Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 18)

Dr. Savage,

I keep listening, but nothing came up in your program about previous post's topic and today came not the good news.
First, Appellate Court will answer only in 3-15 months, which is unbelievable, and second, today I've got an email that yesterday Clemency Board denied Lt. Michael Behenna any day of short of his sentence. Wow, how Secretary of the Army John McHugh goes to sleep? What if Michael would be his son? Does he care about the enemy more than the men and women under his commend?
I'll be puzzled unless I get a chance to ask him personally and look into his eyes.
At this moment my feeling is if one day with God's will I have a son, I make sure he doesn't go to military. It wasn't bad enough what was there, they keep putting more, muddying the waters, polluting the system, see what happens. Geez!
I was listening to an ex-solder yesterday who was saying that military's goal in implementing any policy suppose to be based on increasing 2 things only:
1st vitality and 2nd survivability of the troops.
Makes sense to me, but now, how is the recent adopted policy serves these 2 causes?
It's going to cost not only limbs, but lives of the solders. They're going to be faced with more hatred and violence. This was a major visiting card handed out to enemy to scream demise to our troops, most of which don't carry the stigma, but minorities in this country going to finish majority and it's not a "democracy" to go preach others.

In terms of signing START treaty with Russia I know you disagree, but I have a soft spot for Russia and think that if we are not going to use what we have anyways, so what the heck. Russian government's job is to worry about protecting its people and I respect that. Every government's job is the same. We're not suppose to be or act as enemies anymore.
I'd suggest to be friends with Russia, and in case we need something we don't have, we'll buy or borrow from them, what about that? I should be the negotiator in reserve, just in case.

Russia today has enough trouble with its neighboring Republics. Those make trouble pretending they like America better and want to be with us. Yeah, right!
They just want our money, that's it. If America wouldn't give them money, they would be happy to see it gone and finished.
Some of those Republics' heads made a career for themselves by badmouthing Russia and getting millions from us, while the simple people there have mixed families, history, culture and blood intertwined for centuries.
Ukrainians and Russian's are first cousins, no one is closer than them by blood, look what's going on there. What about Georgia? It was a beautiful multicultural, multiethnic wonderful country in Soviet times where everybody got along, respected and loved each other. Doors and tables were open to total strangers passing by.
See what happened? 3-4 different ethnic wars broke loose, bombs came down on peaceful people.
America sends his sons and daughters to train their solders to do exactly what and why?
Can you answer? Try, let's figure this out together, if you want. I'll help you out.
If our gov. would stop giving them money, which is indirectly victimizing us here, there would be less trouble and they'd get along much better. Most of Americans don't know where these places are on the map, neither they're interested to find out, as far as I'm concerned.
Although I'm sure Russians know about this, but I'll repeat it anyway.
Check my blog to Mr. Putin through my profile. I'm not intimidated by his name like the rest are, he's just another man with big job in his hand and tremendous responsibilities on his shoulders. He's a seasoned politician, though, that's all. I like people like that. I better talk to one of those, rather than the ones with condescending nature and attitude.

American foreign policy has not been consistent throughout the history and it continues now.
So, let's work together. I'm an American first and foremost. I know Russia's weaknesses better than you can find out. Today, western liberals are up in arms to infect, infest and destroy that country from within beyond recognition. Bombs won't destroy Russia or USA. Liberalism, which breeds perversion and sickness and works against country's defenses, will. And, most of that garbage goes there fast from Europe. All one has to do is to look what it did to lazy Europe, to understand the consequences for themselves. Are they smart and cautious enough? That's my fear and the cause of my efforts.
RF and USA are in the same shoe right now, they're 2 sides of the coin.

That's why I think they need your books. I'd be happy to help you publish your books in Russian. Why don't we go there? I'll be your interpreter/translator, let's arrange a different type of conversation. It's not being done by anyone right now.

The START treaty was ratified by Congress, but it's not a done deal as of yet. Russian Duma has to approve it.
Someone from Washington Times was supplementing for you couple of days ago, he said so many bad things about Mr. Putin, which are not true. Why doesn't he check the facts first or just withhold himself from sounding like a gossip columnist. I used to listen when he was on before, I turned him off that day.
Put the "best of 2010" it's OK.
So long.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 17)

Mr. Savage,

Today is the Appellate hearing for Army Ranger 1stLieutenant Michael Behenna.
A MAN, a SOLDIER who dared to put a uniform on and went to serve his country to keep us safe.
Did you hear anything yet? Is any of family member scheduled to be on your show today?
I'll be listening.
I believe many of your listeners are anxiously waiting and hoping for a good result also.
It's late afternoon now, I'll continue this post tonight after your show.

Monday, November 8, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 16)

Hi there,

Are you happy? Was it good enough for you? I mean the elections. I never voted, not yet.
Recently you were on TV in CA promoting your book. Teddy was there too. Both of you need a good haircut. The one I offered you a while ago is off the table. First you said you don't like to go to hair salons. I can understand that, me neither. Then, one day you said you drove your expensive car and went to a cheap place. I see.
Now, you said also you've got new cloths, put them in closet and wore the old ones again, don't know when you'll wear them. I have a suggestion when and where: when you'll get together with your fellow conservatives for making up with them. You should reconsider continuing calling them names and criticizing. All of them are doing their best in their own ways. All of them: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and the rest are doing their best. How come you're good with Laura Ingraham? She is like the rest of conservatives. I listen to all of them. Do I agree with everything they say? No and it's not mandatory. But by continuing your insults and name calling you're not helping yourself or the mutual cause. Then you complain that they're not inviting you to their programs or to Foxnews.
Watch your mouth for a change, will you, please?
Let's change the topic, shall we? I can change to another one fast, like you do.
Every time you badmouth Iran, I go back to what I know about their history and culture. I never have been there, don't know if ever will. Who is that man who comes to UN and tells us we're finished - don't know. Why America allows him to get away with it - don't ask me. Is he a set up to make trouble for Iranian people (as some Iranians told me on NYC streets) or he's a real "leader" for them? Who knows? Now he's blaming Russia, saying that it gave in to satan. I studied world literature - the classics. Persia has a history of wars and conquest as many others, but it's literature, the language, culture, art are one of the few in the world to be proud of. I know it's not fashionable in America's lib. damn media to say one culture is richer than the other(s), but all those potheads running it never read a book. Even Ivy colleges in here, who charge arms and legs have 4-5 times less literature on curriculum, than what we had.
Mentioning of Iran and it's people brings positive feelings to my heart, mainly because of my familiarity with their literature. I had an uncle who was a multi-talanted, doubly educated and well read man. He had a law and engineering degrees and was a literature buff. He was also a poet. He told me that if he'd be born again he'd become a Philologist, and in the next life - a Biologist, and the next - botanical scientist. He wanted to learn nature; how it grows, how it interacts. That's what you studied. There is a poetry in botany.
Expressions of Love and Romance always joined with flowers, isn't it?
When he visited us, conversations were more philosophical than funny. I was a kid, but I loved it. Among other stuff, he knew lots of verses by heart from Persian great poets such as Firdusi, Khayyam and Hafiz. He'd top his thought processes with their lines. Later I read and admired them too. Today's Iranians are the descendants of those great poets and other great minds in science in the history of humanity. What's left of ones great culture today, I don't know.
I also used to admire French for their Moliere, Balzac, the list is very long, impressionists - you name it. Living there for a year and a half from 2006-2008 I absolutely didn't find anything that could give me a slight reminder of any left-over from ones great culture. None whatsoever. Things I remember are the dog waste, free sex channel all night (which shocked me), perversion (on TV on channel "Arte"), anger, frustration, ignorance, arrogance, immorality, culture of fraud, protests and strikes, constantly closed stores and businesses and hate towards America, because it's simply better and they're jealous. French made me the the worst American against them by calling me nazi and fascist, because I'm an American. Total strangers would do this without shame.
Now, why did I write this? About Iran; don't know if it'd be the case like it is for French. Would their poetry save the day today and bring us together around the table, I'd wish. It seems to me more poetic than realistic, but I dug and dug, read and read to find something and there it is... As actual today as it was centuries ago. Here it comes and you - Michael Savage can use it while talking politics.
Hafiz, Rubaiyat 19 -
You can buy everyone with Gold,
Either in one shot or slowly are sold.
Somethings never change.
So long.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 15)

