool for 1.5 hours already. Outside steamy air felt chilly while I rapped myself in the towel, ran to my room shivering. Got into hot shower and sang "Banka" by Visotskiy in Russian and came out rejuvenated.
Got on computer and listen to you on another channel just to get that "up yours" part again, before getting into bed and turning on Foxnews.
Your next book should be titled "Up yours - Jack Johnson." You think some would suggest to burn them?
Tomorrow is another day. It's up to us what we make out of it, although sometimes it feels impossible to me. Each can think of something, before "thinking" becomes illegal, right? With God's will.
So long.
Has been a long time, but was listening, regularly. Not that I had nothing to say, but had too much. Some things I noted, but others just let to accumulate. I could write 10 pages a day, but can't afford to be self-destructive with time.
Time is all I have as a commodity. What's going on can destroy normal people in more than one way. I'll explain this later.
Today I heard you talking about Henry Miller. I checked his Bathroom monologues and some other clips. Was it that bad in NYC at that time? How did he survive and lived that long? Wasn't he a lib? He lived in notoriously perverted city of Paris, right? I'm intrigued now to read that novel.
Let me go back and talk about what I promised in last posting about religious conflicts and immigration.
Ambassador Yehuda Avner author of "The Prime Ministers" (he worked with 4 of them) said on TV "there is no solution to theological conflicts. It becomes not a fight between people, but their Gods." You can't question God and there you have it - point, end of the story.
Or us or them.
This is the worst part of religion being used for political reasons.
Oh well, just wanted to mention it to you.
I'd like you to invite him to your program.
At US conference of Catholic Bishops in Tuscon, Arizona, Bishop Gerald Kicanas said "immigration is ultimately a humanitarian issue since it impacts the basic rights and dignity of millions of persons and their families. Our current immigration system fails to meet the moral test of protecting the basic rights and dignity of the human person."
I was noxious reading this, not only for his bad English, but the meaning of the sentence and underlying sickness of it. I had to fully note it for the exact quotation.
To this cocktail d..g user I'd like to ask questions only on live TV while he has all his 4 legs connected to lie detectors made in different continents for accuracy.
See, the thing is, when someone commits a crime it's a one crime. Such as if someone is a thief, he is a thief. You charge him for thievery only. If someone is an adulterer, you charge him for adultery only. But if someone is a law enforcer and he steals, it's a double crime. If someone is a preacher, who preaches religion, which is about 2 main things MORALITY and RESPONSIBILITY and everything around it, goes out and shows that he's a fraud, he doesn't believe what he preaches and he continues to be out there and manipulate people to get money out of them and make a living, should be charge twice as a fraud.
In which way "illegal" act can relate to concept of morality and responsibility in his pot-fog-infested world? I'm sure he has all the nonsense words to throw around to confuse normal people, victimize their good conscious by using it against them, while making a living out of it. After all apparently that's what he did so far. I also would love to have some of other con-men and BS artists come to his rescue and volunteer to get on with lie detector on live TV with him. And, I'll do this as a very proud naturalized Citizen of this country, who did it the right way; who applied to come here, who waited for it, who worked for American Company before coming and waited for many years and showed merits to become a CITIZEN.
You know what? I remember that day. I never will forget. There was a Federal judge who was taking the oath. He made me repeat the Oath of Allegiance:
1. Support the Constitution,
2. Denounce any foreign allegiances,
3. Bare arm to protect US of A from enemies foreign and domestic.
After I took the oath I went and registered with Selective Service.
At that happy moment of my life little that I knew, that one day some clergy will become the enemy "domestic."
How do I fight that, if I'm not able to bare arm as a civilian?
So this is apparently is more dangerous. He, that enemy within, uses "nice" words, wears modest gown, making harmless faces. Has money too, got from others. Maybe even lots of it.
What can I do to keep my promise to my country and to my fellow countrymen who took me as one of them? This is the ultimate Question.
Yes, mobsters and killers can wear monk gowns. Can carry swords underneath their skirts and knock your door. Asking what? A night-shelter... on God's name.
Oh, yeah...
Want an example? Don't look further than to a lovely, cute, sunny place for shady people right in today's civilized Europe by Mediterranean sea. Although it was a while ago, more than 700 years to be precise, but no regrets till today. Just the pride of Catholic Church. The statute of the head of the gang was made just recently and given as a gift to his ruling grand grandson (actually he's a nice, positive energy guy, I personally like him). Tourists enthusiastically are taking pictures with the statute of his beloved grand grandfather. One Italian lady asked me to take her picture with the "mob" (her word) while giving fun kisses on his ferocious face. Sure, my pleasure.
I'm not saying that his descendants should be held morally responsible or embarrassed today, so long after, but also don't feel that they should be constantly proudly taking tourists around and tell them about this "wonderful" bloody episode that started their dynasty. Pope couldn't advise him to tone it down a little, stop bragging at least, perhaps?
That's what Europe is about till this very day. They're proud of their atrocities, no matter what they lecture us - Americans.
Year after year I saw Catholic schools closing down in Manhattan, because of millions of dollars in settlements paid for child molestation cases. Still, till today lessons can't be learned, minds can't be cleared, lying dirty mouths can't be shut, demagoguery can't be stopped, right? OK, I'm going to take the number you mentioned, which is only 3% of them as perverts, and leave it there. Don't want to hurt good ones among them.
Hundreds of homeless year after year sleeping on their Churches' doorsteps and they - clergy, all of them, step over them, jump over them, look at their faces and take the money to other people in other continents?
Why? WHY???