Can you believe it's November already? Was listening, I'm still in down south, was lots of sports on your time on WDBO-AM580 lately. Tried on Internet as much as I could, but missed out some.
After you said that Teddy bet you, did you talk about it anymore? I didn't get any update. Why were you asking from listeners what should you do? You should let it go, you didn't know that? Why was it a Q at the first place? You don't know how animal feels inside. While he's sleeping he can have nightmares, he can have pain or just be in a bad mood. Why can't he be in a bad mood? How can he tell you that he is in pain, should it be the case? He thinks he is the boss, you think you are, you know that? Look who is picking up what after who, what are you talking about? Do another test, see who has more clout and popularity; take him to the street with a sign for both of you, sign should say "ready to be picked up" see who goes fast. British won't be able to take you with them anyways, even if they would want to pick you up. How about that? You getting the point?
Leave him alone, especially when he sleeps, will you?
Now, the good news:
Couple of days ago US and RF forces together destroyed 4 out of 100 drug producing labs in rugged terrain of human backwardness. They apparently were practicing for 3 months for this. If they know 100, how many more can be there? Those Russian Spetz Naz (Special Forces) are tough MEN. US should hire them temporary, give them good money and assign for border patrol. You'll see the results right away, I assure you.
Now - science.
Funny thing was the news about that genetic stuff - DRD4. I knew liberalism had high % of hereditary. Didn't you, where you surprised? I don't think so, I'm just asking. Lowlife most likely will end up with another one and produce the third one. Wooo... I shouldn't say this, scary... wooo...
I grow up playing with lots of kids. Some of them for no reason were nasty, distracting, dishonest from their birth. One was severe kleptomaniac and it escalated as he grew older.
One was a gossiper from the crib. She always would run and talk in other kids' ears about others trying to break up friendships between them. Mothers know the difference between their kids. One is kind, another is vicious. The one always wants to take your toys and never shares his/hers maybe is the one who ends up as a simple or corporate thief?
Where I grew up to be sick of any mental disorder wasn't an excuse for committing a crime. I could only be a reason, but never an excuse. It's not the society's or victim's fault. What society should do if someone is born kleptomaniac, let him steal all his life because he can't help it? Unfortunately lawyers here BSing the society by presenting it as an excuse. Libs should be the first and I wish only victims of their own liberalism, which directly and indirectly destroying this society and spreading disease all over the world. Europe is gone already - R.I.P! They got their heals in Russia now, setting up shops, pounding to destroy the core culture and foundation of that nation. You know what they call it - a civil society - for your rat's ..s! Do Russians even know what it is and how it should look and feel like? Do they need it? How much of it, what part? Wish I'd have the luxury to go there and do the survey myself on live TV.
So long.
P.S. Call Warren Eckstein's office, he'll send Teddy "Hags and kisses." He needs it.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 14)

Hi Doc,

Wounds are still open for some, and I still can get emotional, although I didn't have anybody who died 9 years ago. I watched TV all day, I looked at things on Internet and didn't see any reconciliation between main religion and culture of our country and our enemies.
Islam grows in the West and in here, Christianity is still the same or shrinking.
So long.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 13)

Hi there,

Has been a long time, but was listening, regularly. Not that I had nothing to say, but had too much. Some things I noted, but others just let to accumulate. I could write 10 pages a day, but can't afford to be self-destructive with time.
Time is all I have as a commodity. What's going on can destroy normal people in more than one way. I'll explain this later.
Today I heard you talking about Henry Miller. I checked his Bathroom monologues and some other clips. Was it that bad in NYC at that time? How did he survive and lived that long? Wasn't he a lib? He lived in notoriously perverted city of Paris, right? I'm intrigued now to read that novel.
Let me go back and talk about what I promised in last posting about religious conflicts and immigration.
Ambassador Yehuda Avner author of "The Prime Ministers" (he worked with 4 of them) said on TV "there is no solution to theological conflicts. It becomes not a fight between people, but their Gods." You can't question God and there you have it - point, end of the story.
Or us or them.
This is the worst part of religion being used for political reasons.
Oh well, just wanted to mention it to you.
I'd like you to invite him to your program.
At US conference of Catholic Bishops in Tuscon, Arizona, Bishop Gerald Kicanas said "immigration is ultimately a humanitarian issue since it impacts the basic rights and dignity of millions of persons and their families. Our current immigration system fails to meet the moral test of protecting the basic rights and dignity of the human person."
I was noxious reading this, not only for his bad English, but the meaning of the sentence and underlying sickness of it. I had to fully note it for the exact quotation.
To this cocktail d..g user I'd like to ask questions only on live TV while he has all his 4 legs connected to lie detectors made in different continents for accuracy.
See, the thing is, when someone commits a crime it's a one crime. Such as if someone is a thief, he is a thief. You charge him for thievery only. If someone is an adulterer, you charge him for adultery only. But if someone is a law enforcer and he steals, it's a double crime. If someone is a preacher, who preaches religion, which is about 2 main things MORALITY and RESPONSIBILITY and everything around it, goes out and shows that he's a fraud, he doesn't believe what he preaches and he continues to be out there and manipulate people to get money out of them and make a living, should be charge twice as a fraud.
In which way "illegal" act can relate to concept of morality and responsibility in his pot-fog-infested world? I'm sure he has all the nonsense words to throw around to confuse normal people, victimize their good conscious by using it against them, while making a living out of it. After all apparently that's what he did so far. I also would love to have some of other con-men and BS artists come to his rescue and volunteer to get on with lie detector on live TV with him. And, I'll do this as a very proud naturalized Citizen of this country, who did it the right way; who applied to come here, who waited for it, who worked for American Company before coming and waited for many years and showed merits to become a CITIZEN.
You know what? I remember that day. I never will forget. There was a Federal judge who was taking the oath. He made me repeat the Oath of Allegiance:
1. Support the Constitution,
2. Denounce any foreign allegiances,
3. Bare arm to protect US of A from enemies foreign and domestic.
After I took the oath I went and registered with Selective Service.
At that happy moment of my life little that I knew, that one day some clergy will become the enemy "domestic."
How do I fight that, if I'm not able to bare arm as a civilian?
So this is apparently is more dangerous. He, that enemy within, uses "nice" words, wears modest gown, making harmless faces. Has money too, got from others. Maybe even lots of it.
What can I do to keep my promise to my country and to my fellow countrymen who took me as one of them? This is the ultimate Question.
Yes, mobsters and killers can wear monk gowns. Can carry swords underneath their skirts and knock your door. Asking what? A night-shelter... on God's name.
Oh, yeah...
Want an example? Don't look further than to a lovely, cute, sunny place for shady people right in today's civilized Europe by Mediterranean sea. Although it was a while ago, more than 700 years to be precise, but no regrets till today. Just the pride of Catholic Church. The statute of the head of the gang was made just recently and given as a gift to his ruling grand grandson (actually he's a nice, positive energy guy, I personally like him). Tourists enthusiastically are taking pictures with the statute of his beloved grand grandfather. One Italian lady asked me to take her picture with the "mob" (her word) while giving fun kisses on his ferocious face. Sure, my pleasure.
I'm not saying that his descendants should be held morally responsible or embarrassed today, so long after, but also don't feel that they should be constantly proudly taking tourists around and tell them about this "wonderful" bloody episode that started their dynasty. Pope couldn't advise him to tone it down a little, stop bragging at least, perhaps?
That's what Europe is about till this very day. They're proud of their atrocities, no matter what they lecture us - Americans.
Year after year I saw Catholic schools closing down in Manhattan, because of millions of dollars in settlements paid for child molestation cases. Still, till today lessons can't be learned, minds can't be cleared, lying dirty mouths can't be shut, demagoguery can't be stopped, right? OK, I'm going to take the number you mentioned, which is only 3% of them as perverts, and leave it there. Don't want to hurt good ones among them.
Hundreds of homeless year after year sleeping on their Churches' doorsteps and they - clergy, all of them, step over them, jump over them, look at their faces and take the money to other people in other continents?
Why? WHY???
Taking tax deductible money from here, made in here, money which should go to public hospitals, school, colleges, PD, FD, etc., and doing exactly what with it? Just curious. To encourage those far away, that we don't even plan to visit, to multiply more, create more misery?
I want to see what do they tell them while giving them money, food, medication and other stuff for free? I want to hear it. Do they require from them to change their lives, be responsible and moral, not to do things that are self-destructive such as having unprotected uncontrollable sex at desire resulting in having excessive amount of children without having means to support them?
How does it help to bring more people into poverty and suffering in today's dangerous and volatile world? HOW? And, who is going to take care of them? Our children and grandchildren? Maybe that's why those who think before doing things are consciously don't want to have children anymore. Look at the "civilized" world at extinction. Some "helpers" who don't care to help themselves.
Is this clergy even has any children of his own? How many? Will he sign a promissory note to fully support me and encourage me to have children and to help financially to raise them with dignity? Just was wondering. Yeah, right!
What about our people - their fellow countrymen, sleeping right on front of the Churches, where they pass by them after preaching "compassion?" Do they have any moral obligation to help them first, at least? It's more expensive to take money or things to far away shores than give it out right there, isn't it?
Let's start from this. Let's get an answer for this first.
The lie detector will give us the answer, Dr. Savage, the lie detector!
Rep. Lamar Smith combated him by citing passages from Holy Bible, Romans 13, which says that every person is a subject to governing authorities. "To preserve order we must protect citizens and punish wrongdoers. A truly Christian approach would be not to acquiesce to illegal immigration, but to work to end it" said the
Honorable Congressman Lamar Smith.
I'd suggest him for the next time to have a big tableau on which clearly explained the meaning of the word "illegal" in variety of ways accompanied by colorful pictures for damn-playing, slow-learning clergy.
People who call it "caring," especially the ones in red and black, some in white shirts, should be investigated in their own turf, in their own job or businesses. They're so insolent that they don't even hide under cover, but come out right to cameras.
Put the names of those Corp.s on your website, doc. Illegality brings more illegality, it's a Karma thing, to say the least. More illegals will run around, less illegal corporate crooks and clergy will look, right? It'll get diluted, muddy and foggy. Is this a rocket science for fancy pants in FBI?
The Hill has so called "government accountability" commission? Who are they, what do they do? Do they function, who can go to them, can we sue to stop the madness? This is a madness which can pull out the last bloody nail from the witch's brew bucket and have the casket sealed.
Couple of months ago, while screaming about this, you said "You know what, get this, God watches out for this country, He will not allow you - the evil, to win. You putz - you! You vermin - you! Up yours - Johnson! Up yours - Jack! Truck drivers should stop the roads and bridges and tunnels to stop the madness."
That was so powerful, doc! At that moment I was holding my breath while trying to cross a wide highway in steamy Florida in the evening dark. I was cautious, holding my breath and was too tense. It is nerve-racking not to drive in here. No close light crossing and endless fast moving cars. Listening to my Walkman and literally closing my mouth with my palm, thinking I can't make it, I have to force myself to walk much further to find a crossing light. The place I was going across the street was full of people, attractions, carousels, shops, music and evening events, but to cross there on foot is not appealing. I could see the very bright, happy little noisy town in its prime time of fun, but couldn't quite reach it easily. When you started screaming, it gave me fresh breath at that moment. I let my mouth open, I let my hands go up and down the way you wanted it, it looked like I was hip-hopping, all over sudden cars looked friendly and slow, the place become brighter, I was repeating you louder and louder and just took off and crossed the road hop-hopping like a bunny in my flip-flops.
I stopped looking and worrying. That's them - the cars should watch out. That's their turn! Enough was enough!
I crossed, got into fast food chain, you got into the break, but I was still singing about Jack and Johnson. Usually people think that the one with earphones on is listening to music. The girl behind the counter asked what kind of music I was listening with a big smile. Apparently I was glowing. I said, it's a country music, some patriotic stuff against corporate crooks. "That sounds like fun" she said.
I thoroughly enjoyed that evening; let loose and danced under the blasting music with fellow citizens, talked to shopkeepers, who work for themselves (they said business is down and are happy to see people coming and cheered me giving their phone numbers), watched the parade, found grilling juicy shish-kebab, got a drink from Captain Morgan's, cheered craft sellers, threw a few balls and won 45 candies, met couple of young Russians and caught the last bus coming home to motel. About midnight I hit the pool. Nobody was there. Laid on the water, looked at the skies and stars, watched skies moving pretty fast and felt that constant move. I'm on the carousel Earth, which is moving none-stop and taking me with it for free. I'm lucky to be here, and, I should appreciate and enjoy life while I can. Swam and looked at the playful stripes of lights on the water's small waves, trying to catch them with little splashes. Maneuvering and getting in and out of shadows of palm trees and catching the lights again. "Inner chatter, inner chatter," one preacher was preaching on TV earlier, "it's very important to talk to yourself, to ask where you are and where are you going" he said.
I think I did it that night, I asked myself questions while alone in the pool at night.
Not really alone, it was HIM and I, who made it possible. I did my prayers over and over.
I checked and realized I was in the pool for 1.5 hours already. Outside steamy air felt chilly while I rapped myself in the towel, ran to my room shivering. Got into hot shower and sang "Banka" by Visotskiy in Russian and came out rejuvenated.
Got on computer and listen to you on another channel just to get that "up yours" part again, before getting into bed and turning on Foxnews.
Your next book should be titled "Up yours - Jack Johnson." You think some would suggest to burn them?
Tomorrow is another day. It's up to us what we make out of it, although sometimes it feels impossible to me. Each can think of something, before "thinking" becomes illegal, right? With God's will.
So long.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 12)

Dr. Savage,

Let me remind you one thing again. If you want to talk about UK, invite people from British National Party for interviews to comment on today's internal issues. Let them talk about their own country. I'm sure we'll hear things we don't know and it will bring some cooling to your feelings. Youtube Carlos Cartiglia.
Russians have 40 or more world criminals hiding in UK and the same so called "worried with ethics of words" government hiding them under their funny skirts and refusing to extradite them. Invite Mr. Putin to your program. I heard him saying this on Internet.
See another phony country called Switzerland who refuses to extradite Hollyweido's old pervert. I wonder why...??? Banking is still its first business, isn't it?
Did you hear what the sand-head with flower basket on it (Jay Leno's words) from UK said in UN? She said "among the poorest countries in the world were and are belong to commonwealth." So? Why she just shot up and stay home then? Who gives a foot about it anywhere anyway? Her grandchild, the one that her daughter-in-law said is from horseman, came to NY, threw a ball in a ball game to "fund-raise" money for Africa. Africa? Why he doesn't ask for some money from his own "royal" family who killed his mother? She was chosen for breeding purposes only, remember? His own elephant ear father said this publicly, not me. I wouldn't give your rat's ass to try to make up a thing like this.
Why any asinine creature in this country is falling for this psychosis? Give money for these criminals' phony causes because they come around to show their faces?
It's beyond me.
Let me talk about Mel Gibson.
When men or women are raising their hands, that abuse has started way, way before, unless it's a first time meeting and they're drugged up strangers.
Now, Mel is talented, he is not "loved" by most executives in Hollyweird, simply because they didn't finance his project, Passion of the Christ, he did it himself, hit the jackpot and they were jealous. Jealous men can get very vindictive. They can use every chance to destroy you.
The case against Mel is this: he left his wife and mother of his 7 children.
Went out not to just have fun and enjoy rest of the time, but decided to go for a bimbo. He chose not casual and honest for temporary fun, not serious and decent for LTR, but a bimbo, who already had a b..d from another one who didn't care to keep both of them around. Don't you see she has fake boobs, botoxed face (which effects brain) and no education? And, he breeded her anyway, remember?
Let me clarify by saying this, so I won't sound harsh, because I have a very loving heart for children who are always the innocent victims: if they pay for raising of their own children, they can call it a "love child" or anything cute they want. If taxpayers pays, then taxpayers can call anything they want, if the word is in dictionary. Fair? Good!
Case for Mel: compare with other Hollyweirdos, he is still better. He got caught and he'll pay, over and over and over and over again years to come for bimbo's meals and the other men' drinks, meals, drugs, sucks and underwear who later will lay with her in his own bed and in his own house. So he got himself royally screwed alright.
Bimbo was faking while wiretapping and running him crazy. Didn't you hear it from her "kitty" voice how she says "nothing, nothing" like in a comedy show. Go back, hear the tone. She used the same one on the first date and was ready to get laid even for McDonald's $1 burger just to sign him up for credit. She had 2 teeth knocked out by him while holding a baby in her hands? Isn't it called "endangering welfare of a child" if you put yourself into that type of situation while around children? This is not a little new teenage naive girl. This is a second time mother and a grown seasoned bimbo.
Either she purposely provoked the attack to have him locked up (or get paid to settle), or she is really mentally unfit to care for children. She can't logically assess the severity of dangerous situations around and display a protective instinct to prevent it from happening as a mother.
Do you know how a person should be mentally compromised to go to a doctor to have her skin cut with a knife, put balloons under her chest, have poison injected on her face and go out smiling? Let alone unthinkably despicable material she has filed her lips with. Do you know where it comes from? I'll explain this later. What's in her mind?
Ask Dr. Phil "what and who do you thing she's looking for and what should you watch out for as a normal man (if that might be the case)? There... you have it!
These both are not innocent, kids are the victims, but Mel was set up in this particular case. Let him pay, close the case.
Next I'll talk about religious conflicts and immigration issue.
So long.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 11)