Taking tax deductible money from here, made in here, money which should go to public hospitals, school, colleges, PD, FD, etc., and doing exactly what with it? Just curious. To encourage those far away, that we don't even plan to visit, to multiply more, create more misery?
I want to see what do they tell them while giving them money, food, medication and other stuff for free? I want to hear it. Do they require from them to change their lives, be responsible and moral, not to do things that are self-destructive such as having unprotected uncontrollable sex at desire resulting in having excessive amount of children without having means to support them?
How does it help to bring more people into poverty and suffering in today's dangerous and volatile world? HOW? And, who is going to take care of them? Our children and grandchildren? Maybe that's why those who think before doing things are consciously don't want to have children anymore. Look at the "civilized" world at extinction. Some "helpers" who don't care to help themselves.
Is this clergy even has any children of his own? How many? Will he sign a promissory note to fully support me and encourage me to have children and to help financially to raise them with dignity? Just was wondering. Yeah, right!
What about our people - their fellow countrymen, sleeping right on front of the Churches, where they pass by them after preaching "compassion?" Do they have any moral obligation to help them first, at least? It's more expensive to take money or things to far away shores than give it out right there, isn't it?
Let's start from this. Let's get an answer for this first.
The lie detector will give us the answer, Dr. Savage, the lie detector!
Rep. Lamar Smith combated him by citing passages from Holy Bible, Romans 13, which says that every person is a subject to governing authorities. "To preserve order we must protect citizens and punish wrongdoers. A truly Christian approach would be not to acquiesce to illegal immigration, but to work to end it" said the
Honorable Congressman Lamar Smith.
I'd suggest him for the next time to have a big tableau on which clearly explained the meaning of the word "illegal" in variety of ways accompanied by colorful pictures for damn-playing, slow-learning clergy.
People who call it "caring," especially the ones in red and black, some in white shirts, should be investigated in their own turf, in their own job or businesses. They're so insolent that they don't even hide under cover, but come out right to cameras.
Put the names of those Corp.s on your website, doc. Illegality brings more illegality, it's a Karma thing, to say the least. More illegals will run around, less illegal corporate crooks and clergy will look, right? It'll get diluted, muddy and foggy. Is this a rocket science for fancy pants in FBI?
The Hill has so called "government accountability" commission? Who are they, what do they do? Do they function, who can go to them, can we sue to stop the madness? This is a madness which can pull out the last bloody nail from the witch's brew bucket and have the casket sealed.
Couple of months ago, while screaming about this, you said "You know what, get this, God watches out for this country, He will not allow you - the evil, to win. You putz - you! You vermin - you! Up yours - Johnson! Up yours - Jack! Truck drivers should stop the roads and bridges and tunnels to stop the madness."
That was so powerful, doc! At that moment I was holding my breath while trying to cross a wide highway in steamy Florida in the evening dark. I was cautious, holding my breath and was too tense. It is nerve-racking not to drive in here. No close light crossing and endless fast moving cars. Listening to my Walkman and literally closing my mouth with my palm, thinking I can't make it, I have to force myself to walk much further to find a crossing light. The place I was going across the street was full of people, attractions, carousels, shops, music and evening events, but to cross there on foot is not appealing. I could see the very bright, happy little noisy town in its prime time of fun, but couldn't quite reach it easily. When you started screaming, it gave me fresh breath at that moment. I let my mouth open, I let my hands go up and down the way you wanted it, it looked like I was hip-hopping, all over sudden cars looked friendly and slow, the place become brighter, I was repeating you louder and louder and just took off and crossed the road hop-hopping like a bunny in my flip-flops.
I stopped looking and worrying. That's them - the cars should watch out. That's their turn! Enough was enough!
I crossed, got into fast food chain, you got into the break, but I was still singing about Jack and Johnson. Usually people think that the one with earphones on is listening to music. The girl behind the counter asked what kind of music I was listening with a big smile. Apparently I was glowing. I said, it's a country music, some patriotic stuff against corporate crooks. "That sounds like fun" she said.
I thoroughly enjoyed that evening; let loose and danced under the blasting music with fellow citizens, talked to shopkeepers, who work for themselves (they said business is down and are happy to see people coming and cheered me giving their phone numbers), watched the parade, found grilling juicy shish-kebab, got a drink from Captain Morgan's, cheered craft sellers, threw a few balls and won 45 candies, met couple of young Russians and caught the last bus coming home to motel. About midnight I hit the pool. Nobody was there. Laid on the water, looked at the skies and stars, watched skies moving pretty fast and felt that constant move. I'm on the carousel Earth, which is moving none-stop and taking me with it for free. I'm lucky to be here, and, I should appreciate and enjoy life while I can. Swam and looked at the playful stripes of lights on the water's small waves, trying to catch them with little splashes. Maneuvering and getting in and out of shadows of palm trees and catching the lights again. "Inner chatter, inner chatter," one preacher was preaching on TV earlier, "it's very important to talk to yourself, to ask where you are and where are you going" he said.
I think I did it that night, I asked myself questions while alone in the pool at night.
Not really alone, it was HIM and I, who made it possible. I did my prayers over and over.
I checked and realized I was in the pool for 1.5 hours already. Outside steamy air felt chilly while I rapped myself in the towel, ran to my room shivering. Got into hot shower and sang "Banka" by Visotskiy in Russian and came out rejuvenated.
Got on computer and listen to you on another channel just to get that "up yours" part again, before getting into bed and turning on Foxnews.
Your next book should be titled "Up yours - Jack Johnson." You think some would suggest to burn them?
Tomorrow is another day. It's up to us what we make out of it, although sometimes it feels impossible to me. Each can think of something, before "thinking" becomes illegal, right? With God's will.
So long.
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