Dr. Savage,

I'm listening and don't know how to say this in polite way. Stop boohooing, will you?
It's not like you to worry about the letter from Cameron. What did you expect? You had some hope that things might change in UK so fast? OK, fine, you did, now you don't. So what? What changed in your life? In Teddy's life? Anyone's that you find important? It's just another day.
Let me tell you why you're still wasting energy on this. I understand how you feel, and it's terrible, but because you haven't been in UK for a long time, you don't know the reality. They are FINISHED. Sorry to break this news for you, but western civilization is terminally ill. What's the remedy? I know the remedy, but they don't ask my opinion and their weak souls wouldn't dare to do and use what's necessary anyways. They got caught with their own liberal lies.
You haven't been in UK for over 26 years, right? You still have old impressions and imagination following all these years. It's a different world and it's different Europe.
Now, if you even go, nothing you'll find worth wasting time and money on. You'll regret you did it.
Years to come, you're going to be proud that they had your name on ban. Not on the same list with those others, which is insane by itself, but just for the ban.
You're a lucky man and you should be very proud that you have listener like myself. None of those bozos who don't want you around can compare to me, to your other listeners like me and worth to be around us. And we'll remember this. "What goes around, comes around" remember? This comes from Sanskrit and it's a Karma thing.
It has been proven for ages.
You have millions of listeners, educated and smart. One day one of them will be in charge of such decision making and will put those bozos' names on our list. How about that?
I wish that you'll put this to rest with this thought in mind as much as you can and talk more about how we save this country. Fortunately we still have a chance in here. Let's work on it, invest time in it, shall we?
First thing I'd ask from you is to stop badmouthing other conservative talk show hosts.
Is this possible? Why they don't invite you to FoxNews? Because you call them names. Is this simple enough, or not? Would you invite anybody to your show who calls you names?
They don't badmouth you, did you notice? They do their work, everybody contributes their own way to the cause. Although I don't agree with everything everyone of them says, including yourself, and I don't need to, I believe in their sincere patriotism as yours.
My dream is to bring all of you around a table one bright sunshiny day and make you get along and have fun. Wow! What a dream for me. Is this too much to ask?
It sure will require some new sort of unusual earthly forces supported with heavenly power.
You should congratulate Rush Limbaugh on his marriage. Nothing to be arrogant, condescending or jealous about it. He can afford what he does and he pays the price every time. He knows. He takes his chances anyway.
Be a mensch.
You don't like the pianist he invited and paid a million dollars? So what, who cares? I play piano better than him. You get married, I'll play at your party. Fair? Life is short, take it easy, doc.
So long.
P.S. On his program Rush (yes, I listen to him too) said that the number (the amount of $M) wasn't correct. He didn't say if it was more or less.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 10)

Dr. Savage,

Talking of the baggage lost with guns for special forces for Israeli PM, which ended up empty in another airport, you should stop to be surprised. The way it's handled until this day of advanced electronic surveillance, is unnerving, but very common. There are no cameras where whose things are being handled. Maybe they even hiring illegals to work there. Who knows?
I want to share my experience to take a lesson from. I believe that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other peoples' mistakes.
After 1998 crash of Swiss Air International flight 111 in Atlantic with 229 victims, I didn't want to use that airline whatsoever forever, because I found out that I had a far relative in that flight. He was a young, educated man who was going to Geneva to visit her mother's grave on 1st anniversary of her death. Although I didn't yet had a chance to meet with him, but met her aunt, who was a writer and wrote very heart-wrenching articles after that accident. I've gone to Switzerland in 2000, but on American plane.
I prefer to give business to American airlines and I flew Continental at that time to Zurich.
In 2007 I was going second time back to France and my travel agent said that it would be cheaper and much more flexible to go through Geneva, then take a train to South France. What's the rush? I should enjoy French country side and save money. Right? Right! He said that he had a "special" offer for Swiss Air International.
My answer was "no, no, no, I don't want to hear about that airline." He explained that the doomed one bankrupt the company, the new one owned by new people, the accident happened already 9 years ago and I should get over with my feelings and start a new day. That it didn't look like me to have an unfounded emotional "issue" like that. I didn't know what to say, maybe I'd write about beautiful French country side? My mind should have been momentarily distracted when I said "OK."
I usually travel with a handbag and a carry on suitcase. I've got into airport, saw cute stuffed animals, couldn't resist not to buy couple of them for gift. Although they were small and in a gift bag, they told me that it's a third piece and I should check my carry on luggage. I had it locked, I asked if I can open it to try to fit toys in, also I had my French cell phone in suitcase that I should take out (because I wasn't using it in America I just left it there).
It had all the French contacts that my American phone didn't have. They said "no, no time, don't worry, you can't open it now, leave it here, let it go" and rushed me out of there. Although couple of young guys smiled to me while picking it up, this was the second bad feeling I had after I said "OK" to that ticket conformation.
I've got on the plain and "surprise" would not be the right word. I was shocked and unnerved. This was something I have not seen. Inside of that aircraft looked like it was thrown away to junkyard, than picked it up to fly one more time on "special" offer. Old rotten sits, torn carpet that you could see the floor, everything was so old and worn out, it was scary. Next to me was a Swiss couple, nice looking, neat, dressed up. We were looking around and looking to each other exchanging nodding heads left and right. Sometimes keeping palms on our mouths, stretching lips, we kept quiet. In the middle of the flight was getting too cold. They brought some blankets and started trying to tape them on the walls. They brought the food. It looked like garbage and smelled like real trash. We were disgusted, looked at each other and returned the food. Stuff had scary faces, you wouldn't want to converse with them. We took only cop of coffee or tea. I had candies which I shared with that couple. That's all we ate for 8 hours.
I flew all my life from my childhood, every year on Aeroflot on all sort of small ones for short flights, big ones for longer flights, I flew Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Air France, Lufthansa, Sabina (on which I came to America). In the US I flew almost every national and international, TWA. British Airways, Continental, Delta, Virgin Atlantic, AA, United, you name it. I haven't seen anything remotely this atrocious. Inconveniences I have had; delays, waiting on tarmac, bad food, etc., but fear of feeling that screeching floor underneath of flying machine might opened up at any minute - I never had. Nothing you wanted to ask from that nasty crew. We were nervously keeping calm. Finally we landed. Door was stuck, it wasn't opening. 10, 20, 30 minutes without ventilation, people were getting irritated and becoming loud. Couple of men started swearing. I've got loud too. I said that my 3rd cousin died in doomed 111 flight and I never should take this s..t! That my stupid agent convinced me to do this stupidity, I should go with my gut feeling.
Everybody remembered that doomed flight and joined the screaming in agreement.
All the Swiss including the couple next to me said that the whole thing is in a hands of the same group of people. They declared bankruptcy under one friend's name and registered under another. It's a small place and the same people involved in the same industry. After 40 minutes, finally they opened the emergency door and we finally walked out in huge relieve. Between arrival and my train to France, which was ones a day, I should still have time to catch it. Freed from the hellish place I ran to pick up my baggage. No luck! No baggage! I'm running around asking what should I do. People are so obnoxious they look at you like their enemy who tries to give them a problem. Problem is the work, they don't like to work. Finally the forth person tells me where to go. I go there, they say "file a paper," if it comes tomorrow on the same flight we'll send to your address in Nice, otherwise it would be lost. I filed a paper, wrote that there was a phone and ran to train station. You CAN NOT possibly make this up; trains are not running. French railroad is on strike. I have to go to hotel, no choice. Costs me $100 the cheapest. I'm starving, grabbed some McDonald's on the way, ran into shower, got in bed, no TV, thanked God that I'm safe and went to sleep. Next day waiting for the same flight to arrive. It comes. People who handle this matter called me: "your baggage is here." I'm so emotionally drained that it's hard to believe in any good news. I go inside the baggage room with a woman, see fat, big, ugly alone man working there looking at me with discontent. The first thing instinctively I noticed that there is no camera on the ceiling or anywhere on the walls. We get around, and there it is - mine with broken Swiss lock and the zipper on the side where exactly the phone was. I opened it up and, of course, it's not there. It requires a SPECIAL tool and lots of force of a strong man to cut that lock's thick metal. My take was that they had it previous day, x-rayed it, saw the phone and kept it back to "tune it up."
And freak show face of that pig man working there was saying "take what you've got and go away, don't ask questions." Oh, well, I'm coming out, woman tells me I have to file out paper again with what's missing. She said broken or lost considered the same and should be compensated. I don't have time to go through everything I had there, just put a phone, got a complain number. Ran to train station. No luck, no trains. Got back to the same hotel, paid for another day, had no desire to go to see the city (I had been in Geneva before). Pushed myself to go for a walk at least, talk to people. It's not a social environment. Just kill the day to go back to sleep. The next day, thanks to Goodness Gracious, Frenchmen decided to move their butts. More than 7 hours train ride from from Mid East of France to South to Blue Coast didn't yield anything worth seeing. It's just nothing there. Only when you get to sea shore it gets green and somewhat interesting, if it's the first time, but when you come out of train station you walk right into dog s..t.
I emailed the company, they rejected any reimbursement. I mean nothing. They said they are not responsible and that's it. Which is not true. I found out a law, the name of the law and they are. My neighbor, who was a French teacher at school, helped me to write a letter to Railroad to ask to compensate for 2 days hotel cost, he said if they want, they would do that. They didn't. No matter how harsh I was with Swiss Air International on my emails (I kept those to show one day to the entire world), they couldn't care less.
I said that I promise that all my life I never will fly their planes. I said I don't want to use the half of the ticket on the way back, that I'll sue them, I'll put their name all over the world. No kidding! Who cares? Not them.
If they at least would honor the return of half of the ticket, I probably wouldn't bother writing this to you and ask to read it out loud to your audience. This should be my pay back and I'll never fly that stupid airline called "SWISS AIR INTERNATIONAL" again. Another important lessen to be learned the hard way is that you should ALWAYS go with your gut feeling. For me it has been proven over and over time after time.
My point for writing this to you is this: there are no cameras in baggage handling places, which is criminal. People you pay to service you are the ones victimizing you and there is no recourse. In Nice Airport you never should have someone to help you, rent a car or even get a taxi. Anything you have should be always in your hands without putting down, handing out, getting in any car. Keep everything in your hands, get on the bus with public, save money and be safe.
Their local newspaper called Nice Matin (Nice Morning) periodically was writing about burglaries in airport. Average 7-10 with the car, luggage and everything you possibly have. Especially now with cell phones thieves are going around pretending that they're passengers like you. Next thing you know you're by yourself on the side walk. Police will help you as much as the meditation can help the dead. I remember one advertisement on Monaco radio pleading to return $100.000 euro worth of professional TV camera for $10.000 euro reword - no questions asked. They came to film a big project and their equipment was stolen in Nice airport. THERE ARE NO CAMERAS. Plus, airports have no policy to check their handlers when they're leaving their jobs. So, they can go inside with tools, a truck, laud it up, drive it out or walk out with everything. The problem was so huge, that there were discussions to sell the airport to private company.
So, don't be surprised that the sealed bags checked in with machine-guns inside for Israeli PM ends up in Sahara desert riding on the becks of snakes and scorpions.
I didn't have a problem in USA so far, because I traveled light. But apparently, though might not as severe, the problem exists in here too.
So long.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 9)

Dr. Savage,

I'm enjoying a Sat. evening in NYC. Nice weather, but scorcher is coming. I don't know how we grow up without AC. I still don't like it, though. Also I prefer hot over cold. I don't like to bundle up. My favorite cloths are shorts and t-shorts. I can wear them every day.
Especially I have amazing legs. Extremely beautiful. They call it "traffic stopper."
I can't lie. Why should I?
Tomorrow is Independence day, some on the radio called to change it to Dependence day.
I thought it was funny, I should share with you. We'll take my bear and bunny and go to see fireworks and sing "America the Beautiful." It always brings tears to my eyes. I'm a sensitive person. Last year it was on Hudson. It was so nice. We walked down the Riverside and there it was. And good news is that it's again on Hudson.
Today I went to Metropolitan museum. I feel strong connection to Egyptian art of Pharaohs time. No matter what is new and what else I see, every time I go there I have to pass by that section. I talked to art selling couple on the street. They were from Miami Beach said that economy is very bad in there. They are trying to see if they can live here, but this town is getting more and more expensive. Now I'm sitting in the street doing this and hear lots of tourists, including Russians.
I was still thinking about that embarrassing timing of the bed news about agents. WHY right after that groovy hospitality? To me it was almost too good to be true; too fast, too casual, too easy. Could it be? Maybe, why not? Why should I doubt? Let it be.
But you know what, I think I have a little theory about this. Do you want to know?
I call it "the burger theory."
Get this: after "happy meal summit" at the time of press conference, one journalist asked Mr. Medvedev "how was the burger" and he responded "as usual American fast food - not healthy, but tasty." I thought at that moment that maybe he shouldn't have said it. Instead of just complimenting, half of his comment was criticizing. I would suggest him to say "It was very good and he has a good taste in choosing restaurants. Was fun too, thanks for sharing the fries, Mr. President (turning to O with a smile). I'll be glad to go back there." And be sincere about it, honestly... he decided to take an offer to go for it, right? But...
Now, my theory is that O didn't like that 50% criticism about his burger.
I'll tell you why. Because he is a man. Men don't like when you criticize their offers. They take it personally. It's a simple psychology. If man invites me for a dinner and a movie and I say "food was no good and movie was stupid," he would be humiliated. Their cars, their stuff, business, job are considered part of their identity and product of their judgment.
But if I go out with a lady friend and she pays and I say "this food is no good" she won't be offended, most likely she will agree, offer to change or call cook a name.
Man would take offense as if he was the cook.
"You criticize my burger, thus my judgment for taking there as if I feed you unhealthy food?" That's what O felt at that moment. He felt let down. Remember he doesn't like criticism. "You embarrassed me, I'll embarrass you." That's it. That's my theory.
Unless something like that also happened while talking politics that we didn't see, that could do too.
So long.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 8)

Dr. Savage,

I was watching and listening about this Russian Agent story, trying to figure it out.
There is a program It's Russian TV in English. One of their reports had Wayne Madsen and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern as guests. They two were saying that those agents got nothing to do with military or tech. secrets as usual espionage considered, that those were just "not registered agents" whose job was to get closer to some politicians to "influence" their policy.
Like you said on the first day of this news that the "registered" ones called "lobbyist?" That might be it.
McGovern also said that currently 20 countries have not registered any agents or organizations in Russia, but they're all over in there and authorities know about them.
Who knows? I never heard of these type. Why they were carrying wrong names? Of course it's illegal, but their work was directed to benefit these 2 countries to get closer or not?
In one of the news reports I heard that 2 of the accused were involved in some campaign fund-raising for O and Hillary.
My Q is: Why didn't they choose to do it openly at least starting from last 2 years?
Last couple of years Russian government hired 3 PR US companies to put their best face forward, to represent their side of the story, especially on the war in South. The result of these companies efforts he was chosen as a person of the year and his picture got on the cover of Time magazine, remember? RF spent lots of money on political PR in USA. One of those Internationally known PR companies charged $30 thousand a month on one year contract. Mr. Putin's administration put efforts into Russia's image building and did it very openly.
Couldn't he donate to all sorts of so called Int'l or Nat'l policy analysis and research institutes or centers instead of paying for so many people's leisurely lives in USA? Don't know. They are non-profit, they take money from everybody and could "closely" look into some "special situations" perhaps? Just a guess. I'm not an expert on this.
When slick Willy was in Moscow with Prime Minister, latter said "you came to Moscow at the right time, your police got out of control and grubbed some people, but that's their job." Willy was laughing. This was on and Also Mr. Putin had a smirk mixed with a smile on his face when he said this. I assume in his mind he was saying
"do you know how many of yours I know by real name, address and a face too?"
After your show I listened to Michael Smerconish a little, he had some intelligence analyst from UK about this. Latter said that in this day and age you can find most things on Google. He also said they could listen to those politicians' interviews on radio and TV and find out what's was on their agenda. By going to parties you can't really talk politics with politicians, all you get is a chitchat.
It was funny to hear.
I smell old cold war, old fashion nonsense, which is obsolete these days. Some were here for decades, maybe even forgot to work.
Why now, right after that groovy "happy meal with shared fries summit?" Especially Gibbs said that O knew about it before the meeting? That's my biggest question, but I have no clue. They enchanted Mr. M by opening Twitter account for him. I think they got his password alright. Showed him gadgets, a phone to surprise him. He was really glowing. Was he truly surprised seeing a phone nobody really needs? I wonder. I dream to ask him one day on my own International program. He was a law professor before this job for many years. He's not a "career" politician like our master organizer, who wants to convince people to conduct world affairs on Twitter.
Imagine; Twitter, twitter, knock, knock, I've a got a bigger and faster bomb, it's coming your way, are you ready? Twitter, twitter!!!
Wow! We lived to see this day, didn't we?
Hope this won't affect the good relations, seriously. I was happy to see a progress. Actually I was getting even a little too surprised, raising eyebrows while watching. The two man looked like old bodies on their day care friends' reunion. It seemed like they could have sleep over, pajama and slumber party albums on them to refresh fun memories after lunch.
If I'd be with Mr. Medvedev, I'd not suggest him eat that burger. "Get some juicy steak or something" I'd say. I'd pay for it too. I put my money where my mouth is. Also cold beer would be nice. My favorite ... classified.
Mr. Putin also said to Mr. Clinton "I really expect that positive relations will not suffer." Amen to that.
I'd suggest an exchange, a swap and put to rest to this type of a thing. It's a shame. Taxpayers on both sides shouldn't be forced to pay for this. We can do better than this from now on.
So long.
P.S. Stop screaming on your program, you're screaming too much.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 7)

Dr. Savage,

Has been a month already didn't comment, but was listening, marking little things down. Trying to get in touch with the gentleman who is capable of sponsoring my projects, but so far unsuccessfully. He doesn't use a phone or a computer and it puts him on the mercy of the people who handle him. What can I say? Nothing ever had happened to me easily, it has been a trend of my life, so still in this day and age of technology when something is put out on Internet that entire world can see, I can't get a billionaire's stuff to even respond that they got an email or fax. But that's OK, although this is extremely discouraging and bring the bad test in my mouth how things were handled in soviet times, I'll survive this too. Should think of other "innovative" ways. Even NYC 2 PR companies who arranged his interview with newly J school Grad who writes for huffandpuff, couldn't find who handled his account. Many calls, even talks to 2 managers of those companies directly, an email with a query - no clue, no answer. Oh well, life is going on, let's get to business.
After some break, I went back and read my postings. I found misspelling that shouldn't be. I said to myself "how possibly I could do this?" But you know, all this blog to 3 people I wrote in coffee shops and bookstores. So, it's very noisy, especially for me who is predominantly auditory. I just try to put my thoughts out there. My writing is better than any native speaking MBA graduate from Ivy collage, one editor of big publishing company told me. Let's leave it there.
About generals:
I heard you, I can agree with your arguments, but you know what? To me they're all sissy asses. Did I say this? Oh my God... I shouldn't of... how dare of me?.. Yes! If generals or their commander would have guts, we wouldn't have these many young men and women coming back in boxes or injured for life. Do not open my big fat mouth! I'm one of the payers for this. No big deal happened to Stan, O didn't revoke his title, let him retire, get a suntan. Dead solders under his commend couldn't get a same chance of retiring. Until Lt. Michael Behenna and others are in jail I can't get an ounce of sympathy for any of them that you personally like or prefer (I don't have my own preference), no matter how much I dig deep into my soul. To you one is better than the other, to me one is worse than the other.

By the way, Michael Behenna's mother and Steve Malzberg have my personal email address.

Let me go down to the list of my notes for a month. I'll make it as short, if possible.
About UK:
British National Party's spokesman Carlos Cartiglia says "the UK is a safe heaven for world criminals". What else you want to know? Invite him to your program. Interview him. I want to hear more. Ask Mr. Putin to comment on UK on your program. Ask how many of their crooks they asked to give back and never got. I'll be the interpreter. You worry about a list in a gutter and who's on it? Oh, boohoo!
If even they change and apologize, the normal people including your listeners shouldn't give them business, that's all. Unless they have family business they can't avoid or some other serious obligations, no one in their right mind should go to see how bastion of western civilization is degraded itself to the level of lowlifeness of this caliber. Their youngsters are massively fainting on the streets from binge drinking, because they know they don't have a country or future to look forward to. Their enemies feed by their drugged up parents are coming out and screaming on their faces broad day light that they're going to finish with them. What is that you expect? Put a list out there, let us put our names to go on the ban list with you, so we won't make a mistake down the line. I wrote to you ones before; send your lawyers to sit down on front of Downing 10. Are you going to do that? If you're not going to organize that, I don't want to hear about it too much. Better yet, don't want to hear at all about that you want to "reward" them afterwords by taking people there for shopping. That's sounds so childish and cheap. You shouldn't reward anybody who made a mistake for correcting it. Who does that? Your father did to you? Anybody else? They should pay for all of us, your listeners to go for free for travel and shopping included, if we'd wish so. I'm not sure, if I'd even bother with free, seriously. Leave me alone.
Walt Disney Co. HP, Boeing, News Corp, Bloomberg and I'm sure some others are sponsoring illegality. Makes them feel good about themselves, I guess. But do they know how good, righteous, law abiding citizens and legal immigrants like myself feel? Do they care?
I want to tell them on their faces. We feel like fools, like chopped liver. It doesn't matter we did it the right way, law doesn't matter? Just cross over, have some more sex, sex, sex and more sex. Drop a bastard after bustard and fools will pay. Sorry, sorry, it's a "love child" but from a street for me to pay for. My mistake. That's why less and less families, educated people having less children or no children than uneducated. Why? Anyone can have a statistics about this and prove me wrong? Perversion is running ramped. You talked about this before saying that good people don't dare to multiply anymore and couple of days ago you praised Mexicans for having children like they were better than others. Nobody can blame anybody who comes legally and wants to contribute to this society and raise a family. Don't mix things up. You're doing it sometimes. People like me who don't have children or didn't get married, not because we didn't want or need, but because educated people know more what it takes to do anything. Or, God forbid, we have some standard and want to raise a child in relative security and provide with a good life. Oh no, you want to be safe and secure, oh no, you're looking for a rich man? Oh no, they're all dead. They don't exist, they only there for hoochies who will screw them for credit to try to bill later. I don't even know what "rich" means anymore in this town, where every decent apt. or house costs millions. Ask low life African illegals working at night shift at my grocery store. Their wives are at home on welfare and they work for cash and say everything bad about this country and rich people. In another store over night cashier low life Indian, little monster with size 3 shoes and his mother and father were brother and sister and both born prematurely like him, asking for sex from every customer passing by, calls the country "a nation of bitches" (although he doesn't get any for sure) and calls rich people scumbags and crooks. What about the Mexican in Pizza shop, who looks like kalabok in Russian cartoon, makes fun of others.
Dr. Savage, good cook knows what it takes to make a dinner; stove, gas, pots and pans, ingredients, etc. If you know you're missing essential elements, you don't want to start. If you had a normal family and know how much effort it takes to maintain one, you take it very seriously. To bring people into this unstable world for a mercy of other people to provide for them is not a heroic thing to do, like you were trying to tell. You got me personal on this. Problem with a rich people is that they start living in narrow surrounding; secretary, driver, bodyguard, PR, other handlers. Everybody says "yes and you're right, Sir." After some time they live in their own fantasy land. All these people are in place to keep them away from others who might be much better and smarter than themselves. Got forbid something happens to their meal ticket. Michael Bloomberg and I live not far away. I can walk to his house in half an hour. But we live in different worlds. Passing the same street we won't have the same experience - far from it. When I said to Africans working in the store that there are lots of rich people in this city, for example the mayor is a billionaire, they said "hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, is that a man? He's dead, he doesn't exist, he's as good as dead, He needs men like us to protect him, he is scared to walk the streets, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, white men don't have what we have, baby, try us, hi, hi, hi, tel him to try us too, hi, hi, hi. This country has too much money, they should give to Africa, we're better, we can sc...w, hi, hi, hi." They make fun of damn Greek owner who hired them. What about an Egypsian guy in sundwich shop, who says my prophet was gay, he was hanging with men, hes prophet had 4 wives, he was a man, he liked to sc..w, hi,hi,hi. What about a Spanish guy born in Bronx, drug-addict, drug dealer who lives in projects and works for him for cash?
If I start writing what I know it will become 1000 page book.
Mayor should give me a hidden camera to walk the streets to see and hear what most "goody-goody immigrants" working for cash are talking about this country and himself,
while running to buy lottery tickets. He's their advocate and they need him? Yes, to laugh some more at him. People like me don't laugh at him, we appreciate and respect him, but apparently he doesn't return the same to our law abiding behavior and good faith efforts to our country and society. He goes on front of cameras and spit on our faces. On every face, who applied to come here, waited, got an exit visa to leave, got an entry visa to enter this country, paid for an airplane ticket, in my particular case I had to sell my European piano to be able to buy a one way ticket, which left me with $30 in my pocket, with a briefcase and a sport's bag, eager to learn and work and contribute to prove myself. Got here, applied again, waited, went for interviews over and over and over year after year, bring this - prove that, over and over, until it was over it took me many years to keep my pants on, my head straight and work hard to survive. And now, to come out and tell me and people like me it didn't matter, others could run a border, have unprotected sex and they deserve everything I didn't asked for or got for free? On top of it, I'm the one of those who have to pay for them? Nice... What am I going to teach my kids one day? Be an honest sucker of this system, follow me, your life worth less, you should waste it working and giving out for others who are semi-retards, who didn't want or couldn't provide for themselves? WHY?
Why don't all these "sponsors" of illegality buy an Island and take all illegals there and provide for them? They can do that. They want to show they're really good hearted people who want to help? Be our guests you wealthy gentleman. Dig your own bank accounts, no deductions, show me you're serious and pay for it. Put your money where your month is, prove yourself. It's all on you now.
Dr. Savage, read this on your program, We Are the People remember? Let them hear it! They want this country to be flooded with another 100 million within a few years? What are they on? Invite them to your show to answer to these questions. Put formal invitations for an interview on your website for us to see. Put out all the questions on it. They don't came, they don't answer, just tell us they rejected, put it on Internet, that's all. No answer is answer too.
I'll finish with a story about Disney Corp. which is related to the topic of your today's show about the candidate for highest court of the land and her like-minded "progressives" who continuously are undermining Christianity in this country. It's more organized and persistent than you can imagine.
I was in Disney Land's Magic Kingdom last year Easter day. I believe it was March the 12th. Weather was so gorgeous, nature couldn't arrange better for us. We chose Easter because of my bunny, she is a stuffed animal, and her friend and soul-mate bear with us. I write childrens' stories and they're my main characters. I treat them fairly and take to places that I want to write about and to have real pictures attached to the story.
So, I wanted to go after I was there 1993 at the first time and kept the promise to my pookies to take them to travel and have fun together.
What's could be better when Easter In Magic Kingdom?
So, we got there, paid a full price for one day, got on the boat, approached the land excited like children. It's Easter, should be a sign of it in Magic Kingdom, maybe a bunny parade, should I hope? Maybe just a bunny character walking around? None of it. We looked and looked and didn't find any sign of Easter whatsoever, anywhere.
People working there are very nice and well trained to interact with public. If I'd say "Happy Easter," they'd gladly answer, but none of them entire day said it first. Even the time of the most important photo with Mickey and Minnie I said "Happy Easter" and I realized they were silent costume wearers, they don't talk, so couldn't say it back. They gave us nice, confirming, friendly jesters and petting on bunny and bear, took a picture and that's all. I asked all day where is anything about Easter to workers, they shrugged their shoulders in puzzle with a face like "don't know, sorry." Asked people on the lines, next to us on attractions, restaurants and rides, no one had seen anything.
Only one lady had a guess, she said "maybe they don't want to offend minorities."
Who are minorities against this; most blacks and Hispanics are Christian, so it leaves Jews, Muslims and Buddhist, right? How many % of the population are they to have such an influence? Why sign of Easter should offend them? Remember stores couldn't put "Merry Christmas" it should be "Happy Holidays?"
Check this out. Give a call to Disney corporation whose head supports illegals. Ask them why Easter is abandoned in their corporation and put the conversation on live radio.
This is still stuck in my throat. I need the answer. What they had this year? Did they have anything more? Is this a policy? Let's check this out. Shouldn't all we sue for this? The man was suing Bronx zoo for what, you said on your program? Ask for a lawyer for this case on your show. Let them call you. Talk to Phil Donahue about this.
So long now.

Monday, May 31, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 6)

Dear Dr. Savage,

After the last posting, Friday, when coffee shop closed at midnight, I took the crosstown bus and came back to my neighborhood. Where I live many stores are open 24 hours and it's very safe. After a little shopping, about 1am, heading home, saw my neighbor hanging out with others. He said "why are you going to go to bed, everybody going out having a good time." I said "well, I don't drink, I don't like too loud music, bars or night clubs are not attractive to me, so..."
He said that he felt the same way, but just wanted to get out for the heck of it and we should go all the way downtown by the water. Weather was nice, spark of adventure is still alive in me, I was convinced. Dropped the stuff at home, took a jacket and in an hour we were on the boat on Hudson river where it meets Atlantic ocean. Took 2 hours of ride, look at the Statute of Liberty, sailed by the Ellis Island. Just look at the dark water, city lights and enjoyed the breeze.
He was born in here, but didn't know much of the history. I ended up telling him stories of the statute and the island. Actually when that french lib. gave it as a gift, that statute considered an atrocity to the art of sculpture.
He was famous and a big shut in Europe, he was friends with upper "art" circles in here, so they didn't want to hurt his feeling by throwing it away. That thing was so humongous, they didn't have place or a storage for it.
So, they decided to put it out of the way - far away - on the water. After the poet wrote a poem about freedom and connected to it, it took its own life and became a symbol.
About the Island; Sam Ellis owned it, he was faithful to British. British lost the war, he was forced to sell it for ... guess how much... guess, guess... that's right - ten bucks!
Manhattan Island was sold by Indians to Dutch for how much... guess, guess... that's right - twenty four bucks!
I believe that you know all these, I'm just telling you about my conversation with my American born neighbor who didn't know any of it.
It was a pleasurable trip for me and an informative one for him. I hit the sack at 5am tried and happy. Only in New York... You don't need to have your own boat to end up sailing any time of the day - any day. That's why I live in here. I can have a luxury life without being rich.
Sunday and Monday there were street fairs close to me. There you can have your BBQ, spinach pie, crepe, grilled corn on the cob, pastries, all sorts of ethnic foods (Spanish, Indian, Asian - you name it), listen to music, take a stroll looking at all the stuff being sold. It's a picnic. Why should I commute for this? It's hassling, cost much more and basically waste a time. Unless the trip is intellectually fulfilling and psychologically healthy, I'm not interested anymore. I have done so much traveling, I'm tired of it.
You know what you should talk about? About traveling less, staying put and spending money inside the country. It's very harmful to tell people to travel overseas at this time. It's not patriotic. Another thing; what if something happens? We should all be here to help each other. There is no place that has more abundance, better prices and better service than here at home.
Oh, yes, to finish on a fun note, today I met couple of pooches; they both jumped on me. One was Yankee, the other - Pookie. Cute, sweet faces. Both got chicken and beef BBQ treats from me. You could see their reaction and the spark in their eyes. They give you so much happiness back, you can't measure.
Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell you this fun story. It has been unforgettable for me. It's about pooches.
It was several years ago, I was with friends browsing the downtown, which was very crowded. I don't remember what was the occasion, but it seemed everybody was on the streets. We bumped into a group of young people who had a cute brown poodle. We started petting him, asked the name. His name was Cervantes. A little later another one caught our attention and got sweet touching. The name - Shakespeare. Before we got home, I was jumped by another one. The name? You're not going to believe this ... that's right - Dante! It was unreal. All in one day, pet names as such I never heard before? I still haven't. You can't make this up. That was the highlight of that day and I never forgot it.
Only in New York...
Hear you soon. So long.

Friday, May 28, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 5)

Dr. Savage,

I was listening to your show today and laughing in the bus coming back to uptown.
You said people who listen to you today are lonely ones, because they don't have anywhere to go? Don't forget there is something called "battery" for radio (most radios, if not all, work on them) and also Walkman. I have the latter all the time with me. No one now needs to sit at home next to a radio to hear you. They can take the damn thing, no matter how big, and put in the middle of the lawn next to the grill. When I was new, many years ago, I was much more social. Most of my friends have family and houses in NJ and LI. I'd go and get stuck there for an entire weekend. Also I had to listen to other guests' life stories and opinions about everything. Gradually I lost interest talking about the same things I knew, about the past and the old country. It's just not worth the time anymore.
Lots of things to do in NYC, it's open 24 hours. I don't really like this weekend as an "holiday" because many people forget what they're gathered for. Like you said, it should be about remembering those under 6' deep in the ground, who secured what we have today. But people get together over the food and the music just having fun.
I was relieved that they didn't make the 9/11 a holiday and a day off. It'd become the same thing.
I better listen to you Monday, if you'd be on live. Get calls from people who have stories to tell about their loved ones who served. Also those who are away from their homes and families in foreign lands right now. How do they feel, what goes through their minds? Do they feel appreciated?
If I wouldn't go and spend the time with people that I already know, that's OK, I can always talk to them over the phone. But, by myself, I always spend the time learning something and enjoying the city and I'm never bored. I see funny side of things all around and get amused.
Another thing you said that cracked me up was about the skunk in your backyard. You said it was a lib.? How do you know? How do you know if skunk smokes pot? How do you know the difference between a crock-addict and pothead skunks? After they spray you, what strong and new chemicals you can use to wash your cloths? If you decide to trash your cloths because wash didn't help, where do you discard them?
Try to analyze this, find a definition, talk about it more. That's so funny...
You also said there was a Russian trapper you wanted to call for help? I believe most Russians can't tolerate stink, they should be good at that.
Do you think that some strong pot grown in Mexico today can give potheads in power of courts to hallucinate about skunks' "human rights?" Sorry, I should say "skunk rights,"- my bad. Do they enjoy "civil right" now? Domestic partnership to start with?.. When libs run out of each other to get married, you think we'll see the day that some of them will take their backyard skunk to City Hall? Las Vegas perhaps? - "Common judge, wake up, he/she just sprayed, we need to commit!"
Oh, my, I can't take this anymore. Too much fun for one evening... laughing by myself in a coffee shop. Let me go, they're closing already...

Monday, May 24, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 4)

Dr. Savage,

The world is running wild. Sometimes I can't believe what I hear. The good thing is that I still can be surprised, because I'm not medicated, drugged or stoned.
When most people will become desensitized, beginning of the end will arrive.
"Devil wins when good people don't do anything" - isn't it?
What's the news? We have to bail out lazy Europe, where people retire at 50 and they still blame America? Two m...s will be build by ground zero? Nice...
Another attack by vermin in southern Russia, killing 7 and wounding many more innocent people before concert.
I've got so bombarded with bad news that went into a nostalgic trend of listening Soviet time songs. Don't be surprised that some of them are very relevant to our feelings today in here.
Your grandparents came from Russia or Ukraine, right?
I was listening a few songs by a songwriter and poet Vladimir Vysotsky. He sang his own songs and played on guitar. He has unbelievably dramatic stuff about homeland, its heroes, who didn't come back, friendship, love, comic stuff from daily life, etc.
Some considered him "anti-establishment" at that time, but I think he was more of a patriot and poet. He wasn't anti-country, he was pro-improvement, he would give his life for his country. His criticism was constrictive and he believed in better days ahead. He was an actor, he suffered living and expressing his emotions in action, words and music. At least, that's how I felt about him. He had been in overseas multiple times, here in NYC in 70's had an interview with Dan Rather, was married to French citizen, but always returned to Russia, lived and died there.
It was 1980, he was only 42 years old. I remember that day. Olympic games were going on. I kept watching TV, turning the channels. His funeral didn't get any media attention. It was taken only by an amateur video. He is buried in Moscow. His gravestone is a monument as dramatic as his life was. There is always flow of people. He was young, he smoked, I read that he used drugs too, women, liberalism... What a shame...
I'll talk about him and his work later, if you want. You're going to like this character.
I know you love nature, you see God in its beauty. Look how complex the world is, how it could come out of accident of crushing stones and liquid? Give me a break!
I found one song on youtube by Vlad about mountains. It's an astonishing song.
It's chilling. I never felt desire chasing rocks, but now, for a moment, I wish I could run to mountains, sit on the top where everything is quiet and lonely. Look down, reflect, try to understand why and how humans created life like this for themselves. I'm not melancholic, I'm an optimist by nature, just want to get away from bed news and get nature's remedy for soul...
I made it easy for you to find this song; don't Google, go to the top line: see what comes up. See the nature's chilling force in action. Nothing can stop it, not a thing...
Lower the volume on your computer before you push "enter," it can come out loud.
Try to listen to the words, see if you hear anything familiar. I'll try to translate a few lines, here:
Into the bustle and the traffic of the cities,
We're returning - simply nowhere to get lost,
And we're coming down from conquered heights,
Leaving on the mountains, leaving on the mountains our hearts.
So, leave the useless arguments,
I've proved myself everything already,
Better than mountains can be only the mountains,
On which haven't been yet,
On which no one has been...
This is a very technical translation, just to give you all the exact words.
So long.

Monday, May 17, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 3)

Dr. Savage,

You should hold O responsible for his words about the freedom of media thing. Not only your lawyers should send him a letter, but they should go sit on front of Downing 10 with papers and get media coverage in UK. I have a gut feeling how that thing happened to you, who stuck your name under the counter, and you being a "libertarian" is not helping. If you don't understand what I'm saying, I can explain in private.
Some groups got lots of money around the world and are doing this on purpose. They're becoming more and more militant. They poisoned America, Europe, even Israel, which was founded as a religious country, embarking Russia and other emerging markets, even Africa. Some "non-for-profit" organizations are paying people in here to go and set up shop in there.
Let's go to trivia now. I can't take too much of this, please.
Take a break, shall we?
You say you don't like to get haircuts. I can give you a haircut. I'm not a hair dresser and never learned the trade, but all my cousins, friends, neighbors and later their kids use to get from me. Some of the kids were so used to, even as grown-ups they'd wait for me to visit them to get in shape. It's an unpleasant thing to go to hair salon, especially if you're a clean freak. I hate the "hair-washing" part. It feels like they want to break your neck. I ended up washing at home, running there wet, telling that I just did it and tip the washing person anyways. After hair cut I run back to shower and throw away the cloth I was wearing as a top (no need to clean hair, I have too many cloths).
Another hygiene thing; I never would let anyone cut my nails. I'll be doomed if the day comes that I wouldn't be able to do my own manicure and pedicure. Also massage - I don't like that. I don't let a stranger massaging me - a man or a woman. I'll talk about massage later, you should talk about it too on the show.
I have been in a SPA a few times. It was in Switzerland, small town, a train ride from Zurich, called B...n. It had inside and outside pools, pretty clean. Inside pool had all sorts of water flaws, which suppose to massage their own ways. The nice part was that coming out of the pool the service guy would give a warm fluffy towel right out of special closet. He'd open it and rap around my shoulders. I felt pampered and attended to. I guess that "closet" was keeping towels warm and disinfecting them at the same time. Shower also had lower fountain which had an anti-fungus liquid for feet.
It was a strangely quiet, beautiful and I felt isolated place. An old town with real small and very expensive shops. I wouldn't know what to do there. It should be very boring for a New Yorker like me who is sitting now in a coffee shop after midnight and doing this. Everything there closes early evening and people are not "smiley faces." From outside pool you could see a cute house on the hillside, all surrounded by trees, kind of alone. I believe I have the pictures. I would swim and think looking at that; what people do for a living who live there? How you can go and sleep in the house so isolated on hillside all your life? What kind of life is that? I still wonder.
Now, let's get back to our busy lives in USA. We didn't inherit houses like lots of them, we have to pay rent and mortgage and government debt on top of it.
If you, as fellow citizen, would invite me to visit San Fransicko, where I haven't been, and take me out with your friends and Teddy on the boat, I promise to give you a good haircut. You wash your own hair. We'll take as long as you want and discuss every single hair left on your head while cutting, so there will be no complains. While out with a good haircut, we'll discuss visiting Russia and doing business there. Business of informing and warning of the dangers of liberalism.
Also talk about some bio-energy stuff on the show, if you want. I know a little about it, I can check who has which one. Some people have positive, some have negative and all those have different strengths and different vibes.
I have very strong positive one. I don't feel comfortable around negatives. They take my energy. Dogs are very good sensors. They run and jump on the person who has a positive one. We'll see what Teddy will do if he sees me.
Kids also are like that. Some grow up being negative as adults, but they thrive on positive from the beginning of their lives.
Interesting topic? I can talk about this, but will stay away from determining for anyone. Believe it or not, it's not a complicated thing.
So long.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 2)

Dear Dr. Savage,

I don't know what were you thinking having an interview with P...y anyway (I don't want even mention the name) and complain about it later? What did you expect? I'm not going to read it, so I can't comment. I heard I guess on your Thursday show your
analysts. Why do they stop your 3rd hour broadcast in NY area?
Try to reinstall it, if you can.
I have a little FYI, suggestion and a comment in this posting.
You said that Mr. Putin was shooting tigers in Siberia. He shoot, but it wasn't a bullet, it was a syringe with tranquilizer. He was working with some wild life preservation group, which saves tigers. They had to check some stuff, ok?
Let's find out how to translate and publish your books in Russian.
I can help with my skills, but you have to make contacts and find financing.
I wanted to say this all along, all those years I listened to you; please, please, stop insulting people!!!
Don't call O H....r! Don't insult Rush, Sean, Bill, Glenn and others, don't call them names. They don't do it to you. That's why you're not being invited by to their programs.
It's just not helping you or, I believe, pleasing anybody who listens to you. It's not helping any cause.
They do their part. All of you don't need to agree on everything. Even identical twins have different personalities. I don't agree with everything every one of you say every day, but I continue to listen, because that's the way I hear intellectual discourse.
You said that you were "... libertarian" I heard on that interview with P...y? You were like that before or you changed recently?
I thought you were talking against perversion all those years? How do you compute these 2 together? Can you explain this on your show?
I'm not a full blown conservative. I disagree on 2 major issues with them and with you, which leaves me on center-right. Polls say that most of the country are center-right today? Can you talk some more about this?
So long.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 1)

Dear Dr. Savage,

I listen to you for many years. When I started it was difficult, especially when you call people names. You call them schmucks and vermin and I'd take it personally. I was thinking "he knows those do not listen to him, why is he insulting his own audience?" After I took you as you say "the uncle who is annoying around Sunday dinner table, but comes Wednesday you can't wait him to come back."
I live in UWS of Manhattan for 18 years and my conservative friends call me "General Caster surrounded by Indians." I prefer General George Smith Patton - may he rest in peace.
Sometimes I go to youtube to hear his phrase "no bastard won war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country." Anything could be more scientific?
I came to USA 1991 from former Soviet Union. I was a journalist, at the beginning freelanced, but still managed to have my own programs on national TV and Radio. Because of my independence from any political or social group I was trusted by American publisher and asked to report news and represent the paper in my Republic. I'm not ethnically Russian, but I love Russian people, culture, cuisine and everything else besides the cold.
Years listening to you I would get information, news analysis, commentary. Then, here and now things are getting more urgent by the day. My father never believed that former Soviet would break down. Although I was an insider in the field of news and information, he didn't believe me either.
When whole country crashed, he got shocked then while waiting for me to help him from here.
Here also we've got a shock of our time seeing those 2 towers coming down. I remember every hour of that day and never will forget. But it seems that lots of people and politicians will forget. Listening to them today, sometimes I feel that for them it was like daily news report from around the world with bad pictures.
Dr. Savage, you yell and scream your heart out for your country. You want to protect it, so the most good people like myself who came here for freedoms and spent lots of years on surviving to become American.
I'm opening this blog to be able to comment on your program. I gave up trying to get through by phone and there is no email on your website.
Next I'll tell some more about myself, so you know where I'm coming from. I'm THE American you can find, who wants to protect this country by all means possible. But, I also believe in prevention and don't want any damn politician create a mess that we, the people, will work harder to clean up.
I haven't been in Russia for almost couple of decades, but followed its progress. Conflicts inside and around it are old and complicated. Mainstream media has no clue about them. Only you had the closest to reality analysis when war broke loose there in Aug. 8th of 2008. Without even knowing every little detail of that conflict your gut feeling was the only right one. We don't want to be enemies with Russia, there is no reason for it anymore. Now they are open market economy, Christian nation with 100% literacy and they also suffer from what we do in here.
Tomorrow is Easter, I wish you'd buy Teddy a toy Bunny to play with. I had a little girl back in old country - a white poodle name Charlotte. She had her toy chest and a library. Playing with her, reading for her, walks and just the sleeps together still are one of the heart warming and happiest times of my life. She is in my heart forever. Every time I see a poodle like her she comes to my mind. I'll tell more about her later.
You keep that cute pooch of yours close to your heart.
I don't allow comments on this blog, don't care who says what, this is for only talking to you.
So long.


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